
How To Use Ringed In A Sentence

  • Wet meadows between rock outcrops include grasses, sedges, mosses, pitcher plant Saracenia purpurea, sundew Drosera sp. and purple fringed orchid Habenaria psycodes. Gros Morne National Park, Canada
  • What is the etiquette when the eyes in question are big, and brown, and fringed with generous dark lashes?
  • At college he had never (illis dissimilis in nostro tempore natis) cringed to the possessors of clerical power. Pelham — Volume 05
  • It's right where the shantytown used to be, ringed by businesses and middle-class homes.
  • The death knell could also be sounded for other species dependent on the ice, such as the ringed seal, bearded seal and little auk.
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  • The oral shield is oval to rounded pentagonal with the distal edge fringed by granules or low spinelets.
  • How shall we ever admire our civic leaders if we cannot look up to them, to see a white silk glove raised in blessing, a ringed-hand greeting?
  • A piano and stringed instruments were purchased and the family formed a string quartet.
  • The purple-ringed Anguillaria dioica, first seen on Pyramid Hill, again appeared here; and in many places the ground was quite yellow with the flowers of the cichoraceous plant tao whose root, small as it is, constitutes the food of the native women and children. Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, Volume 2
  • Eventually we arrived at a black sand bay fringed with jungle.
  • The Park overlies a segment of a 400 km long southwest-trending fossil reef that surrounds the Delaware Basin of southeastern New Mexico and western Texas which was a small reef-fringed inland sea in Permian times 280-250 mya. Carlsbad Caverns National Park, United States
  • Xaviers could fit himself to the dignity and formal habiliments of state; Yet in the fringed deerskin of frontier garb, he was fleeter on the warpath than the Indians who fled before him; and he could outride and outshoot -- and, it is said, outswear -- the best and the worst of the men who followed him. Pioneers of the Old Southwest: a chronicle of the dark and bloody ground
  • But observing them, I did imagine what it would be like to hold one of those pens in my ringed hand. Times, Sunday Times
  • The arbutus, all aglow and fragrant beneath its leaves, the purple fringed polygala were past, but they found the pale gold lily of the bellwort, the rust-red bloom of the ginger. Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill
  • The handsome, large purple-fringed orchis is also found here. Rural Hours
  • His lip was split, his nose bloody, and his eyes were both ringed by dark bruises.
  • The ringed man quickly looked behind him to see if anyone had heard.
  • Welcome to Brian Head, a sweet, one-slope resort located far from the madding boarders and fur-fringed fashionistas.
  • Mostly inexpensive metalwork such as ringed pins characterize the industry and crafts going on in the town.
  • The crowd made way for the shepherd and his following, and as they drew near to the raised platform the two white cats, who were Edred and Elfrida, looked up and saw in the middle and biggest chair a splendid, dark-faced man in a kind of fringed turban with two long feathers in it, and in the two chairs to right and left of him, clothed in beautiful embroidered stuffs, with shining collars of jewels about their necks, Father and Uncle Jim! The House of Arden
  • There were sequins of all kinds, embroideries and unique fringed fabrics.
  • He cringed away from Arun, eyes wide, then blinked and appeared to recognize the trapper.
  • Fighting took place in a giant petrified forest of blackened chimney stacks, where the defenders had little cover except the charred remains of the matchboard bungalows and workers 'settlements that ringed the town. Barbarossa
  • Dimitri cringed away from the raging monster and quickly stumbled towards the door.
  • She cringed as her black blood ran down the shaft of the spear.
  • From Kaiteriteri, cruise the protected waters of the Astrolabe Roadstead past idyllic beaches fringed by lush native forest to the golden expanse of Anchorage Bay (30-45 mins).
  • There are two sure ways of making a fortune in art: buy an undervalued old master, or a Cremona stringed instrument.
  • Annie was kneeling, too, her fine, unringed hands clasping one of her mother's hands. The Beloved Woman
  • The ribbon of land mass, fringed with coconut trees, stretches for more than 12,500 miles around a vast lagoon.
  • Circles ringed and shadowed them, but still they twinkled brightly.
  • I cringed at the thought of him urinating on it in the full view of the highway.
  • It is covered by and adherent to a fold of pia mater, named the tela chorioidea of the third ventricle, from the under surface of which a pair of vascular fringed processes, the choroid plexuses of the third ventricle, project downward, one on either side of the middle line, and invaginate the epithelial roof into the ventricular cavity. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
  • Can women punch out hot licks and melodic riffs on a six stringed fretboard?
  • If it's true that the name of the kithara is ultimately from a Minoan compound meaning 'three-stringed' and containing the element *ki 'three' see Paleoglot: The kithara, then it stands to reason that the similar name, kinnor, is probably likewise Minoan in origin and containing the same petrified numeral with a different second component. Archive 2010-08-01
  • Goldenrod and asters fringed the mossy walls. Little Women
  • His name ringed in dollar signs and question marks. The Big Nowhere
  • Licensed Patents" mean patent claims licensable by a Contributor which are necessarily infringed by the use or sale of its Contribution alone or when combined with the Program.
  • Once, in the cold noon of a lovely day of frost, when the lightest step crackled with the breaking of multitudinous crystals, when the trees were fringed with furry white, and the old spider-webs glimmered like filigrane of fairy silver, they met on a lonely country-road. St. George and St. Michael
  • His small, vertiginous banana farm, fringed with avocado and palm trees, is at Marigot on Dominica.
  • But, remember, you will have passed the Rubicon, when once you have been shaven: if you repent, and let your beard grow, your mouth will by-and-by show no longer what Messer Angelo calls the divine prerogative of lips, but will appear like a dark cavern fringed with horrent brambles.
  • The high canopy over the bed was draped with prim folds of damask, and the coverlet was of some quaint crocheted work that hung in fringed ends to the floor. The Miller of Old Church
  • ‘Indeed my Lady, it was taken from a French musketeer just minutes after I had killed him,’ he swung it in the air several times, watching with a boyish smile as the nuns cringed.
  • I took my first step into the store and cringed at the music that they were playing.
  • I cringed at the hucksters on the street, who had a negative impact on the brand.
  • The shores were ringed with tall, stately Canadian blue spruce trees. THE VIKING SYMBOL MYSTERY
  • Yet this great expanse of lowland is almost ringed by the hills and mountains, most of which lie near the coast.
  • In those days, the labor powerhouses in L.A. were the United Auto Workers and the machinists, each with close to 100,000 members in the auto and aerospace plants that ringed the city.
  • She plays a Slavic stringed instrument whose strings are of different lengths and heights, producing a sound softer than that of the violin.
  • Anne and Jane cringed by the doorway as they watched a frazzled looking, bewigged physician chase Katherine around the chamber with the offensive bowl and sharp instrument.
  • The traditional kora, a stringed calabash instrument, symbolizes the singing poet tradition in the country.
  • Thomas cringed at her all too accurate description and he felt annoyed by it.
  • The microphone; the sampler, the phonograph, the electric guitar, the DJ, all of have infringed upon the sanctimony of contemporary popular music and came out vindicated.
  • We clambered over the stile and onto a well-worn path fringed by dry rotting undergrowth.
  • It was held that the defendant had infringed copyright by copying the two-line moving cursor menu.
  • There were freshwater pearl drop earrings and a matching five stringed pearl choker, framed in delicate rose gold.
  • Her lawyer lodged an appeal, claiming her human rights had been infringed. Times, Sunday Times
  • At a photo-session violinist Nigel Kennedy would initially only pose with a one-stringed acoustic guitar.
  • Death seemed to stalk her soul and she cringed in fear of it but that served as a powerful form of motivation.
  • An unusually stringed instrument, the sarangi is being forced into oblivion because of lack of interest.
  • From any part of the salt tract one may see the boundary of the inner arable part of the district fringed with long lines of trees, from which every morning the villagers drive their cattle out into the saliferous plains to graze. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • The commonest materials for Western stringed instruments are gut, metal, and latterly plastic, though such other materials as silk and horsehair have been used.
  • No red-and-black ringed prey have been observed at the site, so birds could not have learned specific avoidance of the bicolour pattern.
  • Perteet -- bearded, earringed -- was a very big man and very big eater. STONE CITY
  • The white backdrop resembles a fringed altar cloth, with small fir trees stitched in the bottom portion.
  • The guqin, a seven-stringed zither, is the oldest of China's stringed instruments, dating back some 3,000 years.
  • A clump of palm trees ringed by white sand in the turquoise waters of the Caribbean, it's a treasure map come to life.
  • Popular stringed instruments include the oud, which is related to the European lute, and the rebaba, which has only one string.
  • The Brazilian martial art capoeira combines dance, music, high kicks and leg sweeps and is performed in a circle known as a roda, to the music of a single-stringed instrument called a berimbau and hand-claps. Week in Words
  • See artisans at work making these beautiful stringed instruments.
  • It's an otherworldly site, fringed with dunes and studded with bone-white calcium carbonate spires called tufa towers.
  • Slowly, other sounds emerge to fill the space around his voice: a slow and rhythmic drumming, the trilling of a wooden flute, melancholy chords of the stringed saz and the fluttering of an oboe-like instrument called a mey.
  • The scientific name of fringed sagebrush is Artemisia frigida Willd.
  • It's got some double-bass, some mandolin, a steel-stringed acoustic guitar, a birdie chirping, and a little drummer boy towards the end.
  • The Indian in the story will, of course, be shirtless, wear fringed doeskin pants, and a feather in his hair. Dorothy Garlock discusses the western novel genre and the art of writing a 'western'.
  • In dune areas, anchoring shrubs such as Havard shin oak, fourwing saltbush, and yucca stabilize the dune sand for herbaceous grasses and forbs such as sand verbenas, sunflowers, fringed sagewort, and hoary rosemary-mint. Ecoregions of New Mexico (EPA)
  • Eight fortified guard towers ringed the eight-sided central keep, lining its periphery like the spindly legs of a gigantic spider.
  • I cringed and quickly scooted across the floor, hearing the rips and tears of my gown from the nail heads in the wood.
  • AmE lieuténant, BrE lefténant littérateur literatër lorgnette, lorgnon lornyét, lornyón louche loôsh luthier-a maker of stringed instruments such as violins or guitars məshêen madame brothel, Madame title madáme, cf. mádam shopping madeleine mádeleíne mademoiselle madame wàzél maisonette maizonét maître d'hôtel métradô-tél, mâitradô-tél maladroit maladrŏit malcontent malines malêen mandoline (also 'mandolin' in English) mándə-lín margarine marjərìne marque type Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Within the Gentianaceae, taxa within the genus Gentianopsis are collectively known as the fringed gentians. Museum Blogs
  • KFBG and Egret Research Group of HKBWS released a ringed Little Egret at Nam Sang Wai on 17 June 2010. The yellow colour ring of this bird is HA 01 (see photos).
  • We did bag some fat ringed perch, nearly two dozen slab-sized crappies, and a similar number of northern pike.
  • Undertake comparative offerringed the development way henceforth with former new artery.
  • The perpetrators likely had ties to organized crime, according to Ulrich Boser, author of "The Gardner Heist," who says most art thieves are common crooks -- the class of criminal who would probably be flummoxed by Washington's high-profile museums, which are fortresslike and ringed by bollards. Heist-proof museums? U.S. buildings aided by design, location
  • The smoky melody to the ensuing Ruins makes Jack Wyllie's sax more like a stringed instrument crossed with a trumpet, its quivering vibrato spooky but turning more guttural and free-jazzy as the backbeat pushes on. Portico Quartet: Portico Quartet – review
  • The barber, a small man with a bald, white fringed, head and bright blue eyes looked up from the man he was shaving.
  • The different notes of a stringed musical instrument are made by vibrating the strings.
  • Very early on, I was attracted to the sounds of stringed instruments like the dulcimer and mandolin, which were commonly played in that part of the country.
  • Woven mats, often fringed with brightly colored wool, are used as gifts at the funerals of relatives.
  • The area is fringed with palms, but there the idyll ends. Times, Sunday Times
  • The latter may permissibly be done provided compensation is paid to any victim who suffers harm as a result of having one's rights infringed.
  • The hot thermal pools are fringed by extraordinarily colourful mineral deposits, while sulphurous steam percolates all around.
  • The British Trust for Ornithology ringed a record 881, 900 birds in 2004 to study migration and longevity.
  • Stylishly clad in a pair of fashionably cut blue jeans and a close-fitting black top fringed with tassels along the lower edge, she was all smiles as she waved and acknowledged the cheers of the crowd.
  • A clothesbrush and a tin cup were the only foreign objects on the overwrought, gilded table to the other side of a red velvet chair beside the fringed canopy bed. Temple of the Winds
  • Icicles fringed every overhang, and several outriding, smaller floes cupped a protected lagoon in which two large humpbacks idled and blew. The Whale Warriors
  • -- _Quarterly_, 1 _and_ 4, _gules, three lions passant guardant in pale or_ (ENGLAND); 2, _or, a lion rampant within a double tressure flory and counterflory gules_ (SCOTLAND); 3, _azure, a harp or, stringed argent_ (IRELAND). The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • They can be heard here, and I can imagine many listeners being surprised to learn that they are hearing a stringed instrument.
  • The slide technique derives from a homemade one-string contraption known as the diddley bow, a childhood toy of many American blues pioneers and similar to African stringed instruments. Music news, reviews, comment and features |
  • Why hide razor-sharp cheekbones and perfect pout behind middle-aged fringed follicles? Times, Sunday Times
  • From your lips to the beringed ears of those fickle, fickle Fates, m'dear. Your Right Hand Thief
  • Dark marks ringed the boy's bony wrist, livid against pale flesh.
  • Timia is a gem of an oasis, a well watered valley, fringed by mountains.
  • It's a tiny piece of lawn ringed with a bed of alyssum, purple wandering jew groundcover, aloes, wild garlic and other assorted plants.
  • Calida cringed at the effortless way that those words passed through his lips.
  • Where his were ringed in dark green, these were colored deep blue, almost black.
  • Another traditional Czech instrument played in the United States is the tamburash, a stringed instrument similar to the lute.
  • His dark eyer were full of intelligence, and fringed with long silken lashes. Virgie's Inheritance
  • Becoming a luthier - someone who practices the art of making stringed instruments - ‘is the most rewarding thing I've ever done,’ Anderberg said.
  • A little climb brought sight of the top end of Gouthwaite Reservoir and in no time we were sitting on a bench by its reed fringed water, gazing at the ducks, eating our sandwiches and pulling off waterproof trousers.
  • To my left I saw a huge blue velvet banner fringed in yellow bearing the letters "JWB". Jewish Women in the Military - Navy - Bernice Sains Freid
  • This type of band takes its name from a family of lute-like stringed instruments called tamburitzas which come in different sizes, shapes and numbers of strings.
  • The snow hasn't quite started as of yet this season, but judging from the gray overcast and the fringed icy wind, you can tell it really wants to.
  • For a moment, she stood like a stringed puppet at rest, then she flung herself against his chest, feeling the soft fabric of his surcoat. SABRIEL
  • The baobab (adansonia) is apparently of two kinds, the “Imbundeiro,” hung with long-stringed calabashes, which forms swarming-places for bees; and the “Aliconda” (Nkondo), whose gourd is almost sessile, and whose bark supplies fibre for cloth and ropes. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • The face changed now to Marta's face, still ringed by flame.
  • Timia is a gem of an oasis, a well watered valley, fringed by mountains.
  • This frame has a leather mat and hanging strap, and is fringed with scrap yarn.
  • A fayre quilte of crymson sattin, vj breadths, iij yardes 3 quarters naile deepe, all lozenged over with silver twiste, in the midst a cinquefoile within a garland of ragged staves, fringed rounde aboute with Kenilworth
  • Finally, there's a sweeping vista of a white beach fringed with coconut palms, with a pristine coral reef.
  • It is continuing the six-stringed scintillation that originated on the band's first effort.
  • Picture-perfect castaway islands with gently swishing palm trees, fringed by the silkiest of sands and by turquoise seas. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was then that I heard an eerie melody upon the air, from a lute, or other stringed instrument.
  • Describing the sarode, Alam says, "It's a 25-stringed, fretless instrument played on the fingertips and the nails of three fingers on your left hand. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • Through the glass, high above his head, and not far from the surface, he saw a huge thornback, bending toward them and seeming to look down on them, as it flew slowly through the water -- the action of the two sides of its body fringed with fins, and its consequent motion, were much more like the act of flying than that of swimming. Weighed and Wanting
  • The firm was found to have infringed intellectual property rights.
  • One shelf is lined with stringed lights while another holds baubles and bows and you name it, to put on the tree.
  • They claimed that his new material infringed their copyright on some of his old songs.
  • Other instruments used included rattles, whistles, flutes, mouth harps, and stringed-instruments constructed with a bow and resonator.
  • A square stoole and a foote stoole, of crimson velvet, fringed and garnished suteable. Kenilworth
  • The ringed world of Saturn is almost a year of interplanetary travel away.
  • The base is ringed with antimissile systems and we have put a fleet of ASW ships along the coast. DESTROY THE KENTUCKY
  • As a Jewish male Jesus wore the fringed tassels tzitzit on his outer garment, which indicates his strict observance of the mitzvoth or commandments of the Torah or Jewish Law.3 In that sense he is not “liberal” with regard to Jewish observances in any modern sense of the term. The Jesus Dynasty
  • At each intersection, Converse had cringed in anticipation of the bullet, the blade, the hatchet.
  • At the end the boy's open-stringed fiddling turns into arpeggios of A major and minor, and disperses in semiquaver thirds, now floating up instead of down.
  • My first sighting was of large numbers of pink-footed geese and wigeon along with some ringed plover and shelduck.
  • I knew Janir was anxious about having his friends see her like this, with her fringed scarf and wild look.
  • She was young, built on Junoesque lines, and tall with a lovely face and dark eyes heavily fringed with black lashes. A Kind Of Magic
  • For example, if I want to marry a one legged, mustachioed, tatooed, beringed pirate I would set sail on a pirate ship. International Marriage Broker Act passes! Plus, Bush admin refuses to release rules to help battered immigrant women.
  • The quaint pinkish-white flowers of the turtle-head showed in wet places, and instead of the lilac racemes of the purple-fringed orchis, which had disappeared with midsummer, we found now the slender braided spikes of the lady's-tresses, latest and lowliest of the orchids, pale and pure as nuns of the forest, and exhaling a celestial fragrance. Little Rivers; a book of essays in profitable idleness
  • Dowager lady Chia observed that Pao-yü was clad in a deep-red felt fringed overcoat, with woollen lichee-coloured archery-sleeves and with an edging of dark green glossy satin, embroidered with gold rings. Hung Lou Meng
  • The shamisen is a smaller three-stringed instrument that is played like a viola. Geisha, A Life
  • In case anyone starts to think they are camping in the park instead of hunkering down in a war zone, the camp's perimeter is ringed by razor wire and sandbagged foxholes manned by armed guards.
  • I cringed inwardly at the pathetic whine my voice had become.
  • Ringed Plovers can also exploit industrial sites and, for example, breed in the vicinity of the power station at Southwick.
  • It was an old cemetery, though not Blackpool's oldest, ringed by a high iron fence topped with spearlike barbs.
  • Aquatic mammals that live in the waters off the coast include walrus, ringed seals, bearded seals, beluga, narwhal, and various other whales.
  • Shilts is pictured in slacks and plimsolls "relaxing" in a fringed armchair in front of his massive oak-veneer TV; but even here, cross-legged in the shadow of his own occasional table, he still seems to glower and fret, radiating a dark and unsettling energy of repulsion. Can Joe Hart save himself from the curse of the England keeper? | Barney Ronay
  • However, they were often infringed when two or more different arms were combined (or marshaled) within one shield and two tinctures that should in principle not touch each other necessarily became adjacent.
  • In submitting to the governor this and other supply bills, which by their terms infringed upon his instructions, it may be assumed that the assembly hoped that the governor would, as had happened before, find some loop-hole in the instructions which would permit him to approve the bills. Currency and Banking in the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay [excerpts]
  • His bandmates cringed at the crowd's appearance.
  • The DMCA allows copyright owners to file a "takedown notice" with a service provider such as YouTube, provided that the copyright owner swears under penalty of perjury that he or she owns the copyright in question ( "I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner of an exclusive right that is infringed"). Boing Boing
  • Since 1981, daily searches for ringed individuals have been performed from a blind that overlooks part of the colony.
  • Just the name ringed in memories of sports day and Brabourne Stadium. Bows to my Alma Mater
  • Claim 1 is the only claim of the patent which is alleged to have been infringed by the Defendants yet to possess independent inventive significance.
  • But there will be no painted-on stone-washed jeans, fringed leather bras, or bandannas for this gal. Keira Knightley Rides A Motorcycle For Chanel
  • And then, around one of its many bends, the river rapidly emptied into a lake many leagues across and ringed by small hills.
  • As lakes go, they're pretty warm and fringed with white sand so swimming is easy, but you can also hire jet-skis, waterskis or fishing gear here.
  • In the shadows behind him, an exquisitely dressed lady gracefully positions herself with a tambura (a stringed instrument) and begins strumming a drone.
  • I'm a brilliant polymath, a clocked genius breasting the tape as an expert in philosophy, literature, sociology, quantum theory, a virtuoso on all stringed and keyed instruments, a capable visual artist, and an obscenely degenerate chain-smoking drunk! Excerpt from Urdoxa 2.0
  • All the Moon's multi-ringed impact basins are older than the Moon's second kind of crust, consisting of basalts that have flooded low-lying areas to form the lunar maria.
  • Licensed Patents" mean patent claims licensable by a Contributor which are necessarily infringed by the use or sale of its Contribution alone or when combined with the Program.
  • Some of the species found here include the walrus, polar bear, beluga, narwhal, bearded seals, harp seal, harbour seal, ringed seal, bowhead whale, ivory gull, and some migratory birds.
  • At first I kind of cringed when they told me they didn't believe -- ironic, isn't it -- exactly because of the society we live in. Losing My Religion
  • They wore new suits, with the sleeves pulled back to show ringed fingers and white shirt cuffs.
  • The boy cringed away but remained defiant, his anger driving the fear out of him.
  • The peak of pupping by ringed seals along the coast of southeastern Baffin Island occurs in early April, though obviously some pups are born earlier or later.
  • Chapter 4 deals with the process of creating ringed planets, star fields, and other celestial bodies.
  • I state, under penalty of perjury, that the information contained in this notice is accurate and that i am the copyright and intellectual property owner of the infringed work. The Giant Crystal Caves of Naica
  • DJ-Tech's mouse lets desk jockeys like me cue samples, add effects, cross-fade, and scratch without sacrificing my coffee-ringed view and towers of paper. Wired Top Stories
  • He wore, it is true, a new and jaunty hunting-shirt of dressed deer-skin, as yellow as gold, and fringed and furbelowed with shreds of the same substance, dyed as red as blood-root could make them; but was otherwise, to the view, a plain yeoman, endowed with those gifts of mind only which were necessary to his station, but with the virtues which are alike common to forest and city. Nick of the Woods
  • Half an hour later, we round the last bend, and there, tumbling into a wide, sand-fringed plunge-pool are the silky cataracts of Twin Falls.
  • The women wear moccasins, legings, a long shirt made of goats 'skins, generally white and fringed, which is tied round the waist; to those they add, like the men, a buffaloe robe without the hair, in summer. History of the Expedition under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark, Vol. I. To the Sources of the Missouri, Thence Across the Rocky Mountains and Down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean. Performed During the Years 1804-5-6.
  • Ai haz a fren? in Albykerekee hoo ringed me up 2 ask me wat Ai finked uv SP. ‘Oh no I forgot my lines!’ - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Her eyes were large and brown and fringed with incredibly long lashes.
  • I cringed and slowly backed away, the small silver bell in my right hand as I ran back toward the house, my leather slippered feet hitting the sand below me.
  • We felt it to the full; yet none the less, but rather the more, could we feel at the same time the delicate and ethereal beauty of the fringed gentianella and the pale Alpine lilies scattered on the short turf beside us. Little Rivers; a book of essays in profitable idleness
  • During the Pliocene, Paratethys was linked to the Arctic Ocean via a seaway just west of the Urals, apparently, and accordingly it has been proposed that the Ringed seal of the Arctic Ocean descends from a phocine that migrated north from the Paratethys (Ray 1976, Grigorescu 1977) [adjacent image shows a Ringed seal]. The most inconvenient seal
  • Once you have ringed the bird you write down the ring number, the species of bird, age, sex, date, time, wing length and weight.
  • You enter a plush lounge bar on street level packed with hip scenesters, and take a steel stairwell to a basement grotto ringed by a moat.
  • Speaking quietly, his huge chocolate-coloured eyes fringed by dark lashes, he looks the picture of peaceful, healthy youth.
  • On the February cover of Russian Vogue, a tousled blonde wears Ralph Lauren's bibbed denim version, neo-hippie accessorized with a gold woven bustier, a low-slung fringed belt and skin-baring provocative side curve. Overalls: Making A Comeback?
  • The fringed white flowers appear in spring, held above the water among the foliage.
  • Out of 2,156 ringed adults, only one bird is known to have flown from Cousin Island to Cousine Island.
  • The hills rose into peaks, fringed with dark clusters of pine.
  • Thin air on the 7,300-foot-high plateau, ringed by mountains, was compounded by rapid urbanization as the metropolitan area septupled, from 3 Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The inner walls of the Crac are ringed by a smooth slope called a glacis. A Medieval Castle in the Middle East
  • We were afraid of the soundless swing of our father's ringed fist.
  • Of all the carving operations associated with stringed musical instruments carving the scroll of violin family instruments seems to be one of the most difficult to grasp.
  • Pecterlis gigantean, with its large white flowers, a fan-shaped fringed lip and a very long spur, is the most spectacular orchid found in mossy fields.
  • I was impressed by the scene of a ringed planet sliding across the sky on its way to block out the sun.
  • Her eyes were large and brown and fringed with incredibly long lashes.
  • At the tops of the windows, the artist has fun with the trefoils and quatrefoils, turning one into a black flower with yellow petals and another into a hovering cartoonlike form ringed by orange dots.
  • Mongol stringed instrument was listed in the first national nonmaterial cultural heritage list in 2006.
  • A pullus ringed at Brinkburn in June, was killed by a cat at Pontefract, West Yorkshire, in August.
  • China's sovereignty and territorial integrity must not be infringed.
  • When Nikki rotated his ankle the opposite direction, he cringed and his whole body tensed.
  • I sit now at a table in the back, shielded from view by a large group of eyebrow-ringed art students and chess players.
  • The writing house on the central peak, ringed by other peaks with valley around it and the narrow drop away to the sea in front, reminds again of a tongue in a surrounding landscape mouth.
  • Continuing our route we crossed some park-like glades, with scattered forest trees, and fringed by the graceful shrubbery, the _macchia_, common to both the islands of Corsica and Sardinia. Rambles in the Islands of Corsica and Sardinia with Notices of their History, Antiquities, and Present Condition.
  • (Ps. 150: 4), rendered "stringed instruments;" in Ps. 45: 8, in the form minni, probably the apocopated (i.e., shortened) plural, rendered, Authorized Version, "whereby," and in the Easton's Bible Dictionary

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