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scientific knowledge

  1. knowledge accumulated by systematic study and organized by general principles
    mathematics is the basis for much scientific knowledge

How To Use scientific knowledge In A Sentence

  • Who else would suggest that Jefferson's many theories about black sexuality were not based entirely on racism and/or the limitations of eighteenth century scientific knowledge, but on "fieldwork" p. "Clarence Walker Can't Say Those Things, Can He?" A Review of Mongrel Nation: The America Begotten by Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings
  • We can dismiss the pre-scientific belief in the magical powers of crystals and gemstones as due to the lack of scientific knowledge.
  • Most folks are very ignorant of how scientific knowledge is determined.
  • Not even the quest for scientific knowledge is immune from the ravages of extremists in the environmental movement.
  • In botany the theoretical debate was less acute, although the prospect for the practical application of scientific knowledge was greater.
  • By the end he had effectively mapped out the total of scientific knowledge. Times, Sunday Times
  • If not exactly a tabula rasa, I am comparatively ignorant of current scientific knowledge and epistemology.
  • We made a distinction there between scientific knowledge and technical knowledge about language. The Chomsky Update - Linguistics and Politics
  • His interest in denialism concerns the use of denialist tactics to confuse public understanding of scientific knowledge. May 2007
  • As the firmest enemy of modern ethics based upon scientific knowledge of natural laws, there stands the Christian religion, the outspring of the Jewish one, which former, resting upon the principle of the necessary subordination of woman to man, in consequence thereof energetically combats the attempts for equal rights to both sexes, and, as far as lies in its power, ever will and must combat the same. The Woman's Bible
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