

[ US /sɪˈsɛʃən/ ]
[ UK /sɛsˈɛʃən/ ]
  1. the withdrawal of eleven southern states from the Union in 1860 which precipitated the American Civil War

How To Use Secession In A Sentence

  • I'm not sure what Laurie from Manly Dorm might be referring to as hate mongering (although I see that talking about secession is divisive), but I'd like to point out it's not hateful to say the Bush administration is antidemocratic, plutocratic and militarily adventuristic. American Coastopia!
  • Chief among the grievances I identify as providing primary justifying grounds for secession are these: persistent and serious violations of individual human rights and past unredressed unjust seizure of territory.
  • Quando nel corso di eventi umani, sorge la necessità che un popolo sciolga i legami politici che lo hanno stretto a un altro popolo ... un conveniente riguardo alle opinioni dell'umanità richiede che quel popolo dichiari le ragioni per cui è costretto alla secessione. Italy to Declare Independence from U.S. Military
  • As these three examples demonstrate, the "one-China principle" has been used by the PRC as a means of waging its "legal warfare" to incorporate Taiwan and to accomplish its bottom-line goal of de jure unification, as explicitly stated by its declared intent to use military force if necessary under the "anti-secession law" of 2005 to "reunify" Taiwan. Jamestown Foundation: All Publications
  • For ten years before secession, Northerners were commonly referred to as ‘mongrels and hirelings.’
  • The pretext to begin circulating Perry's name for a presidential run will be easily established, and the Tea Partiers that he energized with his irresponsible talk of secession will slowly turn pragmatic and confront the question of who can win in 2012. James Moore: Yo, America. It's Texas. We Got Another One for Ya!
  • There can be no such thing as a peaceable secession.
  • Through a moral equivalent of Civil War, we must prevent this secession from taking place.
  • I wrote a little ditty on the latest election absurdities: the Obama-Ayers brouhaha vs. the Palin-Alaskan "secessionist" party flap. Rad Geek People’s Daily – 2008 – October – 19
  • Mwapela would not comment directly on the Barotse Agreement except to describe the Barotseland Freedom Movement BFM, a youth-driven pro-secession grouping, as comprising a few troublemakers. Western Zambian Province Said Calm after Secessionist Clashes
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