How To Use Secession In A Sentence

  • I'm not sure what Laurie from Manly Dorm might be referring to as hate mongering (although I see that talking about secession is divisive), but I'd like to point out it's not hateful to say the Bush administration is antidemocratic, plutocratic and militarily adventuristic. American Coastopia!
  • Chief among the grievances I identify as providing primary justifying grounds for secession are these: persistent and serious violations of individual human rights and past unredressed unjust seizure of territory.
  • Quando nel corso di eventi umani, sorge la necessità che un popolo sciolga i legami politici che lo hanno stretto a un altro popolo ... un conveniente riguardo alle opinioni dell'umanità richiede che quel popolo dichiari le ragioni per cui è costretto alla secessione. Italy to Declare Independence from U.S. Military
  • As these three examples demonstrate, the "one-China principle" has been used by the PRC as a means of waging its "legal warfare" to incorporate Taiwan and to accomplish its bottom-line goal of de jure unification, as explicitly stated by its declared intent to use military force if necessary under the "anti-secession law" of 2005 to "reunify" Taiwan. Jamestown Foundation: All Publications
  • For ten years before secession, Northerners were commonly referred to as ‘mongrels and hirelings.’
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  • The pretext to begin circulating Perry's name for a presidential run will be easily established, and the Tea Partiers that he energized with his irresponsible talk of secession will slowly turn pragmatic and confront the question of who can win in 2012. James Moore: Yo, America. It's Texas. We Got Another One for Ya!
  • There can be no such thing as a peaceable secession.
  • Through a moral equivalent of Civil War, we must prevent this secession from taking place.
  • I wrote a little ditty on the latest election absurdities: the Obama-Ayers brouhaha vs. the Palin-Alaskan "secessionist" party flap. Rad Geek People’s Daily – 2008 – October – 19
  • Mwapela would not comment directly on the Barotse Agreement except to describe the Barotseland Freedom Movement BFM, a youth-driven pro-secession grouping, as comprising a few troublemakers. Western Zambian Province Said Calm after Secessionist Clashes
  • The abandoned copper mine in the mountains has been controlled by secessionist rebels since the late 1980s.
  • He told her about her sister's rise to Eminence, and the secession in the late spring. WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • A tiny pale print of a horse and coach in the rain 1899-1900 epitomizes the preciosity of his photo-secession phase. From the Shadows of Giants
  • Secession would not remedy any ill facing the South, he repeatedly declared.
  • This bleak worldview was reflected in art, such as the Vienna Secessionists, divorced from tradition, and in the Bauhaus architecture ‘starting from zero’ which begot brutalism.
  • The secession demand is rejected and the Colonial Command moves in to pacify the resistance.
  • Thus some nationalism has involved movements that aim to break up existing states, through secession or fragmentation of various forms.
  • To prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition and theft of state secrets.
  • Another John is a saucy southerner who talked about two Americas while surprisingly not referring to secession.
  • It's certainly a big step forward, particularly as another secessionist group reached a political settlement with the government in 1996.
  • Dalai Lama as a political figure engaged in "secessionist" activities. Dalai Lama Arrives In Ottawa for Historic Visit
  • We secessionists believe that the 350-year swing of history's pendulum toward large, centralized imperial states is once again reversing itself. Vermont and Secession, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • They are likely to fear that federalism might lead to secession.
  • The first was the Imperium's bloody-minded refusal to die beneath the weight of heresy, secession, alien aggres?sion and daemonancy.
  • The government portrays the new laws on 'ordinary' autonomy as a large concession to all the resource-rich provinces which are showing secessionist symptoms.
  • A bloody affray, which is obscurely related, had occurred in St. Louis between the Secessionists and Federalists. The Civil War in America
  • One speaker justified Southern secession by urgent considerations of necessity and safety; another scouted the idea of coercing a seceding State; to a third, peaceful separation, though painful and humiliating, seemed the only safe and honourable way. A Political History of the State of New York, Volumes 1-3
  • Holden was an original secessionist, and his newspaper, the Standard, printed at Raleigh, was the mouth-piece of the Democracy until 1860, when this unblushing "scallawag," as the Southerners call political renegades, threw his Democratic sentiments out at window, and went in for the Union cause. The Great South; A Record of Journeys in Louisiana, Texas, the Indian Territory, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland
  • ‘[The anti-secession law] is barbarian and invasive behavior,’ Lee said.
  • In the Washington administration, the Whiskey rebels raised their own flag; in the Adams administration, Virginia questioned federal law and readied the armory at Richmond for self-defense; Gouverneur Morris, the peglegged aristocrat who drafted the Constitution in 1787, scornfully called, a quarter of a century later, for a secession of the north, even at the risk of civil war. America's First Dynasty
  • Berlin art "The Architectural Dreams of Jugendstil: Joseph Maria Olbrich" showcases a series of drawings by the Austrian architect and co-founder of the Vienna Secession group. What's on around Europe
  • Secessionism—now understood as a Viennese variation on Art Nouveau—fell out of favor after World War I, when artists became interested in full-blown modernism, and craftsmen moved on to Art Deco and the functionalist values of the Bauhaus and architectural modernism. A Golden Kiss for Klimt
  • It threatened multicultural states with dismemberment, whether by secession or irredentist demands.
  • They did this despite warnings from a number of quarters that the secessionist acts would provoke violent conflicts between ethnic groups.
  • I wish one reporter had enough stones to ask Gov Perry how well that worked out last time, and then read to him the agreement readmitting Texas to the union which has no mention of secession rights or splitting into five states. Think Progress » Both Mississippi And Georgia Have Confederate History Proclamations Without Any Mention of Slavery
  • Distinctions can be made between reformist, unificatory, and secessionist types, between revolutionary and counterrevolutionary forms, between successive liberal and conservative variants, and between European and colonial manifestations of nationalism.
  • But I think if we look more carefully we'll see that in many ways the tea party movement resembles more closely the kind of secessionist feelings that were both part of the Confederacy before the Civil War and then also remained in the post-civil war Reconstruction era. - Exposing Liberal Media Bias
  • No wide secession to Rome, however, followed the development of this seventeenth-century school, though it played a large part in the nonjuror schism, and with the decay of that schism and under the latitudinarian tendencies of the eighteenth century it greatly dwindled. The Map of Life Conduct and Character
  • A deserter claimed he was the victim of "Norwegian secessionists."
  • All opposed secession but in the end backed the Confederacy.
  • He encouraged legal reform, promoted dialogue with secessionist leaders, and attempted to end discrimination against the ethnic minority.
  • Yet the distinction between this position, and the belief that states can "nullify" federal laws or even secede, seems unclear to many of the resolutions 'backers, as Perry's comments about secession demonstrated. Matt Sledge: Palin and Perry Skirt Secession
  • Those political formations, which toned down their public opposition to accession, without altering their fundamental ideograph, were seen as possible instrumentalities to counter pan-Islamism and secessionism.
  • A vote in favour of secession would be carried subject to a two-thirds majority of the republic's total electorate.
  • From her "secessionist" husband to the newest member of the Palin clan, Levi. Matthew Filipowicz: Exclusive "Not Seen On TV" Video Of Sarah Palin's First Interview
  • The coming industrial glory, secessionists argued, would be quite compatible with the state's slave society.
  • In 1861, southern secession freed Republicans from the pressure to compromise to preserve the Union.
  • The southern states are loud in vehement threats of secession, if the republican candidate is elected; but their bluster is really lamentably ludicrous, for they are without money, without credit, without power, without character – in short, sans everything, but so many millions of slaves, sans good numbers of whom they would also be the very moment they cut themselves adrift from the protection of the North. Further Records, 1848-1883: A Series of Letters
  • Cries of disunion and secession, grown louder during the territorial debate, met with stony silence in Missouri.
  • When the Civil War came along, this area of the South opposed secession.
  • But he squibs the solutions suggested by the Balmain Secession Movement, even though these point the way to reconciling suburban loyalties with the structures of local government.
  • None of the candidates questioned Georgia's secession from the former Soviet Union.
  • Perry, who caused a stir in 2009 when he openly pondered his state's secession from the United States, was sharply critical of what he called an overbearing federal government. Reuters: Press Release
  • An anarchist-led, libertarian-populist, radical decentralist, pan-secessionist movement that appealed to the tradition and ideals of the American Revolution is the only possible avenue. Attack the System
  • My current favorite Palin controversy is whether or not she attended the secessionist Alaska Independence Party's 1994 convention. Alaska First! - Swampland -
  • Their claim is that they were never part of the country and are therefore neither separatists nor secessionists.
  • He talks of other theories proposed by historians to explain Southern secession.
  • The resurgence of ethnic or sectarian conflicts; the growth of secessionist movements, insurgencies, and failed states -- all these things have increasingly trapped civilians in unending chaos.
  • The secessionists triumphed in the early months of 1861, but the contest between these groups would continue even after these states left the Union.
  • However, the concern of aboriginal peoples is precipitated by the asserted right of Quebec to unilateral secession.
  • The army is still at war with secessionists in the oil-rich province.
  • With secession, Philadelphia's unionists believed that the very foundation of their prosperity as a class had been placed in jeopardy.
  • That stance, and Lincoln's election on such a platform, was featured among prominent Southerners' purported constitutional justifications for secession: the nation had just elected a lawless, anticonstitutional President who would invade the South's constitutional rights, as duly determined by the United States Supreme Court, with respect to slavery. Paulsen on Lincoln and Judicial Authority
  • To a certain extent, the position of Virginia secessionists was hardly new.
  • From their ranks are recruited a whole army of those secessions from and rebellions against the body at large -- the tumors, from the treacherous and deadly sarcoma, or "soft cancer," to the harmless fatty tumor, as well as the tubercle, the gumma of syphilis, the interstitial fibrosis of Bright's disease. Preventable Diseases
  • The city now faces the dilemma of how best to live with a core of defeated yet unreconciled secessionists.
  • It said two military leaders from the former secessionist province of Katanga, now known as Shaba province, were in Zambia meeting with Zairian refugees who fled across the border throughout ANC Daily News Briefing
  • They were abducted by the secessionist guerrilla group they went to interview.
  • The legislation declares that publications will only be considered seditious when there is ‘an intention to incite others’ to commit treason, subversion or secession.
  • They frequently knew the mercenaries fighting for the ultimately unsuccessful secessionists, and even talked to them by radio.
  • In the de-structured, de-cultured universe of the expressionists, there was no place for Athena, whom the Secessionists had coopted from politics as the protectrix of their arts. Cultural Hothouse
  • In addition, perhaps as high as 40 percent of white Southerners had opposed secession.
  • It threatened multicultural states with dismemberment, whether by secession or irredentist demands.
  • Klimt was a leader in the revolt against the Vienna art establishment known as the Secession.
  • Fourth and finally, Lincoln denied that the Constitution was silent with respect to secession.
  • The result of these links between the Upper South and the northern part of the cotton states was an overland trade that expanded markedly in the years before secession.
  • Virginia unionists controlled the state secession convention from its opening in February into the early days of April.
  • In a statement to 26september. net Saturday he clarified that the Joint Meeting parties JMP want to go into alliance with extremist forces of the al-Qaeda, advocates of secession and rebels through what they term conference of national consultation in order to impede the parliamentary elections. Armies of Liberation
  • Too much time is lost in preliminaries, and the narrative bids fair to be characterised by that unreasoning animosity which distinguishes most of the literary monuments of Secession. The Magazines
  • The North Solomons was incorporated into Papua New Guinea at independence in 1975 - but against the wishes of its fledgling secessionist movement.
  • Meanwhile, the Namibian government has called the secessionist movement a "terrorist" conspiracy and accused Muyongo and Mamili of instigating it. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Nevertheless, no sovereign State can tolerate secession.
  • Texas secessionists organized lynch mobs across the state to murder anyone who opposed secession.
  • The secessionist government boycotted the elections in order to bolster its claims for international recognition as a separate state.
  • If sectionalism and secession are freely allowed, on the other hand, the social structure of a minority group will collapse into atomism.
  • “By illuminating so clearly the racial content of the secession persuasion, the commissioners would seem to have laid to rest, once and for all, any notion that slavery had nothing to do with the coming of the Civil War,” Dew wries. Disunion lobbyists important to secession movement
  • The ruling party called the secessionist resolution a "retrograde step" and vowed to quash it when it is debated at the federal level.
  • The country's transition would descend from a matter of managing change to managing chaos, especially as secessionist regions become a breeding ground for anarchy.
  • I have been following keenly the developments in the treason trial of the secessionists.
  • By itself, the theory of state rights or limited government could not compel secession.
  • Kadeer's sons Alim and Ablikim have been in jail since 2006 for tax evasion and secessionism , respectively.
  • Also, which secessionism amazingly didn't come up in the French Canadian debate, (which was shocking as it was THE issue in Canadian domestic politics for ages), it might come up tonight on the American side, Palin? Eric Lurio: Two Cross Border Debates
  • (Is there some nonarbitrary way of specifying what sort of majority is required in favor of secession before it can be said that the group in question has chosen to exercise its right to secede?). Secession
  • Je cite, évidemment, la décision de la Cour suprême dans le renvoi relatif à la sécession du Québec latest blog entries
  • A first modification allows for unilateral secession of border regions.
  • Folks like you, Perry, need to get together with dingbats like Sarah and work on that secession document TOUT DE SUITE!!! Perry says Gore 'gone to hell'
  • Last month the Southern party, which advocates secession, won its first mayoral victory, in a village in Alabama.
  • When the Southern States began to secede Governor Magoffin called a special session of the State legislature, thinking that he could have a secession convention called. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 1, January 1916
  • The contest was close and heated, and resulted somewhat singularly in the election of a mixed ticket -- two Secessionists being returned, and one Co-operationist, Mr. Huntingdon, owing to personal popularity. Macaria; or, Altars of Sacrifice
  • Khartoum has argued that the clause paves the way for the south's immediate secession.
  • At Elisabethville, capital of the secessionist province of Katanga, the plane was denied permission to land. Top Stories
  • Russia has huge problems: crime, poor infrastructure, secessionism and chaos in the north Caucasus, appalling human-rights abuses and a looming demographic catastrophe.
  • Rumors abounded that he was an agitator for Munchkinland's secession from Oz. WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • More than television, in its infancy a socializing machine that involved the whole family, the transistor radio helped define boomers as a separate (even secessionist) generation.
  • A few traders advocated secession, but most were unionists.
  • England states were equally angry at what they called the obstinacy of the South, and threats of secession were heard on both sides. The War of Independence
  • There can be no such thing as a peaceable secession.
  • For nine years, the PNG government habeen fighting a secessionist conflict on the copper and gold rich island province of Bougainville which has caused the latest uprest. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Slowly Yugoslavia fell apart as secessionist sentiment grew.
  • Edgar, her uncertainty of his intentions, her suspicions of his wished secession, the severe task she thought necessary to perform of giving him his liberty, with the anguish of a total inability to judge whether such a step would recall his tenderness, or precipitate his retreat, were suggestions which quickly succeeded, and, in a very short time, wholly domineered over every other. Camilla
  • Pakistan has four major ethnic groups – Punjabis, Sindhis, Baloch, and Pathans – and now that they are running out of Hindus, Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians to kill (Pakistan is 99% Muslim), they have turned on each other, and there are major secessionist movements in Balochistan and Sind. Matthew Yglesias » India’s Response to Terrorism
  • The government will continue peace talks with secessionists despite the passing Friday of a deadline for forging a peace deal.
  • And to crown it all, it mithridatized the Ethiopian people to the future secession of Eritrea by incorporating the right of unconditional secession in the Transition Charter.
  • That country is made up of three old Ottoman Empire provinces and they do have secessionist tendencies.
  • One can find a parallel in the Soviet Union and in Yugoslavia of the growing demand by states with widely differing ethnic and cultural identities for control over their own administration, trade, industry, and educational policies; and in India too a mistake is being made in seeing these movements as secessionist and antinational instead of an inevitable movement toward federalism. India: The Seed of Destruction
  • The establishment, after the secession of the plebs, of the tribunitial veto, which gave the plebeians a negative power in the state, there was an incipient division of the powers of government; but only a division between the positive and negative powers, not between the general and the particular. The American Republic : constitution, tendencies and destiny
  • Secessionists argued that a Confederate tariff would accelerate Virginia's industrialization by classifying Northern products as dutiable foreign goods.
  • Following that model, the secession amendment would call for the creation a binational panel composed of one representative from Canada, one from the seceding province, and a mutually agreed upon arbitrator.
  • The arguments set forth by the two sides during the secession crisis reflected their divergent outlooks.
  • (1919-1969), African political leader whose Opposition to strong central government resulted in Katanga's secession from the The Nobel Peace Prize 1961 - Presentation Speech
  • I mean, one kind of decentralist politics that you might endorse would be to advocate the secession of urban centers from the surrounding states and a decentralist order that’s partly based on people forming a network of poleis around these urban centers. Rad Geek People’s Daily – 2008 – September – 26
  • The 1900 Secession exhibition was significantly international, but still included only a minority of avant-garde paintings.
  • The rise of the Procurator Dantirya Sambail as a sort of quasi-king in Zimroel was the beginning of a secessionist movement there. KING OF DREAMS
  • Kinda funny since her husband is a member of a secessionist party - but they are white – so all is forgiven – stupidity, pre-marital sex resulting in bastard kids, lack of intelligence or any intellectual curiosity. Palin steps down as Alaska governor
  • Enforcing federal law against secessionist states precipitated war.
  • But some staff members have at one point expressed sympathy for a Valley secession.
  • Thus, the actual reason for the South's secession was racism.
  • More emotive tags: military coups, a bloody war of secession and ethnic cleansing.
  • To them, Lincoln's election necessitated secession because a Republican-controlled federal government would prompt either the ultimate miscegenation of the races or a cataclysmic race war.
  • More recently, the threat of Quebec's secession confronted the country with the very real possibility of political breakup.
  • Secessionists eagerly implicated the national tariff, which had redirected Southern profits to Northern manufactures.
  • If she beats the "secessionist" her state owes her a huge debt of gratitude. Hutchison announces gubernatorial bid, raises $6.7 million
  • In the 2005 parliamentary elections, 99 per cent of Kurds voted for nationalist parties with an avowed secessionist agenda.
  • Abolitionism grew, southern secession spurred it, and in January 1865 Congress passed the Thirteenth Amendment banning slavery.
  • Glenn Beck -- who has promoted not just FEMA concentration camp theories, but also far-right "constitutionalist" theories on states rights and secessionist movements, just to name a few -- is easily the worst of the lot in this regard. Peter Daou: Why the National Debate is Still Conducted on the Right's Terms
  • So to assume someone waving he war flag of secession at a political right-wing rally is is an secession apologizer is not that far-fetched. Matthew Yglesias » Pro-Slavery
  • In short, one way or another, the politics of secessionism, separatism and partition have only succeeded in entrenching international domination over the entire region.
  • He almost single-handedly brokered a peace deal with secessionist rebels in Chechnya last fall, thereby ending an inordinately bloody war.
  • That could mean more marginalization for the central region, known as Kasai, which had declared secession months after independence from Belgium in 1960. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In the Deep South, where the idea of disunion is taken most seriously, three main groups of secessionists can be identified. NYT > Home Page
  • It has been surmised that some of the so-called secessionists would continue to refer to the resolution to vindicate their demand for a plebiscite in the disputed state.
  • Quando nel corso di eventi umani, sorge la necessità che un popolo sciolga i legami politici che lo hanno stretto a un altro popolo ... un conveniente riguardo alle opinioni dell'umanità richiede che quel popolo dichiari le ragioni per cui è costretto alla secessione. Italy to Declare Independence from U.S. Military
  • Southern people and their leaders were mad in their attempt to separate from the Union; and that the North would be able to reannex them in three months if they carried their threat of secession into effect. Our American Brothers
  • But he still would not go along with the rest of the South in the secession movement and even refusing to call a secessionist convention till he was forced to do so. Sword of San Jacinto: A Life of Sam Houston
  • Conversely, Chinese communists have seized on the idea of Lincoln as the great foe of rebellion and secession, using his name to denounce Taiwanese and Tibetan separatism and what they see as American double standards. The Surprising Global Reach of Lincoln
  • It was southern secession that precipitated emancipation and an end to federal support of slavery.
  • On the whole, the principal results of the struggle were, to sectionalize parties more completely, ripen Southern sentiment towards secession, and combine wavering voters in the free-States in support of Republican doctrines. Abraham Lincoln, a History — Volume 02
  • They are likely to fear that federalism might lead to secession.
  • The 1900 Secession exhibition was significantly international, but still included only a minority of avant-garde paintings.
  • One of the most stunning pieces in the exhibition is a dramatic, dark-blue art nouveau cigarette case, which has a rose-cut diamond serpent snaking across it, evoking the Vienna of the Secession rather than the St Petersburg of the Tsars.
  • Calhoun always portrayed nullification as a process designed to preserve the union, but he himself acknowledged that secession could follow interposition if repeated abuses of the Constitution went uncorrected.
  • To pick an example from American history, it was thus that the South was forced, following its unsuccessful attempt at secession, to accept a government which was not legitimatized by Southern morality. Energy and Society~ Chapter 13~ The Enlargement and Concentration of Political Power
  • The rise of the Procurator Dantirya Sambail as a sort of quasi-king in Zimroel was the beginning of a secessionist movement there. KING OF DREAMS
  • When most knowledgeable Americans hear the word secessionist, they think of the southern slave states that formed the Confederacy and seceded from the United States back in 1861. We Don't Need No Stinking Secessionists!
  • At times, it advocated secession of the north, which it calls Padania, and has always been anti-immigrant and resentful of southern Italians and Rome itself, which it called "Roma ladrona" - Rome the big thief. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • They threatened secession if the colony did not join the Commonwealth.
  • Abolitionism grew, southern secession spurred it, and in January 1865 Congress passed the Thirteenth Amendment banning slavery.
  • The military authorities could not find any evidence of their involvement in the so called secessionist movement in Balochistan province. ScreenTalk
  • The secession of the southern states of America in the spring of 1861 did not reinforce the arguments of the federalists.
  • Rick Perry ginned up the teabaggers with talk about the "oppression" of Washington and the federal government, and even making noises about "secession," but he's certainly willing to turn to them when he needs their help. Texas Twit
  • This vexatious problem was resolved, incompletely, by civil war and secession.
  • Constitution, but who had presided over the Convention that drew it up -- in letters written soon after the adjournment of that body to friends in various States, referred to the Constitution as a _compact_ or treaty, and repeatedly uses the terms "accede" and "accession," and once the term "secession. The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government
  • It could also spark further claims for secession from other ethnic groups.
  • He calmed secessionist sentiment by dealing constructively with the regional parties of Kashmir, Assam and Punjab.
  • His theories of nullification and state interposition offered a third path between unconditional unionists and secessionists.
  • He rejected the radical branch of the party that advocated secession in defense of states' rights and slavery.

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