How To Use Sapwood In A Sentence
GIBSON: They're a nice, knot-free heartwood, meaning that there's no outer layer of sapwood on it.
CNN Transcript Jun 6, 2005
Throughout the growing season, hollow vessels in a tree's sapwood, or xylem, conduct water and nutrients up from the roots to the leaves.
The sapwood is the external and youngest portion of the tree, and often constitutes a very considerable proportion of it.
Seasoning of Wood
Wood is composed of duramen or heartwood, and alburnum or sapwood, and when dry consists approximately of 49 per cent by weight of carbon, 6 per cent of hydrogen, 44 per cent of oxygen, and 1 per cent of ash, which is fairly uniform for all species.
Seasoning of Wood
(Fig. 25), which cause serious injury to the sapwood or heartwood, while other trees "girdled" at a different time or season are not injured.
Seasoning of Wood

Choose Construction Common or Deck Common redwood, grades with pleasing blends of heartwood and sapwood, for a long-lasting and economical deck.
In some trees a difference in color exists between the outer part of the wood, the sapwood or alburnum, and the inner part, the heartwood or duramen.
The first synthetic vanillin was produced by German chemists in 1874 from coniferin, the glucoside found in the sapwood of certain conifers.
Sapwood water potentials were measured with a thermocouple hygrometer, branch water potentials with a pressure chamber.
Once under the bark, adults engrave egg galleries into the sapwood, disrupting the flow of water and nutrients to that portion of the plant.
White fir
What flows through the "sapwood" is chiefly water brought from the soil.
Seasoning of Wood
For the left side of the ‘volume’ mature wood was selected and for the right side sapwood, while the fore-edge was made from heartwood; the top surface incorporated cross-sections from branches of various ages while the bottom surface showed a section through the trunk …
Secure the stave in a vise and shave off the bark and sapwood with a drawknife to expose one unbroken summer growth ring along the back (bark side; photo B).
Make a Homemade (and Deadly) Bow in Five Easy Steps
With heartwoods, you must shave off the bark and white sapwood with a drawknife to reach the darker, denser wood beneath.
Make a Homemade (and Deadly) Bow in Five Easy Steps
For the left side of the ‘volume’ mature wood was selected and for the right side sapwood, while the fore-edge was made from heartwood; the top surface incorporated cross-sections from branches of various ages while the bottom surface showed a section through the trunk …
However, the sapwood of these Actinidia species, as with other lianas, is highly porous with large diameter vessels.
This method allows the cavitation resistance of the metastable liquid water in the lumen of tracheids in conifer sapwood sections to be estimated.
This freestanding bench uses Construction Common or Deck Common redwood grades that have a pleasing mix of heartwood and sapwood.
Rays radiate from the centre of the trunk, and the heartwood - the inner rings - differs from the outer rings, which are called the sapwood.
The fluted trunk is sprouting tufts of grass and although still covered in bark, the sapwood underneath is mush.
Those results suggested that sapwood respiration was not limited by sapwood quantity alone, but by other factors, such as frequency, vitality, and content of the sapwood parenchyma.
The sapwood and the duramen are therefore eliminated by splitting, and then the plank is planed down until no irregularities are left in the wood (such as knots).
It is really imperfect wood, while the duramen or heartwood is the perfect wood; the heartwood of the mature tree was the sapwood of its earlier years.
Seasoning of Wood
The traditional yew bow of Europe acted as though it were a composite bow, as it was preferably made of a section of yew taken where the sapwood and heartwood joined.
Construction Common, Deck Common, Merchantable Heart and Merchantable are knotty garden grades of redwood and offer a colorful mix of sapwood and heartwood.
Heart sapwood distinction was not obvious, chestnut brown.
The beetles lay their eggs in trees and the resulting larvae bore into the wood, feeding on the tree's cambium, sapwood, and heartwood and impeding the movement of water and nutrients through the tree.
His saplings were all sapwood, which bends much differently from the heartwood that makes up the majority of the old bows.
In hardwoods especially, the heartwood coloration is preferred and the sometimes lighter sapwood may be considered a defect and discarded.
The relative amounts of heartwood and sapwood in a flooring batch may affect the way it accepts stain and finish and, therefore, the finished appearance of the floor.
Wood is composed of duramen or heartwood, and alburnum or sapwood, and when dry consists approximately of 49 per cent by weight of carbon, 6 per cent of hydrogen, 44 per cent of oxygen, and 1 per cent of ash, which is fairly uniform for all species.
Seasoning of Wood
Rays radiate from the centre of the trunk, and the heartwood - the inner rings - differs from the outer rings, which are called the sapwood.
Construction Common, Deck Common, Merchantable Heart and Merchantable are knotty garden grades of redwood and offer a colorful mix of sapwood and heartwood.
The sapwood, frequently 3 to 4 inches thick, is white with a reddish tinge.
The heartwood is a red or pinkish color, the sapwood, which is considerable, is a creamy white.
Seasoning of Wood
Redwood beauty is typified by rich cinnamon-colored heartwood, cream-colored sapwood, distinctive grain and performance that keeps projects looking good for years.
Bows can be made totally from sapwood of many tree species, but some slight changes need to be made in the following designs to accommodate whitewood bows.
Choose Construction Common or Deck Common redwood, grades with pleasing blends of heartwood and sapwood, for a long-lasting and economical deck.
They're a nice, knot-free heartwood, meaning that there's no outer layer of sapwood on it.
A small wooden shack with a carved wooden placard labeled "office" is surrounded by neatly stacked and bound pallets of sapwood.
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If I remember rightly, the heartwood and sapwood of yew have different properties and if you get them the right way round on the front and back of the longbow you get an exceptionally powerful weapon.
Bowmen in medieval Wales
The lighter colored sapwood will deteriorate just as quickly as pine or spruce.
I don't know whether a bow that was all heartwood or all sapwood would still work, if not quite as well, or if it wouldn't work at all.
Bowmen in medieval Wales
The fluted trunk is sprouting tufts of grass and although still covered in bark, the sapwood underneath is mush.
This consists in cutting a ring round the tree with axes through the bark and sapwood, or alburnum, into the brown wood beneath.
Australia, The Dairy Country
The heartwood is a red or pinkish color, the sapwood, which is considerable, is a creamy white.
Seasoning of Wood
The sapwood is light brown and the heartwood is dark brown.
The sapwood is probably removed within 100-200 years of study. ..sapwood is outer 20-150 avg 75 rings….
Lamarche on Treelines #2 « Climate Audit
A further measure to avoid violent movement in the final carved sculpture is to remove the heartwood from the log, since it shrinks at a different rate from the outer sapwood.
It possesses a natural composite quality in the elastic sapwood and the more densely ringed heartwood.
The relative amounts of heartwood and sapwood in a flooring batch may affect the way it accepts stain and finish and, therefore, the finished appearance of the floor.
Droplets of extractives only appeared in the inner ring of sapwood in some cells of the ray parenchyma as small refringent bodies.
B Grade is similar to B Heart except that it permits sapwood as well as heartwood.
Old wood cut open reveals dead sapwood extending from an old pruning wound, the point of entry of the fungus.
For the left side of the ‘volume’ mature wood was selected and for the right side sapwood, while the fore-edge was made from heartwood; the top surface incorporated cross-sections from branches of various ages while the bottom surface showed a section through the trunk …
They're a nice, knot-free heartwood, meaning that there's no outer layer of sapwood on it.
The square-edge diagonal board sheathing that seems so fabulous in memory is now grown so fast and harvested so young it is sapwood all the way through.
A construction common, which contains some sapwood, is ideal for the deck boards.