How To Use Saudi In A Sentence

  • One Saudi national was held for 119 days before being charged.
  • The whole state has kind of a cowboy-Saudi glitter to it when the oil is expensive, and kind of a sepia-Joad craquelure to it when the oil is cheap. Kenneth Hite's Journal
  • With those resources, there's no need to plunder the Arctic Wildlife Refuge or support repressive regimes like the Saudi monarchy.
  • Wadi Turabah in Saudi Arabia is the last place in the Arabian Peninsula where the hammerkop (Scopus umbretta) can be found nesting, and the isolated and distinctive endemic race Pica pica ssp. asirensis is pressent on Shalla ad-Dhana. Southwestern Arabian montane woodlands
  • RIYADH - A cargo plane belonging to the German carrier Lufthansa crashed on landing at Riyadh airport on Tuesday, Saudi television reported. Channel NewsAsia Front Page News
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  • Ultra-conservative Saudi Arabia, which follows strict gender separation, has some 700,000 BlackBerry customers, 80% of which are noncorporate, individual users. Saudis Ease on BlackBerry
  • The question is, where do you put political muscle behind these sentiments so that the Saudis stop supporting Wahhabi Islam and al Qaeda and even the Palestinians, who've been used as a cat's-paw to direct pressure from these autocracies? Obama's Sense of Ummah
  • Remarkably, however, U.S. policymakers began kowtowing to the Saudis from the time of the discovery of oil in the kingdom in 1938 before they had any wealth or the United States imported a barrel of their oil. Arab lobby’s unseen influence
  • False-firecracker Thrower @ 11: 49: Better than your boy, bushie, who kissed the terrorist-Saudis on the mouth, while holding their oil-encrusted hands. White House: Obama monitoring terror situation closely
  • The museum has a Saudi sculpture of a falcon on a perch, of inestimable value and stunning vulgarity, made from gold, quartz, rubies, emeralds, sapphires and 1,210 diamonds.
  • Continued Rumsfeld: "These oppressed Iraqi oil wells deserve the right to pump oil as freely as any other oil well on God's Earth-be it in Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, or an Alaskan wildlife refuge.
  • Although the oil-rich kingdom has escaped the sort of unrest unleashed in Egypt, Libya or Tunisia, there have been signs of domestic discontent over high unemployment, as well as some nervousness that Saudi Arabia's Shiite Muslim minority could be inspired by the protests of their co-religionist neighbors in Bahrain. Saudi King to Return Home as Turmoil Sweeps Region
  • In 2007, the U.S. released him to Saudi Arabia, where he underwent a much-trumpeted religious "deradicalization" program for jihadists that clearly didn't take.
  • It was impossible to judge the Germans on their walloping of hapless Saudi Arabia.
  • He sees an increasing number of Saudis who are whipsawed between a new materialism and traditional values.
  • The Israeli government is so concerned that America's adversaries may miscalculate U.S. intentions that it is privately urging Washington to make it clear that the U.S. would intervene in Saudi Arabia should the survival of that government be threatened. The Arab Spring and U.S. Policy: The View From Jerusalem
  • Why have the Saudis behaved in this unhelpful way? Times, Sunday Times
  • The two leaders agreed to work together in advancing techniques for desalinating seawater to cope with perennial water shortages in Saudi Arabia, the official said.
  • In some areas of Yemen the Hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas) is still widespread but said to be declining, while the population of Saudi Arabia is expanding and has become common around cities such as Abha and Taif. Southwestern Arabian montane woodlands
  • Please point out if the same "curtesy" is given to Jews in Saudi Arabia? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The fraud was discovered after two diamonds sold for $15 million to members of the Saudi royal family.
  • This is the flag of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Mansour is in development with her first feature film, "Wajda," about the trials and tribulations of a Saudi girl.
  • In a statement, the Saudi monarch, King Abdullah, called on the Syrian president to stop what he called the "killing machine and end the bloodshed. NYT > Home Page
  • Government service: After graduating from Washington University in St. Louis with degrees in Islamic Studies, draper joined the State Department and completed a year-long tour in Saudi Arabia as a consular officer. Hannah draper: Encouraging women's advancement in Turkey
  • As Bandar parceled the story out to me over next several weeks, it became evident that the Saudis felt they had intercepted the plan and excised the terrorist cell that was to carry it out.
  • MCINTYRE: Gates warned failure in Iraq could draw Syria, Iran, Turkey and even Saudi Arabia into what he called a regional conflagration. CNN Transcript Dec 5, 2006
  • many madrasas in Bangladesh are supported with money from Saudi Arabia
  • Maybe that's why the Saudis told Bush to jump in the sand when he asked for more oil despite Bush's 2000 election promise to "jawbone" them into lowering oil prices. More Wall Street Profits, More Drilling, More Refineries, Less Innovation
  • He tells of getting acclimated to Saudi Arabia and the life of an advisor.
  • In the Ottoman-Saudi Treaty, Ibn Sa’ud recognized Ottoman sovereignty over Najd in return for his appointment as governor of a newly constituted province (vilayet) of Najd and hereditary rule for his family. 1914, May
  • Stand up for not indenturing our children to China and to Saudi Arabia. CNN Transcript May 26, 2008
  • Abu Sayyaf visit ofal-Qaeda’s early years andanger at Saudis ofanti-American stance ofanti-U.N. stance ofappeal to Filipinos ofAzzam as mentor offavoritism towards Egyptians shown byglobal jihad sought bygraduation speech ofJabarah sent to KSM byJanjalani andLaskar Jihad links toloyalty ofmedia monitored by1998 fatwah ofon East Timorin Philippinesrecruitment success ofSayyaf as prototype forsons ofin Sudanterror tapes oftransition from financier to terrorist ofYousef andBlack Friday Seeds of Terror
  • Liberal Saudi spokesmen explained that not all were opposed to women's driving, but that the incident came at an unpropitious moment.
  • Continued Rumsfeld: "These oppressed Iraqi oil wells deserve the right to pump oil as freely as any other oil well on God's Earth-be it in Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, or an Alaskan wildlife refuge.
  • In the talks, Crown Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz, who is the Saudi interior minister, and intelligence director Prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz discussed "issues of common concern" with Iran intelligence chief Heidar Moslehi, according to a Saudi Press Agency account published Tuesday. Iran, Saudi Officials Hold Rare Talks
  • The Center for Security Policy wants Americans to think that stoning and amputations are around the corner, but the report can't quite explain why stonings are so rare and the streets of Saudi Arabia and Iran are not filled with one-armed thieves. Sabria Jawhar: The Idiocy of the Anti-Sharia Crowd
  • A Saudi prince brought six supercars to Barcelona on on his yacht and raced them on the grand prix circuit. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this the United States and Saudi Arabia, with its considerable oil revenues, were on the same wavelength.
  • It is said that the first mobile phone network in the Arabian peninsula was for the exclusive use of the Saudi royal family. Times, Sunday Times
  • 12 Filipinos and a priest were arrested in Saudi Arabia only this month for "proselytism" for holding a secret mass. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • In Saudi Arabia, the response might be termed "handout and crackdown. An Arab Spring in Their Step
  • A very important factor, often overlooked, is that a number of Middle Eastern states -- such as Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia and Morocco -- are highly dependent on Saudi Arabia for financial assistance. Stephen Zunes: Arming the Saudis
  • I'm guessing that there's much more chance of things arriving damp from the Seattle area where the humidity is out of sight, than from Saudi Arabi. cauny Movers
  • ZANZIBAR - Oman and Saudi Arabia have granted the Indian Ocean island of Zanzibar $16 million to improve airports. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Twenty years later, as an Arabic speaker, he was interpreting George H.W. Bush-a fellow Yaleman and blueblood who fixed his name forever as "Chas" - to King Fahd as ambassador to Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • Saudi Arabia, in company with some other Gulf oil states, is concerned to avoid any repetition of the two oil price shocks of the 1970s.
  • HOUSTON — The chief executive of the Saudi Arabian Oil Co., the world's largest crude producer, warned that enthusiasm for alternative energy could engender "green bubbles" as the new technologies "overpromise but then underdeliver. Oil Chief Warns of 'Green Bubbles'
  • According to the Saudi daily newspaper Al-Watan, troubles for the woman, Khamisa Mohammed Sawadi, began last year when a member of the religious police entered her house in the city of Al-Chamli and found her with two unrelated men, "Fahd" and "Hadian. Bent Corner
  • Once the demand for oil is replaced by a demand for another commodity, the current land value of Saudi Arabia may plunge to nearly zero.
  • In Saudi Arabia, religious leaders have repeatedly lashed out against movies, music, and many television shows which they call immoral and worthless. Infidels Are Cool
  • Countries like Sudan are crowded out of the sugar market in Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
  • During the interview Haig made a slight mistake in citing the number of radar surveillance aircraft, known as AWACS, that the United States was in the process of providing to Saudi Arabia. Politics Daily
  • In capitalist, theocratic societies like fascist Saudi Arabia, the consequences of questioning religious authority often leads to capital punishment in public places known commonly as chop-chop square where, among many other cases, a woman loses her head because she's considered a witch for listening to music by the Beatles. Mexico: Sex Slaves (Part I)
  • A Saudi prince brought six supercars to Barcelona on on his yacht and raced them on the grand prix circuit. Times, Sunday Times
  • It blamed a naval blockade by Saudi Arabia and its allies for deepening the humanitarian crisis. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Great Plains are the Saudi Arabia of wind, and the turbines — a tower can be up to 300 feet high, and each of the three blades weighs up to seven tons — are very expensive to transport. More Than Just Hot Air
  • MECCA, Saudi Arabia -- Draped in white robes to symbolize purity and the equality of mankind under God, nearly 3 million Muslims from all over the world gathered Friday in Mecca, on the eve of the sta ... 3 Million Muslims In Mecca For Pilgrimage
  • Human Rights Watch urged world leaders in a statement on Tuesday to pressure King Abdullah to end discrimination against religious monitories in the kingdom. “There is no religious freedom in Saudi Arabia, †™ †™ says Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at the rights watchdog. “The dialogue should be about where religious intolerance runs deepest, and that includes Saudi Arabia. †[unknown placeholder $my.siteName$]
  • He said that if Saud is ever released from prison he would likely seek asylum in Britain rather than return to Saudi Arabia, where homosexuals receive harsh treatment. Saudi Prince Given Life Sentence For Slaying Servant In UK
  • Spain subs impress early, eke out 1-0 win over Saudi Arabia - Spain subs impress early, eke out 1-0 win over Saudi Arabia
  • As word circulated around the global marketplace in late September and early October of 1985 about the Saudi netback deals, nervousness and anxiety rose. The Prize
  • So while they -- while Saudi security sources say they think that it may take some time for the al Qaeda to regroup, that is very likely what they're going to try and do. CNN Transcript Jun 20, 2004
  • Sales growth in Saudi Arabia was driven by the development of emerging subsectors such as fruit yogurt, chilled desserts and flavored milk drinks.
  • Was it a set-up by powerful but corrupt Saudis who felt the bootleggers had undercut their market or ripped them off over bribes or a share of the profits?
  • In the research block, portraits of senior members of the Saudi royal family hang on the walls: impassive, accipitrine faces staring down upon the French scientists recruited to save the bird that is a royal obsession.
  • Bin Laden's fear of religious division, or fitna, is perhaps the main reason why hatred of the Saudi royal family, which has committed the unforgivable sin of allowing U.S. soldiers on Saudi soil since 1990, has not turned into a violent campaign against the house of as-Sa'ud and its very bombable oil wells. The Gospel According to Osama Bin Laden
  • Me and Walker got HETed back to Saudi because of our wine-cup seal leaks, and they said everyone else would follow in two days.
  • An official at the Canadian embassy in Saudi Arabia, which is also responsible for Yemen, said the mission was aware of the incident but was not in a position to comment.
  • To be sure, there are and always have been environmental issues associated with energy development, but I wonder where the environmental lobby is going to get the power to air-condition its plush offices in Washington, D.C. We may just as well mail in the keys to our nation to Saudi Arabia if we are going to say "no" to all energy development. Pipeline Nix Highlights Energy Folly
  • The UN and the Saudis had lined up several countries to contribute troops, and the interim Iraqi government was on board - but the deal was nixed at the last minute by the Americans.
  • If you recall, just before he became president, Prince Turki, the Saudi ambassador to the United States had a piece in the "Financial Times" criticizing what he called the sickening legacy of the Bush administration with regard to the Middle East. CNN Transcript Apr 3, 2009
  • Whereas in Saudi Arabia, we have the cheapest gas on the planet, 90 halalas per liter.
  • I am of course referring to the recent 'Blackberry' crises that swept the world, which all started when two Middle Eastern countries: Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates announced they will block residents from using the ever-so-popular messenger function (commonly known as 'BBM' - an abbreviation for Blackberry Messenger), an 'instant-messaging' feature which allows owners of the device to exchange messages for free. Faisal J. Abbas: Shooting the Messenger: Why BBM Shouldn't Be Banned!
  • In Saudi Arabia, nearly one in five undergraduates majors in Islamic studies.
  • Saudi Arabia is likely to shoulder the lion's share. Times, Sunday Times
  • He rejects the idea that Israel's salvation lies in alignment with the Saudis and other "sclerotic" Sunni regimes. MJ Rosenberg: Will Obama Buckle?
  • The Saudi monarchy doesn't pass from father to son but rather along a line of brothers born to the former King Abdulaziz Al Saud, also known as ibn Saud, who founded the modern kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1934.‬‬ Saudi King Names Prince Salman Defense Minister
  • Publicly, Saudi oil executives express optimism about the future of their industry.
  • A country is fundamentally a concept, and it is natural and built symbols like our Washington Monument, Japan's Mount Fuji, Saudi Arabia's Mecca, Greece's Parthenon, Mexico's Zocalo Square or Namibia's Sossusvlei desert that lend it a physical presence. Jake Townsend: Metaphors Made Real: On the Power of National Symbols
  • He is the scion of a wealthy Saudi family that made its fortune in the construction business.
  • David Yoder for The Wall Street Journal The Saudi exhibition 'The Black Arch' presents a work by Shadia and Raja Alem I'm going to stick my neck out and make a judgment on the stand-out artist in this year's Venice Biennale, the world's most exhausting, demanding and prestigious bunfight of contemporary art. Setting the Art World Alight
  • A Tamimi manager says the company pays an average salary of one Saudi riyal a day and grants leave once every two years.
  • The Arab countries include Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Egypt.
  • Also in Saudi Arabia, women's testimonies in court are equal to half those of a man.
  • MECCA, Saudi Arabia (AFP) - An estimated 2.5 million Muslims have converged on Mecca for the annual hajj pilgrimage, as workers toil round the clock to complete construction projects designed to avoid deadly stampedes. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • The horse is owned by a Saudi businessman.
  • He noticed my military insignia and asked if I was going to Saudi Arabia for the Gulf War.
  • That the Saudis are even considering such a project shows how difficult and costly it is becoming to slake the world's thirst for oil. Facing Up to End of 'Easy Oil'
  • Saudi Arabia, which is hosting some two million Muslims for the haj pilgrimage, deployed more than 10,000 troops at the holy sites and at key airports and sea ports.
  • Yet unless this plan is conducted under the framework of the Arab Peace Initiative, with the backing of leading Arab states such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and Syria, it will not bolster long-term normalization and peace in the region. Alon Ben-Meir: The Arab Peace initiative: Now or Never
  • He is no disinterested career diplomat - he's a pro-Saudi, leftist partisan with an ax to grind.
  • Saudi chemists dispense medicine only in packets.
  • The Saudis were pushing other members to up oil production to calm crude prices. The Sun
  • RIYADH -- Saudi Arabia's stock market closed deeply in the red Saturday as policymakers from the Gulf Cooperation Council met in the capital Riyadh to discuss the threat posed to the region's economies by the global financial crisis. Saudi Stocks Join Global Rout
  • If Saudi methods call to mind the deprogramming of brainwashed cult members, that’s no coincidence — Saudi government officials speak of al-Qaeda as a cult, and they believe that deprogramming is exactly what is called for. Get Out of Jihad Free
  • Dr. CHRISTOPHER BOUCEK (Association, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace): Ibrahim is believed by the Saudi authorities to be hiding out in Yemen with al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, and is thought to be a bomb-maker, as well as having experience with poisons and toxins and rockets and missiles. Yemen Plot Puts Spotlight On Saudi Bomb-Maker
  • The ambassador is alleged to have deposited international drafts in Saudi Arabian riyals in amounts of between $2 million and $4 million, according to reports in the Washington Post.
  • Prince Muqrin, meanwhile, holds particular influence in Saudi Arabia as one of the youngest surviving sons of King Abdulaziz, the founder of the modern, Sunni Muslim-led Saudi kingdom. Iran, Saudi Officials Hold Rare Talks
  • The shakeup was a Hezbollah message to Saudi Arabia and its Prime Minister Saad Hariri that in Lebanon, the group alone calls the shots. Hussain Abdul-Hussain: Lebanese-Israeli Clashes: What Really Happened
  • They are patrolling areas near the border with Saudi Arabia and training local police forces.
  • By the way, if the US "goes cold" on Bahrain or any of a dozen other favoured satrapies, Saudi Arabia will not be able to do much, since it has an almost negligible army except, possibly, for the foreign hires. Bahrain: No conflict. Plenty of interest | Editorial
  • Led by Souhair herself - she goes by the one name only - the troupe stomps, shakes and wiggles its way through a veil dance, folk pieces from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, a couple of flamenco numbers and the ubiquitous belly dance.
  • On this day, the town's main intersection was abuzz, awaiting Saudi royalty.
  • Blowing up the Saudi ambassador in Washington would be an appealing counterstroke against the two foreign forces that Khamenei detests most. Iran's Act of War
  • Oil and Islam continue to define Saudi Arabia 's room for manoeuvre.
  • Saudi officials have claimed that the Government intends to repeal the ban but needs time to persuade the religious elite and the wider population. Times, Sunday Times
  • He misguides us into Iraq and there by PROTECTS the SAUDIs. Think Progress » Talk Host Gallagher: ‘Round Up’ Olbermann, Damon, And ‘Put Them In A Detention Camp’
  • Intelligence agencies have noted intensified contingency planning in Saudi Arabia. Times, Sunday Times
  • the Saudi-Arabian desert
  • Enjoy: "Although King Fahd was sick and hospitalized, the announcement of his decease was a shock to every Arab citizen, who knew and loved him like we did, and to every Saudi citizen who enjoyed the security, peace, and prosperity under his rule. Wednesday, August 31, 2005
  • With Saudi Arabia's strict no alcohol regime, the writers didn't think it was a natural home for Britain's booze-loving brickies.
  • Saudis traditionally kiss the hands of royals as a sign of respect and loyalty when they visit.
  • A region of northwest Saudi Arabia on the Gulf of Aqaba and the Red Sea. It includes the holy cities of Mecca and Medina.
  • That conciliatory position stands in some contrast to the full-throated support offered to Bahrain's ruling Al Khalifa family by Saudi Arabia. Saudi King to Return Home as Turmoil Sweeps Region
  • Obama also doesn’t bow in subservience to Babtists like he does to Saudi Kings. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Yet More Assaults on Speech
  • Cutaneous Leishmaniasis - caused by the parasitic protozoa leishmania; transmitted to humans via the bite of sandflies; results in skin lesions that may become chronic; endemic in 88 countries; 90% of cases occur in Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, and Peru; wild and domesticated animals as well as humans can act as reservoirs of infection. Notes and Definitions
  • Obama has a superiority complex AND he's a "pantywaist" for going on "apology tours" and bowing to show respect to Saudi leaders. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • Saudi Arabian Oil Co., the state-controlled oil giant known as Saudi Aramco, forecasts domestic gas demand will nearly triple by 2030 and is on a drive to boost the kingdom's reserves of nonassociated gas -- that is, gas from wells that don't contain any crude oil -- by 100 trillion cubic feet over the next ten years. Saudi Desert's Gas Mirage?
  • About the same time his family disowned him and he was stripped of his Saudi citizenship.
  • Sandstorms are common during the Saudi Arabian winter.
  • I was going to help my cousin, an ornithologist working for the Saudi government, to catch and ring birds.
  • Saudi Arabia has some long-term vulnerabilities - including the fact that its top three princes are all comfortably into their 80s. NPR Topics: News
  • If you talk about a relic of the Cold War, the idea of assassinating people is putting right in bed along the likes of the Iraqis, the Saudis. CNN Transcript Dec 19, 2001
  • Virtually, with every passing week, we discover people trying to smuggle explosives into Saudi Arabia.
  • Dispatches from early this year, for instance, quote the aging monarch of Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah, as speaking scathingly about the leaders of Iraq and Pakistan.
  • Batarfi's recollection is corroborated by Jamal Khashoggi, a former acquaintance of bin Laden's who is now an adviser to Prince Turki al-Faisal, the Saudi Ambassador to the United States.
  • The Gulf states include Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates.
  • Ireland has advised its citizens against non-essential travel to Saudi Arabia, and the embassy has urged Irish residents to take security measures because of recent attacks.
  • The invasion of Iraq wasn't about oil, but our embarassing relationship with the Saudis is all about oil. Daimnation!: Our friends, the Saudis
  • According to a recent Congressional Research Service report, "From 1950 through 2006, Saudi Arabia purchased and received from the United States weapons, military equipment, and related services through Foreign Military Sales (FMS) worth over $62.7 billion and foreign military construction services (FMCS) worth over $17.1 billion. Nick Turse: As Washington Talks Iraq Withdrawal, the Pentagon Builds Up Bases in the Region
  • CALLER: Well, I think that Mr. Cheney is kind of hob-nobbing with the Saudis. CNN Transcript Nov 25, 2006
  • Saudi Arabia in a second era of massive expansion.
  • The report says the Saudi government has not kept its promise to tolerate religious expression other than its form of Sunni Islam, or to stop printing school books that incite hatred and violence.
  • The type of Islam being spread by the Saudis is not compatible, in my opinion, with contemporary world civilization. Sound Politics: Obsession Shown At Cedar Park
  • Participation in the debate is limited only to those who prescribe to the tenets of the discourse -- in this case, it is the Palestinian Authority led by Mahmoud Abbas, the Jordanians, Egyptians, Saudis, and a smattering of other "defeatist" Arab leaders who are happy to serve our interests over theirs. Sharmine Narwani: The New Middle East Narrative -- Is Washington in or Out?
  • Saudi Arabia mourns King Fahd, a traditionalist in changing times, and it pledges loyalty to Abdullah, heir to a stable government and an unsettled state.
  • This article is completely atypical in its brutal realism about the situation in Saudi Arabia.
  • After leaving the military Kerik worked for a private security firm in Saudi Arabia and served as a prison warden in New Jersey in 1986.
  • Many Saudis reject the term "Wahhabism" as pejorative; they regard Wahhab's ideas as Islam itself, properly interpreted, and they argue that no other label is required.
  • It blamed a naval blockade by Saudi Arabia and its allies for deepening the humanitarian crisis. Times, Sunday Times
  • Arab Media Corporation from Dictatorship of Saudi Arabia declares war on iranian Football Fans, Iran let, s fight back bit. ly Antarinejad (Ahmadinejad) vows to avenge Revolutionary Guard suicide bombing The Iranian armed forces have accused the - Articles related to No victory in war of terror till Pak"s ISI reined in: Karzai aide Home
  • Does he speak for those invested in the long-standing ties of clientage and patronage between the Saudi and Bush royal families and their interlocking financial interests? Marshall Grossman: Plan For Victory
  • He has been based here since he was expelled from Sudan, and forbidden entry to his homeland of Saudi Arabia.
  • In other nations, such as Nigeria and Saudi Arabia, the rise of nationalism led to mandates for majority ownership by the indigenous population.
  • To date only one Saudi national has made it into space, Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud. Global Voices in English » Arab World: What are Arabs waiting for?
  • It boasted an advisory board of sheiks (religious leaders) from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Britain and the United States.
  • Siemens will use its sales and service organization in Saudi Arabia to distribute and support the MyCelx product line, which includes proprietary advanced coalescer and oil removal technology, as well as proprietary filtration media. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • A shortage of qualified imams means British mosques look abroad for clerics, often to Saudi Arabia or Pakistan.
  • In the 1980s and 1990s, Pakistan became the scene of a proxy war between mostly Shiite Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia, with both sides funnelling money to sectarian groups that regularly targeted each other. Twelve die in Pakistan bus attack
  • Den amerikanske dommer Susan J. Crawford, der har til opgave at vurdere, om Guantanamo-fanger kan retsforfølges, har opgivet at rejse sag mod en saudi-arabisk statsborger, fordi vedkommende blev udsat for ødelæggende tortur, skriver Blogbot - forsiden
  • Camel beauty contests have become so popular in Saudi Arabia, that a popular cleric had to issue a decree against them (reason to follow) "It's just like judging a beautiful girl," said Fowzan al-Madr, a camel breeder from the Kharj region southeast of Riyadh. Camel Beauty Contests Are All The Rage In Saudi
  • Ilham almost found the Saudi net with his free header in the 42nd minute after receiving a good cross from the right side, but the ball caromed off the crossbar.
  • It now refines Saudi oil and has emerged as a banking powerhouse for the Islamic world.
  • His job involved making frequent trips to Saudi Arabia.
  • Saudis take such things very seriously because they don’t expect such snubs from a brotherly country like Pakistan,” the source said. Who needs the saudis?
  • The campus spreads north from the Old Mecca Road, near downtown Jedda, the Saudi Arabian port city where bin Laden spent most of his childhood and teen-age years.
  • Saudi Arabia, an absolute monarchy, was a crucial pivot of U.S. policy from the 1970s forward.
  • He expressed his appreciation for what he called Saudi Arabia's moderate and realistic oil policies.
  • He has worked as a diplomat in the US, Sudan and Saudi Arabia.
  • November 20th, 2008 at 11: 30 am if we fight iran then china, russia will war with us china (needs oil) Russia (sends tech, economics support) an they will torch saudi arabia, iraq oil fields …. with heavy missile operations then where "fubar". Alex Jones' Prison
  • MTV has already produced something similar, a special called True Life: Resist the Power, Saudi Arabia, which followed the exploits of young people in Jidda, a city considered relatively liberal for the region. America’s New Icons
  • Alcohol is strictly forbidden in Saudi Arabia.
  • A Saudi native believed to be 29 years old, Mr. Asiri is skilled in martial arts and studied chemistry at King Saud University in Saudi Arabia, where he began building his technical knowledge about explosives. U.S. Targets Bomb Maker in Yemen for Terror Ties
  • Cutaneous Leishmaniasis - caused by the parasitic protozoa leishmania; transmitted to humans via the bite of sandflies; results in skin lesions that may become chronic; endemic in 88 countries; 90\% of cases occur in Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, and Peru; wild and domesticated animals as well as humans can act as reservoirs of infection. The 2007 CIA World Factbook
  • According to the National Security Agency to collect some of the files described bin Laden's family came from large and influential, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's rulers are closely related.
  • The valley of Taif in Western Saudi Arabia near Jeddah is famous the world over for its rose attar and water.
  • Matters had been made worse by the fuss over the American shipment of arms and ammunition to Saudi Arabia and the announcement about the roadblock to delivering half-track vehicles to Israel.64 Eisenhower 1956
  • But the negative image of Saudi Arabia in the United States makes many faculty members reluctant to go to Saudi Arabia or cooperate with KAUST.
  • The netback contracts obviously meant that there was no longer an official Saudi price. The Prize
  • It also singles out Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan for what it calls satanic alliances with the United States and Israeli. CNN Transcript Mar 25, 2008
  • The reason the price went down is because the Saudis are now talking about increasing production.
  • It's invariably a journalist wanting her opinion on the latest Saudi Arabian issue.
  • Saudi Arabia and Egypt have both pioneered programs to "deprogram" militants and allow them to rejoin society. Front Page
  • It is popular in Persia, the United States Gulf of Mexico and Saudi Arabia's belly dance.
  • I don't think Fatima bashes her aunt more and twists the facts to say that there were only three countries in the world that actually recognized the Taliban rule in Afghanistan: besides Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and Benazir's Pakistan. Dan Lybarger: A Complicated Legacy: Duane Baughman on Bhutto
  • Combat planes are stationed in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait and weapons storage and other installations are located elsewhere in the Gulf.
  • But two notable stakeholders were absent, and President Obama's team took care to address this by issuing a "readout" of phone conversations between himself and France's President Nicolas Sarkozy and Saudi King Abdullah. Steve Clemons: The French Connection and Middle East Talks
  • Most countries that have adopted the civil law system (e.g. Korea, Japan) follow this citizenship rule and do not have jus soli citizenship, nor does, for example, Saudi Arabia. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Congress Should Reapportion Representatives Only on the Basis of Citizen Populations”
  • MUJAHEDIN: Different groups of mujahedin - Muslim guerrilla fighters - were supported by among others the United States, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to fight against the USSR in Afghanistan The Cutting Edge
  • MUJAHEDIN: Different groups of mujahedin - Muslim guerrilla fighters - were supported by among others the United States, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to fight against the USSR in Afghanistan (1979-89). - Paying Attention to 9/11 Related Alternative News
  • After the meeting, Glaspie cabled Baker and urged him to "ease off on public criticism of Iraq" until Saddam had been given the chance to negotiate with the Kuwaitis at a Saudi-arranged conference in Jedda. Geoffrey Wawro: Desert Storm Turns Twenty: What Really Happened in 1991, and Why it Matters, Part I of II
  • The flat, featureless terrain between the Persian Gulf and Baghdad forced the United States to create "ingress" routes for Tomahawk missiles for Operation Desert Storm in 1991 that took the missiles over Iran Saudi Arabia, Syria and Turkey: ArmsControlWonk
  • AWACS is the airbourne radar division based at Tinker AFB, and Okinnowa in the pacific and were in Rihyad Saudi Arabia but are probably not based out of Quatar, and they HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH presidential proceedure …. .sorry for the facts but give it up moron …. Think Progress » ‘Mission Accomplished’ By The Numbers
  • Sandstorms are common during the Saudi Arabian winter.
  • It all began with the Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan in 1979, when the United States, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia supported Islamist rebels fighting the Moscow-backed Marxist stratocracy in Kabul.
  • The Saudi No23, whose name I don't know, hares past him and hooks a last-ditch cross behind the goalkeeper and across the face of goal.
  • An extreme example of this would be Saudi Arabia where the government eschews the expression “law” for man-made instruments of government and where their validity is determined by the religious authorities (“the Uléma”) although most Muslims would regard the school of Islam adopted by the Saudi Uléma as heterodox. The Volokh Conspiracy » Telling Interview with the Director of Amnesty Israel
  •  But how we do it,  we get the Saudi delegate who's now accepting the finger pressure of the Dude to have a little furrow on her brow to show she's surmising that what makes it possible must be total FEAR. Is Von
  • Saudi Arabia is famous for gold and silver handicrafts, particularly jewelry fashioned as both a decorative art and as a status symbol.
  • That offer of reverence to the Saudis was a far cry from the way thousands of Americans were slaughtered, and contrary to our sovereign right to defend ourselves. Anthony Amore: Reverence for the Saudis?
  • The Saudi billionaire has given a vote of confidence to world stock markets with plans to invest 4bn riyals on shares in Europe and the US.
  • He had a big project: to cross the Saudi desert on camels. Travels with Rosinante
  • The world champion, who ends his two-week show jumping tour of the Gulf tomorrow, will travel to Saudi capital Riyadh early next month to assess the royal family's equine facilities.
  • According to George W. Bush, the favorite younger “bro” of Jesus Christ, the Saudis are our great friends, and they are the most important ally in the great and illustrious Global War on Terror. Think Progress » Conservative Activists Rebel Against Fox News: Saudi Ownership Is ‘Really Dangerous For America’
  • Ukraine are absolutely murdering Saudi Arabia, who aren't getting a look-in.
  • Thus my personal experience of what I call the closing of the Muslim mind involved not only fundamentalist individuals such as Sister Aziza and Boqol Sawm another of my quranic tutors in Kenya, who themselves had been radicalized in Saudi schools, but also non-radical, “regular,” or what some would call “moderate” teachers. Nomad
  • China output holds firm, iron ore at all-time high Asia at 6 percent to 13 percent * Saudi increase supplies to big oil companies 5-10 percent * One main Asian lifter to get full contracted volume (Updates throughout) By James Topham and time cut its term naphtha offer to $13 a tonne premium, despite sealing a deal - Articles related to WRAPUP 1-Jet makers see Mideast leading industry pick-up
  • Here is a better idea: instead of Saudi Arabia's oil wealth being used to ‘save Africa’, how about if Africa's oil wealth was used to save Africa - along with its gas, diamond, gold, platinum, chromium, ferroalloy and coal wealth?
  • Alcohol is strictly forbidden in Saudi Arabia.

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