How To Use Scientific knowledge In A Sentence
Who else would suggest that Jefferson's many theories about black sexuality were not based entirely on racism and/or the limitations of eighteenth century scientific knowledge, but on "fieldwork" p.
"Clarence Walker Can't Say Those Things, Can He?" A Review of Mongrel Nation: The America Begotten by Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings
We can dismiss the pre-scientific belief in the magical powers of crystals and gemstones as due to the lack of scientific knowledge.
Most folks are very ignorant of how scientific knowledge is determined.
Not even the quest for scientific knowledge is immune from the ravages of extremists in the environmental movement.
In botany the theoretical debate was less acute, although the prospect for the practical application of scientific knowledge was greater.

By the end he had effectively mapped out the total of scientific knowledge.
Times, Sunday Times
If not exactly a tabula rasa, I am comparatively ignorant of current scientific knowledge and epistemology.
We made a distinction there between scientific knowledge and technical knowledge about language.
The Chomsky Update - Linguistics and Politics
His interest in denialism concerns the use of denialist tactics to confuse public understanding of scientific knowledge.
May 2007
As the firmest enemy of modern ethics based upon scientific knowledge of natural laws, there stands the Christian religion, the outspring of the Jewish one, which former, resting upon the principle of the necessary subordination of woman to man, in consequence thereof energetically combats the attempts for equal rights to both sexes, and, as far as lies in its power, ever will and must combat the same.
The Woman's Bible
Traditional religious beliefs that are paranormal, that is, that violate the canons of scientific causality, exhibit a negative correlation with education and scientific knowledge.
We made a distinction there between scientific knowledge and technical knowledge about language.
The Chomsky Update - Linguistics and Politics
In natural philosophy and metaphysics Marsilius was an empiricist, meaning that he thought all scientific knowledge must be based on either sense data or self-evident propositions, i.e., propositions in which the meaning of the predicate is included in the subject.
Marsilius of Inghen
You need a depth of scientific knowledge that takes many years to build up.
Times, Sunday Times
This involves grasping the dynamic inter-relation between new scientific knowledges and the much broader public debates over national efficiency and imperial survival.
He has also written insightfully on forest conservation, urging a creative synthesis between the ‘practical knowledge’ of peasants and the ‘latest scientific knowledge’ of the State.
But the lack of scientific knowledge about the area, as well as the ongoing regression of the habitats due to the current draining, makes any designation of the area most unlikely.
In botany the theoretical debate was less acute, although the prospect for the practical application of scientific knowledge was greater.
Generally, the line taken is that although there are certain limitations to scientific knowledge, these are noetic rather than ontic.
The art of poisoning was therefore known to the Rosicrucians, and, although there is no reason to suppose it was ever practised by the heads of the Fraternity, it is possible that the inspirers of the poisoners may have been perverted Rosicrucians, that is to say, students of those portions of the Cabala relating to magic both of the necromantic and venefic varieties, who turned the scientific knowledge which the Fraternity of the Rosy Cross used for healing to a precisely opposite and deadly purpose.
Secret Societies And Subversive Movements
A zeal for scientific knowledge consumed him, keeping him on target to overthrow God and bestialize humanity.
Drudge Retort
That opened a period of intense growth in scientific knowledge in the area of steamship mechanics, shipbuilding, hydrography and shipboard artillery.
Scientific knowledge will not advance by one centimetre as a result of them.
Times, Sunday Times
A quality assurance program assists practitioners to base decisions for patient care on the most accurate available scientific knowledge and proven practices.
Reliable scientific knowledge has no ethical content, it is the way the world is.
Generally, the line taken is that although there are certain limitations to scientific knowledge, these are noetic rather than ontic.
mathematics is the basis for much scientific knowledge
An impersonal and scientific knowledge of the structure of our bodies is the surest safeguard against prurient curiosity and lascivious gloating.
Married Love: or, Love in Marriage
Geology, geography, and agronomics all study the earth, but their construction, their principle of scientific knowledge differs.
Today, when we speak of scientific knowledge, we are not referring to a body of propositions that any one person knows to be true.
In fact, there is an important connection between this lacuna in Laudan's famous discussion and the further uses made of the thesis of underdetermination by sociologists of scientific knowledge, feminist epistemologists, and other vocal champions of holist underdetermination.
Underdetermination of Scientific Theory
Not until the second half of the nineteenth century did the valuation of scientific knowledge come into conflict with more conservative religious values.
Galileo was forced to repudiate his scientific knowledge lest he be declared a heretic by the official church.
Philosophy is the scientific knowledge that summarizes the nature and society.
Scientific knowledge on the consequences of exposure and on the definition of tolerability doses still appears to be limited," she wrote.
Is nanotechnology safe in the workplace?
Across the board, scientific knowledge in America is at an abominably low level.
Philosophy is the scientific knowledge that summarizes the nature and society.
The premisses must be the causes of the conclusion, better known than it, and prior to it; its causes, since we possess scientific knowledge of a thing only when we know its cause; prior, in order to be causes; antecedently known, this antecedent knowledge being not our mere understanding of the meaning, but knowledge of the fact as well.
Locke's Philosophy of Science
Who were those glittering people intent on raiding the continent for money or for scientific knowledge?
In botany the theoretical debate was less acute, although the prospect for the practical application of scientific knowledge was greater.
As a result, it seemed to them that the objectivity of scientific knowledge was no longer capable of proof.
And you know that what we call scientific knowledge is not any kind of conjuration, as people sometimes suppose, but it is simply the application of the same principles of common sense that we apply to common knowledge, carried out, if I may so speak, to knowledge which is uncommon.
systematize our scientific knowledge
Scientific knowledge was perverted to help cause destruction and war.
Or would the wisdom-giving years pass on a new perception that far surpassed the achievements of scientific knowledge?
With the vast expansion of scientific knowledge in this century however, it's become clear that human populations are not unambiguous, clearly demarcated, biologically distinct groups.
The printing press helped diffuse scientific knowledge.
A necropsy is a less romantic way of dealing with an elephant's death, but it does, at least, contribute to scientific knowledge of the physiology of the species, which is another kind of monument.
Scientific knowledge is cumulative.
Not even the quest for scientific knowledge is immune from the ravages of extremists in the environmental movement.
A quality assurance program assists practitioners to base decisions for patient care on the most accurate available scientific knowledge and proven practices.
While not everyone agrees on what should or should not be included in open access publishing, an overarching feature is that there should be universal access to all scientific knowledge.
To enlighten is to bring light where there had previously been darkness, to replace opinion, i.e., superstition, by scientific knowledge of nature, beginning from phenomena available to all men and ending in rational demonstration possible for all men.
I am here using the word preposterous in its dictionary sense of "contrary to nature, reason or commonsense," for in the light of modern scientific knowledge, human behavior is, demonstrably, characterized by the interaction of cultural and biological variables, and, as Melvin Konner has recently put it "an analysis of the causes of human nature that tends to ignore either the genes or the environmental factors may be safely discarded.
Evolving Margaret Mead
Nor does scientific knowledge derive straightforwardly from experiments and observations.
On the other hand, industries that rely more on empirical rather than scientific knowledge do less research.
The way scientific knowledge is used raises ethical issues for everyone involved, not just scientists.
A quality assurance program assists practitioners to base decisions for patient care on the most accurate available scientific knowledge and proven practices.
The printing press helped diffuse scientific knowledge.
This spells out the practical applications of the scientific knowledge currently available in the areas of gerontology and geriatrics.
We live in a world where scientists are increasingly shouted down and whose observations are increasingly dismissed by those with barely a modicum of scientific knowledge; witness how mroe people listen to RUSH FRIGGIN LIMBAUGH about global warming than a qualified planetologist or climatologist.
Thus in Aristotle's view, there are accidental phenomena in nature, and they are not subject to scientific knowledge.
Developing better and more precise measurement of the properties of phenomena is the key to the progress of scientific knowledge.
The goal of science education is not only to help students acquire scientific knowledge, but to understand its development.
Yet by the end of the nineteenth century - the apogee of the Victorian Age - the moral justification for the empire and the scientific knowledge of the effects of opium use could no longer ensure that this drug trade would go unchallenged.
That opened a period of intense growth in scientific knowledge in the area of steamship mechanics, shipbuilding, hydrography and shipboard artillery.
This biological process wasted food and, with expanding scientific knowledge of bacteria during the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries, began to be seen as unhealthful.
On the other hand one of the main features of the last two chapters has been the emphasis on the practical utility of scientific knowledge.
Science, Technology, and Social Change
Thorndike is important as an early figure in the effort to establish a scientific knowledge base for the research of human learning, especially for instructional technology.
In these cases the central argument is that scientific knowledge is being filtered and selected by commercial and political considerations.
Science, Technology, and Social Change
Finally, regardless of who ultimately holds the keys to scientific knowledge, what happens to nature, the oft purported object of science?
The printing press helped diffuse scientific knowledge.
Just because science is based on observation, that does not mean that scientific knowledge is unquestionable or undeniably right.
Science, Technology, and Social Change
Philosophy is the scientific knowledge that summarizes the nature and society.
In botany the theoretical debate was less acute, although the prospect for the practical application of scientific knowledge was greater.
But as scientific knowledge has grown so too have the perceived dimensions of the legal problems of conservation.
Each world's resources will further our scientific knowledge and daily living, and it is my dream that a network of trade will be set up within our solar system and beyond.
We made a distinction there between scientific knowledge and technical knowledge about language.
The Chomsky Update - Linguistics and Politics
Philosophy is the scientific knowledge that summarizes the nature and society.
One can easily get into a verbal mess at this point, and my own experience with pragmatism 'makes me shrink from the dangers that lie in the word' practical, 'and far rather than stand out against you for that word, I am quite willing to part company with Professor Bergson, and to ascribe a primarily theoretical function to our intellect, provided you on your part then agree to discriminate' theoretic 'or scientific knowledge from the deeper' speculative 'knowledge aspired to by most philosophers, and concede that theoretic knowledge, which is knowledge _about_ things, as distinguished from living or sympathetic acquaintance with them, touches only the outer surface of reality.
A Pluralistic Universe Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College on the Present Situation in Philosophy
Philosophy is the scientific knowledge that summarizes the nature and society.
However, induction (or something very much like it) plays a crucial role in the theory of scientific knowledge in the Posterior Analytics: it is induction, or at any rate a cognitive process that moves from particulars to their generalizations, that is the basis of knowledge of the indemonstrable first principles of sciences.
Aristotle's Logic
We have learned from the writings of philosophers of science since the 1960s to emphasize corrigibility and anti-foundationalism in our interpretation of scientific knowledge; but a coherentist epistemology and a perspective of causal realism provides a philosophically powerful grounding for social science knowledge.
What is social scientific knowledge?
It has become clear that only a small number of people, those with both the necessary scientific knowledge and access to government stocks of anthrax developed for bacteriological weapons, could have carried out the attack.
By proper use of the contents of this package disease may be prevented, as the action upon the germs is as effective as can be secured by the latest scientific knowledge; if exposed, _use within two hours_.
Safe Marriage A Return to Sanity
_religion_, in the general acceptation of the term (philosophy of religion); and, thirdly, _philosophy_ itself, as the purest and most perfect form of the scientific knowledge of truth.
Christianity and Greek Philosophy or, the relation between spontaneous and reflective thought in Greece and the positive teaching of Christ and His Apostles
Many thought geometry's spare base of axioms and its clean, inexorable logic was scientific knowledge at its best.
A classification of the sciences which is free from the subject-object dualism and from an enslaving chainwork of values, and which takes into account the profound, intimate, and reciprocal rela - tionships among all disciplines, would be the only classification fit to instruct us about the present state of our scientific knowledge.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
Nor would I claim to be an "ornithologist", a title which implies scientific knowledge, a capacity for protracted study, an understanding of graphs, figures and statistics, and possibly a doctorate.
The Guardian World News
This project gathered important scientific knowledge about the infestation of ham by parasites, including fungi and tiny spider-like acarids or mites, during the curing process.
No matter a persons' level of scientific knowledge most can identify a picture of a flying reptile as a "pterodactyl".
Archive 2009-07-01