How To Use Scratch out In A Sentence
In fact, one of the things I ask the salespeople in my classes to do is to take out their business card, scratch out whatever title is on it, and write in CEO.
Hendley held out hope the rest of the night that the Cubs might scratch out a run, but saw those hopes diminish rapidly as Koufax got stronger and stronger.
Oldham continue to scratch out wins - can they keep it going all season or will their luck change?
Gamall: You scratch out glyphs and think you have them?
It's easier to edit - to scratch out a word is easier than backspacing over it.

They love to crunch numbers and scratch out mock drafts on legal pads at work.
Since my pocketbook is not penalized I´m personally pleased but feel sorry for my compatriots who are trying to scratch out a living.
Tourism in Southern Mexico
The Mariners and the Tigers scratch out their runs with bunts, strings of hits and a willingness to move the runners.
Residents scratch out a living amid blocks of abandoned, boarded up, burned-out row houses and vacant warehouses.
scratch out my name on that list
They used bulldozers to scratch out a huge protective line and lit backfires to contain the flames.
The Sun
In fact, one of the things I ask the salespeople in my classes to do is to take out their business card, scratch out whatever title is on it, and write in CEO.
Failing to scratch out a run against a starter such as Kip Wells is much different than what happened Sunday.
Keep the Twins close and hope their teammates scratch out enough runs to win.
The Mariners and the Tigers scratch out their runs with bunts, strings of hits and a willingness to move the runners.
You need to scratch out your words, creating an inky mess.