How To Use Selection In A Sentence

  • Several selections contain strings of double notes, primarily thirds and sixths.
  • Every large town will have quite a few horologers and jewelers with a vast selection of fancy watches displayed their windows, with huge price tags to go with them.
  • The remaining three evolutionary forces are nonadaptive in the sense that they are not a function of the fitness properties of individuals: mutation is the ultimate source of variation on which natural selection acts, recombination assorts variation within and among chromosomes, and genetic drift ensures that gene frequencies will deviate a bit from generation to generation independent of other forces. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • It has a great selection of frocks and summer party wear. Times, Sunday Times
  • It also discusses the harm in detail according to the comparison of acid gases between different. the research provides selection of fire-extinguishing agents in terms of harms.
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  • The school's enrolment policy is based on three criteria, after which random selection is used.
  • It is well known that if a trait is heritable, the easiest and most practical way to change the trait in a herd of cattle is through selection of the sire.
  • Soprano Rosalind Sutherland sings in the New Year with an excellent selection of arias, polkas, marches and waltzes from Strauss.
  • We are pleased to offer our clients access to CBX ASIA through our trading platform as we remain fully committed to providing the broadest selection of liquidity in Asia and globally, ensuring that our clients have a unique and dynamic edge when accessing trading venues". Bobsguide Financial Industry News
  • We are now told, with equal wonder and admiration, that natural selection is the agent of exquisite design.
  • Instead, the selection process became a charade - a complete and utter sham. The Sun
  • With a wide and varied selection of events, displays and performances, the festival captures the spirit of Yeats's works and the imagination of Sligo audiences.
  • Thus the expectations regarding the strength of sexual selection for polygyny, polyandry, and monogamy are fairly simple.
  • A group of promising young musicians, accompanied by Peter Duffy, played a selection of polkas, marches, and the lovely air ‘Inis Oirr’.
  • Range selection is dependent on the anticipated engagement range; it is affected by terrain intervisibility, weather, and light conditions. FM 71-1 Chapter 2 Battle Command
  • These species are under an unusual selection regime in that their hosts are often isogenic and planted in monoculture.
  • Political selection is more dependent on sophistry and less on economic literacy.
  • The habitat suitability selection models were established for nesting of Grey heron(Ardea cinerea)in Zhalong National Nature Reserve.
  • We print a selection of previously unseen photos from the Spanish rider's early years.
  • This restaurant offers a buffet with a wide selection of traditional boerekos such as tomato bredie, chicken pie and a lavish carvery, as well as Malay curries and bobotie. Muti
  • The curators were judicious in their selection of authors for the exhibition catalogue.
  • Yet it was only by selection, editing and rearrangement that the facts of nature were marshalled.
  • Selection is based solely on merit.
  • Meanwhile, I'm enjoying working on Syriac, and trying my hand at not only the Peshitta but also a new chrestomathy i.e. selection of texts published by Gorgias Press, `Enbe men Karmo Suryoyo. You Don't Know The Language Until You Can Say "Fireman"
  • Today I will be auditioning for the role of Anita, and I will preform a selection from The Rejectionist titled "This Month In Queries" Then the director will say, "I've never read that play" and I'll be like, "Well, you should. Last Month in Queries
  • Here are some good sources of information to assist you in making the best selection.
  • Wallace had no interest in animal breeding and did not model his proposed mechanism on the process of artificial selection.
  • In the drawer was a selection of kitchen utensils - spoons, spatulas, knives and whisks.
  • A performer in evening dress plays classical selections on the violin.
  • Unfortunately, no details were given as to the criteria for selection of the hymnals nor were the hymnals themselves named.
  • Sydney Roosters utility forward Michael Crocker pressed his claims for Test selection with two of the Kangaroos' six tries tries.
  • We have a selection panel and we would take soundings from the leader of the team. Times, Sunday Times
  • Book “on the plan recommended by Mr. Locke,” was published in 1839, which had been already preceded by “a selection from the Metamorphoses of Ovid, adapted to the Hamiltonian system, by a literal and interlineal translation,” published by James Hamilton, the author of the Hamiltonian system. The Metamorphoses of Ovid Literally Translated into English Prose, with Copious Notes and Explanations
  • Moksh have a fine selection of wine and trained staff guide guests to appropriate selection of the right wine for the right food.
  • For those interested in yeastier brews, Bambino offers a small selection of beers from the U.S., Luxist
  • And a multiplexer selects one of the outputted results from the two input adder and the three input adder and subtracter based on the selection signal from the selection judging circuit.
  • The final selection of four papers explores an even more miscellaneous assortment of problems.
  • The bouquet contains naranja roses, tiger lilies, carnations, alstromeria, solidago, berries and a selection of greenery and twigs.
  • Rather than going for a trixie with today's multiple selections, I am happy to put The Hague, Sphere and Wee Forbees in a win treble.
  • The first process, self-selection, was created by internal motivational states and/or external incentives that disposed some people to volunteer for treatment.
  • In terms of plant species selection, plant configuration, and plant landscape artistic conception creating, religious garden landscape specially showed its uniqueness in religion space organization.
  • He experimented with carnivorous plants and orchids in the greenhouses, and studied natural selection on a special patch of weeds. Times, Sunday Times
  • The procedures were modeled after the Nobels, with the final selection being made by the international jury with all deliberations and voting in secret.
  • There was otherwise only weak evidence that natural selection might be operative at the HLA loci, and this effect (if true) appeared localized.
  • If such balancing selection maintains a substantial fraction of life-history variation, it will generate negative genetic correlations among life-history traits.
  • The selections this week include reflections on the Meath bus crash, Conor Lenihan as a kebab chef, a Star Wars horoscope, cyberstalking, and deranged art.
  • A knowledgeable fan can predict most selections with unerring accuracy.
  • In a two-locus model, the gametic (and therefore genotypic) frequencies need not be constant across generations, even in the absence of selection, mutation, migration and drift, unlike in the one-locus case. Population Genetics
  • It's a good idea in any case to have a selection of slow, medium and fast film on hand at all times.
  • The crux of shirting design includes the selection of proper material, texture and compatible colour stripes.
  • Physical Geology is full of such selections — of the picking out of the soft from the hard, of the soluble from the insoluble, of the fusible from the infusible, by natural agencies to which we are certainly not in the habit of ascribing consciousness. Essays
  • Random genetic variations plus Darwinian selection were shown to be sufficient causes of biological evolution. Infinite in All Directions
  • The following Thursday which will be the first Thursday in November and should be a book club day will, instead, feature something unique for us, a question and answer session with the author of our next featured Book Club selection, and a member of this blogring, Carol Howard Merritt. Presbyterian Bloggers
  • If we ignore such factors as selection, panmixia, correlation, and the effects of use and disuse during lifetime, and still regard the case of the domestic duck as a valid proof of the inheritance of the effects of use and disuse, we must also accept it as an equally valid proof that the effects of use and disuse are _not_ inherited. Are the Effects of Use and Disuse Inherited? An Examination of the View Held by Spencer and Darwin
  • There will be some tough selection calls. Times, Sunday Times
  • On those occasions the CHAzn presents a veritable concert of liturgical selections, often with a choir to assist him.
  • As a result of this selection being chosen, testing for a liberal media bias, whether one views it as an assertion or an assumption was not within the purveyance of this study.
  • The selection of raw materials, formula and process for the production of skin-imitated artificial leather were introduced.
  • Check out our selection of short pants, short sleeve T'S, camisoles, sleeveless vests, and organic cotton striped baby shirts and leggings.
  • Numerous virulence genes in pathogenic bacteria and viruses have been shown to be under positive selection.
  • Political selection is more dependent on sophistry and less on economic literacy.
  • Up to this contact with Price, and indeed for some time after, I had regarded group selection as so ill-defined, so woolly in the uses made by its proponents, and so generally powerless against selection at the individual and genic levels, that the idea might as well be omitted from the toolkit of a working evolutionist. David Sloan Wilson: Truth and Reconciliation for Group Selection XIII: Hamilton Speaks
  • It features a selection of products from wine to whiteware from a range of carefully selected suppliers representing well-known consumer brands.
  • It is an imperative selection to transform the outdate teaching perception and mode and to explore the new ways in the integrate of the information resources and Chinese courses.
  • A less rigid membership and more open selections will, of course, loosen party affiliation as well as broaden it. Times, Sunday Times
  • My mother begged me to escape and hide till the selection of our area of the ghetto was over. Times, Sunday Times
  • Read the poem in connection with this selection.] [Footnote 5: The Janiculum is a high hill across the Tiber from Latin for Beginners
  • As a testing method of visual function, perimetry is important tool to the diagnosis, selection of treatment and follow up of glaucoma.
  • They were the least comfortable of our selection but still provide much of the performance of pricier designs for less money. Times, Sunday Times
  • It also sells a wide range of household utensils as well as a selection of unusual jewellery.
  • Then adverse selection and moral hazard have become the key problems of venture investment.
  • There is little, too, on the role of self-selection. Times, Sunday Times
  • The quotations above illustrate this left-wing frankness, and show how far political allegiances in some cases determine selection policy.
  • Saute a selection of mushrooms with butter and chopped shallots and garlic.
  • There's also a notable kitsch factor about the place -- the trashy menu, the lowbrow drink selection (Mad Dog and brands of beer you swore you'd never drink again), the neon band-logo signage and the retro tuneage -- that has prompted some detractors to grumble that the brashness is a little Westword | Complete Issue
  • Has she given her selection the full-on syrup-drowning treatment (not afraid to splurge), or do the scattered half-open jam packets indicate she's a nibbler (delicate, but with a mellow fruity finish)?
  • There is still a basic flaw in your selection procedure.
  • During the week, they learn from the Limon repertoire, as well as selections from our current repertoire of other choreographers.
  • The Smart Brush lets you create quick selections and then add versatile adjustment-layer effects, such as bluer skies, black-and-white effects, whiter teeth, and other portrait enhancements. Macworld
  • Wallace always felt that ‘selection’ inappropriately imported anthropomorphic notions of Nature choosing purposefully between variants into natural history.
  • The deli plate was indeed made up of a selection of cured ham, pastrami, prosciutto and cheeses along with red peppers stuffed with cream cheese, a lovely strong chicken liver pâté and some sweet and chutney-ish pickled onions.
  • This CD blends an equal amount of exciting reels, jigs and hornpipes, along with a selection of old and new songs performed by the lyrical and commanding voice of Ciarán Ó Gealbháin, who is joined on one of the tracks by the great Liam Clancy.
  • But angiosperm life forms and niches are so varied, with much of their organismic machinery being cells where size matters, that a vast spectrum of cell-size has been favoured by selection.
  • It is so often the case that choral concerts tend to be rather bitty, a less than carefully thought out selection of items from a choral society's current repertoire.
  • The degenerate code could well be a product of such selection, but: a) there’s at least two other competing families of hypotheses for its origin, namely stereochemical and biosynthetic; and b) that code went to fixation a couple billion years ago in most organisms, so I don’t see that it could provide much evidence for neutrality selection in modern organisms. Darwin and neutrality - The Panda's Thumb
  • These were a dozen or so stoppered glass bottles containing a selection of Wakelate's most virulent and inventive poisons.
  • Annual showcase from home and abroad, with a different selection at each performance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pairing of a veteran Cuban pianist with one of the rising stars of flamenco on a selection of Cuban and other Latin American standards seems to be a case in point.
  • We are overweight in economy-sensitive stocks, technology, industrials and financials, and are underweight in utilities and telecoms - stock selection is becoming ever-more critical.
  • Most of the selection I saw was of the backless sort which tied like a halter top around the neck.
  • It is but a short step from this to natural selection and evolution in the laboratory.
  • So while selection within groups favors selfishness, those groups with many altruists do better. SuperCooperators
  • A very detailed and thorough selection process was involved.
  • Semifinalists will be required to submit copies of their entire dissertation for the final selection process.
  • SBS Interview Series: Nick Lyle (“One Last Look”) (Nick Lyle is the author of “One Last Look,” one of the selections for the first issue of Survival By Storytelling Magazine.) SBS Interview Series: Nick Lyle (“One Last Look”) « Survival By Storytelling Magazine
  • My wife, Jayne, enjoyed the mini savoury selection which consisted of crunchy onion bhajis, aloo tikkas, spinach pakoras and vegetable samosas all deep fried and served with two dips.
  • These selection coefficients are exponentially distributed.
  • No selection from the alphabet, no doctorship, no fellowship, be it of ever so learned or royal a society, no knightship -- not though it be of the Garter -- confers so fair an honour. Can You Forgive Her?
  • The real analogy behind natural selection is the work of the natural historian.
  • The first part introduces the selection between the proportional tax rate and the progressive tax rate.
  • Hence valid employee selection programs enhance the quality of their work lives. A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
  • He was photographed holding the team selection and game plan. The Sun
  • The order mammalia is the resultant of a primary sex-distinction developed by natural selection; but the gorgeous plumage of the peacock's tail is a secondary sex-distinction developed by sexual selection. Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution
  • And the pressure of natural selection on the cuckoo is considerably greater than that on the host species.
  • There's always a wide selection of delicious meals to choose from.
  • I think what has really cemented it is the large selection of after-market add-ons and doodads available for the thing.
  • His duty was to return the salute from the soldiers on the esplanade below each time a band finished its selection of military marches.
  • A selection of reader's comments are published below.
  • $1,000 KYD travel voucher as well as a selection of prizes from Dolphin Cove, Cayman Helicopters, Wakeboarding and Paddleboarding vouchers, and more. Cayman Net News Daily Headlines
  • The windows were lit revealing a selection of antiques behind security grilles. A SEASON IN HELL
  • I might actually be willing to pay the normal retail price to buy or rent DVDs, if in exchange I get a guarantee of quality and a decent selection.
  • Penn has proved to be the most talented of the bunch, although one can tire of his holier-than-thou attitude to script selection.
  • The elite were often buried in log-lined tombs within the charnel houses, accompanied by a selection of rich grave goods.
  • I really think that more research and fettering is required in the selection of abbv for someone's political hmmm ... motivation? OMG! Free MILF porn
  • The band has put together a lively selection of 52 jigs, reels and hornpipes, many of which were played by the original band.
  • The selection of Leon Panetta to serve as President-Elect Barack Obama's Director of the Central Intelligence Agency is a remarkably good choice. Dan Glickman: Leon Panetta Right Choice for CIA
  • The utility room is fully tiled and has a selection of laundry cupboards as well as a washer-dryer.
  • That is why Hayward and his cadres imposed mandatory reselection on parliamentary candidates and attempted (only just failing) to remove from the parliamentary leadership any say in compiling the election manifesto. How my party was betrayed by KGB boot-lickers
  • They stock a comprehensive selection of acid-free items, from photograph albums and storage boxes to deacidification sprays.
  • Thus, these proteins could be exapted by natural selection for clotting. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • $result = mysql_fetch_array ($sql); [Loop end] repeat 3,4 until you get X total number of result this will get you 600% faster than using Solution 3 for multiple row selection good technique until now i do not know that it has 4 types of solutinos the 4th query is great as far as prrformence is concerned Netvouz - new bookmarks
  • The problem of oversimplification and improper selection of DC model, which exists in the DC modeling when AC and DC systems interact in AC/DC hybrid power system, is discussed.
  • But what about a bigger selection of cheaper, often neglected but worthwhile fish such as skate, squid, hake, ultra-fresh mackerel, even good old herring?
  • Sometimes selection has to have an element of hunch based on potential. Times, Sunday Times
  • The implication is that it is somehow self-evident that anything so wonderful as this could not possibly have evolved by natural selection.
  • Such "ministrations," therefore, as plant-organisms yield to animal-organisms is just the kind of ministration that the theory of natural selection requires. Darwin, and After Darwin (Vol. 1 and 3, of 3) An Exposition of the Darwinian Theory and a Discussion of Post-Darwinian Questions
  • The theory of natural selection was first propounded by Charles Darwin.
  • I repeat my conviction that sexual reproduction, Mendelian (allelic) genetics, natural selection, all these, are anti-evolutionary processes serving only to stabilize the species for as long as possible exactly as Leo Berg insisted 87 years ago. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • My wife, Jayne, enjoyed the mini savoury selection which consisted of crunchy onion bhajis, aloo tikkas, spinach pakoras and vegetable samosas all deep fried and served with two dips.
  • Registration and selection of cattle is on a national basis and there is also a fully automated cattle information system.
  • A force takes footage of the suspected criminal and together with the suspect and their solicitor makes a selection of lookalikes from the thousands of images stored on a national database.
  • The Castle Gallery in Castle St. has an interesting and varied selection of exhibits in a wide range of media formats and concentrates solely on artists resident in the north-west.
  • They provide most impressive demonstrations of the power of natural selection to put together good designs.
  • The large selection of vegetarian entrées starts at $7.95 for red lentils cooked with onions, tomatoes and cumin, and runs up to $12.95 for the vegetable biryani.
  • Its credibility depends largely on the reflected glamour of natural selection which biology proper is said to legitimise.
  • The fact that phenotypic differentiation is most pronounced in male secondary sexual ornaments suggests a primary role for sexual selection.
  • You go into the shop expecting to find a nice selection of sun protection products and all you see are four feeble bottles of sunscreen in a sea of tanners, bronzers and after sun lotion.
  • Is it so difficult to wait until you are out of the register office to exchange some home-made vows and a selection of inspiring hymeneal ditties?
  • A comprehensive sourcebook for the highly influential postwar development in American art, this book presents key texts from the movement as well as a wide selection of illustrations.
  • The central aim of our study was to demonstrate that both natural and sexual selection have been important in shaping the tail streamer of the barn swallow.
  • From double mercerized golf shirts in elegant tonal patterns to luxurious Tencel/cotton twills, this collection allows those in sizes up to 6XL and 6XL TALL a chance to get a real selection in this higher-caliber product.
  • What I have in mind is a small selection of visual material with a minimum of caption text.
  • The collective refuse to be labelled as their music selection is ever changing and constantly modified.
  • And beneath the vituperation was the telltale entreaty to Tanenhaus that he should exercise more judgment in his selection process if anyone wanted to take the Edward Champion's Reluctant Habits
  • Last week, many letters to the editors of newspapers critiqued Cathy's selection to light the flame.
  • Evolution cannot be right because scientists do not agree on the mechanism for natural selection and ancestry of various species.
  • His chief delight at present is playing voluntaries, which certainly would not be called music if performed by one of riper years, being deficient in harmony and measure; but they manifest such a discernment and selection of notes as is truly wonderful, and which, if spontaneous, would surprize at any age. On prodigies
  • Even the novice designer can take the time to use a scientific approach to color selection.
  • Most varieties require careful roguing and selection to maintain or improve them.
  • This selection of foods will soon bring your fish into breeding condition.
  • All diners wait in the bar first, partaking of the pub's excellent selection of drinks.
  • Darwin considered the peacock's tail to be an example of sexual selection, that is, the peahen prefers the more colourful peacock tails, so evolution favours more colourful tails. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Last time around poor selection decisions and an even poorer campaign meant they were well out of the running.
  • The council was slammed for its unfair selection procedure.
  • No one will be overlooked in the selection of the team.
  • There's no psychological profiling or involuntary behavioural modification going on here, just a cassette playing a muffled selection of old dance anthems, the hits of Ibiza '97.
  • The expanded literature search was very coincident with the initial search, providing most of the same reasons, purposes, and impetuses for developing peer institution selection systems.
  • Selection of the finest cow leather, fine process of finished product, simple fashion design, a new manifestation of modern life style of leisure.
  • Chapter ares the language selection the Korean thethe Korean chapter VI is the countries.
  • The energetical selection (lit. b) and the economic cost-benefit-approach (lit. a) will both limit the energy-options to a few; to narrow further down the remaining alternatives, some more general criteria might be helpful. 1. BASIC APPROACH a) Cost-Benefit-Approach for Socio-Economic Selection
  • Club chairman, Seamus Quinn, presented all prize winners with a selection of Waterford Crystal.
  • However there have been protests from parents against high levels of selection - leading to adjudications from the government's admissions watchdog.
  • The Darwin natural selection theory thought that it is promotes the organic evolution the important attribute.
  • Wallace, whose father liked to pretend that he could trace his family tree back to William of that ilk and claim kinship, proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection independently of Darwin.
  • The idea of genetic algorithms is to mimic natural Darwinian selection of genetic codes.
  • What we found in making these selections, is that it is all too easy to moan about the decline and fall of popular culture.
  • We examined philopatric behavior of previously paired and unpaired males to see whether specific sexual-selection pressures were related to the philopatric behavior of individuals.
  • Both would interfere with the natural process of evolution and natural selection which ensured social progress.
  • Well, not all of them… the majority handed over a selection of bijou Edwardian residences which I shall have to go and look at, at some point.
  • The theory of natural selection thus postulates a causal relation wholly unappreciated by natural historians before Darwin.
  • Just because we are loath to see such ruthless selection in everyday life does not mean we should fear it when it comes to choosing those who are to govern us.
  • The sequence view got some fixes - some shortcuts where overlapping, the label column now shows cursor and selection and finally the cursor is clamped to now leave the editable area. Planet GNOME
  • We asked a random sample/selection of people what they thought.
  • Don't forget your height, build, fishing style, types of lures and experience has an influence on rod selection.
  • His answer was essentially that the discovery of a species of which individual members had zero chance of survival would be a satisfactory falsifier of natural selection. Demarcation as Politics
  • In particular, correlative and experimental work has suggested a role of UV reflectance of crown feathers on intersexual selection.
  • - Susan Obrant of Cortlandt, another wearable-fiber artist, is bringing a selection that includes more of what she calls her introductory (affordable) choices. Undefined
  • It improves the accuracy of attribute selection, overcomes the impact of noise data effectively and strengthened generalization ability of the decision tree.
  • The foreign coaches they hire have little say over player selection and often leave their posts in acrimonious circumstances. A Hockey Player India Could Use
  • Yesterday the leader rejected suggestions the deselections and resignation were evidence of the party being ‘out of touch’.
  • The phenomenon is easily seen by eye and apparently cannot be ascribed to statistical artefacts, selection procedures or flawed reduction techniques.
  • She slipped on a figure-hugging black dress and adorned the outfit with a bold selection of costume jewellery.
  • I never considered a handbag to be a way to accessorise my outfit - my main criteria for handbag selection were that the bag should be black, preferably not leather, big enough to carry a few books.
  • The decision to call a deselection vote has caused tensions with the national party, as Ms Truss is on David Cameron's A-list of would-be candidates. BBC News | News Front Page | UK Edition
  • At the next rack a gangling teenager in jeans was looking at Brass Band Selections.
  • The Sichuan Aba vehicle tube vehicle numerical selection system homepage, strives for anxiously!
  • Gilmore's standing, in short, could be helped by a fresh selection of her poems.
  • This, too, is not unlike certain kinds of natural selection.
  • John placed £20 on a trixie and was laughing when his selection paid £1611.25.
  • Life is a thing which is capable of undergoing evolution by natural selection. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is an obvious analogy between operant conditioning and evolution by natural selection.
  • June Huntington's allegation that these practitioners are businesslike rather than professional questions the selection procedure of the committee.
  • Thus Dawkins, for example, used facts about inheritance, e.g. that genes are faithfully replicated across generations while whole genotypes and organismic characters are not, to privilege the gene as the unit of selection.
  • Wallace had no interest in animal breeding and did not model his proposed mechanism on the process of artificial selection.
  • To these issues must be added the allied questions of selection and appraisal.
  • Thus, the logic of natural selection ceased favoring the extremely mild strains and now increasingly favored the most aggressive ones.
  • The golf club was recommended to adopt non-discriminatory selection procedures and ordered to draw up an equal opportunities policy.
  • The common goal of creating living places, and fighting illness (making hot toddies for each other) and the harsh weather, broke down the separate group identities which had developed from the selection procedure.
  • It looks as if the concept of the isolated gene as a unit of selection is an idealized abstraction from reality.
  • Tucked neatly at the back end of the chapbook is a selection of stills from the movie. Subterranean Press » 2006 » May

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