How To Use Sea floor In A Sentence

  • The sand bars quickly become coral, which grows mountainous as the sea floor drops further and further into a deeper, darker blue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course we shouldn't cover the ocean with plastic or dredge the sea floor or cut down forests.
  • In general, trilobites appear to have been benthonic organisms feeding on organic detritus on the sea floor, but some may have captured small soft-bodied organisms which would have been passed forward to the mouth by the limbs.
  • There were no umbrellas, and the water was still a bit cold (not to mention so clear, you could see the shells on the sea floor).
  • When working, the Galatea tows a device called a dipole transmitter that sends low-frequency electromagnetic signals through the sea floor toward a suspected reservoir. Chronicle
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  • And whenever you have any kind of vertical displacement in the sea floor, the water becomes disturbed.
  • If scuba diving appeals, you'll find the Adriatic sea floor is littered with wrecks where exotic fish swim in coral reefs and colourful underwater gardens and grottoes.
  • Millions of square miles of sea floor - including large tracts off the west coast of Scotland - will now have to be resurveyed to identify the massive reservoirs that have not shown up on previous seismic studies.
  • Then suddenly two explosions rocked the water and the Kursk was down, settling with a dull thump on the sea floor.
  • It provides strong evidence for the main mechanism of continental drift - that is, spreading of the sea floor as new material wells up from the mantle.
  • In these areas of the Earth's crust, magmatic rocks lie only a short distance below the sea floor.
  • With a single or twin proboscis-like suction pipes, it pumps up materials from the sea floor and then discharges them into a storage compartment known as the hopper. Trailing Suction Hopper Dredgers
  • Most parts of the dry sea floor are covered with deposits of billions of tonnes of toxic salts, brought there over the decades with the water seeping from the fields into the rivers.
  • Whales navigate hundreds of miles using a mental map of the sea floor based on sound, scientists revealed yesterday.
  • It fought a terrifying battle, only perhaps to drown on the sea floor.
  • It is a solitary creature, living in a crevice in the rocks or in a house fashioned for itself from an old pot or tyre or other piece of debris on the sea floor.
  • Swimming becomes flight as the ocean's surface becomes the sea floor above which figures float. Times, Sunday Times
  • Later still it was found covering extensive areas of the sea floor south of Ireland.
  • The sides of abyssal hills are fault escarpments created by vertical uplift of the sea floor during many events of fault slippage that produce frequent earthquakes.
  • The bug lives on the sea floor, where it feasts on the oil that seeps from the huge reservoirs under the ground. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most fossil crinoids have the main visceral body raised above the sea floor by a stem, also called a stalk or column.
  • Polygonal patterns strikingly similar to the Lake Hope structures, with polygon diameters 15-30 km, are expressed topographically on the sea floor in the tabular salt-minibasin province of the Gulf Coast region.
  • The volcanoes are located in an area of the sea floor where layers of sediment have provided researchers with a kind of geophysical archive, like bands of a tree trunk. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Swimming becomes flight as the ocean's surface becomes the sea floor above which figures float. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bug lives on the sea floor, where it feasts on the oil that seeps from the huge reservoirs under the ground. Times, Sunday Times
  • Plastic bags that sink to the sea floor can also suffocate and kill sea grasses.
  • The movement of the two resulting supercontinents was caused by sea floor spreading at the midocean ridge lying at the bottom of the Tethys Sea, the body of water between Gondwana and Laurasia.
  • On January 23, 1960 Jacques Piccard and Lieutenant Don Walsh of the U.S. Navy piloted the bathyscaph Trieste to the sea floor of the deepest area of the Marianas Trench, known as Challenger Deep, a depth of 35,800 feet, nearly 7 miles. Warren Ellis
  • Continue until the seabed drops, and when you reach the boulder-strewn sea floor, follow your compass bearing until you reach some angular rocks.
  • It is known that opaline silica is prone to dissolution on the sea floor.
  • The coarse white sand of the sea floor contrasted with the pinkish walls with their splattering of yellow, orange and red anemones.
  • So, hot springs are geysers on the sea floor, chemical rich environments.
  • After floating near the surface for a few days, the raft sinks to the sea floor and the eggs hatch far away from their parents.
  • Others appear to have been solitary coelenterate medusoids attached to the sea floor.
  • For how the energetic cycles of that power the cell emerged, that alone has only entertained many interesting possibilities, hot core and cooler oceans, reducing ocean/sea floor/land and more oxidizing atmosphere, molecules generated by incubation in space and subsequent infall to earth, reacting with terrestrial molecules, photochemistry (from a uv-rich sun), concentration gradients of a wide variety of sorts, reactions of molecules produced by energetic processes involving meteor impact/burnup. Alice In Wonderland official trailer
  • These are positive features on the contemporary sea floor produced by biological processes.
  • Our English chalk which ranges across the north of France, Belgium, Denmark, and the North of Germany, represents a portion of the deposits of that sea floor, probably accumulated in a northern, somewhat isolated basin, while the massive hippurite limestone of Southern Europe represents the deposits of the opener ocean. Geographical Evolution
  • Our recent Pinnæ are all sedentary shells, some of them full two feet in length, fastened to their places on their deep-sea floors by flowing silky byssi, -- cables of many strands, -- of which beautiful pieces of dress, such as gloves and hose, have been manufactured. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • Of course we shouldn't cover the ocean with plastic or dredge the sea floor or cut down forests.
  • As you can see, my porch is a sea of boxes, well a sea floor, with boxes coming and going. Archive 2008-03-01
  • The bug lives on the sea floor, where it feasts on the oil that seeps from the huge reservoirs under the ground. Times, Sunday Times
  • Giant sting rays pile up in heaps on the adjacent sea floor.
  • The traps are typically positioned on the sea floor and heavily weighted to keep them in place.
  • On the top of the massifs, the survey imaged flat-lying corrugated and striated surfaces up to 10 km across that are considered to represent detachment faults exposed at the sea floor.
  • Of course we shouldn't cover the ocean with plastic or dredge the sea floor or cut down forests.
  • The walls and sea floor consist of stark boulders and rough seams of rock uncolonised by sedentary species.
  • One process is accretion under water - ‘the idea that grains on the sea floor or in living water roll around and sometimes they accrete or grow by adding layers of material,’ explained McSween.
  • Over 150 million years ago, marine plants blanketed the sea floor and sedimentation created sufficient pressure to convert the unoxidized carbon into oil. Robert Zevin: Addiction
  • The left valve became an elongate stem anchored in the sea floor.
  • As the landslide material comes to rest on the deep-sea floor, the sudden displacement of a huge vertical column of seawater can kick up deadly tsunamis across wide areas.
  • No problem. Simply surround at-risk cities (like New York) or countries (like Holland) with off-shore waterworlds anchored to the sea floor.
  • Deep drilling in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea floor revealed a continental and oceanic substratum covered by upper Miocene and younger sedimentary successions.
  • Fish wastes and unconsumed feed smother the sea floor beneath these farms, generating bacteria that consume oxygen vital to other sea life.
  • Trawlermen in pursuit of these and other groundfish like pollock and haddock drag steel weights and rollers as well as nets behind their boats, devastating huge areas of the sea floor as they go.
  • Movement along the P detachment may have resulted in the final separation of the crust and the exposure of mantle at the sea floor in the south of the study area, although here the nature of basement has not yet been determined.
  • They pop open the cartridges and begin to paint with brushes, tossing spent containers to drift and litter the sea floor.
  • Cold seep communities thrive on cooler, mineralized water leaking from the muddy sea floor.
  • This permits the craft to explore about 99 percent of sea floors in the oceans of the world.
  • Swimming becomes flight as the ocean's surface becomes the sea floor above which figures float. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fourteen-centimetre shells sit on the sea floor nearby, in what is left of the worm-eaten wooden boxes that once held them.
  • Bottom-living marine-invertebrate species are not scattered randomly across the sea floor from the high-tide line to abyssal depths.
  • In a bathtub, you might move a couple of dozen litres of water with such a slosh, but sea floor movements have in the past displaced more than 100 cubic kilometres of water - billions of bathtubs.
  • The walls and sea floor consist of stark boulders and rough seams of rock uncolonised by sedentary species.
  • It turned out that the hydrogen sulphide rising from the sea floor vents produced a process called chemosynthesis; the basis of the food chain.
  • The fishermen also blame the seismic work of oil companies, setting off explosions on the sea floor which may be responsible for killing many of the cod fry.
  • Jan. 23, 1960: A bathyscape named Trieste descends into the Mariana Trench near Guam until it rests on the sea floor, almost 36,000 feet below the surface. Better Than Seeing Flounder Inside
  • The near-constant depth of the abyssal sea floor indicates that the lithosphere thickens to roughly 100 km in 70 million years, but then ceases to grow.
  • Most fossil crinoids have the main visceral body raised above the sea floor by a stem, also called a stalk or column.
  • As the oil continues gushing from the sea floor, hurricane season is only four weeks away. The risks and rewards of offshore drilling
  • Counter-shading of the shell conceals the turtle from predators, making it difficult to distinguish the dark carapace from the sea floor and the light plastron from the lighter sky.
  • SYDNEY—A magnitude 6.5 earthquake has struck the sea floor northwest of the Vanuatu capital of Port Vila, according to a notice from the U.S. Geological Survey, adding to jitters over tremors in the region following the quake that has devastated parts of Japan. 6.5 Quake Strikes Sea Floor NW of Vanuatu
  • Deep drilling in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea floor revealed a continental and oceanic substratum covered by upper Miocene and younger sedimentary successions.
  • Vacant gaps on the slopes are filled with deep blue-green clumps of vegetation and sculpted sandstone outcroppings jut from the ridge line in a continuation of the sea floor's tilt.
  • Without sea otters, urchins overgraze the kelp, eating the base of the plant so that it becomes detached from the sea floor and dies.
  • This creature, shaped like a slim leaf about 6 centimetres long, lives half-buried in the sand of the sea floor.

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