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How To Use Sad In A Sentence

  • This proposed procurement is a continuation of an existing contractual agreement for the developed prototype NASA Student Ambassadors Virtual Community (NSAVC) web site. ... Curious Virtual Community Procurement - NASA Watch
  • There is a tradition of magickal practice in my family but sadly it fell into abeyance a couple of generations back.
  • Though Jane tells herself stories, listens to stories told by others, and reads, she never writes anything other than a few letters-misaddressed and undelivered letters, at that.
  • Sadly, none of a myriad of ingenious contraptions, despite inventors' claims, puts forth more energy than it absorbs.
  • She and I corresponded a couple of times, but that's sad.
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  • It brings prestige to Scotland on a shoestring, and a great deal is done by people for whom it's a crusade, not a job.
  • Poor Sulkorig is dead by misadventure, his head broken by the hoof of the Lord Constable's horse. IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • Some groups consistently face discrimination: age is one mode of socially structured disadvantage.
  • Employers and business groups contend that a higher minimum wage would saddle them with higher labor costs.
  • Some of the most popular pairings pitted contrasting advantages and disadvantages against one another.
  • Season with salt and pepper and tie string around each saddle to secure the caul fat.
  • It is also her misfortune to have been saddled with an unappetisingly needy role. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their preferences ultimately shaped the place of worship that Warren built, and the result of that consumer-driven approach to creating Saddleback is a deliberately contemporary, highly professionalized operation with a carefully orchestrated feel-good atmosphere. American Grace
  • The latest strategy is now seen dropping unsupported accusations across the media spectrum to the effect that the intelligence agency's assignment of Ambassador Joseph Wilson to look into the now-discredited Iraq/Niger/uranium claims were all part of a long-term insidious scheme to try and discredit the Bush Administration. Brad Friedman: Wingnuts Declare Coordinated All-Out Cross-Media War on CIA as Newest Front in TreasonGate!
  • Certainly observant Jews remember the crusaders as evil butchers, who on their way to Jerusalem, slaughtered and massacred many thousands of Jews and decimated entire Jewish communities such as Speyer, Worms and Mayencea and of course, when they arrived in Jerusalem, put the holy Jews of the city to the sword. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Isadora seldom could pay her own way, but that never stopped her. ISAAC CAMPION
  • The ambassador personally conveyed the president's message to the king.
  • When you see this poor guy being followed everywhere he goes by hordes of people, it's actually terribly sad.
  • He had taken a hard line about any country that harbored terrorists, and by his definition Saddam was a terrorist. Plan of Attack
  • Cleland was occupied with his visual recorder, surveyor, gravitometer, and whatever else he could wield in the saddle, or simply with gazing around. Starfarers
  • McGregor is saddled with a tiresome everyman role, but Spacey, Clooney, and especially Bridges make some of their scenes work better than they should. Your mind won’t be blown watching “The Men Who Stare at Goats” » Scene-Stealers
  • Now sadder but wiser, we are prepared to admit that the implementation of curriculum change is a complicated business.
  • Brian will be sadly missed by his family and close friends.
  • The writings of a great amoralist - a de Sade, a Stirner, a Nietzsche - can inspire a handful of murders in two centuries.
  • Though there is ever-present sadness the poet still wishes to "whip in kitchen cups concupiscent curds. Kazim Ali: From East Jerusalem to Ramallah
  • It is sad, very sad to watch a great champion being beaten in a one-sided fight where he cannot offer any meaningful counterpunch, which is what boxing is all about. Undefined
  • So we willingly follow his two small, sad pink beings through the various trials of life and myth.
  • The creak of the wooden pontoon was such a sad, lonely sound.
  • Sadly, I must concede, that it was an understandable response in that milieu.
  • They had already experienced discrimination in the army while fighting the "crusade for freedom". The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Sadly what he calls'the paucity of evidence and excess of speculative interpretation' is unlikely to clear the air. The Times Literary Supplement
  • But the bourgeois and the coalitionist press represented this movement as a pogromist, counter-revolutionary affair, and, at the same time, as a Bolshevist crusade, the immediate object of which was to seize the reins of Government by the use of armed force against the Central Executive Committee. From October to Brest-Litovsk
  • Everyday there will be an opportunity to smile or to frown, to dance or to drown, to be glad or sad. It's a choice! RVM 
  • It left us both joyful and speechless, happy to be home again but sad that this great trip was over.
  • This guy was also what we call a sadistic pedophile, which is that sadistic pedophiles often use objects to penetrate children rather than using the penis or the fingers, and that ` s apparently, if the allegations are true, what he did with one little girl. CNN Transcript Apr 5, 2005
  • She leaned against the wall, anger and sadness welling up inside her as she thought about what had happened.
  • John, yo 'oncinch thet saddle, an' then, Horatius Ezek'l, yo 'an' David Golieth, taken the hoss to the barn an 'see't he's hayed an' watered 'fore yo 'come back. The Gold Girl
  • A new educational programme has been set up for economically disadvantaged children.
  • He raised his visor as the smiling princess guerdoned him — raised it, and gave ONE sad look towards the Lady Fatima at her side! Novels by Eminent Hands
  • This job title presto changeo is just like the presto changeo of MK77, really bad if Saddam uses it, not so much if the US uses it the same way. Think Progress » Woodward Reveals Important Clues About White House Smear Campaign
  • But wait, that bugger is gone already, Too bad, so sad. The Volokh Conspiracy » Would “Deem & Pass” Survive Judicial Review?
  • Naomi was given a pony and taught to ride side-saddle.
  • Now that grand finale will not happen, which must have induced sadness yesterday in all but the hardest of hearts. Times, Sunday Times
  • ~~~~~~~~~French Vocabulary~~~~~~~~ en tout cas = in any case; façon de parler = so to speak; à peu près = almost, more or less; le français (m) = French; l'anglais (m) = English; le bât (m) = packsaddle Faux amis - French Word-A-Day
  • It is dreadfully sad to reflect that he grew up in such a short time and in such tragic circumstances. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sadly, because we found our wine so late, and things have been hectic with a sick 9-month old here at the LENNDEVOURS world headquarters there wasn't time for a full-fledge review, meaning that I didn't taste it blind or even pull my notebook out. Wine Blogging Wednesday
  • The sad fact is that if the Democrats had tried to make a big issue of the matter the press would have criticized them unmercifully for spoiling the 100th birthday celebrations of a great man with their petty partisan politics.
  • Sadly now the road is grid-locked most days, the factory is on the verge of closing, the picturesque view of what used to be a boathouse now appears to be a rubbish tip and no-one cares.
  • And when I see how many people are being sucked into gold investments from all those cheesy radio and TV ads (with their overt or sometimes explicit survivalist overtones), I see another bubble being blown that at some sad point will go blooey. Fox Business News, Where Green Arrows Turn Brown Eyes Blue: James Wolcott
  • There are some potential disadvantages of using biopsy specimens as opposed to epithelial cell preparations for metabolic studies.
  • The master feel good mind manipulator is saddened by her wayward "Jesus" and must come reining down to spread her pixie dust and re-christen the Annointed One. Oprah Winfrey to tape Christmas special at the White House
  • The numerous rivers heart surface, threads a needle the line to suture sadly.
  • The great disadvantage is its huge cost. Times, Sunday Times
  • EU Referendum: Saddam "the federator of Europe" skip to main | skip to sidebar Saddam "the federator of Europe"
  • There's a terrible scene where he is chained to a whipping post and flogged with sadistic pleasure by brutish Roman guards.
  • Further evidence of China's increasing dismay with Pyongyang comes in a cable in June 2009 from the US ambassador to Kazakhstan, Richard Hoagland.
  • They unsaddled their mounts
  • Alifabs Ambassador extruded aluminium fascia gutter and rainwater system is the design ideal for both new and existing buildings.
  • It is sad that there are ineffective ministers and somnolent bureaucracy giving the people a raw deal.
  • Och, sad mishanter! On the stairs Pate bursts upon them unawares.
  • He was appointed ambassador to America.
  • Slide 41: Calcium Channel Blockers:. •Pueden ser usados con seguridad en pacientes con CKD. •Causan vasodilatación de la arteriola aferente produciendo un incremento agudo en la GFR, un efecto que desaparece con el uso crónico. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Ambassador Simons has been asked to speak at the dinner.
  • Society may be full of poisonous vapors and be built on a framework of lies; it is nevertheless prudent to consider whether the ideal advantages of disturbing it overweigh the practical disadvantages, and above all to bear in mind that if you rob the average man of his illusions, you are almost sure to rob him of his happiness. Henrik Ibsen
  • Benjamin Franklin was the US ambassador to absolutist France after the American Revolution.
  • While on the subject of that patient, although he does eventually say: Once believed to be rare, the malady, also called celiac sprue, is now recognized more frequently thanks to sophisticated diagnostic tests. the fact remains that fifteen years ago, when this poor lady began her medical misadventures, anyone who even thought of celiac disease would have been -- correctly -- laughed out of the conference room. "How Doctors Think": A Disappointment
  • Tokyo would also appoint an ambassador to Asean, he said.
  • These are all lonely, arguably damaged people, and once you get past the silliness it's all rather crushingly sad. TV highlights 10/08/201: Timothy Spall: Back At Sea | The Sopranos | Who Do You Think You Are? | 24 Hours in A&E | Forbidden Love
  • Eli undershot this dark system. i oversaw Jaime when ate me Sky! it told present arch, that enwound sadly... above plough reeved whistle, driving wrung anti the week despite blue chance: "who he gainsaid us? 26th January '05
  • But if the international community wants the hopeful prospects for the days, months and years ahead to materialize for Iraq, we must confront the reality of Saddam Hussein's intransigency. CNN Transcript Mar 5, 2003
  • Si ello fuera el caso, el gerente general de una empresa podría ser acusado si un trabajador suyo cometiera, de forma aislada, un crimen. Global Voices in English » Peru: Ex-President Fujimori Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison
  • To begin with the surface is coherent – now and again she smiles sadly at the charm he manages to bestow on that foul-smelling tannery – but as she turns the pages she sees it start to break down. Rachel Cusk | Portraits
  • After about two hours of tweets mentioning the lay-off, Philip Brasher broke the silence, also with a tweet: "Saddest part: DM Register opened bureau nearly 80 yrs ago to cover ag policy when Wallace became ag secy. Paula Crossfield: Why Laying Off Ag Reporter Philip Brasher Is Bad for Food
  • It was so tragic and sad. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the joy of that tends to become clouded by the extreme sadness of another Christmas without my sister.
  • Ambassador Liu congratulated Baroness Warsi on her being a member of the British Cabinet as the first Muslim woman.
  • Teachers claim such measures could unfairly disadvantage ethnic minorities.
  • i was in floods of tears at the end of "Bridge to Terabithia" when i went to go see it with me ten year old nephew. he promptly spent the rest of the day laughing at me for it and calling me a woose but in my defence it was really sad. lol. wrenchturner (5 posts) on April 16, 2009 - 9: 46pm. - Because visibility matters
  • Readers will discover an entertaining tale of Peri, a sad prince and a sea dragon.
  • In some things it may be well that emotion is greater than logic; but emotion _in logic_ is sad to contend with, sad even to contemplate -- and such is too often the reasoning of the untrained woman. Public Speaking
  • How sad are the D.C.s of the world who seek only to rend and never to mesh with the warp and woof of a community.
  • As the philosopher points out, ‘There is an aestheticism in masochism, while sadism is hostile to the aesthetic attitude.’
  • The recall of ambassador Alan Green was a public signal of America's concern.
  • Ten years ago I would have said that this sad state of affairs was irremediable, at least for the immediate future.
  • The author argues that the military's four-star regional commanders have usurped the influence and authority of the State Department and local ambassadors.
  • His reward for services rendered is to have been nominated as the new British ambassador to the US.
  • Lawyers expressed concern that women could be coerced and forced to accept apparently voluntary agreements to their disadvantage. Times, Sunday Times
  • This horse was so fleet, and its rider so expert, that they are said to have outstripped and coted, or turned, a hare upon the Bran-Law, near the head of Moffat Water, where the descent is so precipitous, that no merely earthly horse could keep its feet, or merely mortal rider could keep the saddle. Old Mortality, Complete
  • These dees are affixed by terrets centered on the saddle and by pad screws on both skirts.
  • On many dossiers, the pace of law-making could easily advance "very fast", says the ambassador.
  • The area around the building has long been used as a burial ground for unbaptised children, and the small headstones marking these sad graves can be seen.
  • If the traditional image of the empty-nester is dowdy, sad and purposeless, she could not be further from it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is it sad that what surprised me most about this article was that his pension is only 24K per year? The Volokh Conspiracy » “Phila[delphia Police] Officer Admits Lie in Saying He Was Shot”
  • This is where the story gets very sad. Times, Sunday Times
  • He wanted to cry quietly but not for himself: for the words, so beautiful and sad, like music. James Joyce 
  • A wooden tank may be rendered capable of withstanding the effects of nitric or sulphuric acids by the following methods: -- Cover the inside with paraffin; go over the inside with a sadiron heated to the temperature used in ironing clothes. Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
  • Ultimately, under the Court's decision, a successful plaintiff will have to prove she was singled out for disadvantageous treatment in the workplace.
  • He will be sadly missed from the sport, and will climb Everest with fervent wishes for safety and success. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tibetans around me were shaking their heads in sadness, because they were fearful for him, and others were openly agreeing with him. Kate Saunders: Pictures From Tibet That Tell a Story of Courage
  • Just why the politician who destroyed his premiership crusading against dictators wilfully became a servant to them remains unanswered. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mulgikapsad is a pork and sauerkraut dish that takes its name from an Estonian province.
  • Across her back I threw a soft light blanket before heaving the massive English saddle across.
  • Sadly, she is to be the author of the titular article, inspired by the third-date dumping of her friend.
  • In the next few days we shall see if the ambassador can weather the political storm caused by his ill-advised remarks.
  • There was joy on the double for racing's first Lady Jessica Harrington at Leopardstown as the County Kildare trainer saddled the winners of the two feature races.
  • Based on a Korean fairy-tale, this light and witty piece of chinoiserie tells the story of a Mandarin's daughter who is engaged to a rich Ambassador but loves an impoverished youth.
  • The figure on the right is Jean de Dinteville, the French ambassador to the English court of Henry VIII.
  • So she sware to him that she would not do him any hurt or ensorcell him, and bidding bring him a fine horse, saddled and bridled with a golden bridle and decked with trappings all of gold set with jewels, gave the old man a thousand dinars saying, Use this.’’ The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • There were lots of thrusts and gyrations in the class, which makes sense, since they're burlesquers, but I just don't have the coordination, sadly, to shimmy and walk backward at the same time.
  • The only sad thing is that the process is taking longer than their debut album suggested.
  • He said low genetic diversity is a natural part of the domestication process and that Dukha reindeer are selected for traits such as passiveness and strong backs that support saddles and riders.
  • Well, I am afraid the crusade was rather a fizzer.
  • When you consider that between Spanish, English and Arabic, well over half of the planet doesn't speak a tonal language, that puts Chinese at a serious competative disadvantage. Kaplin's Simplifiid Speling, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • (Sadly, Jesse Jackson, Jr., though he appears to not have been involved in corruption, is now too tainted in the public memory as candidate #6 or whatever to have a viable chance at filling the seat.) Matthew Yglesias » Darrel Thompson Sure Can Quit Burris
  • Frankly, I'm not built for glissades, arabesques, entrechats or mincing around en pointe.
  • The more civilised make up of canvass or "gunny bags" stuffed with hay and provided with cross bars, a rude packsaddle, which is admirably calculated to gall the animal's back. First Footsteps in East Africa
  • Anthony Gould was said to be one of the most unpopular men in the prison because of a crusade against drug abuse.
  • Here, Asa assumes the folk-funk stylings of Linda Lewis, borrows the flutey mellotrons from Strawberry Fields Forever, and weaves them into a production so breezy you might reasonably whisper "new Sade". This week's new singles
  • At this point the imagery begins to repeat itself in different iterations, as it will for the rest of the novel: The man is at the station where the woman is now looking at him "vacantly"; the dog appears again, blocking his path; he walks along the street, where "a cyclist is trying to pedal along," the fish in his saddle bag now joined by a loaf of bread on top of it. Experimental Fiction
  • The relationship had been important to me and its loss left me feeling sad and empty.
  • Last week, a bronze-skinned buckaroo, with a flashing red neckerchief above his blue shirt, with shining leather chaparejos and crimson saddle-blanket, dashed up from a Western skyline on a snorting, piebald cow-pony.
  • There, in company with a small piece of cheese and a w sad-looking lettuce, was a single can of beer. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • Sadly though the intention had been to get to see the Crypt, where the Rakoff collection of comics is stored, both our minds let it slip till too late - but I did see the really cool old lifts with the doors you have to close manually and suchlike, plus having a nice lunch with companiable conversation. A day away at the V&A but not at play
  • In a video provided by the French military, the forces are seen rappelling from a helicopter at night with night vision goggles, before the aircraft lands in a field to pick up a man, who appears to be the Japanese ambassador to Ivory Coast. France rescues Japanese envoy in Ivory Coast
  • I do not need to detain the House with a contemporary history of that sad state.
  • Taking his saddle and pad from one horse, Ty threw it onto a buckskin and pulled the surcingle through the cinch ring. Calder Born, Calder Bred
  • He smiled down at her and leaned back against the tack and saddlebags that they'd piled on top of each other.
  • Hours after the ambassador was recalled, Saba said Mr. bin Jassem sent a letter to his Yemeni counterpart, Abu Bakr al-Qurbi, to clarify Qatar's position.
  • While serious in subject and sad in fact, the play is written with brio and excellent humour.
  • Will it remain perverted forever by what it†™ s become, or will the truth ring free and clear and the legend of the Crusader be born anew? Dynamite Entertainment titles for February 2010 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • The princes of the West assumed the cross in order to appropriate to their own use the tithes which, for the defrayal of crusade expenses, they had levied upon the property of the clergy. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • She trusted Mitch with her life, and they spent many hours together, both happy and sad.
  • Everyone was relieved when the ceremony at the Ambassador's residence went off without a hitch.
  • For spouts of wild fury dashed up into the clouds; and the shore, wherever any sight of it was left, weltered in a sadly frothsome state, like the chin of a Titan with a lather-brush at work. Mary Anerley
  • In London the first family in exile was taken in by the Polish ambassador. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, subsequent excavations at Maiden Castle, Arikamedu and Charsadda have inevitably caused many of his fundamental assumptions to be refuted.
  • BBC | Oil price "grounds North Korea fleet" Não é só no bolso dos automobilistas que o disparo nos preços do petróleo se faz sentir: a força aérea norte-coreana está practicamente paralisada; o país não tem dinheiro para adquirir combustível para pôr a voar a sua frota de velhas aeronaves de origem soviética e chinesa. Leituras
  • Torture of political detainees became widespread and systematic after the assassination of President Sadat in October 1981.
  • We're dining the ambassador this week.
  • Lamy warns trade finance situation deteriorating www. 12.11.08 Director-General Pascal Lamy reported to WTO ambassadors on 12 November 2008 that his meeting with experts earlier in the day confirmed that the market for trade finance has severely deteriorated. - Financial News
  • Stokton, a fishmonger, Thomas Yong, a saddler, and Robert Jakes, a shearman — all of whom had more than once been convicted of perjury, and on that account been struck off inquests — had contrived to get themselves replaced on the panel, and had been the chief movers in the recent actions against the late mayor and other officers of the city. London and the Kingdom - Volume I
  • I can't say definitively, which is sad, because not only am I going to miss doing them, but also working with John. Jezebel
  • I do feel dreadfully sad, Marilla. Anne of Green Gables
  • Her tears poured forth as she watched the sad scene.
  • he saddled me with that heavy responsibility
  • Sadly the are other reasons apart from financial why what are essentially children having children should not get preggers.
  • The sad irony of it all is that God's infinite mercifulness extends to the nether limits where our present breed of politicians abound.
  • The shop provided saddles, boots, and other riding equipment for riders at south Florida racetracks.
  • There is no bigger issue in education than social disadvantage. Times, Sunday Times
  • What phlegmatical reasons soever were made you," wrote the Queen, who but three weeks before had been so gentle and affectionate to her, ambassador, "how happeneth it that you will not remember, that when a man hath faulted and committed by abettors thereto, neither the one nor the other will willingly make their own retreat. History of the United Netherlands from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce — Complete (1584-1609)
  • Studies done in the UK of children from two to 11 years show that high early achievers from disadvantaged backgrounds are overtaken between age five and 10 by low early achievers from advantaged backgrounds.
  • Those who knew him are saddened by his death.
  • Ambassadors used to have a scent of mystery, secrecy and even of romance about them.
  • A key component of that warfare by the ubër rich was to emaciate or destroy the unions through new laws restricting unionization, bankruptcy courts killing labor contracts, diversion of pension funds, abusive tactics against organizers, shipping jobs elsewhere and PR campaigns vilifying the very concept of collective bargaining to redress serious economic disadvantages. Sneak Attack
  • The sad news for those born-again C & A consumers is that this revival of fortunes is too late to save the company, which will take its final curtain after Christmas.
  • All was coloured with admiration of his beauty and grace, and mingled with boundless pity for their sad overclouding and defeature! Thomas Wingfold, Curate
  • Me and I am not happy. 80% of our population are not contributing to federal income taxes ... their money comes back to them in refunds. it is a sad state with a president whose agenda will cost us greatly expects this burdon to fall on the remaining 20%. Raising taxes at center of health care reform debate
  • However, megavoltage imaging also has significant disadvantages. Varian Medical Systems and Stanford University Win $3.6 Million Five-Year NIH/NCI Research Grant to Develop Advanced Imaging Technology - Yahoo! Finance
  • [Illustration: Lamp and sadiron] [Illustration: Postrider (Footnote: From an old print, 1760)] \% 92. A School History of the United States
  • Its preface features a history of the novel and Sade’s theories on the ‘modern novel‘: Reflections on the Novel by Sade: first English translation? « Jahsonic
  • In this instance, the fact that they will be playing a team they know very little about could work to their disadvantage.
  • There is another couple walking down the street, this one pre-consumerist, their handclasp signifying a ‘right of ownership’ in which she is ‘silently, sadly, complicit.’
  • Prior to the amendment, the president had the prerogative to appoint ambassadors or accept foreign envoys.
  • We can still listen to the songs of the kokako and saddleback, and the booming of the kakapo.
  • Death s inevitable.It's a promise made to each of us at birth.But before that promise is kept,we all hope something will happen to us,whether it is the thrill of romance,the joy of raising a family,or the anguish of great loss.We all hope to experience something that make our lives meaningful,but the sad fact is,not all lives have meaning.Some people spend their time on this planet just sitting on the sidelines,waiting for something to happen to them,before it's too late.
  • On the contrary, there is a vast shadow of melancholy, a painful sadness, doubt and cross-purpose, boldness at one moment and timidity at the next, a longing for solitude. Half a Rogue
  • Indeed, it is a sad comment about the world in which we live that most women in the so called 'Third World do not have access to even the most rudimentary gynaecological or obstetric healthcare and that vaginal fistulae are so common. The Invention of the Sims Speculum - Surgical Improvisation
  • The University is considering plans to introduce more rigorous target quotas for admissions of students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • We are all subject to the pain of loss, grief, sadness and even plain disappointment.
  • Ivaric raced down to the stables, shouted at a groom to saddle his grey horse Maila, and smiled as he saw his father sitting in a shady arbour at one end of the courtyard, looking thoughtful.
  • Prasad" is also selected according to the weather. News Feed
  • The kernel of that message was that peace must not be a source of advantage or disad-vantage for anyone.
  • Debut novelists will make up nearly half of the Orange prize for fiction longlist, which this year tackles strikingly difficult subjects: incest, sadistic cruelty, polygamy, child bereavement, hermaphroditism and mental illness. Orange prize longlist tackles difficult subjects – and alligators
  • The vast majority return home and potentially remain goodwill ambassadors for the UK for the rest of their lives. Times, Sunday Times
  • Republicans – your pettiness and attack machinery cannot work among the electorates who are intelligent and appreciate the disadvantage of divisive politics where cohesion is needed. DeMint: Senate could've voted on TSA chief 'months ago'
  • The death of a grandparent is sad but also a natural part of life. What Do You Want To Write In Your Lifetime? Reflections on Mortality. | The Creative Penn
  • Never stop smiling, not even when you're sad, some man fall in love with your smile.
  • Sadly, the pace slows down considerably at the one-hour mark, and the film has a hard time recovering the sense of rollicking adventure supplied by the first half.
  • The wheat fields have nothing to say to me. And that is sad. But you have hair that is the color of gold. Think how wonderful that will be when you have tamed me! The grain, which is also golden, will bring me back the thought of you. And I shall love to listen to the wind in the wheat.
  • This marks a sad pass for a brand name that, while dreaded by many parents, spelled excitement to a generation of kids.
  • What there is, is a difficult political issue now that we have discovered the VPOTUS and his associates broke this law—not for a kidnapped child, but to justify the imminent invasion of Iraq with confabulated links between Saddam and 9/11. The Volokh Conspiracy » Radio Host Waterboarded, Says It’s Torture:
  • On Friday, June 4th, 2010, Ambassador Zhang Jungao, accompanied by the staff members of the Chinese Embassy and Chinese Medical Team, paid a visit to the Guyana Demerara Distillers Ltd (DDL).
  • Perhaps it was her upbringing in the slums of Dundee, where squalor and drunkenness were a sad part of daily life, that made her more able to cope.
  • Sarah was just about to mount onto one when Fin without so much as a by-your-leave hoisted her up into the saddle and the tied her horse to his.
  • The beautiful sounds of the Welsh Male Voice Choir of South Africa will drift across the lake's waters, while the Meropa Basadi group will play carols on marimbas and drums, giving the occasion a memorable African feel.
  • Chiefly, such activities were processional - arrivals of ambassadors and potentates, with plebeian doings relegated to the wings.
  • Sadly the courtesy car's seats have been covered more with economy in mind than aesthetics.
  • Psychoanalysts tend to regard both sadism and masochism as arising from childhood deprivation.
  • Sadly this will set a very destructive precedent, which could place the future of our liberty in grave jeopardy.
  • The main disadvantages are that group instruction is sometimes costly and not always effective. Self-Hypnosis
  • Joe is sad because he just got the air from his girlfriend.
  • The reporter arrives alertly , "Happy net " poll when initiate " can if there is sad net, you go?
  • That will exacerbate China's need to increase its exports, said Cornell University economist Prasad.
  • The table below details the advantages and disadvantages of electric versus mechanical hygroscopes.
  • Sadly, it is no panacea for a low libido. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the aid of lacker varnish and skilful painting, paper made excellent trunks, tobacco bags, cigar cases, saddles, telescope cases, the frames of microscopes; and we even saw and used excellent water-proof coats made of simple paper, which did keep out the rain, and were as supple as the best macintosh ... .. The Art of Travel Shifts and Contrivances Available in Wild Countries
  • Several of Woolrich's hunting garments are made of Squires Hightech's Saddle-Cloth, a soft, quiet, stormproof and windproof fabric.
  • He is by turns violent, sentimental, maudlin, self-pitying, and sadistic, and has a fine line in rhetoric.
  • I think its sad that the whole thing could have been a great opportunity to take the model of second life, and put a knife into the vampire capitalism that curses second-life, demonetize and thus democratize the platform. Well That Was Quick
  • It is sad to note that in some instances much-needed cooperation has been lacking and the economy has been held to ransom because of what one might call avaricious tendencies," the president said. ANC Daily News Briefing

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