
How To Use Sate In A Sentence

  • So they set up this fund to compensate victims in serious cases of abuse.
  • Derek constantly overcompensates for his lack of intelligence by proclaiming himself the smartest man alive.
  • He also worked part-time at a satellite uplink station.
  • ‘I only wish farmers could be fully compensated for the incompetence, inefficiency and neglect of the Department over which Mrs Beckett presides,’ he said.
  • Cereal song earth: Fictitious tellurion software, be together satellitic picture, map, encyclopedia and flight simulator conformity, decorate in an earth on three-dimensional model.
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  • As for the national outpouring of ersatz grief, reminiscent of the scenes that followed the death of Princess Diana, it surely spoke not of feeling but of an egotistical inability to feel, compensated for by outward show.
  • An orbiting satellite picked up a distress signal from the ship's emergency beacon, standard equipment on all modern boats.
  • She pointed to a heap of insensate lobsters piled in a corner.
  • I wrote it early in 1945 and it was published in Wireless World in October, just after the war had ended, and it laid down the principles which now determine the world's communication system, the idea that you'd have satellites poised at such a height above the earth that they remained stationery in the sky and so-called synchronous, or geostationary, orbit. Great voices of science fiction
  • Microsatellite markers are in lightface type.
  • The variable stars in the above image are RR Lyrae variables, single stars that pulsate with periods of about half a day.
  • The husband is required to return these assets to the wife at the end of the marriage; should the woman be divorced or should the husband predecease the wife, these assets return to her and she is to be compensated for any damage caused to them. Marriage.
  • A leading rocket scientist, Nair's contribution to the development of multistage satellite launch vehicles is immense.
  • Were the families of those who did not survive captivity fairly compensated?
  • The needle pulsates when the engine is running.
  • Prisons overbook for the same reason holiday camps do: to compensate for the inevitable number of detainees who fail to show up for confirmed reservations for one reason or another, or those who escape. Welsh prisons overbooked
  • The Luxembourg-based satellite service is not bound by the same strict rules as the BBC.
  • The satellite re-entered the atmosphere and burned up.
  • Economic theory shows that * everybody* could be better off if the losers are compensated from the country's gains. Trade Policy, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Still less can they accept impartial public broadcasting combined with a biased press and biased satellite television.
  • But when nature's protective mechanism overcompensates and precautions aren't taken, there is a danger of blood clots.
  • They also arrange satellite communications and provide other services for their vessels worldwide.
  • The only light in the room came from a lamp over the turntables, the glow of the broadcast board, and the green and red pinpoints of LED light from the satellite equipment and reel-to-reels.
  • The outer lobbies of these enterprises often feature murals depicting satellite launches, jet travel, or electronic laser shows.
  • Weiss stiffened in his boots, the scar dragging down his eye seemed to pulsate. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • Local cable and satellite affiliates will distribute the food donations to local food banks.
  • If I am injured in body or pocket I expect the person causing that injury to compensate me for any losses that I incur unless it has been a genuine accident.
  • These would be connected via satellite to a central database of doggy DNA.
  • The Port Talbot sample, which is predictably highly metalliferous, is especially enriched in Fe as a result of an abundance of spherulitic iron oxide condensates commonly
  • Two years ago, he hoped to launch a host of satellite offices, from the East Coast to the Far East.
  • IPMI consists of a main controller called the baseboard management controller and other management controllers distributed among different system modules that are referred to as satellite controllers. Electronicstalk - electronics industry news
  • And the externality of being coerced is a major uncompensated one. The Volokh Conspiracy » Does Hayek Belong in High School Economics Classes?
  • This means there are now three ways to access the BBC's services: satellite, cable and Freeview.
  • Patients may feel palpitations or a thump in the chest when a beat compensates for a prior missed beat.
  • All seemed to be going swimmingly - the satellite signal was nice and strong, the ISDN line connected with no problem, we were ready to broadcast.
  • In superchemistry, scientists are able to precisely control the pairings and interactions of the atoms and molecules in Bose-Einstein condensates.
  • Troop movements can be observed from space by a satellite.
  • 135 There is a grey area between ornament and decoration where one or other strives to compensate for poverty of form.
  • Tokyo yesterday announced planes to develop its first spy satellite in response to the North Korean missile threat.
  • Astronauts will make a final attempt today to rescue a communications satellite from its useless orbit.
  • They beamed the signal to the satellite.
  • The failed satellite being examined is the $400 million U.S. NASA Watch: January 2009 Archives
  • China has almost 15 million subscribers to satellite and cable television.
  • Acertified crop adviser and agronomist looks for weeds resistant to glyphosate. Round-Up Resistant Weeds Pose a Threat to Farmers | Impact Lab
  • The spaceplane would then climb to 80,000 m to place a satellite in orbit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The orbit of the artificial satellite has an apogee of 200 miles from the earth.
  • Telephone companies first employed satellites to connect calls where there were no undersea cables.
  • Electrical devices on spacecrafts, satellites, and aircraft must work reliably and efficiently in situations where they can not be easily repaired.
  • A small group of six chemicals (monocrotophos, glyphosate, metamidophos, zineb, benomyl and deltamethrin) belonging to different chemical classes were used by 50 or more workers.
  • I won't be surprised if the striking ‘colonels’ have been generously compensated for their brazen defiance of military norms.
  • Victims of the crash will be compensated for their injuries.
  • Satellite and ice measurements show the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are losing mass at an increasing rate, and mountain glacier melting is accelerating; 2010 February | Serendipity
  • This event catalyzed a year-long quest to develop an observer/participant art form reflecting the integration of time (particle) and space (wave) into the living breathing presence of a new archetype, the "wavicle" reflecting Tambellini's space/time experiments in art & physics at MIT, anticipating the hyperdimensional model based on the torsion effect of the rotation of the planets and their satellites arising from behind the Iron Curtain. Lisa Paul Streitfeld: (R)evolution in Art & Physics: The All-Round Genius of Aldo Tambellini
  • He handed to the prisoner, as he spoke, the writing materials, which had been seized upon by the archers on their first entrance, and then commanded those satellites to unhand the minstrel. Castle Dangerous
  • Dame Gourlay, with two of her contemporaries, the same who assisted at Alice's late-wake, seated apart upon a flat monument, or "through-stane," sate enviously comparing the shares which had been allotted to them in dividing the dole. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • Leaked U. S. diplomatic cables show that the United States and Germany allegedly are developing together a spy satellite system despite strong opposition from countries such as France.
  • However, determined tunnelling into the inspissated mass of detail reveals some fascinating things.
  • It supports visualisation of three-dimensional data sets for applications such as satellite and medical imaging, molecular modelling, and image compositing.
  • Even the enthusiastic and gleeful performances can't compensate for the utter lameness of it all.
  • We have to mention here that generally dialysis needs to be performed, and the dialysate should be used for dn/dc and SLS measurements.
  • Mostly they analyze data from seismometers deployed around the globe, as well as data from the two dozen satellites that make up the Global Positioning System.
  • To get good TV reception, the dish must be accurately lined up with the satellite.
  • Telephone system: excellent domestic and international facilities; automatic system domestic: coaxial and multiconductor cable carry most voice traffic; parallel microwave radio relay network carries some additional telephone channels international: 5 submarine coaxial cables; satellite earth stations - The 2000 CIA World Factbook
  • In short, our forty-fourth chief executive sought to end America's two-and-a-third centuries as a truly exceptional nation-more patriotic, more dynamic, more enterprising and freer than any other-to turn the republic into a kind of enervated satellite of Western Europe. News
  • There is also an audiovisual language laboratory and facilities for receiving and recording satellite transmissions and for videoconferencing.
  • Jerusalem's wish-list includes nuclear-capable Tomahawk cruise missiles, real-time satellite intelligence and funding for missile defence.
  • By analyzing 134 informative microsatellite markers dispersed throughout the genome on 39 meioses, we localized the king mutation to the distal region of Chromosome 5 with a peak logarithm of odds PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • Markus saw some of the sea ice images last December when the committee reviewed the scientific value of the spy satellite data.
  • The ceremony was transmitted live by satellite to over fifty countries.
  • Anaxagoras compounded this heresy by alleging that the stars were insensate bodies as well, stones carried in orbit by the rapid movement of the heavens and that occasionally a stone might detach itself to become a falling star.
  • By the end of the decade, direct satellite connections for the Internet may be available.
  • Have new television channels, satellite cable etc. made the film critic redundant and fit for an academic existence only?
  • Me and Mr. Schwigshhnaps, the currier, sate behind in the rumbill; master aloan in the inside, as grand as a Turk, and rapt up in his fine fir-cloak. The Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush
  • Today, the frontier of private enterprise is the halo of communications satellites in geostationary orbit 24,000 miles above our planet. Google Offers $20 Million X Prize to Put Robot on Moon | Impact Lab
  • Broadcast data via satellites also have a wide band width enabling good data transmission.
  • In a written statement the Foreign Ministry said that the suggestion that the servicing terminal is abroad was false, and that in any case the satellite channels were used for relaying only non-classified information.
  • They may involve several independent elements, such as orbiters, sub-satellites, landers, rovers, penetrators, airborne robots, planetary ascent vehicles or re-entry vehicles.
  • And Americans will keep signing up for satellite radio, regardle ss of investors 'lack of faith in Sirius XM Radio Inc. Tip Sheet John Hancock Fund Hunts for Dominance
  • Faced with an abler opponent in Frederick Henry and undermined by Olivares, regent for the boy-king Philip IV, he returned to Spain in 1628 and was given a meaningless marquisate.
  • These gave smokers the false impression that a lower tar choice is somehow less harmful, whereas in reality smokers simply compensate in the way they smoke.
  • We do the stretch sateen, which is a heavier woven fabric, and we usually accessorize with tights," she said. Home -
  • Satellite observations reveal the area of major ozone loss to be about the size of the United States.
  • The World Cup was transmitted around the world by satellite.
  • The satellite will study energy radiation from stars.
  • Some birds compensate for a lack of structural modification to the intestinal tract by consuming large quantities of grass e.g., ducks, geese and the takahe.
  • If workers believe inflation is likely to accelerate, they will demand high enough wages to compensate for expected increases in prices.
  • I was amazed by the Green Party members during question time today when they were complaining about the Minister of Conservation tagging dolphins with an electronic tag that was to be picked up by satellite.
  • Finally, regional media is thriving on TV, satellite language channels are catering to polyglot populations in various parts of the country.
  • These can include site plans, satellite images, aerial photographs, geophysical survey, as well as maps.
  • The tidal solutions obtained from SLR and satellite altimetry are used to compute the secular changes in the Moon's orbit elements and the Earth rotation rate in the ecliptic reference system.
  • Seed crops will receive either diquat or glufosinate-ammonium instead because glyphosate can be translocated into seed and affect subsequent germination. FWi - All News
  • Only well educated, well compensated, and well respected teachers can possibly do it.
  • The fledgling cable operators barely registered in the public consciousness and digital satellite broadcasting was years away.
  • Amid the impasse, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) on Tuesday introduced draft legislation that seeks to reform laws governing how broadcasters and cable/satellite providers conduct negotiations over fees to retransmit television signals. No deal on Cablevision-Fox; Sen. Kerry introduces draft bill to reform TV fees rules
  • The election commission reached an impasse on the day of the vote Thursday after the opposition, backed by international observers, demanded that votes be sent from individual polling stations by a satellite-based system believed to be tamperproof. Dictator's Son Winner of Togo Election
  • Whatever Lewis lacked in intellect, he compensated with hard work, observation, patience, perfectionism, rote learning, and attention to detail.
  • Fortunately their heady, heavenly aroma more than compensates for their physical unattractiveness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Simon Callow's fine Sir Toby is also a genuine rural blueblood whose highest praise for Maria is that "she is a beagle, true bred", yet who is also capable of insensate cruelty. Twelfth Night - review | Theatre | Michael Billington
  • The satellite employs a large 12 meter mesh antenna reflector, which is essential for delivering services to small mobile and portable devices. GuruFocus Updates
  • The links may involve microwave or satellite communication in the medium to long term.
  • When was the satellite city founded?
  • The legal rules are unsettled, and will cause some confusion with the advent of satellite television.
  • The new satellite TV channels offer viewers greater freedom of choice.
  • BHT could induce apoptosis to pulmonary macrophage in the perfusate of isolate perfused rat lung as examined by the technology of PI fluorescence stain and comet assay.
  • Nash's team used its global-positioning - satellite receiver to establish its position, and then through the brownish haze, team members plotted the azimuth and direction to a far-off enemy bunker.
  • The astronauts will attach a motor that will boost the satellite into its proper orbit.
  • With live video feeds via satellite to a global market, much of the ugliness of war is brought into homes almost everywhere.
  • Under the microscope, a stem section is needed to demonstrate the small, incrassate epidermal cells.
  • We live in a world where we are bombarded with information and sensate 'noise'.
  • The volunteers were uncompensated and subject to immediate dismissal for any reason whatsoever.
  • The moon is the satellite of the Earth.
  • Covering 20 square kilometers, the Wenchang Satellite Launch Centre will include a command centre, in addition to a rocket-launching site, rocket assembly plant, and a space-science theme park.
  • Describing the women's attackers as "insensate" ( 'Lacking sense or the power to reason;' 'Foolish; witless'), the traditional leaders said the actions of Ngcukana's attackers were not only "barbaric", but unconstitutional in that they violated gender discrimination provisions. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • For narrow spectral bandwidth gratings, dimensional variations must be minimized or compensated, and the grating is apodized by both a.c. and d.c. variations in writing beams at a net constant power.
  • Within lay batteries of television monitors showing live feed from almost a hundred satellites, some of them so powerful that they could track the progress of a single ant on the ground.
  • We were thoroughly sated and decided to skip dessert from a list which included the usual Italian suspects such as tiramisu.
  • Her motherlessness plays no small role in this; her obstinate self-sufficiency evidently compensates for her father's meekness and her mother's absence.
  • The next stage of satellite development will accelerate this trend rapidly.
  • Almond calms the reader, suggesting that we can only do our best and trust that our ambivalence is more than compensated for by our devotion and love. "The Monster Within: The Hidden Side of Motherhood," by Barbara Almond
  • This site contains astrobiology news and links about: astrochemistry, bioinformatics, biosatellites, gravitational biology, hydrothermal vent communities, genomics, astropaleobiology, radiation physiology, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, extremophiles, exopaleontology, cell biology, evolution, planetary protection, and space medicine.
  • The successful launching of China's first experimental communication satellite indicates that our nation has entered a new stage in the development of carrier rockets and electronics.
  • Although the intention was to create new and independent economic and cultural centers, most of the satellite towns remain economically dependent on Beijing, and have only become dormitory towns," Jeffrey Johnson, who specializes in Chinese megacities at New York's Columbia University, said in emailed comments. Reuters: Press Release
  • The newly developed satellite town is prospering with each passing day.
  • In a wild population, this theory implies that the remaining animals after a harvest will increase their reproductive rate to compensate.
  • I'll transmit the requests directly to NASA so that they can feed it into the uplink for the SpyLink satellite.
  • Communications satellites have become the workhorses in this area due to their effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Marketers of direct satellite systems do not limit themselves to homes without cable access.
  • Objectives: To observe the prevention effect of the dialysis method which is low dialysate flow and low blood flow dialysis to the dialysis disequilibrium syndrome for the first time dialysis patient.
  • When the Defense Department unveils its proposed 2012 budget next week, expected to total about $553 billion, some major rocket and satellite programs will be among the biggest winners, according to government and industry officials. Space Projects of Pentagon to Get Boost
  • In a temperature-compensated crystal oscillator, a thermistor generates a correction voltage to keep the oscillator's frequency more constant.
  • A satellite radio subscription, offering every imaginable musical genre, lets you bypass the unlistenable hypermass music on nearly every radio station.
  • Don't try to compensate for a gaping shoe by tying the laces too tightly.
  • regumque pueris, nec satelles Orci callidum Promethea35 Beatus unicis Sabinis
  • Just a warning for light eaters, the generous portion should be shared by at least two persons as this particular dish will quickly sate your appetite as it is incredibly rich.
  • The information and video images are then downlinked to multiple users situated within the satellite's footprint, to be viewed on their televisions.
  • While HAPs are unproven, Internet traffic is traveling over geosynchronous satellite links today.
  • Every sporting event on television and satellite over the next seven days is listed.
  • This broadcast comes live via satellite from New York.
  • However, that has not stopped the cable companies from hedging their bets by getting into the satellite business, too.
  • Besides, there was also some Indonesian food such as sate ayam, bakmi goreng, lumpia, bakwan, rempeyek, kembang goyang and kerupuk ikan. Scand News for S.E.A - Scandinavian News Portal for Southeast Asia
  • What remains is a niche market for the curious and sated.
  • In addition, ISRO has sent many hand-held satellite phones to the Andaman and Nicobar islands.
  • I do not remember the date that Specter tergiversated, but, up ’til 1/19/10, Specter was the 60th vote. The Volokh Conspiracy » It’s Not the Crime, It’s the Cover-Up — Sestak Edition
  • Sirius is currently polling existing satellite radio customers to determine what content would sell well in vehicles.
  • A network of subsidized cargo barges and water taxis would be introduced on the city's canals to compensate.
  • Saturn's satellite Phoebe is too small for it to have separated into vertical stratifications when it formed.
  • This effect was most obvious in classrooms that had incorporated telecommunications activities, but other classes used technologies such as satellite broadcasts, telefacsimiles, and the telephone to help bring in outside resources.
  • This fight gave birth to the age of satellite TV hook-ups.
  • First, individuals with hereditary hemochromatosis absorb more iron than the amount necessary to compensate for iron loss.
  • Diabetics often suffer from insensate fingers, and they said that manipulating and positioning test strips correctly in a monitor proved difficult, as well as attention grabbing in social situations.
  • Thus, leaves normally opposite and decussate may, by fusion, become alternate. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • One official said the U.S. provided the Colombian-led operation with "sigint," or signals intelligence, which included intercepted telephone calls from the FARC as well as sophisticated satellite imagery. Freed Hostage Betancourt Sees
  • In addition all the electric motors are of low magnetic material content and have compensated stray fields.
  • The last festival depended on selling exhibition space in large marquees as well as satellite exhibition space to cover the cost of the festival, which is intended to be self-financing.
  • The development project with mine-owner Wings Enterprises Inc. comes as concerns heighten about China's tight grip on production of metals such as yttrium required in hybrid vehicles, wind turbines, flat panel televisions, defense missiles and satellites. Glencore Backs Rare Earths Mining Project
  • We try to compensate for our natural sinfulness by performing good works of various kinds.
  • Armed with cheap satellite-tracking handsets, teams of civilian surveyors are out in the field recording casual journeys and sharing geodata with each other to produce their own maps.
  • The cruise companies say mobiles at sea are far more reliable then existing satellite phones, and have the added bonus of being less expensive.
  • When the rate was halved and the whining only increased I wondered if anything other than free - with artists uncompensated - could possibly satisfy those who seek to build businesses with other people's art.
  • Regarding the Regina Louise story, I am still not convinced that receiving some sort of inheiritance from her bioparent would have compensated for growing up without a family. Ten Reasons Same-Sex Marriage Is Wrong
  • Academics are developing ways to replace satellites and mobile telephone masts with solar-powered airships for better and cheaper telecommunications.
  • There were tangled ribbons of metal scattered for hundreds of metres, variously shaped satellitic craters and mounds, but of the captain and his trench there was not a single sign. Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • A year after China's antisatellite test, the U.S. demonstrated its own capabilities by blowing up a dead spy satellite with a modified ballistic-missile interceptor. China Takes Aim at U.S. Naval Might
  • When Gore was the Democratic front-runner for the presidential election, his satellite drew a sharply mixed reaction.
  • It was not simply to vindicate him in his insensate battle with the BBC.
  • This is the detailed specifications of the satellite.
  • It was what the poets mean by an 'inspissated' gloom; it thickened day by day, as hope and self-confidence evaporated in thin clouds of disappointment. Father and Son: a study of two temperaments
  • This technology, also known as telematics insurance, monitors a driver's behaviour by using data transmitted from a Smartbox, which is fitted to the policyholder's car, via satellite. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Due to this a small adjustment, downwards, in the price occurs, to compensate for the dealer being short of funds.
  • A sated man loathes honey, But to a famished man any bitter thing is sweet.
  • We allowed flow to continue until less than 1 drop of perfusate drained from the circulation in 10 seconds.
  • The satellite will be carried into space from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan by a Soyuz launcher.
  • Viewers were told how to orient their satellite dishes to best receive broadcasts.
  • It is certainly ‘less unjust’ for a physician to bear this than someone less well compensated.
  • We now live in a world with not only local broadcast stations, but also cable, satellite, the Internet and wireless, and where television and merchandizing revenues exceed ticket sales. Brian Frederick: Sports Fans Score Huge Win With FCC Review of Blackouts
  • Satellites are now semi-old technology which the Communistparty can still police through controls over cable relays and receiver dishes.
  • The carrier of the modified filter medium is the volcanic rock coated with a polycondensate modifier.
  • Edward I took his lions with him - during his progress through his Gascon domains in 1289 one of his lions killed a horse belonging to one Ernaud Purpoynter of Oloron-Ste-Marie in the Pyrenees, who was also duly compensated.
  • Any takers for a satellite to spy for peace?
  • Perry Farrell, best known as the frontman for iconic alt-rock act Jane's Addiction, has spent the past three years putting together ‘Ultra Payloaded,’ the debut album from his new musical project, Satellite Party.
  • The programmes are beamed from Anik C, a telecommunications satellite that went into orbit at the end of last year.
  • Kiribatigeneral assessment: generally good quality national and international service domestic: wire line service available on Tarawa and Kiritimati (Christmas Island); connections to outer islands by HF/VHF radiotelephone; wireless service available in Tarawa since 1999 international: country code - 686; Kiribati is being linked to the Pacific Ocean Cooperative Telecommunications Network, which should improve telephone service; satellite earth station - 1 Intelsat (Pacific Ocean) Telephone system
  • GM agrees to sell its Hughes Electronics satellite unit to EchoStar Communications, ending GM's two-decade foray into nonautomotive businesses. Bankruptcy Leads Possible Plans for GM, Chrysler
  • A station on the earth's surface sends the signal to the satellite, which receives the signal and rebroadcasts it to other places on the earth.
  • The basis of our experiments was that growth habit of defoliated plants would affect how they compensated for lost leaf area.
  • The atmospheres of these stars pulsate in a very regular cycle, on timescales ranging from 2 days to a few months.
  • Its times like this i thank God i was born and bred in Aus! why is it when someone complains about, the mess around our island someone else has to try and turn the whole scene around, justiffing what is true and what is not. we dont need photos to poove a point? just walk down the sliema / gzira sea front after a saterday or sunday evening and open your eyes. its a shambles. plastic bottles undar benches. waste from take aways ect.
  • Fuelling the fire, North Korea's preparations for what it calls the satellite launch. CNN Transcript Mar 10, 2009
  • There were 3 smaller satellite lesions occupying the left first, fifth, and eighth intercostal spaces.
  • Local Board Members are uncompensated volunteers who play an important community role closely connected with our Nation's defense.
  • Bedrock structures tend to be more regional in spatial outline compared with glacial lineations and in satellite images are often characterized by a rough and irregular surface texture.
  • The diamond mountains now orbiting among the satellites of Jupiter may open up the entire Solar System; how trivial, by comparison, appear all the ancient uses of the quartic-crystallized form of carbon! 2061 Odyssey Three
  • When the ebb and flow of our heart diminishes, we feel separate from the vast world around us, a world in which everything breathes, pulsates, expands and contracts.
  • In 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first satellite to orbit the earth.
  • Under the band of Milky Way stars, we listened to crickets pulsate in the dewy grass, and watched the orange coals lick themselves with tiny flames.
  • In the first attack, they were able to destroy a Rage minelayer, the four defense satellites, and an orbital shipyard.
  • The rural poor were not compensated by lower prices or by the greater availability of jobs for wives and children.
  • Women's rings were displayed against blue sateen and were ‘made as feminine as possible.’
  • In the 0 - level satellite infrared remote sensing image, the striping noises would interfere the image qualities.
  • An artificial satellite is in the Keplerian orbit of co-rotation above the Earth's equator.

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