
sea floor

  1. the bottom of a sea or ocean

How To Use sea floor In A Sentence

  • The sand bars quickly become coral, which grows mountainous as the sea floor drops further and further into a deeper, darker blue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course we shouldn't cover the ocean with plastic or dredge the sea floor or cut down forests.
  • In general, trilobites appear to have been benthonic organisms feeding on organic detritus on the sea floor, but some may have captured small soft-bodied organisms which would have been passed forward to the mouth by the limbs.
  • There were no umbrellas, and the water was still a bit cold (not to mention so clear, you could see the shells on the sea floor).
  • When working, the Galatea tows a device called a dipole transmitter that sends low-frequency electromagnetic signals through the sea floor toward a suspected reservoir. Chronicle
  • And whenever you have any kind of vertical displacement in the sea floor, the water becomes disturbed.
  • If scuba diving appeals, you'll find the Adriatic sea floor is littered with wrecks where exotic fish swim in coral reefs and colourful underwater gardens and grottoes.
  • Millions of square miles of sea floor - including large tracts off the west coast of Scotland - will now have to be resurveyed to identify the massive reservoirs that have not shown up on previous seismic studies.
  • Then suddenly two explosions rocked the water and the Kursk was down, settling with a dull thump on the sea floor.
  • It provides strong evidence for the main mechanism of continental drift - that is, spreading of the sea floor as new material wells up from the mantle.
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