- newly formed outer wood lying between the cambium and the heartwood of a tree or woody plant; usually light colored; active in water conduction
How To Use sapwood In A Sentence
- GIBSON: They're a nice, knot-free heartwood, meaning that there's no outer layer of sapwood on it. CNN Transcript Jun 6, 2005
- Throughout the growing season, hollow vessels in a tree's sapwood, or xylem, conduct water and nutrients up from the roots to the leaves.
- The sapwood is the external and youngest portion of the tree, and often constitutes a very considerable proportion of it. Seasoning of Wood
- Wood is composed of duramen or heartwood, and alburnum or sapwood, and when dry consists approximately of 49 per cent by weight of carbon, 6 per cent of hydrogen, 44 per cent of oxygen, and 1 per cent of ash, which is fairly uniform for all species. Seasoning of Wood
- (Fig. 25), which cause serious injury to the sapwood or heartwood, while other trees "girdled" at a different time or season are not injured. Seasoning of Wood
- Choose Construction Common or Deck Common redwood, grades with pleasing blends of heartwood and sapwood, for a long-lasting and economical deck.
- In some trees a difference in color exists between the outer part of the wood, the sapwood or alburnum, and the inner part, the heartwood or duramen.
- The first synthetic vanillin was produced by German chemists in 1874 from coniferin, the glucoside found in the sapwood of certain conifers.
- Sapwood water potentials were measured with a thermocouple hygrometer, branch water potentials with a pressure chamber.
- Once under the bark, adults engrave egg galleries into the sapwood, disrupting the flow of water and nutrients to that portion of the plant. White fir