How To Use Salver In A Sentence
Paraguay tea, which they call matte, as I mentioned before, is always drunk twice a day: this is brought upon a large silver salver, with four legs raised upon it, to receive a little cup made out of a small calabash or gourd, and tipped with silver.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 17 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
Included in the collection is a large engraved William IV silver oval tray and a pair of William IV sterling silver salvers, both dated 1831 and hallmarked 1833.
Annette-Gabriele Purshouse, 18, was presented with the silver salver for the WI Diamond Jubilee Award last Wednesday at the group's annual meeting at the Wiltshire Music Centre.
Hence the term quack-salver was commonly used in the seventeenth century, signifying an ignorant person, who was wont to extol the curative virtues of his salves.
Primitive Psycho-Therapy and Quackery
The waiter lifted the salver to reveal a rack of lamb surrounded by courgettes and tiny new potatoes.
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Your Election Central Guide To Blogs Covering The 2008 Presidential Election
Stafford near Dunrobin Castle in Sutherlandshire, in which the usual ringent form of the corolla was replaced by the form called salver-shaped.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
He held a salver in his hand, and on the salver was a letter.
From out the Vasty Deep
We were waited on hand and foot, served from silver salvers with tasty canapés and our glasses were never empty,’ said Mr Clarkson.
She proudly displays a silver salver from the Council's gardening competition last year.
I can see my old cousin still in what she termed her breakfast room, dressed very handsomely, standing before a bare mahogany table on which a maid placed the considerable array of a silver salver without legs, which was set on a folded cloth and held the sugar-loaf and the sugar-cutter; and another salver with legs that bore various bowls and one beautiful silver sugar-box which was kept filled high for her husband's toddy.
Home Life in Colonial Days
In the front hall, he dropped the letter on the salver on the side table.
When the nuns were seated, the Abbess came in, wearing a white apron and white sleeves, and with her came the kitchener, Sister Priscilla, bearing a great silver salver of fish.
Archive 2009-04-01
The photos were genuine, but characterised by the fact that they were all taken in the middle of dinner and Mr Mifsud was standing behind the celebrities, usually holding a silver salver of mixed seasonal vegetables.
Who's the sycophant in the black? | Harry Pearson
Quacks or quack salvers are named from quicksilver ointment peddlers who treated syphilis in the 16th century.
But those who want an attention is, gules collocation is corresponding, for example big wall adds locker, or it is didymous vase, salver , compare aesthetic.
We were waited on hand and foot, served from silver salvers with tasty canapés and our glasses were never empty.
The salver-shaped corolla, which is white, pleasingly tinted with red, has a short tube and five divisions, curiously cornered; the flower is fully ¾in. across, and in its unopened state is hardly less pretty than when blown.
Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
Castillon, J. de (Salvernini di Castiglione), Observations sur le livre intitule, _Systeme de la Nature_.
Baron D'Holbach : a Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France
What were the glorious works of those mediæval artists in stone and canvas, in orfevery and silver, in marble and bronze, nielloed salvers, golden chasing, laces as from fairy-land, canopies, garments and gems?
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
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Your Election Central Guide To Blogs Covering The 2008 Presidential Election
After adding the Ravensworth Bowl to the Seaton Salver he won prior to his country championship victory.
The guests were departing early, and kummel and coffee was already being served on a large silver salver by the _buffetschek_, whom Malcolm recognized as the ubiquitous Boolba.
The Book of All-Power
Salversan also proved effective against other maladies such as yaws.
We are a privately owned company specializing in producing blister packaging, folding box, cylinder and parts salver.
The entire congregation later filed past the head of the coffin each member making a sign of the cross with a strange implement whilst on the coffin a small salver of incense smoked away.
The picture turns out to be as circular as the salver.
Gauguin: Maker of Myth
Salversan also proved effective against other maladies such as yaws.
Il futuro secondo Google e NASA: ci salveranno macchine più intelligenti di noi, RaiNews24
Singularity University: The Big News NASA Isn't Talking About - NASA Watch
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Your Election Central Guide To Blogs Covering The 2008 Presidential Election
A hush fell over the room as, silver salvers held high, they piped in the haggis.
The plant continues in blossom from June till the first frosts wither the leaves; it is far less coarse than the potatoe; the flower, when full blown, is about the size of a half crown, and quite flat; I think it is what you call salver-shaped: it delights in light loamy soil, growing on the upturned roots of fallen trees, where the ground is inclined to be sandy.
The Backwoods of Canada Being Letters From The Wife of an Emigrant Officer, Illustrative of the Domestic Economy of British America
In his other hand the silver salver dangled uselessly at his side.
While he was speaking the servant entered with a salver, and on the salver was a note.
Robert Orange Being a Continuation of the History of Robert Orange
A broken salver can be cemented.
I have done ill to unbosom myself so far to this poisonous quacksalver.
The Fair Maid of Perth
The salver, which is 18.75 inches (abou 48 cm) in diameter, is decorated with figures from mythology.
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The corolla of the normal periwinkle flower is salver-shaped and the stamens are located in the throat of the corolla tube.
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Your Election Central Guide To Blogs Covering The 2008 Presidential Election
No big ‘art opening’ is complete without a bottle of wine ‘breathing’ gently in the corner and petit slices of elegant cheese perched atop silver salvers.
The waiter lifted the salver to reveal a rack of lamb surrounded by courgettes and tiny new potatoes.
But those who want an attention is, gules collocation is corresponding, for example big wall adds locker, or it is didymous vase, salver , compare aesthetic.
The name "salver," commonly applied to a tray or waiter, seems to have originated from the old custom of tasting meats before they were served, to salve or save their employers from harm.
Chats on Household Curios
We are main in iron - on salver, tray , glass products and more than 400 kinds of products. There are 200 kinds of teppanyaki or so, and many super trays made by rosewood, oak.
Stafford near Dunrobin Castle in Sutherlandshire, in which the usual ringent form of the corolla was replaced by the form called salver-shaped.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Flowers – light blue, small, on a one-sided raceme, coiled up at the tip and unfolding as the flowers open – calyx five-lobed – corolla is round and flat, or salver shaped – stamens five – there is a white species of the flower.
Flower Stories
The flowers, produced through most of the year, are salverform like those of Phlox, simple, 2.5-7 cm broad, with five petals joined together at the base to form a tube.
On a salver was a stack of programs for different ballets.
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There were also an assortment of expensive, though useful household items, including silver salvers, tea services, silver coffeepots, paintings and books, along with signed photographs of members of the royal family encased in gilded or leather presentation frames.
Christmas with Queen Victoria | Edwardian Promenade
The butler was carrying an envelope in one hand, and a silver salver in the other.