How To Use Salt cod In A Sentence
It looked like watery stovies and a forensic examination detected only potatoes, salt cod and a green herb.
For the fourth course, Gomes made a timbale that relies on Portugal's signature fish, salt cod.
Jeanine Barone: Portuguese Kitchen Fun in Westchester
But walk those extra blocks and through the sterile lobby of the Alexandria Centre and you will find yourself picking among bar snacks that include salt cod croquettes ($8), a raw bar with steak and sea urchin tartare ($14) and charcuterie such as the famed Spanish Iberico Pata Negra ($11).
'Top Chef' Judge Enters Kips Bay
The great staple, the true meat of the population, is salt codfish, which is prepared in a great number of ways.
Two Years in the French West Indies
Salt cod, or bacalao, is a speciality across Spain, and reflects earlier times without refrigeration.
In Portugal, salt cod is hung along the streets of fishing ports to dry.
Food Watch
Local favorites include salt cod with crumbled corn-bread, lamprey in red wine, or papas de sarrabulho—a steaming black mash that involves the heart, lungs, liver and throat lining of a pig stewed in the animal's blood.
Within Portugal's Cradle
Try the marinaded sardines, the fried artichokes, squid and the bacallà salt cod with a tomato salad.
10 of the best tapas bars in Barcelona
It's a full of dazzling photographs, and brilliantly simple recipes, such as spicy gravlaks with aquavit, salt cod with peas and mint, spice-crusted salmon, fennel-stewed lamb, and rhubarb and strawberry soup.
Octopus and squid ceviche, salt cod croquettes and pot-roast belly pork and cheeks were all good enough to go back for.
The Husband is a huge fan of brandade, a French puree of salt cod, potato, garlic, and olive oil.
The Portuguese introduced the domestic pig, chickens, olives, and salt cod as well as coffee and tea.
Sunday breakfast is generally a big meal of salt codfish from Nova Scotia, egg sauce, boiled potatoes, cooked bananas, and avocado when in season.
Sometimes salt beef or salt cod are used, or corned beef or crab.
To be brief, both salt cod and stockfish have their origins in early medieval times.
Octopus and squid ceviche, salt cod croquettes and pot-roast belly pork and cheeks were all good enough to go back for.
Even a riggish French noblewoman could hardly throw a glamour of romance over so prosaic an interest as the Franco-American trade in fish-oil and salt cod.
A Catalan speciality is to serve salt cod cold.
There's a gratinated brandade whose proportion of salt cod to potato was perhaps too meagre but it was delicious nonetheless; there's steak with a smothering of foie gras and gratin dauphinois.
Today, we presume to know Portuguese food as linguica and kale soup, and salt cod, and the other stuff served in restaurants in areas like Provincetown, and New Bedford Massachusetts.
Elissa Altman: Food Without Foam: You Can Go Home Again
A wonderful, creamy dip with a deep taste of the sea, the classic brandade is a mixture of poached salt cod and olive oil.
Nigel Slater's classic brandade
A Catalan speciality is to serve salt cod cold.
If you want something exotic, try salt cod.
The Sun
Oliver Wendell Holmes says that the Yankee school-marm, the cider and the salt codfish of the Eastern States, are responsible for what he calls a nasal accent.
American Notes
He gave me a Champneys cookbook which was full of healthy recipes such as salt cod with sweet pepper, tomato and olive sauce and sweetcorn and smoked haddock.
But this sort of cooking defines itself by the multiplicity of its components, so there was also a dice of warmed smoked salmon and poached cucumber, bok choi, salt cod brandade and, on the side, a cup of tomato consommé.
hatcheled" codfish, or any salt codfish picked into small pieces and freshened in one quart of cold water.
Salads, Sandwiches and Chafing-Dish Dainties With Fifty Illustrations of Original Dishes
Do Mori sells cicchetti, the Venetian version of tapas: baby artichokes in season, slices of pecorino or polenta, tomato bruschetta, boiled salt cod mashed with oil to make a paste and spread on toast.
You got your tomcod, your salt cod, your rounders... Any way you want to call it, it's fish.
The rillettes are made with salt cod, finnan haddie and boiled potatoes, which are all whipped together and then spread on croutons.
Dining out with Moira Hodgson
If you want something exotic, try salt cod.
The Sun
A simple example of such behavior was the exchange of pickled fish (herring, shad, mackerel) for the salt cod preferred by slaves in most colonies.
The following passage from Kiplings American Notes, ch. i, will be recalled: Oliver Wendell Holmes says that the Yankee schoolmarm, the cider and the salt codfish of the Eastern states are responsible for what he calls a nasal accent.
Chapter 7. The Standard American Pronunciation. 1. General Characters