

[ US /ˈɹɪŋd/ ]
[ UK /ɹˈɪŋɡd/ ]
  1. shaped like a ring
  2. having colored rings around the body
  3. wearing a wedding ring; lawfully married
    a ringed wife

How To Use ringed In A Sentence

  • Wet meadows between rock outcrops include grasses, sedges, mosses, pitcher plant Saracenia purpurea, sundew Drosera sp. and purple fringed orchid Habenaria psycodes. Gros Morne National Park, Canada
  • What is the etiquette when the eyes in question are big, and brown, and fringed with generous dark lashes?
  • At college he had never (illis dissimilis in nostro tempore natis) cringed to the possessors of clerical power. Pelham — Volume 05
  • It's right where the shantytown used to be, ringed by businesses and middle-class homes.
  • The death knell could also be sounded for other species dependent on the ice, such as the ringed seal, bearded seal and little auk.
  • The oral shield is oval to rounded pentagonal with the distal edge fringed by granules or low spinelets.
  • How shall we ever admire our civic leaders if we cannot look up to them, to see a white silk glove raised in blessing, a ringed-hand greeting?
  • A piano and stringed instruments were purchased and the family formed a string quartet.
  • The purple-ringed Anguillaria dioica, first seen on Pyramid Hill, again appeared here; and in many places the ground was quite yellow with the flowers of the cichoraceous plant tao whose root, small as it is, constitutes the food of the native women and children. Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, Volume 2
  • Eventually we arrived at a black sand bay fringed with jungle.
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