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How To Use Schtick In A Sentence

  • Daniel wins very big, all the while doing a kind of flippy-floppy hope-and-victory dance that looks like a Saturday Night Live schtick and has Bob Barker in disoriented stitches. Boing Boing: December 28, 2003 - January 3, 2004 Archives
  • Thor, your whole "I'm too erudite to wallow in the sty of mediocrity with the rest of you pigs because I read * serious* books in third grade" schtick is seriously underwhelming me here. Little Kids Can Write Books Better Than You
  • As a pretend doctor myself I can tell you that your schtick is painfully obvious, why do you persist? Think Progress » Still Bitter Over Loss On Health Reform, GOP Seeks To Block Judicial Nominee For His Health Care Views
  • Dumb Blonde: The capricious schtick was all a persona, if Hollywood legend is to be believed.
  • You'll have to show me even a single post where I distorted someone's view. That is not my schtick.
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  • PatrioticLiberalChristian says: back-up, your “both sides” schtick is getting old, boring, and down-right irritating. Think Progress » Gingrich Says Democrats ‘Have To Take Some Moral Responsibility’ For Far-Right Death Threats
  • I mean their whole schtick is that Conservatives are not electable and therefore we have to outpander the Democrats by moving to the left and anathematizing conservatives. Is the NRSC Maneuvering to Push Tom Ridge? - Erick’s blog - RedState
  • A little schtick may go a long way, but if all you are is schtick, then you're pretty much schtuck.
  • Atherton's schtick is to show off a smorgasbord of offerings - roasted turbot with five-spice oxtail, say, or grilled spring lamb with cinnamon sweetbreads.
  • I'm no fan of Bill O'Reilly, whose arrogance and smugness appear to be genuine unlike Rush Limbaugh's braggadocio, which is just schtick. BatesLine: March 2005 Archives
  • The other part is her schtick – butt-headed contrarianism which is so easy to pick apart on the surface and which also seems to be coded drum signals for the tribalists. Matthew Yglesias » Health Care Paranoia
  • It is a fairly laddy comic schtick, particularly in vogue at the moment, and it can often be used to disguise a burningly obsessive nature or a peculiar intellect. James Corden plans World Cup domination on TV and in the charts
  • There's nothing to indicate he's lost stride or that he's tired or bored of his schtick.
  • There are some case where the costume serves as part of the supervillains' schtick like with Rhino or Mr. Freeze.
  • Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert will assumably be doing their usual schtick, where "being in on the joke" is half the fun. Chris Weigant: Entertainment and Politics
  • Sorry Evan, your schtick is a little tough to swallow since you didn't have the same vigilance when a massive surplus was turned into a massive deficit between 200-2008. Bayh urges Obama to veto spending bill
  • He calms her with his humorous, interplanetary old lag schtick, cheesy anecdotes, and a solid grasp of rocket-propelled travel. Times, Sunday Times
  • VAN DYKE: Well, yes, it wasn't a dream thing, but we were just reminiscing about what happened, all the craziness that went on, and more what they call schtick luck happened. CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: Dick Van Dyke Discusses His Career in Entertainment - September 22, 2000
  • Typing or spelling has never been my schtick.
  • This year's Blogathon auction schtick is me posting fiction/poetry I wrote that you made something for/about; we auction off the piece and take sponsorship for the story, and all money goes to the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center. Monday
  • One of the great appeals of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming theory in certain sectors is the fact that what it takes to fight the imagined threat (reduced trade, reduced economic growth, government controls on the economy, populist hammering of energy companies, micro-controls on individual decision-making) are exactly the things the socialists wanted to do before their schtick became tired. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » The Copenhagen Income Redistribution Conference
  • Here, too, it resembles "The Producers," which was a last-gasp homage to the anything-for-a-laugh Borscht Belt schtickery on which the stand-up comedy of my childhood was based, with four-letter words sprinkled on top to give it a factitiously up-to-date air. The Re-'Producers'
  • So please save your noble, peace loving, one-with-nature savage schtick for the ignorant do-gooders who will mule, whimper, sob, slobber in maudeline fashion and plead for your forgiveness and that of your ancestors as an act of the collective white guilt that they exhibit. Today is the 200th birthday of our greatest President.
  • I'm trying to decide if I really want to work "wart" into my schtick > ZUG Live
  • More that, you know, humorless, self-righteous schtick you do. THE SAVING GRACES
  • Thor, your whole "I'm too erudite to wallow in the sty of mediocrity with the rest of you pigs because I read * serious* books in third grade" schtick is seriously underwhelming me here. Little Kids Can Write Books Better Than You
  • One of her main schtick is that she supposedly is a big champion'er of full disclosure. Is That Legal?: Michelle Malkin: Blogging While Flying?
  • After 12 episodes the schtick is already getting old. Play it All Night Long
  • His schtick as an actor - whether playing a newspaper editor, politician or raddled old rock star - is always the same.
  • Her ubiquity here almost makes her whole schtick believable.
  • Victoria Daft and Liars Larson and Rash Lamebrain are interchangeable -- anger-schtick, cross-addressing, anti-social haters. How not to recall a Portland mayor (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Uh, Dana Scully, someone has stolen your schtick is screwing it up badly! In Case You Missed It: Warehouse 13
  • Top Gear lies in Clarkson's apparently untrammelled political incorrectness, which is as much part of his schtick as Gordon Ramsay's swearing, Graham Norton's outrageousness, or - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • To that end, it wears husky, squared-off sheet metal, an upright roof, and creased "pontoon" fenders similar to those on the new GLK crossover ( "a new Mercedes schtick," offers design editor Robert Cumberford). Undefined

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