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How To Use Saddam In A Sentence

  • And this joker is trying to pawn Baathist genocidaire Saddam Hussein off as being ‘right wing’. The Volokh Conspiracy » Competing Explanations for the Oppressive Nature of Socialism
  • He had taken a hard line about any country that harbored terrorists, and by his definition Saddam was a terrorist. Plan of Attack
  • This job title presto changeo is just like the presto changeo of MK77, really bad if Saddam uses it, not so much if the US uses it the same way. Think Progress » Woodward Reveals Important Clues About White House Smear Campaign
  • EU Referendum: Saddam "the federator of Europe" skip to main | skip to sidebar Saddam "the federator of Europe"
  • But if the international community wants the hopeful prospects for the days, months and years ahead to materialize for Iraq, we must confront the reality of Saddam Hussein's intransigency. CNN Transcript Mar 5, 2003
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  • What there is, is a difficult political issue now that we have discovered the VPOTUS and his associates broke this law—not for a kidnapped child, but to justify the imminent invasion of Iraq with confabulated links between Saddam and 9/11. The Volokh Conspiracy » Radio Host Waterboarded, Says It’s Torture:
  • Four guards escorted Saddam out of the courtroom after they cuffed him.
  • If Saddam complies, that is the U.N. mandate fulfilled. CNN Transcript Nov 8, 2002
  • How about we saved the Iraqis from the Saddam Hussein reign of terror? Cheney Will Speak at G.O.P. Convention - The Caucus Blog -
  • Saddam begins earnestly, from his position behind his desk, looking kind of natty in a light grey double breasted jacket and a white Panama hat with a black hat band, "This will take away some of the son's love for the father. Merrill Markoe: Hygiene Tips: Saddam's Forgotten Legacy
  • As a member of the Iraqi National Congress, he worked for years to topple Saddam Hussein before being granted political asylum in the United States in 1997.
  • By then Saddam and eleven others had been "arraigned" on television in improvised proceedings of dubious meaning, which backfired politically when Saddam visibly summoned his powers of command and began to dominate the show. Ziad for the Defense
  • The false claims advanced by the Bush administration that Saddam was building up a serious WMD program and that his regime had given training in “poisons and deadly gases” to al-Qaeda associates in Iraq were the apogee of this hysteria, as they helped to embroil the United States in the disastrous Iraq War. The Longest War
  • Haifa bombing achieved what Saddam 'scuds' could not in 1990. Open Democracy News Analysis - Comments
  • But he said he longs for his life before the fall of Saddam Hussein, when he would import fine fabrics from London's Wembley Market and was a card-carrying member of Baghdad's chamber of commerce. Iraqis still reliant on power generators as U.S. prepares to leave
  • In Quest for Saddam, games hunt down the former Iraqi leader in tongue in cheek fashion.
  • If you were carrying out 9 / 11 with the intent of using that event to rationalize the removal of saddam, would you implicate Saddam at all in the attacks? Alex Jones' Prison
  • In short, Miller was the "stovepipe" (a Sy Hersh phrase for unvetted intelligence) for disinformation from the Administration and Ahmed Chalabi about Saddam Hussein's alleged weapons of mass destruction on to the front page of the Times in the run-up to the Iraq invasion, and just afterwards. William E. Jackson Jr.: The Satrapy at West 43rd: One Armchair Critic's Disillusionment On The Eve of Full Disclosure
  • If this brings increasing numbers of people closer to the European camp – sometimes only because they hate the US more than they hate the EU – then, as the trigger of the crisis that brought this about, maybe some Europhiles in the future will be considering whether to raise a statue to that other Middle-East tyrant, Saddam Hussein, "the federator of Europe". Saddam "the federator of Europe"
  • In order to confront Iran, Reagan and Bush administrations had incessantly backed Saddam Hussein regardless of his suppressing the Kurd and developing NBC weapons.
  • The election alliance led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki -- whose administration has been backed by Washington -- called the court decision "bloodstained" by allowing suspected Saddam loyalists back into the political fold. Headlines
  • Yes, under Saddam, babies were taken out of incubators and thrown in vats of hot coffee, and would the Iraqi people want to drink the coffee then? Think Progress » With “Last Throes” Debunked, Rice Unveils “The Latte Defense”
  • Saddam Hussein's humanity -- inhumanity has no limits.
  • #439 Saddam stole Bert from the Sesame Street cast, and Bert is actually the one who turned Saddam evil. Think Progress » National Review’s Kurtz: The Goal in Iraq is ‘Proof of Resolve Against Iran’ Not ‘Peace and Democracy’
  • The election alliance led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki - whose administration has been backed by Washington - called the court decision "bloodstained" by allowing suspected Saddam loyalists back into the political fold. - News
  • He supported Saddam Hussein unequivocally even when Saddam was gassing Kurds. Matthew Yglesias » In Praise of Grant
  • The Dems 'video montage contrasted with the Republicans' message of the day - that they were hard at work on bipartisan financial reform - with absurdest dissonance, like a Jon Stewart montage showing Dick Cheney saying Saddam had reconstituted his WMD program - right after a clip of Cheney saying the exact opposite. DVR Democracy Comes of Age: Or, How Jon Stewart May Have Saved Financial Reform & the Senate Dems
  • The administration pondered the question of making Saddam’s ouster a war aim, but the more it did so, the leerier it got. How Wars end
  • At the end of the day, I think the president of the United States has decided that the only way for getting Saddam Hussein to disarm is to disarm him with force. CNN Transcript Feb 5, 2003
  • The question you have not answered is that Saddam was a widely known butcherer against kurds and iranians when he was shaking hands with Rumsfeld. Think Progress » DeLay on Liberals’ Reaction to Terrorists: ‘You Can’t Go After These Wonderful People that Just Killed a Bunch of Americans’
  • Speaking of lawsuits, don't hold your breath waiting for an American president to apologize for Washington having supported dictators like Ferdinand Marcos and Anastasio Somosa and Saddam Hussein and Augusto Pinochet and Suharto and Rafael Trujillo and Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. If we allow cruelty. . .
  • By then Saddam's regime was known throughout the world for its brutality and aggression.
  • In the north, the Kurds, though mostly Sunni, are on the alert to resist any attempts by Sunni Arabs, the ones moved in by Saddam Hussein as part of his arabization of Kurdistan, to retake power in Mosul or Kirkuk. Jihad Watch
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'US envoy: Iraq war opened \'Pandora\'s box, \' civil war threat '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' The 2003 invasion of Iraq that toppled dictator Saddam Hussein opened a \'Pandora\'s box\ 'of ethnic and sectarian strife that has created the threat of civil war, the US ambassador to Iraq said in an interview published Tuesday. OpEdNews - Quicklink: US envoy: Iraq war opened 'Pandora's box,' civil war threat
  • Senor, the former U.S. occupation official, agrees that Saddam's trial could be a "short-term stimulant" for the insurgency. Reckoning in Iraq
  • The main counterargument is that a Kurdish-Shiite invading army would have made it even harder to deal with Sunnis after Saddam fell. Why Iraq Has No Army
  • No comment from ‘Bystander’ - our learned muppet is still weeping about Saddam probably. An Idiots Guide To Dreaming « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Now, a source close to the family says as soon as they launched their request, the Jordanian royal family decided that, yes, they could come here, they were innocent victims who had nothing to do with Saddam, who had only suffered and been victims themselves to what they called his brutality -- Kyra. CNN Transcript Jul 31, 2003
  • Everyone now knows that Bush came into office with a vendetta itch to "whup" Saddam Hussein and looking for any excuse to do it. Sound Off: Afghanistan war tax?
  • The example of restraint which would have resulted from the sparing of the dictator's life, and possibly encouraged similar expressions from opposition forces sympathetic to Saddam, has been tossed aside in Bush and Maliki's pyretic rush forward to some imagined crushing victory that they would gamble even more of our soldiers 'lives to achieve. Three Thousand Wake-Up Calls In Iraq
  • The propaganda artists selected a small Kurdish splinter group called Ansar al-Salam and elevated it into an organized group of Al Qaeda “terrorists” who were “said to be” controlled by Saddam Hussein and “believed to be” producing ricin, a deadly biotoxin. Think Progress » January 2005: Gonzales Said Bush Did Not ‘Authorize Actions’ In Contravention of Our Criminal Statutes
  • And I predict with a high probability of being right, the Saddam execution video will be online at or similar sites, probably within a day. The creepy death watch...
  • Brana's (ph) uncle, Rashid, blames their deaths on what he calls the indifference the American troops who control Baghdad and on Saddam Hussein, who released tens of thousands of convicts before the war. CNN Transcript Aug 28, 2003
  • The year after the American-led coalition overthrew Saddam's dictatorship in 2003, al Qaeda in Iraq revealed a cynical plan to kill and maim Shiites to spark a sectarian war. Iraq's Tenuous Post-American Future
  • Less than nine years past the end of Saddam Hussein's brutal reign, the word dictator springs easily to the lips of Iraqis, many of whom question Western-style democracy and readily admit that they believe their country needs a strongman leader. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The Iraqi government under President Saddam Hussein maintained from the start that Speicher perished at the crash site. Speicher, Michael S.
  • I saw what the murderous, brutal regime of Saddam Hussein wrought on that country through his party and their fedayeen henchmen. Letters to the Editor
  • Iraqis, specifically those unfortunate enough to live in Halabja, suffered in the most extreme way at the hands of the erstwhile tyrant, Saddam. Think Progress » 20,000 Iraqis displaced in 10 days.
  • Terror seeped through every crack of Iraqi society as Saddam Hussein tightened his control. The Accuser
  • Though Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS) “Roberts himself was involved in disclosing sensitive intelligence information [in 2003] that, according to four former senior intelligence officers, impaired efforts to capture Saddam Hussein and potentially threatened the lives of Iraqis who were spying for the United States,” Murray Waas writes. Think Progress » Though Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS)
  • Repeated like a mantra by Administration officials was the claim that Saddam Hussein possessed "26,000 liters of anthrax, 38,000 liters of botulin, one and a half tons of nerve agent VX, and 6,500 aerial chemical bombs. Joseph A. Palermo: An Unsanitized Look at the Origins of the Iraq War
  • (The first-order objective was the removal of Saddam as a threat — that was achieved.) Matthew Yglesias » Signaling and Terrorism
  • A 14-year-old boy was killed when Iraqi security forces fired into a massive crowd of Kurds rioting in Halabja on the anniversary of Saddam Hussein's gas attack on the Kurdish town. - Boing Boing
  • As Victor Hanson points out in his column in today's Tribune, "responsible Democrats in national office had been convinced by Bill Clinton for eight years and George W. Bush for two that Saddam Hussein's Iraq was both a conventional and terrorist threat to the United States and its reginal allies. See, Kirk is not for changing course in Iraq after all
  • Could he ever overshadow the 'indefatigable' moment with Saddam Hussein? Keep On Rockin' In The Trots World
  • KUWAIT - Kuwait, calling Saddam Hussein "the father of all stupidity", put its armed forces on alert for any Iraqi reprisal after a U.S. cruise missile strike on an alleged nuclear facility outside Baghdad. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Bush should apologize to the world for accomplishing one mission: removing Saddam, a (formerly) harmless loveable fuzzball from the face of the earth. Obama Keeps Shrinking Those "Little brain" White Male Penises
  • That was all it took apparently for Secretary of State Colin Powell, to stand before the UN and perform his ceremonial waving of a perfume bottle to illustrate biotoxin production in Iraq and Saddam Hussein's evil nature, and to rationalize the American invasion of Iraq. Gail Vida Hamburg: As Iraq War Memory Fades, the Art Endures
  • And by consciously undermanning the "liberation" we created the circumstances that have led to sweeps of innocent Iraqi people who are then dragged into a prison system with no due process and are systematically tortured --- by us, not Saddam. Hullabaloo
  • They are also demanding greater clarity on the role of, and more funding for, regional security forces known as the peshmerga, many of whom are former militia members who fought Saddam and complain of lower pay and fewer resources than their Iraqi army counterparts. Front Page
  • And that's not to say that we actually used the name Saddam Hussein or the actual situation to prejudice the case. CNN Transcript Oct 19, 2005
  • But during that time, and correct me if I'm mistaken, during that time, when the White House was selling this line that Saddam Hussein financed the World Trade Center attacks, which was widely disproved, all over the world, even then, it seemed to me that once the talking point came out of the white house or out of the campaign, even if if was disproved, that you guys discarded any of the evidence or arguments against whatever the White House said. In Exile
  • Of course it's not Ali's support for 'the resistance', the cheerful catch-all for the Saddamite fascists, the mosque-bombers, trade unionist torturers and the head-choppers, which is the problem. Late Daffodils From The Curates Garden
  • I can even understand people who say these bombings prove the American invasion has "destabilized" Iraq, never mind that 82 deaths probably equals an average day in Saddam's old torture chambers. Daimnation!: 82
  • One really shouldn't engage in atrocity one-upmanship, but it's arguable that compared with such more famous current and recent fugitives as Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, Karadzic, wins the odiousness sweepstakes. Karadzic finally arrested for war crimes
  • Saddam Hussein called me and said he would like me to write a letter to Ramsey [Clark, a former US attorney general] and say that we condemn the attack.
  • QUESTION: Does the name Saddam Hussein appear in the mission statement? CNN Transcript Mar 5, 2003
  • I remain unpersuaded that there's much point to the Chilcot Inquiry and the stramash over Lord Goldsmith's interpretation of the legal case for toppling Saddam does little to change that. Lawyers dancing on Pinheads: Iraq Edition
  • Though Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS) has advocated a hard line against leaks by government whistleblowers, “Roberts himself was involved in disclosing sensitive intelligence information [in 2003] that, according to four former senior intelligence officers, impaired efforts to capture Saddam Hussein and potentially threatened the lives of Iraqis who were spying for the United States,” Murray Waas writes. Think Progress » Though Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS)
  • After the meeting, Glaspie cabled Baker and urged him to "ease off on public criticism of Iraq" until Saddam had been given the chance to negotiate with the Kuwaitis at a Saudi-arranged conference in Jedda. Geoffrey Wawro: Desert Storm Turns Twenty: What Really Happened in 1991, and Why it Matters, Part I of II
  • When al-Qa'eda crashes planes into American buildings, no one wants to hear that other Muslims have the "right" to defend themselves against occupation, especially when the occupier is our special ally (of course, when Muslims are occupied by our adversaries, like the Soviets or Saddam, then they not only have the right to fight the occupier, we'll help and even do the job of resisting for them). Mark Levine: Dead Tired
  • The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" -- the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment -- was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam's nuclear legacy. Man of Refinement
  • * At one level theres an easy reply to the accusations of grovelling, which is that Galloway took the decision to meet Saddam because he felt it could strengthen the chance for peace, and then had to follow the required degree of courtesy. What's Going On
  • Wolf, this question of whether it was Saddam and the doubles -- I don't mean to use the term paranoid in the classic psychiatric sense. CNN Transcript Mar 20, 2003
  • Saddam Hussein managed to put shemarch 10 February 2011 11:17AM delphinia 10 February 2011 11:17AM The Guardian World News
  • Powell toured the northern enclaves of Iraq, the Kurdish areas of Iraq, and recalled the Kurds were the minority who were the most brutally persecuted by Saddam Hussein over a long period of time. CNN Transcript Sep 15, 2003
  • Similarly, the idea that Persian Gulf security is somehow increased by maintaining authoritarian regimes should be disproved by the name Saddam Hussein, a great authoritarian with a troubling habit of invading his Gulf neighbors. Neil Hicks: Beating Back the Democratization Backlash
  • An Iraqi court sentenced Saddam Hussein aide Tariq Aziz to death for his role in the torture and killings of Shiite Islamist party members. What's News: World-Wide
  • Saddam emerged from the Arab Socialism as Stalin emerged from Leninism. The Volokh Conspiracy » Competing Explanations for the Oppressive Nature of Socialism
  • Russia sided with France and Germany to block a Bush-backed U.N. resolution sanctioning military conflict to disarm Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
  • We've heard the term wiseass used when describing Saddam Hussein's demeanor in the interrogation. CNN Transcript Dec 16, 2003
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Several boys die copying Saddam hanging'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'The boys\' deaths - scattered in the United States, in Yemen, in Turkey and elsewhere in seemingly isolated horror - had one thing in common: They hanged themselves after watching televised images of Saddam Hussein\'s execution. ' OpEdNews - Quicklink: Several boys die copying Saddam hanging
  • Obviously, a tape in which bin Calls on Muslims in general, and Iraqi Muslims specifically to fight Americans, and says that it's OK to make common cause with what he calls a communist, like Saddam Hussein. CNN Transcript Feb 12, 2003
  • Indeed, its watered-down language calling for Saddam Hussein to comply with "disarmament obligations" and readmit weapons inspectors into Iraq is likely why it passed unopposed. Ryan Berger: NATO and Libya: A Model
  • She said her experience as a volunteer on Saddam Hussein’s defense team offered relevant parallels.
  • And aside from the fact that Bush never connected Saddam to 9/11 then, nor does he now, the fact of the matter is, Saddam was a harborer and supporter of terroists. Think Progress » O’Reilly Says CAP Is “A Very Well-Oiled, Effective Character Assassination Machine”
  • We overthrew Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq, and then cavalierly dismantled the entire structure of the Iraqi state, sure that we could simply set up a new one.
  • Plus to make it even worse, CNN is reporting that Saddam’s body might be cremated, which is against Islamic religion so that could cause Sunni Iraqis to riot in the streets. Think Progress » Gerald Ford dead at 93.
  • The former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein is charged with having killed thousands of Kurd people .
  • The Iraqi government under President Saddam Hussein maintained from the start that Speicher perished at the site where his F/A-18 fighter jet crashed in the desert. Speicher, Michael S.
  • Ostensibly for agricultural purposes, the credits had been siphoned off by Saddam Hussein to rebuild his military and weapons program after the Iran-Iraq war.
  • Osama to raise the fear level, and the Saddam verdict to show "Here's what the Republicans are doning to protect you, so vote Republican. Media Pushes Idea That We've Yet To See Full Force Of GOP Attacks
  • PHILLIPS: Saddam Hussein, angry over what he calls a sham of a trial, boycotts today's proceedings in Baghdad. CNN Transcript Dec 7, 2005
  • In poster versions for the campaign the images of other dictators such as Joseph Stalin and Saddam Hussein have also been used.
  • “A man by the name of Saddam Hussein,” Wizard said. Seven Deadly Wonders
  • Some commodity market speculation is directly related to the stability of certain states, e. g. during the Persian Gulf War, speculation on the survival of the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq.
  • The reality was that Saddam had a good deception program for elint and fooled not only the USA but all the major Intelligence services. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • On the American side, Bin Laden's death might plausibly stoke desires to quit Afghanistan and Iraq which draws considerable support from the public's ignorant conflation of Bin Laden and Saddam asap, i.e. the desperado's dead, the job's done, to hell with long-term geopolitics! Alive or Dead?
  • When I read about all the so-called progressives lionizing someone who in a fit of juvenile irrationality assaults our president, I remember how Saddam's son Uday 'lionized' a young man back in 2000, according Saddam's executioner, by having the young man taken to the Uday Huessin's private zoo and put into the lion's cage. Muntadar al-Zaidi Did What We Journalists Should Have Done Long Ago
  • White phosporous (MK77) used by Saddam on the Kurds is considered a war crime, and guess who is using in Iraq now? Think Progress » Administration Breaks Pledge Not To Comment On Ongoing Investigation
  • Contrast that to Bush, who is so cavilier about the lives of others that he actually contemplated sending American pilots up in disguised planes to try and trick Saddam into shooting them down so he could start his war. Think Progress » VIDEO: 8th General Calls For Rumsfeld’s Resignation
  • One motive driving Dubya could be his need "to prove himself to his father - to achieve what his father failed to do - to finish the job of the Gulf War, to get the 'evildoer' Saddam. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • ... the horrifying degree to which Saddam Hussein impoverishes his people and controls every aspect of their lives ... Daimnation!: Just when you're ready to
  • It's addressed to his supporters both inside and outside Iraq and it takes a swipe at Americans, which Saddam refers to as merciless tyrants. CNN Transcript Dec 28, 2006
  • But with the invasion by Saddam Hussein's Iraq in 1980 all this changed, and he and other leaders adopted the Iranian version of the term used by French revolutionaries in the 1790s, la grande nation - in Persian, millat i bozorg. Open Democracy News Analysis - Comments
  • Their pre-war support for deposing Saddam Hussein dissolved very quickly, and their pessimism made the Left happy. When Good News Is “A Real Big Problem”
  • It is only so useful to psychologize why attacking Saddam Hussein so thoroughly captivated this administration before 9/11, immediately after 9/11 and every day since then. Balloon Juice » 2007 » February
  • As for Israel, the fall of Mubarak - and the unsealing of Egypt's border with Gaza - pose a security disaster equal to the destruction of Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq. Why the Mideast revolts will help al-Qaeda
  • Saddam Hussein called me and said he would like me to write a letter to Ramsey [Clark, a former US attorney general] and say that we condemn the attack.
  • But in the long term Saddam Hussein is a part of our grim past. CNN Transcript Dec 29, 2006
  • RICHARDSON: “We’re [sic] what the American people want: contain Saddam Hussein from going after his neighbors, but also, go after these deadly weapons of anthrax, VX, botulisms, some that are very, very big threats to future generations of children, not just in the Persian Gulf and the Middle East, but around the world, if they get in the hands of terrorists that Saddam is supporting.” Think Progress » Condi Throws Stones From Her Glass House
  • He does say, as have many, that Saddam was a supporter and harborer of terrorism and terrorist groups, but this is a known fact. Think Progress » O’Reilly Says CAP Is “A Very Well-Oiled, Effective Character Assassination Machine”
  • Russia sided with France and Germany to block a Bush-backed U.N. resolution sanctioning military conflict to disarm Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
  • By then Saddam's regime was known throughout the world for its brutality and aggression.
  • Saddam Hussein greeted me with a handshake, which, again to my surprise, is surprisingly soft considering how many people that hand had dispatched, allegedly. Galloway vs Straw - The Battle of Blackburn
  • Saddam "had had" biological and chemical weapons, including sarin, tabun, and VX; he'd used them pretty openly in the Iran-Iraq war and his suppression of the Kurdish uprising. Thompson: Saddam "Clearly" Had WMD And A Nuke Program
  • John Scarlett, chairman of the joint intelligence committee (JIC), also "assented" that Saddam had no such weapons, says Cook. ' OpEdNews - Quicklink: Blair 'knew Iraq had no WMD' (Times of London)
  • They live in their own world, where tax cuts increase revenue, where Saddam was a major supporter of al-Qaeda, where dividend cuts go mostly to the middle class, where an experienced career diplomat is a raving left-winger, etc. Economic Arguments, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • I could go on, but the balance sheet, vis-a-vis how awful Saddam was to his people, is not in favour of Blair & co when you actually itemise it rather than appeal to generalities. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • For example, as the president of an insurance company, would you have invested more in assassinating Saddam or invading Iraq? Privatizing Defense vs. Socializing Medicine, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • If you were carrying out 9 / 11 with the intent of using that event to rationalize the removal of saddam, would you implicate Saddam at all in the attacks? Alex Jones' Prison
  • It's about as big as it gets, I guess, when you remember, Paula, that the war began with an attempt, what they called a decapitation attempt, a bombing of what they thought was a bunker that Saddam -- there was one other attempt like it in a restaurant in a part of the city. CNN Transcript Dec 14, 2003
  • While Yeltsin dodders, Primakov dickers, pursuing a diplomatic solution to the latest crisis in the Persian Gulf and encouraging Saddam to think he can get away with defying the United Nations. Yeltsin's War Games
  • Saddam monitored Milosevic's performance at The Hague and was very impressed with it," says former U.S. occupation spokesman Dan Senor, who worries that the trial will "inflame" Sunni insurgents in the short run. Reckoning in Iraq
  • That evening Bush delivers a speech to the nation at the Museum Center in Cincinnati, Ohio in which he called Saddam Hussein a "great danger to our nation. Bush Behind Bars?
  • The myth fostered by the administration that Saddam Hussein conspired in the 9/11 attacks is finally dead and so, apparently, is the parallel myth that Iraqis were among that day's hijackers. Freedom fries tower
  • The apogee was the victorious entry into Baghdad, and the TV pictures of crowds cheering the felling of a statue of Saddam Hussein. The Guardian World News
  • It was there, in the moments after 9/11, that Bush truly decided on war, maybe because Saddam had once tried to kill George H.W. Bush, maybe because the neocons had convinced him that a brief war in Iraq would have long-term salutary consequences for the entire Middle East, maybe because he could not abide the thought that a monster like Saddam might die in his sleep -- and maybe because he heard destiny calling. WaPo's Richard Cohen: Bush Is A "Sentimental Softie" And A "Neo-Liberal"
  • This, as coalition troops remain poised to take Baghdad, said to be protected by rings of Saddam Hussein's best trained and most loyal Republican Guard fighters.
  • the war on terrorism has put Saddam Hussein in the crosshairs
  • READ MY LIPS hmmm, not sure I want George Bush pere to be used as my benchmark, since he didn't get rid of Saddam, it took Junior to do it, 13 years later. Scott White: Obama's Speech on Libya (I WIsh)
  • It was a war worth fighting and that I do believe that despite all, the world is a better place for Saddams removal and the long term gainers will be the people of Iraqi. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • Mr Galloway, who may be further investigated for accepting money from Saddam to pay for his political campaigning, said: "The man was a colossal leader and I believe it is only right that the imperialist forces immediately withdraw and allow him to once again unite the Iraqi people. Galloway calls for Saddam return
  • Everything from engineering the downfall of the Shah, to supporting the rise of the Mullahs (and Islamic Fundamentalism) in Iran and Afghanistan, and then 'regretting' it (after the hostage crisis) resulting in the 180 Degree turn by the Mullahs against Carter, to attempting a failed coup in Iran, and then failing in the hostage rescue attempt, to then asking Saddam Hussein to invade Iran (when all else failed). Jimmy Carter �� the Grand Impostor
  • Saddam is, of course, not alone in admiring The Godfather series. Tales of the Tyrant
  • Even with Saddam Hussein we could envisage places where Saddam Hussein could go into safe refuge, Mack said. Gadhafi: Shrewd, Eccentric, or Insane?
  • In another show of military display, Saddam met with 30 top army commanders in a televised broadcast in which he called charges that Iraq has been keeping weapons of mass destruction quote "a great lie. CNN Transcript Mar 16, 2003
  • Here’s how brazen Mr. Rumsfeld was when he invoked Hitler’s appeasers to score his cheap points: Since Hitler was photographed warmly shaking Neville Chamberlain’s hand at Munich in 1938, the only image that comes close to matching it in epochal obsequiousness is the December 1983 photograph of Mr. Rumsfeld himself in Baghdad, warmly shaking the hand of Saddam Hussein in full fascist regalia. September 2006
  • But the most important conclusion is already clear: Saddam Hussein exploited the program to run the largest bribery scheme in the history of the world. Balloon Juice » 2004 » October
  • Referring to what he called the "psychodynamics" of groups falling into a "self-reverential mindset", he said M16's response to the absence of evidence of banned weapons was "simply to turn up the volume control to say, 'That just proves how devious Saddam Hussein is and how incompetent the inspectors are.' The Guardian World News
  • What I find slightly unnerving is the curious determination of the contemporary left to attribute political differences to some other factor – to genetic predisposition, to mental illness (“homophobia”, “Islamophobia” et al) or, when all else fails, criminality (it’s not enough for Bush to have a different view on the merits of toppling Saddam, he also has to have “lied” and committed crimes worthy of impeachment in the pursuit of said policy). Stromata Blog:
  • It pained me during the lead-up to Iraq to hear how many people around me thought Saddam was responsible for 9/11. Think Progress » Sarah Palin admits to questioning whether Saddam was behind 9/11.
  • This is what was said about saddam's regime in the lousiest media in the west (france and US anyway), constructing a vision of a whole 3 million state-fonctionnaire (and 20 million citizens) as mere tools of one man's eros. and what does all this got to do with the Golan? Saturday, November 01, 2008
  • By then Saddam and eleven others had been "arraigned" on television in improvised proceedings of dubious meaning, which backfired politically when Saddam visibly summoned his powers of command and began to dominate the show. Ziad for the Defense
  • Next thing you know, those crack Republican Guards, Saddam's asskicking fools, were dumped south of Baghdad with popguns to stop the invaders. The Invasion Of Iraq
  • Needless to say, it was much easier to try Saddam Hussein on some deaths for which there was not the kind of evidentiary tracing of evidence as was the case regarding others. "Mr. Rumsfeld, when did Saddam Hussein become evil?"
  • - we know for a fact that before the ruins had stopped smoldering from the attacks of 11 September, Rumsfeld was seeking to pin the attacks on Saddam Hussein. Think Progress » Andrew Sullivan Compares Gore on Global Warming to Cheney’s Reckless Claims About WMD
  • Saddam replaced some of the ancient Sumerian bricks containing the first language of cuneiform with his own inscriptions of self-aggrandizement. Rajai Hakki: An Arab-American Iraq War Veteran Returns to the Middle East,
  • I vividly recall his hyping of Saddam's supposed "Gathering Storm" and his best selling profiteering thereby. When Good News Is “A Real Big Problem”
  • He uses Jonathan Chait's essay* on bringing back Saddam as the basis for this, but he describes it as "Swiftian", meaning he believes it was satire, presumably in the mode of "A Modest Proposal" which presented a horrifying option to an intractable problem in order to illuminate the lack of moral concern on the part of the ruling class. Hullabaloo
  • In the meantime, Saddam works hard to elude that fate by hiding behind the high walls of his palaces, sleeping as little as possible (and never in the same place for more than one night at a time), and scrupulously concealing from the public such signs of aging and vulnerability as his graying hair, his bad back, and his worsening eyesight. It's Not Easy Being Mean
  • Jim Wolfe#59 … multifactorial reasons … first and foremost, to deny Saddam the same control of the region that Iran is now looking for. Think Progress » Chuck Todd: ‘The Tea Party gets a big benefit’ from Fox News’ promotion.
  • If we were to compare him, to some extent with Tariq Aziz, the Former Iraqi Foreign Minister and the 'public face' of Former Saddam Hussain's Regime, McClellan, does owe the people of the United States and Iraq and the world an explanation as to why he served an Administration which made war on another country, at such a high cost in wastage of human lives, livelihood and national resources. Blitzer: Most explosive charges I can remember
  • Since this bozo is a fan of the former co-president (hillary). .who was fully informed on intell along with the serial groper. .all had agreed that Saddam was a threat ... its just that bill was more interested in bj's and campaign mooey from communist china than in protecting our country. Sound Politics: "Only Fools Support Bush's Escalation"
  • Saddam Hussein's-strong-man-reign had evaporated into the virga of a scraggly peon trapped in a urine ditch. Barry Michael Cooper: Kenneth Coles & Grassy Knolls: The Sole Assasination of a Bush Legacy
  • It was this scheme that Vice President Dick Cheney and then National Security Director Condi Rice were mendaciously citing when they referred ominously to a mushroom cloud threat in the fall of 2002, and that Bush lyingly referred to in his 2003 State of the Union message, when he said: "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa. Commemorating 9-11 by Impeaching the President
  • Coming so soon after the euphoria in Washington over the toppling of Saddam, the August aardwolf seemed to many within the Bush administration to be far too negative. State of War
  • In his Sunday speech to the nation, President Bush once again artfully attempted to suggest a connection between deposing Saddam Hussein and the war on terror that began with the September 11th attacks: Balkinization
  • Since this bozo is a fan of the former co-president (hillary). .who was fully informed on intell along with the serial groper. .all had agreed that Saddam was a threat ... its just that bill was more interested in bj's and campaign mooey from communist china than in protecting our country. Sound Politics: "Only Fools Support Bush's Escalation"
  • Did anyone believe that Saddam could even remotely be acquited, or get a lighter sentence when we gave him to an Iraqi cvilian court? Giuliani to reiterate criticism of Obama's terror trial decision
  • Aziz became known as the urbane and kindly public face of Saddam's regime in the lead-up to the first Gulf War in 1991 and the allied invasion of 2003. Top Stories
  • KUWAIT - Kuwait, calling Saddam Hussein a menace to the Gulf, said it would normalise ties with Iraq only when his government was replaced by an administration that resolved outstanding issues between the two countries. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Bush is charting a course to destroy Saddam Hussein
  • John Scarlett, chairman of the joint intelligence committee JIC, also "assented" that Saddam had no such weapons, says Cook. Your Right Hand Thief
  • A senior Foreign Office official revealed on Wednesday that it had received reports just days before the invasion that Saddam Hussein may not be able to use chemical weapons as they had been "disassembled". BBC News | News Front Page | UK Edition
  • At one time he called Saddam Hussein cruel and sadistic as a leader and then he emphasized diplomacy, in Tony Blair's words, "lacking the threat of force never works. CNN Transcript Sep 24, 2002
  • Although the Blairs never came close, not that they had the opportunity, to committing the upholstery crimes of a Saddam Hussein, their frowsy London interiors, furiously draped, chandeliered, patterned and cluttered, seemed to hint at something stranger than decorative idiosyncrasy. What's in worse taste – Cameron's photographer or Blair's house?
  • Our willy-nilly attempts to "decapitate" Saddam's regime with bunker busters was only a small part of the shock-and-awe bombing campaign that sowed death and depleted-uranium dust (a cancer-causing, DNA-altering time bomb) throughout Iraq. Celebrity Carnage
  • Saddam launched scuds at Israel during the first Gulf war, just as Hamas is launching rockets. Matthew Yglesias » Gaza in Context
  • Keeping Rove; being unapologetic about the war; explaining why Saddam had to be removed, that there were terror ties between Saddam and al Qaeda, and why the war needs to be seen through to victory; fighting for Alito, and other well-qualified conservative judges at the appellate level; advancing pro-growth, pro-family tax reforms--this agenda won't enamor Bush to liberals. Archive 2005-11-01
  • Saddam Hussein, captured and jailed, is still the same raging tyrant †only now without a throne. Think Progress » EMBARGOED TEXT: Bush’s Prime Time Speech on Iraq
  • Since the departure of the inspectors in 1998, Saddam has bought or attempted to buy specialized vacuum pumps of the design needed for the gas centrifuge cascade to enrich uranium; an entire magnet production line of the specification for use in the motors and top bearings of gas centrifuges; dual use products such as anhydrous hydrogen fluoride and fluoride gas, which can be used both in petrochemicals, but also in gas centrifuge cascades; a filament winding machine which can be used to manufacture carbon fiber gas centrifuge rotors and has attempted covertly to acquire 60,000 or more specialized aluminum tubes, which are subject to strict controls due to their potential use in the construction of gas centrifuges. CNN Transcript Sep 24, 2002
  • He shepherded tankers through the Persian Gulf from Kharg Island, an oil terminal frequently bombed by Saddam Hussein's air force. At Center of U.S. Oil Suit Is Norway Shipping Tycoon
  • You may recall the secrete nuclear program Saddam had prior to the first Gulf War, the secret program Quadalfi in Libya gave up recently when he was afraid the U.S. might send our Army his way, and the secret network for nuclear technology centered around the group from Pakistan which was making Libya's program possible. Nuclear Power Play
  • The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), one of the two main Kurdish nationalist factions in northern Iraq, has been hoping to do away with Ansar ahead of any U. S.-led campaign against Saddam Hussein, not wanting to have to fight on two fronts ..... CT-SEN: Lieberman Suggests Terrorists Were In Iraq Before U.S. Invasion
  • When Saddam bombed Kurdish rebels and civilians with a lethal cocktail of mustard gas, sarin, tabun, and VX in 1988, the Reagan administration first blamed Iran, before acknowledging that the culprits were Saddam's own forces," explained reporters Christopher Dickey and Evan Thomas. America's March Madness
  • Along with other media bigfeet, I chatted up Rummy and CIA chief George Tenet, both of whom were in on the secret of the capture of Saddam a few hours before.
  • AFP, Miami) The US Immigration and Naturalization Service ( INS ) issued an order to deport a stepson of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
  • As the weeks wore on, Saddam opened up more and more as the FBI-CIA team leveraged its strategy to "overwhelm" - and break - him by confronting the deposed dictator with evidence of his crimes against humanity. Assyrian International News Agency
  • In an interview with Foreign Policy on Wednesday from Sulaymaniyah in Kurdistan, a semi-autonomous region where the vice president has fled to evade an arrest warrant, Hashemi declared that the Iraqi political system is "drifting from building democracy to building an autocratic regime" -- and implied that Iraq's prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, was becoming a new Saddam Hussein. Tareq al-Hashemi: Nouri al-Maliki Is Becoming A New Saddam Hussein
  • This was a request sent back in January of 2001 and in this letter the "Washington Post" reports you called Saddam Hussein your excellency and you wrote that "hope it would lead to a reappraisal of American policy toward Iraq. CNN Transcript Jun 25, 2003
  • Saddam Hussein hammered nails into their fingers and hands. Balloon Juice » 2005 » January
  • But the very intensity of his conviction discouraged divergent views, notably the claim that Saddam could launch WMD within 45 minutes, or the intelligence report received just days before the war that Saddam's chemical weapons may have been "disassembled". news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • People dont realize how powerful that picture of SAddam Hussien and Rummy is… if you showed it to this Newt joker and told him.. lets talk about this picture for a moment.. what exactly is it that we were afraid of that made us ally ourselves with mr evil Saddam? Think Progress » Gingrich: There Is An ‘Insurgency’ in CT Which Says ‘Can’t We Come Home And Hide?’
  • If Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein are viewed as terrorists, then the US government is the arch-criminal that shields and supports terrorism!
  • And then they have to go through a lot of procedures, setting up an operation, beginning what they call a baseline to -- of inspections to look at, you know, Saddam Hussein, what's happened in the last four years since weapons inspectors left. CNN Transcript Oct 14, 2002
  • KOCH: And also of concern that to crack down on this insurgency, the new government is planning to bring back what it calls decent members of Saddam Hussein's army and police force. CNN Transcript Jun 28, 2004
  • This committee also includes Lieutenant General Amir al - Saadi , an adviser to Saddam.
  • Against SADDAM!!! hahahahha … two birds with one stone … see how unsmooth you are hehehe .. and you wonder why we think you are dumb. Think Progress » Breaking: Terrorist Zarqawi Killed in Iraq Air Strikes
  • He is expected to call for action against Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.
  • He did not explicitly compare the president to Saddam or the North Korean leader or say that Mr. Obama's efforts were 'analagous' to theirs. "-- correction, New York Times, Sept.  8 The Whatever President
  • A new book by the author Ron Suskind claims that the White House ordered the CIA to forge a back-dated, handwritten letter from the head of Iraqi intelligence to Saddam Hussein. Eschaton
  • Western governments have never wanted anything other than control and they pretty much do not care how big a swine they cosey up to is as long as he does the job remember British and US support for Saddam Hussein? The west should cheer, not fear, this cry for freedom in Egypt | Andrew Rawnsley
  • But then they had the soft part of the war, where they went in and tried to take away what they considered to be Saddam Hussein's weapons, to go after the so-called scud (UNINTELLIGIBLE) in western Iraq so that they couldn't terrorize the Israelis and bring other nations into this war. CNN Transcript Mar 21, 2003
  • Terrorism has been a tool used by Saddam for decades.
  • Because when the U.S. overthrew Saddam, the hope was that democracy would remerge and that Iran would get the message, the people there would rise up against their own regime, and the spillover from Iraq would prove to be beneficial for U.S. throughout the region. CNN Transcript Feb 15, 2007
  • And, perhaps, most importantly, he seems to have Saddam Hussein fooled into thinking that there is nothing he can do to prevent a U.S. attack. Balkinization
  • And Right on cue comes Rick Perry, the newest Republican superhero, capable of going toe-to-loony-toe with Michele Bachmann in linking government to slavery as spookily as Dick Cheney linked 9/11and Saddam Hussein. Michael Sigman: Corporations Are a Mitt's Best Friend
  • When Saddam finally became president in 1979, he purged the Baath Party once again and filled top government posts with loyal tribesmen, his cousins and uncles and brothers-in-law. Day of Honey
  • I looked up at Saddam's palace overlooking the ruins, atop a massive gardened hill, and, enraged, I began jogging up the steep hill. Rajai Hakki: An Arab-American Iraq War Veteran Returns to the Middle East,

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