
How To Use Scene In A Sentence

  • He specialized in moonlit and winter scenes, usually including a sheet of water and sometimes also involving the light of a fire, and he also painted sunsets and views at dawn or twilight.
  • The scene will be etched on my memory forever.
  • Maybe they should have a little log cabin, a hayride at Halloween, or Christmas scenery.
  • The play is a little overlong and would benefit from cuts, but each scene is interesting and changes are smoothly executed.
  • Silence is the rule for our heroes, and that means a bit of extra claustrophobia to scenes that would otherwise be totally generic.
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  • The look lasts around 24 hours before the saline is absorbed into the body and is part of the growing Japanese body modification scene. The Sun
  • With no personal stake in the performance scene, Priyambada continues to be one of the most objective observers and commentators of the Odissi scene.
  • One of a phases is a brand new SSC, though there is a lot happening behind a scenes. Student development student staff meeting june 23rd 2009
  • The scene near the Chennai Kaliappa Hospital, on Tuesday was supremely ironical, and drew sharp reactions from tree lovers who were passing by.
  • ‘Behind the scenes there are still a number of points that deserve attention,’ the unidentified official said, according to the semi-official Central News Agency.
  • He vanished from the scene, to materialize presently in front of the door.
  • Police arrested 13 people, and some students were treated for minor injuries at the scene in northeast El Paso.
  • So the lands of the dismembered Yugoslav state became not only the scene of Europe's greatest resistance struggle, but also one of its bloodiest civil wars.
  • Johnson and a cohort of industry representatives have been busy banging the drum for London's fintech scene.
  • In the closet scene, Hamlet mistook her father for the king, and he fatally stabbed him.
  • So far the scenery around her had been thick fur trees and dense foliage.
  • As for the national outpouring of ersatz grief, reminiscent of the scenes that followed the death of Princess Diana, it surely spoke not of feeling but of an egotistical inability to feel, compensated for by outward show.
  • Combined with the snowily austere imagery of the scene, the effect is chilling.
  • McGregor is saddled with a tiresome everyman role, but Spacey, Clooney, and especially Bridges make some of their scenes work better than they should. Your mind won’t be blown watching “The Men Who Stare at Goats” » Scene-Stealers
  • What's amazing about director Leonard Kastle's style is his ability to leap between camp and genuine moments of terror during the murder scenes.
  • Behind the scenes: Emerald City Supporters big opening night tifo banner Examiner California Headlines
  • The sunset scene shows a classic cumulonimbus cloud formation.
  • Two victims die in the first scene, an effective evocation of place, character and a whole range of powerful emotions. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the touch of a button one of the blank monitors blipped to life, displaying a scene that was being picked up by a hidden remote camera.
  • He filled me in, unbidden, on the local hooker scene.
  • Hey, I'm all for cool action scenes in my SciFi, but -- if I may clarify the author's assumption -- stories that include inter-character relationships don't "alienate" me. Is Science Fiction Becoming 'Feminized'?
  • He has become gruff and cold, a far cry from the playful, expansive carouser and rabble-rouser of the film's opening scenes. Come and Get It
  • Yeats painted the little scene across both front and back of a paper envelope which was then stamped and franked when he posted it to John Masefield in 1905.
  • Words cannot describe the beauty of the scene.
  • I'm not easily shocked, but that book really is obscene.
  • We turned north along the Shyok gorge and passed through some of the most incredible scenery that any of us had witnessed.
  • In this representation, which may be called playing a picture, action, even pantomimical action, was not expected; and all that was required of the performers, was to throw themselves into such a group as might express a marked and striking point of an easily remembered scene, but where the actors are at a pause, and without either speech or motion. Saint Ronan's Well
  • The scene was embedded in his memory.
  • Worsted in this war of love Shiva punished the mischievous god of love Madana for aiding that maiden by causing springtime to appear on the scene before its wonted time.
  • Scabbards, broken arms, artillery horses, wrecks of gun carriages, and bloody garments strewed the scene.
  • There's a terrible scene where he is chained to a whipping post and flogged with sadistic pleasure by brutish Roman guards.
  • I'm not prudish but I think these photographs are obscene.
  • However, such interaction is more effectively used in the drinking stimulus portion of the scenes than in the sensitization portion.
  • The NDTV network broadcast footage from the scene, about 170km southeast of New Delhi, showing debris strewn across the tracks and police officers carrying bodies covered with sheets on stretchers.
  • Go most urgent, is the most beautiful scenery; hurt the most are always the most real emotions.
  • Scenes of milking, slaughtering and butchering cattle, and hunting wild cattle in swamps are also shown.
  • It was only after a painful and prolonged scene that she was ejected by the butler and the footman. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  • However I did notice something, and it was something that both my wife and father both brought up, there was a strange effect that wasn't there at the World Première, something I described as a fogging or blurring during some scenes, particularly the action ones, which made it hard to follow the action. Filmstalker: Avatar: An Xmas visit
  • There may also have been some influence from painted scenery used in the theatre.
  • He was, in fact, a prime candidate for arrest and removal from the scene.
  • She gazed in appreciation at the scene.
  • We sat on the top deck and took in some impressive hillside scenery en route. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a magical scene, impossible to choreograph, and yet Mr. Gardner captures such instances again and again. Rocking and Rolling in the Wild, Wild East
  • There is a dramatic fight scene between the two brothers.
  • Cui Jie's dystopian scene from 2011, "Bar," also evokes the painterly eeriness of German artists Gerhard Richter and Neo Rauch. China's Rising Art Stars
  • And she fitted well into the homely scene: short and somewhat "squatty" of form, red-haired, freckle-faced and pug-nosed. Aunt Jane's Nieces in the Red Cross
  • The girl was aroused, her expression mirroring her mentor's almost exactly as she raptly observed the scene. In the Midnight Hour
  • Giant avalanches, tidal waves, and many stock footage scenes of buildings collapsing result.
  • Like dictators and führers, politicians always come to the scene of a natural disaster carrying a wad of cash.
  • How can our brave Bible-bashing warlords keep spinning tales of freedom & reconstruction, while presiding over scenes of torture and slaughter? TURNING UP THE HEAT
  • Instead, we get the "kerplunk" scene we knew we were getting from the end of last issue, Luthor revealing that he's actually kind of a bastard after all, members of Infinity II declaring twice in two pages that it sure is a good thing they still have their powers, and a lost-in-space scene that once again fails to advance that plot. Week 35: That Most Dangerous of Animals
  • In some scenes the only lighting was a lantern held by an actor, he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a particularly sweeping comment in the scenester world, where trends live fast and die young. Globe and Mail
  • There are also scenes of prisoners attacking guards, shanking each other, and discussing their murders, assaults, and mutilations in graphic terms.
  • Act Three ends powerfully, with the village in flames, good Soviet citizens hanging by their necks, and keening women, including one who is given a ‘mad scene’ of sorts.
  • During an earlier scene of cooperative fruit picking with Cambodian and Laotian refugees, we are offered an opportunity to meditate on a pan-Asian Thailand of agrarian-pastoral well-being, and a move away from the tense border security of the 70s when refugees from Cambodia and Laos led Thailand to turn sharply to the right. Michael Vazquez: ON THE 48TH ANNUAL NEW YORK FILM FESTIVAL
  • Paramedics, police and firemen were joined at the scene by three mountain rescue teams. The Sun
  • They have cut the obscene passages from the film to show it on television.
  • Plus you will be amazed to see a scene stolen by a British Bourbon biscuit. Times, Sunday Times
  • I could clearly imagine the scene in the office.
  • I don't honestly know why he agreed to do the film, except that all he wanted was a fifteen-minute death scene.
  • Police cars were parked outside the address yesterday as forensics officers examined the scene. The Sun
  • What people most long for in ogling the screen is to witness some torrid lascivious scene: the incentives to gaze are supremely lubricious.
  • He's never been involved in the drugs scene at all and he's not a drug user himself.
  • And Mike was hornswoggled enough to replace some of his martial graphics with a picture of some nice mountain scenery.
  • Between short scenes – aiming presumably to distil the essence of Faulks's novel but actually stripping it of atmosphere and verve – swathes of prose are just read out. Birdsong; On Ageing; The Big Fellah; Yes, Prime Minister
  • The very idea of a “man of God” and a “preacher” making six figures, driving luxury cars and living in gated communities, with expense accounts, country club memberships and obese bodies is laughable and obscene. Think Progress » Hatch Warns Tea Party Activists: Work With The GOP…Or Else
  • The recent diminution on the international scene of these three nations means less illustrious sides are no longer gripped with a fear factor when facing what have tended to be considered behemoths of the game.
  • One commonly observed facet of the gay scene is that people often seek to define their very identities by the fact that they go to certain venues.
  • According to Damascene (De Fide Orth. iii, 24), "to pray is to ask becoming things of God"; wherefore it is useless to pray for what is inexpedient, according to James 4: 3, "You ask, and receive not: because you ask amiss. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • The scene where she finds succour in tinted glasses when her eyesight has been shot away is masterly. Times, Sunday Times
  • You lot do know that one of the key scenes was cut from the theatrical release, right?
  • He explained that often recently single people are ashamed of their new status and need help relearning the social scene from a single person's perspective.
  • Colours were good, if none too subtle, but poor contrast made for murky dark scenes with objects lacking depth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Production was cut at its rigs in the Gulf of Mexico and at onshore refineries such as Texas City, which was also the scene of a fatal fire in March.
  • Well, how about a forested planet with the deeply "connected" natives, a human military raid on a huge tree-city and a subsequent retaliation of natives ... some scenes seem incredibly familiar, even though Le Guin plot is markedly deeper and more sophisticated. 10 Possible Sources of "Avatar" in Classic Science Fiction
  • For the early film-makers, such as Georges Melies and the Lumiere brothers, editing and being able to splice film was part of how to put scenes together.
  • Griffith made me realize something else: I was wondering how to film the exteriors, i.e. how to insert the characters into the scenery.
  • Take in views of the Carmel Valley Hills and enjoy the spectacular scenery of the Monterey pine forests, rocky coastline and vistas of crashing surf, as a chorus of sea lions barks on the rocks.
  • I don't think the scene with the horses really works, do you?
  • Memorable scenes include Ornella Muti putting an oversized safety pin to some rather startling uses, and a listful cat and mouse game between Ben Gazzara and Susan Tyrrell which results in Gazarra’s arrest when you least expect it. World cinema classics #48 « Jahsonic
  • These "Observations" were the first of a series of volumes by Gilpin on the scenery of Great Britain, composed in a poetic and somewhat over-luxuriant style, illustrated by drawings in aquatinta, and all described on the title page as "Relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty. A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century
  • Nowhere is this more clear than in the scene when everyone first arrives on the island and sees a brachiosaur for the first time. Jurassic Park vs. Jurassic Park 3: Lament for a Fallen Franchise | /Film
  • It surely has the finest opening of any such picture: a nightmarish scene in a fenland graveyard. Times, Sunday Times
  • When you see scenes like that at the end it makes it all worthwhile. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the path a few solitary scraps of withered white and blue police tape were a solemn reminder of the crime scene.
  • It would be easy to snooze the day away in the spa, but Galway is surrounded by rich history and beautiful scenery that has to be explored. The Sun
  • Four deleted scenes are skippable, including one random one at a bus stop.
  • I was watching the scene from the kitchen end of the dining car, standing just behind Emil, Cathy and Oliver.
  • In the historical development of cartography, when a new type or style of map appears on the scene, it is normally derived from earlier forms in some evolutionary process.
  • Each of these sugary sweet snaps was masking trouble behind the scenes. The Sun
  • It suited her to be behind the scenes, where she could be a part of the artistic excitement but bask happily out of the spotlight.
  • He writes, directs, photographs, edits and probably paints the scenery and makes the chow as well.
  • But Mr. Erwitt also has a gift for clicking off multiple photographs of a single scene, finding and preserving evanescent moments likely to leave the viewer alternately laughing or enrapt. Photo-Op: Head or Tail
  • But I’ll still be happy to see Sarah Palin disappear from the cultural scene when it’s all over and done. Tina Fey Back as Sarah Palin for SNL Vice Presidential Debate Sketch? You Betcha!
  • Of "Lady Chatterley's Lover" he wrote, "The lechery scenes are the best. The Life Well-Read
  • The ballet-loving Parisians were given a 20-minute suite of dances at the start of Act Three, which is a harem scene.
  • In the final scene the camera follows the course of a wire down a telephone pole and out to the fellow's tombstone where it dips into the earth and apparently down to his casket.
  • The liveliest restaurant scene is in the city centre, where many chic eateries have sprung up in recent years.
  • I asked the guy who would bowdlerize Larry Niven if given the chance this question: "If someone was writing the biography of your life, would you want it to have a sex scene? Bowdlerized
  • As well as obscene and disgusting, it is utterly baffling. The Sun
  • The chase scene that follows is intercut with brief vignettes showing the bank officials glorying in the publicity the robbery has created.
  • He was 15 when he saw his first Broadway production, Follies, and 32 years later he can still recall every moment ‘scene by scene.’
  • The scene was set for a spectacular ice war which would rage for weeks that winter. THE FROZEN WATER TRADE
  • One of my greatest pet peeves in anime is the glossy disregard for detail in action scenes.
  • It features all six films, all your favourite characters and all the classic scenes made out of the tiny bricks. The Sun
  • Emergency workers arrived at the scene to be confronted by the enormous size of the landslide and hundreds of homeless families. Times, Sunday Times
  • Caganers: figurines of defecating world leaders in Catalan nativity scenes - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The lapse of year will never efface that scene of ruins from my memory.
  • After an initial search, police left the crime scene unguarded and open to rain, tides and curious visitors. Times, Sunday Times
  • One researcher has called the neem scene an "uncharted jungle" of miscellaneous assertions, disconnected details, and limitless possibilities. 2 The Reality
  • Behind-the-scenes assistance came from influential figures in politics and the arts, including U. S. Sen.
  • When Megan is not in the classroom, she is actively involved in the local literary scene and maintains a blog, Night Light Revue, about new books and authors. BookBrowse Reviewers.
  • That scene is a remarkable illustration of his society's greed and gluttony.
  • Let's get away for the weekend. A change of scene will do you good.
  • The gulf between the ruling elite and the masses became obscene.
  • Kennaquhair, or because it agrees with scenes of the Monastery in the circumstances of the drawbridge, the milldam, and other points of resemblance, that therefore an accurate or perfect local similitude is to be found in all the particulars of the picture. The Monastery
  • The comedy star's character delivers a moving monologue to camera in the final scene. The Sun
  • The classical music scene languished during the war as symphony orchestras and opera companies lost musicians to military bands.
  • Dudley Turner Westerham, Kent• Sorry, but I don't want to have post-Christmas breakfast looking at the page-four photograph of the Beaufort hunt and then turn to the centrefold to find yet another "traditional" hunting scene. Letters: Morris dancing beats hunting for Boxing Day fun
  • No wind, morning light, blue fescue and gaillardia ‘Goblin’ complete the scene. Movement « Fairegarden
  • Here, Monostatos is a guy clad in a green spandex bodysuit (that is, he’s green-skinned), and when the same scene occurs, Papageno’s musing as translated in the supertitles is about green birds and green men. Zauberflöte 2005
  • The opening scene is an interview - about the wretchedness of conditions in the theatre, poking fun at the cumbersome bureaucracy which soils it.
  • Your domestic scene seems to have encountered some minor problems. The Sun
  • Wordsworth found inspiration in/drew inspiration from the Lake District scenery. It was a great source of inspiration to him.
  • Figure of Eight racing is not for faint-hearted drivers or spectators, but it provides some of the most thrilling racing on the short circuit scene.
  • The first scene of the play is the king's palace.
  • After each catty little spat, we cut to another uneventful rehearsal scene where boys and girls with asexual physiques pirouette weightlessly about the rehearsal room.
  • That is a shame, because the cold snap brought a magical winter scene of frosty nights under starry skies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps the only firm conclusion to emerge from this continuing debate is the recognition that the literary scene has become pluralistic.
  • Her tears poured forth as she watched the sad scene.
  • The Democrat convention has set the scene for a ferocious election campaign this autumn.
  • Climate change threatens Emerald Isle with water shortage. A new report by the Irish American Climate Project says that global warming may cause Ireland's "rich, green scenery" to "fade to brown.
  • The sealed road wends its way across the stark Anti-Atlas and startling scenery appears after Igherm while descending the Akka Valley.
  • People neeed some courage in life, just like climbing a cliff .Although there are stemp ahead, you still fell some timorous and dare not go ahead. But when you conquer the timidity and reach the peak, you will feel the importance of courage as you enjoy the beautiful scenes. It is the same with life.
  • The tranquil beauty of the village scenery is unique.
  • Heartbroken friends left flowers near the murder scene and paid tribute on social media websites. The Sun
  • There are no such problems here; from the film's slam-bang opening, to its brilliant closing moments, there's not a wasted shot or scene.
  • They were at the scene for 90 minutes, helping to free the victims and clear the road.
  • I would dread to think that a scene such as the one I witnessed at the age of twelve could happen in a playground now.
  • An astronaut orbiting 230 miles high grabbed his camera to capture the cloudless scene. The Sun
  • Evaluation of the contents of a glassine envelope found at the scene revealed diacetylmorphine (heroin).
  • But up on the fifth floor there is an altogether different scene, with desirable clothes from groovy young Manhattan designers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every project is appended with the brief design introduction, general planning, ichnographies, section pictures, some general layout maps, scenery pictures and effect charts.
  • The colorful scenes tend to be counterbalanced by some dark and foreboding sets, and many shots feature subdued lighting that tends to strain shadow detail.
  • The brothers are now working on a view of the cultural scene in a palace - the raja playing the sitar, the rani dancing.
  • It was also the scene of murders: mafia henchmen allegedly threw unfortunates who couldn't pay their debts from the seven-floor building.
  • The book's showbiz scenarios mock theatrical and film prototypes and stereotypes - the revolving cast and their scrimshank plaster-of-Paris mise-en-scene go round and round on the book's gigantic turntable, a shambolic revue, a whirlwind farce ... Comments for RealityStudio
  • Come celebrate with the young artists in attendance as they inject fresh colour, life, scent, spirit, humour and unselfconscious whimsy into our art scene.
  • Winter is no time to show off your love of fine dining and the foodie scene. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her mistress, the lover of books and words, enjoyed the garden the most, sitting on the marble seat, admiring the green-blue-brown scenery with the simulated breeze stirring the bodhi leaves and crab-claw red heliconia. COG-WORK CAT • by Joyce Chng
  • Twenty bidders dueled for that 8-foot-long scene, and a private American buyer won it. The Art Market Snaps Back
  • Some of the top examples from recent years, joined by a new name on the pro and college sports scenes.
  • In the scenes set within the club, superbly loud music makes your subwoofers thump and your rump shake and roll.
  • In the film, the story of his childhood is telescoped into a few short scenes.
  • Relatively new on the scene, laser rangefinders have improved dramatically in the few short years since they came on the market.
  • The scene of the coiffing is a print of Hogarth's translated to the stage; Rofrano's name "Octavian Musical Portraits Interpretations of Twenty Modern Composers
  • The scene in the basement is a flower-power nightmare version of the daytime variety shows on Japanese television. Let’s Die Together
  • After an initial search, police left the crime scene unguarded and open to rain, tides and curious visitors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Originally, he may have been pouring a libation from a patera, as is common in similar sacrifice scenes belonging to this iconographic topos.
  • The principal explanation lies in the obscene moral inversion of victim culture.
  • According to the Guardian, ‘Ministers have been pressing India behind the scenes to clinch the contract’.
  • They have no place machinating behind the scenes now.
  • While the fire is still burning, fire crews attending the scene have brought the conflagration under control.
  • These multitude blunders of the FFI 2004 only confirm the opinion that the organizers should be comprised of young people, instead of old-timers who suddenly resurface with the revival of the film scene.
  • In some quarters there has been some recrudescence of the _Shakti_ cultus, with its often obscene and horrible rites, and the unnatural depravity which was so marked a feature in the case of the band of young Brahmans who conspired to murder Mr. Jackson at Nasik represents a form of erotomania which is certainly much more common amongst Hindu political fanatics than amongst Hindus in general. Indian Unrest
  • The ruling of the Lord Chief Justice that a book written with pure intention and meant to convey useful knowledge might yet be obscene, drew from me a pamphlet entitled, “Is the Bible Indictable?”, in which I showed that the Bible came clearly within the judge's ruling. Autobiographical Sketches
  • There were some astonishing scenes and changes of tempo. Times, Sunday Times
  • Skarsgard has previously talked about how he is so comfortable being nude that he goes sockless in nude scenes on the 'True Blood' set even though Moyer wears a sock. Alexander Skarsgard: How We Shot The Nude, Bloody 'Rolling Stone' Cover
  • As the ineffectual lawyer/husband, Wilson fades into the scenery like an attendant lord.
  • The land- or cityscapes in the blown-up photos introduce varying degrees of spatial recession, the depth depending on the scenes.
  • I used a very tall, husky double for the scenes where you see all of him. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the final scene, the young woman with her sight restored recognizes Charlie, the down-and-out tramp, as the rich and princely hero of her imagination.
  • There were carpets with woven scenes of hunts and landscapes or just florals.
  • This addition to the lake will add much to the area and will attract more people to view its lovely scenery.
  • Extras include cast and crew interviews, a peek behind the scenes and the UK trailer. The Sun
  • He laughs as he recalls a particularly arduous day on location, trying to take some gear off a make-up girl for a long trudge up a hillside for the next scene, and being told off for it.
  • Mark was still chattering about the movie scene when all the cathode ray screens went blank. BLACKWATER SOUND
  • When he dunks the ball, he rises obscenely high, rotates his arms in the air as if doing one of those over-the-head medicine ball exercises, and then unleashes upon the basket.
  • Note 23: See for example the Psalter miniature of this scene in Hs. 56632 f. 56v, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg, Germany. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Waters managed to get his films screened in New York, where they soon became mandatory viewing for those in the underground art scene.
  • In one scene he almost runs a greengrocer over and sends boxes of fruit flying through the air. The Sun
  • Kathleen on Monday was presented with a bouquet of flowers, and treated to a meal and behind-the-scenes tour of the new-look supermarket.
  • A large amount of the cutscenes, close-ups and 3D models of main characters have a very obvious anime influence.
  • Set in tranquil sea and surrounded by a powdery sand beach, it is a breathtaking scene. The Sun
  • The tankard was a wedding gift from her husband, and a Dutch wedding scene is graven on the lid. Home Life in Colonial Days
  • However, in these scenes you will present the non-drinking alternatives prior to the client experiencing any significant uncomfortable or aversive reactions.
  • The original had a thin premise and an anorexic plot, but delivered brilliantly choreographed fight scenes and downplayed gun violence.
  • Stunning Canadian landscapes and scenes of a disappeared indigenous culture. Times, Sunday Times
  • So if you intend to paint a cold, bleak, winter scene, the grey would be an ideal choice.
  • She started with representational works, painting some of the lovely scenes that can be seen from the island, and the colours and styles that abound there.
  • The silly pretext of difficulties by which my erasure, notwithstanding the reiterated solicitations of the victorious General, was so long delayed made me apprehensive of a renewal, under a weak and jealous pentarchy, of the horrible scenes of 1796. Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
  • Even short, 20 second tracks give me a rush of happiness, because I can see scenes of the movie again in my mind.
  • For hundreds of years they have worked the dales, the vales, the moors and rest of Yorkshire's countryside and moulded it into the scenery we admire so much today.
  • The term rapidly acquired a more general usage and is sometimes used to describe any non-specific unrealistic genre scene by English 18th-century artists.

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