How To Use Rex In A Sentence

  • Women suffering from anorexia are still convinced that their thin, frail bodies are fat and unsightly. Conversely, some people who are a great deal heavier than they should be can persuade themselves that they are 'just right'.
  • Eating disorders, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa, are characterised by morbid preoccupation with weight and shape and manifest through distorted or chaotic eating behaviour.
  • Coined by Colorado physician Dr. Steven Bratman, the term orthorexia applies to people who obsess over eating healthy food. Lead Stories from AOL
  • Currently, 30 percent of Americans are obese, compared with the 4 percent who meet criteria for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or binge-eating disorder.
  • Overextension in the lower back results in this 'duck-like' posture. Times, Sunday Times
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  • He is like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, leading a herd of corporate dinosaurs over the cliff and bellowing as he goes.
  • Most nuns fasted to keep the rule: the anorexics fasted to break it.
  • And so it remains reasonably fresh in 2003, if only as a result of its continuing underexposure. Globe and Mail
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  • Some pro-ana websites feature anorexia prayers and sacrifice rituals.
  • Mostly she wrote about her feelings about her body and her recent acknowledgement to herself that she was suffering from anorexia.
  • Sorry Richard if I seem overexercised by Marilyn Frith on Tuesday, Apr 1, 2008 at 4: 23: 01 PM The Clinton Firewall
  • The haircut is merely the latest stage in his curious and unusual battle to avoid overexposure.
  • In October, the retailer said it would shut 21% of its namesake North American stores over the next two years, coming to terms with the overextension of its store network before the recession and predictions that U.S. growth will be slow. Gap's Profit Falls 36%
  • Hunger and poverty often compel the poor to overexploit the resources on which their own livelihoods depend.
  • She is surrounded by the native wild ageratum, Conoclinium coelestinum inherited with the property and planted with bronze carex self sown seedlings. First Frost Of Fall « Fairegarden
  • Gotta love Nadeem's email address too - anorexy at auburnsign dot com. I know nothing about Clare Grogan's scar
  • I think maybe the key is emphasizing Stages 2 and 3 of Maudsley, so insurers don't see it only as a cheap way to refeed anorexics. Is Maudsley cheaper?
  • Breast-feeding was associated with lower levels of PCBs, DDE, and mirex among female Ontario sport fish consumers.
  • Mostly it was full of anorexic patients, but once in a while I would see this one obese lady in the waiting room. Times, Sunday Times
  • Acclaimed writer, children†™ s art advocate, and organizer of the world†™ s only “Kids Comics” convention, Alex Simmons returns to handle the script chores, while fan-favorite Rex Lindsey is back with some of the best art of his career. Archie Comics Solicitations for May 2008 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Drug addicts, alcoholics, bulimics, anorexics, and sex addicts line up to claim social causes of their problems.
  • From the sound of your letter, you may have bulimia and possibly anorexia as well. Christianity Today
  • The exciting discovery was apparently made when researchers were forced to break open the leg bone of a Tyrannosaurus rex fossil to lift it by helicopter.
  • Most people know pharma's blockbuster atypical antipsychotics Seroquel, Zyprexa and Geodon, off label marketed to kids, the elderly, the uncategorizable and the suggestible -- are you sure you don't have racing thoughts ask ads? Start Your Engines Drug Reps! FDA Panel Says Yes to Seroquel, Zyprexa and Geodon for Kids!
  • Parasite Rex author Carl Zimmer tells the story in gooey, graphic detail: Boing Boing: January 29, 2006 - February 4, 2006 Archives
  • Rex breathed a very big sigh of relief.
  • You could potentially become a victim to horrible eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia.
  • Evergreens, including carex and festuca, just need a little comb-through to clear away dead material and gathered gubbins. Times, Sunday Times
  • The other complicating factor is the hyperextension of his hip joints. Times, Sunday Times
  • Zhang EY, Stein R, Chang S, Zheng Y, Zderic SA, Wein AJ, Chacko S: Smooth muscle hypertrophy following partial bladder outlet obstruction is associated with overexpression of non-muscle caldesmon. Publications of the Urology Division
  • We incidentally found that STAT1C overexpression cause aberrant STAT activation in LL2 cells. Further studies on the underlying mechanisms may explore a novel regulatory system of JAK/STAT pathway.
  • The appropriate Anonymous Fellowships for anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating exist to help the primary spiritual recovery.
  • Although some people with anorexia have bingeing and purging habits, the two conditions are distinct.
  • Where are you going, Rex?" said Anna one gray morning when her father had set off in his carriage to the sessions, Mrs. Gascoigne with him, and she had observed that her brother had on his antigropelos, the utmost approach he possessed to a hunting equipment. Daniel Deronda
  • While monetary policy is relatively easy to understand, with macroprudential policy no one knows how big these capital surcharges will have to be to restrain "overexuberance". - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • The term orthorexia entered the lexicon about a year ago, cited in news stories and written about in blogs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The most frequently used drugs were cyclophosphamide, vincristine, vinblastine, cis-platinum, 5-fluorouracil, bleomycin, methotrexate and adriamycin.
  • Ryan PL, Kirchhof N, Panoskaltsis-Mortari A, Mortari F, et al. (2004) Overexpression of murine TSLP impairs lymphopoiesis and myelopoiesis. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • During the next few days the animal will lose some weight and perhaps show a certain amount of pyrexia. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Meanwhile, one group of patients continues to worry clinicians and researchers: adults with anorexia, estimated to make up about 35 percent of anorexic patients.
  • The original had a thin premise and an anorexic plot, but delivered brilliantly choreographed fight scenes and downplayed gun violence.
  • He has now told us that he has changed his mind, citing the Brexit vote as the principal reason. Times, Sunday Times
  • He would get overexcited, jumping up and down, screaming at the screen. The Sun
  • Making a success of Brexit involves both forging new links and strengthening existing ones. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the cover of the novel is a photo of an anorexic young Johnny with earring and guitar; inside is his portrait of the faltering and the fameless. Lethem Heads West, Takes It Easy
  • The river channel meanders through wide tidal freshwater marshes of cattail and sedges (Carex spp. and Scirpus spp.), with stands of saltmarsh cordgrass along the upper banks.
  • The irony gets a little heavy-handed - one of the baldies discovers love while picking up an anorexic chick in the hospital cafeteria - but the sentiment is genuine.
  • Many of the companies for which she performs work, such as bakeware and food-storage manufacturer Pyrex, with which she has a contract, do not appear to have interests that intersect with, or business before, the state. First Couple Show Limits of Law
  • They also protect against hyperextension, which is a common cause of major knee ligament injuries. How To Buy & Sell just about Everything
  • There was no good animal test to screen for the ataraxic effects, because the antihistamines made laboratory animals hyperexcitable, not calm.
  • To the long-running, uncomfortable faux lovers 'quarrels with Simon Cowell and his equally embarrassing interviews with the singers, he has now added an arsenal of odd behaviors, ranging from petulant snits to flighty overexuberance. It's time for producers to fix 'American Idol,' and here's how
  • Most tick-caused infections are asymptomatic or exhibit non-specific symptoms such as fever, fatigue, chills, and anorexia.
  • The appropriate Anonymous Fellowships for anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating exist to help the primary spiritual recovery.
  • Although medications that studies show posed the highest risk, including rofecoxib (Vioxx) and valdecoxib (Bextra), were banned or removed from the U.S. market, many NSAIDs with identified risks, such as prescription-only celecoxib (Celebrex), still are on the market. Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Over-the-Counter Pain Relief: Caution, Common Sense on All Drugs
  • They support the largest population of shoebill (Balaeniceps rex) in Africa with an estimated population of roughly 5,000. Saharan flooded grasslands
  • Just like La Lohan, overexposure dirtied wallpaper's effect. Shine On, Glossy Walls
  • Although this particular result may be due to the limited sampling of avian taxa, the presence of a deinonychosaurian key feature (a hyperextendible second toe) and the absence of two avian key features a triradiate palatine (3) and a fully reversed first toe in Archaeopteryx challenges the monophyly of Aves as currently recognized. New Archaeopteryx fossil provides further insight into bird, dinosaur evolution - The Panda's Thumb
  • He overextended himself when he accepted the additional assignment.
  • It has been alleged these women have anorexia - as have countless other celebs over the years - so are we suggesting it is good to be anorexic?
  • In the curious ceremony of the fixing of the Nones (the first quarter of the month), held on the Calends in the _curia Calabra_, she seems to appear as a moon-goddess: the _rex sacrorum_, after a report from a _pontifex_ as to the appearance of the new moon, announces the result in the formula: The Religion of Ancient Rome
  • Four endemic species of shrew are found only in these forests; the mountain shrew (Sylvisorex oriundus, VU), African foggy shrew (Crocidura caliginea, CR), Congo shrew (C. congobelgica, VU), and the fuscous shrew (C. polia, CR). Northeastern Congolian lowland forests
  • The analysis showed Celebrex was associated with an increased risk for a combined study endpoint of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction (heart attack), stroke, heart failure or thromboembolic event, or events related to blood clots, compared to patients not taking the drug. Higher Doses of Pfizer's Celebrex
  • I pass overexercised and neglected wives and girlfriends as they speed-walk in pairs or jog alone with only their iPods for company. Good-Bye To All That
  • In a letter to the industry last month, Mr. Stevens warned against "activities that reflect an overexuberance in the marketplace" and that seek to increase loan revenue by exploiting the agency's underwriting systems. Red-Ink Fears Prompt Mortgage Backer to Raise Fees
  • One solution to forest and pasture land overexploitation is to completely stop open grazing and shift to stall-feeding.
  • Rex soon became an expert at opening the gate.
  • Rather it is hoped that the haecceity of this enchiridion of arcane and recondite sesquipedalian items will appeal to the oniomania of an eximious Gemeinschaft whose legerity and sophrosyne, whose Sprachgefühl and orexis will find more than fugacious fulfillment among its felicific pages.
  • When the Football Focus crew opened the door to Frank Lampard's London flat, the Chelsea player had to grab the collar of his bulldog Reggie to stop the dog charging us - in the way overexcitable puppies do.
  • You suffered from anorexia in your twenties. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus, the researchers proposed the hypothesis that alcohol releases endogenous opioids and that naltrexone blocks the opioid receptor.
  • Overexpression of Met, a hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) receptor, has frequently been found in CCA and is correlated with progression of this type of cancer. - latest science and technology news stories
  • On his first day back, he hyperextended his back, which will keep him out at least a week.
  • She's afraid that I've been overexerting myself.
  • By druid, February 10, 2010 @ 8:05 pm actos phentermine aciphex imitrex dwtlha buy phentermine vqodi purchase xanax fqlq health insurance rtx Cheeseburger Gothic » The chocolate fountain.
  • Indeed, if sequence divergence decreases hybridization signal, these genes should have more frequently appeared overexpressed than unexpressed.
  • Second, small partially digested food proteins, called peptides, from gluten and casein can act to disturb the normal neurotransmitter function in the brain, and third, they can act as “excitotoxins,” increasing glutamate an excitatory neurotransmitter and creating a chain reaction that overexcites, injures, inflames and ultimately kills brain cells. The UltraMind Solution
  • Just look at every empire in history - always in the end collapsing in debt and overextension. Times, Sunday Times
  • Operation Napoleon works well enough, though its plotting is a bit basic and it has an annoying habit of overexplaining its cardboard characters 'actions. Thrillers – review
  • (Orexin comes from the Greek word for appetite, "orexis ''.) Most Popular
  • Until late last year, five drugmakers in the U.S. manufactured the generic injected cancer medicine methotrexate, which is crucial for treating children and adults with ALL as well as children with other, less-common cancers. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Organza makes a great splash along with tulle, lace, elegant luxury fabrics combined with glittering Chantilly, crushed velvet, jersey with lurex and iridescent cady.
  • Industry insiders suggest a mixture of greed, overexpansion and simple overfamiliarity has knocked the shine from certain formerly invincible megabrands.
  • These federal guarantees encourage people to overextend by making borrowing cheaper than it otherwise would be.
  • It had already been instrumented, and Rex toed the weatherproof case of the old seismograph with disdain. MINUTES TO BURN
  • Many young gay men now take advantage of the relaxed attitude and cruise hetero clubs like Pravda and Rex to pick up straight guys.
  • Anorexia can creep up on young girls when they least expect it.
  • Methotrexate is an antimetabolite and antifolate drug used in treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In these tests, advertised as drug response profiles, the companies check for some DNA segments that encode enzymes involved in metabolizing some drugs like tamoxifen, methotrexate, Plavix (clopidogrel), coumadin and others. Dr. Elaine Schattner: An Educated Medical Consumer: On Personal DNA Testing
  • However, overexpansion saw the firm eventually acquire huge debts.
  • The authors conclude that methotrexate is safe and effective for maintaining remission in patients with Crohn's disease.
  • Take care of your diet and don't overexercise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some anorexics combine fasting with occasional binges, followed by self-induced purging or vomiting.
  • Some of the youngest sufferers are the children of anorexics and bulimics, many of whom raise their families with bizarre attitudes towards food.
  • Erin had been a very thin and somewhat sickly girl, supposedly anorexic or bulimic.
  • Tolliver's counterexample, which he calls the pendulum case, goes like this: suppose a physics student has learned that from the period of a pendulum (i.e., the time it takes to complete a swing) one can calculate its length and vice versa. The Epistemic Basing Relation
  • Be careful whom you call a scamp!" said Fred, while Rexford again edged off. Under Fire A Tale of New England Village Life
  • Treatment options comprise analgesics, non-steroidal inflammatory drugs, disease modifying drugs such as methotrexate, steroids, and the new biologicals (for example, anti-tumour necrosis factor agents).
  • Imitrex is a serotonin 5-HT agonist 1receptor (“triptans”). Give Mr Winer his Wine + Roses
  • Even when service industries revive, the overexpansion and slow productivity growth of the last decade will still take their toll.
  • Reducing access to credit as a means of preventing overextension, of course, risks reorienting policy towards the paternalistic practices of the past.
  • The recordings testify to an aesthetic of physical overexertion played out in an acoustic medium.
  • Their mother put her finger to her mouth, not wanting to overexcite Kelley before she left. Beacon Street Girls: Lake Rescue
  • The guidance on eating disorders advocates a holistic approach in caring for people with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and less common eating disorders such as binge eating.
  • They make us hyper and overexcited and, once faded, leave us grumpy or exhausted or or tearful or craving more.
  • This temporary supreme magistrate called the interrex held office for five days only as custodian of Rome; he had to be patrician, the leader of his decury of senators, and in the case of the first interrex, the senior patrician in the House. Fortune's Favorites
  • My joints hyperextend, and they -- they move too much. CNN Transcript Mar 8, 2009
  • The dino range has expanded beyond noisy and noisome T Rex and those kangaroo-bouncy raptors to include the mean-clawed, fast-flying pteronadon and big, big spinosaurus.
  • Old Hogan looking at her stonily as she stuttered her way to asking for a packet of Durex. AT THE STROKE OF TWELVE
  • Patients were randomized to the study drug -- a fixed-dose combination of 2 mg perindopril and 0.625 mg indapamide (Preterex) -- or placebo for six weeks. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • These tricars were made between 1903 and 1906 by the Rex Motor Manufacturing Co in Coventry, later ones with V twins.
  • She had barely arrived at the international exhibition centre when she was handed a stark Brexit warning. Times, Sunday Times
  • On Sept. 5, the State Food and Drug Administration banned the use of Hualian's injectable methotrexate, in addition to another drug made by Hualian called cytarabine hydrochloride, across the country. China Drugs: A Cautionary Tale
  • The cinematography is lush and superbly stylized, with an oversaturated color palate and brilliant whites bordering on overexposure.
  • Be careful not to overextend yourself. You've been very ill.
  • We have to make sure that she does not overexert herself.
  • What holds most women back from the brink of full-on orthorexia is the fear of becoming obsessive and losing all their friends.
  • We found Brexit may not be quite such a doomsday scenario. Times, Sunday Times
  • The neighbouring Museum of Natural History has the third-largest dinosaur collection in the world, including skeletons of tyrannosaurus rex, diplodocus and stegosaurus.
  • The discovery of a giant meat-eating dinosaur sporting a downy coat has some scientists reimagining the look of Tyrannosaurus rex.
  • Personality disorder. - Data on the incidence and prevalence of personality disorders in anorexia nervosa are inconsistent.
  • Like anorexia, it often involves severe weight loss, but so-called orthorexics are obsessed with food quality, rather than quantity, and strive for personal purity in their eating habits rather than for a thin physique.
  • The main problem with the CHRC is the underexposure they have in the media. The CHRC Defenders Of Censorship « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • It takes the view that Brexit uncertainty will hit investment in capital equipment and in skills and training, hampering productivity growth. Times, Sunday Times
  • T-REX you should stop opening your mouth because all that comes out is false and diarrhetic. James Cameron and Sigourney Weaver Talk Avatar, Sam Worthington in Every Scene? | /Film
  • Dr. Katzman, the chief researcher, and her team are studying 50 recovered anorexics who were diagnosed during their teens.
  • In a speech last week, she gave an optimistic view of the resilience of the economy since the Brexit vote. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even less realistic is the expectation that an already overextended government could do it even if it wanted to.
  • On the twentieth, sweated all over; apyrexia, dejections bilious; aversion to food, comatose. Of The Epidemics
  • Don't overexercise: 30 minutes three times a week is fine. Times, Sunday Times
  • The British East India Tea Company was overextended and faced bankruptcy.
  • This glop went into a Pyrex dish and into the oven and appeared in tandem with holidays and caskets.
  • Foreign Exchange ( Forex ) is the fastest growing market - directed investors around the globe.
  • The trees were planted from propagules, in April 1994, in an overexploited clear-cut area.
  • Massage reduced anxiety in depressed children and anorexic women.
  • Despite teetering on the edge of overexposure, Winnie the Pooh remains one of Disney's most endearing characters.
  • The causal theory of the basing relation is a very influential theory but counterexamples of the gypsy-lawyer style constitute a major objection to this kind of theory.
  • Some areas of prairie occur, with dominant grass species being Calamagrostis canadensis, Deschampsia caespitosa, Poa spp. and Carex spp., and the Peace-Athabasca Delta has flats with marshes of cat-tail Typha latifolia and sedges Carex rostrata, C. atheroides and C. aquatilis. Wood Buffalo National Park, Canada
  • Househunters who overextend themselves to buy properties at the peak of the market are storing up trouble, experts warn. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is not wholly convincing, despite some novel steps, and the overexcitable computer graphics are distracting. Times, Sunday Times
  • In all cases, however, the diagnosis is the same: orthorexia nervosa. Times, Sunday Times
  • And with rubber that is soft to the skin and an innovative flexing joint to keep your toes from hyperextending they're more comfortable than anything you've rented—it's gear like this that will get you hooked. Fins To Go
  • Some medical experts claim that a leukotomy can help treat anorexia and suicidal depression.
  • She was lucky we where there, because office phones are usually connected to a centrex, especially if there's multiple lines, which of course there are, since all calls into the office are routed through the phone at the front desk, through the centrex and back into the bowels of the building. A day without rain.. .
  • Rex soon became an expert at opening the gate.
  • Orthorexia is not about how much or what you eat but rather the way you do it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rex Grossman, demoted from the Bears 'starting job last season, will get a chance to win it back in 2008. Rexing problem: How do the Bears solve their QB issues?
  • However, the creatures inside murex shells are edible and are consumed in some parts of the world.
  • Evergreens, including carex and festuca, just need a little comb-through to clear away dead material and gathered gubbins. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because the light itself is the subject, it's common for automatic cameras to underexpose these images for tight shots and overexpose for loose shots. How to shoot holiday lights
  • Methods: The antipyretic effect of XNJI and its influence on central febrile medium were observed in rabbit model of hyperpyrexia caused by rabbit hemorrhagic fever virus(RHFV).
  • Vets think it is caused by muscle injury possibly brought on by overexertion. Times, Sunday Times
  • The syndrome represents an overexpression of the normal ovulatory process described in normal pregnancy.
  • Drexel's collapse is especially painful for those junk-bond issuers which had counted on the investment bank to restructure their debt.
  • Other drugs with which Relafen could possibly interact include diuretics such as hydrochlorothiazide, lithium, and methotrexate. buy relafen no prescriptions intramuscular yellowing the moexipril of tobacco by children. Wii-volution
  • The foot can actually bend both anteriorly and posteriorly (that is, the foot can be hyperextended as well as flexed), which needless to say is (almost) unique (read on). Archive 2006-05-01
  • Yet current sentiment levels are far from extreme, and we may wait until further clarifications in short-term forex trends before taking a stronger stance on the US currency against key counterparts. British Pound May Rally Further Against Yen on Sentiment - Yahoo! Finance
  • Of course some empires collapse because they overextend their borders, leaving the centre strained and hollow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rex Neindorf brought in a few frisky fellows form the Alice Springs Reptile Centre.
  • Among other items of interest beside the taxonomic classification, Polygeminus grex how original, were the presence of spiracles, a single gonad, and a uterus. STRANGE NEW WORLDS
  • The appropriate Anonymous Fellowships for anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating exist to help the primary spiritual recovery.
  • Whether a camel is stuck in a gluggy saltpan, a vehicle is bogged on a giant sandhill, a party is running out of fuel or water, or guests are marooned on the wrong side of rising floodwaters, Rex can always find a solution.
  • The literal translation of the term for anorexia in both the Cantonese and Mandarin dialects would be something along the lines of “the disorder of loathing to eat” or “the disease of disliking eating.” Crazy Like Us
  • When you look at a Bureau de Change board, there is the offer and bid side to the forex.
  • Don't hyperextend your elbow
  • What we chiefly learn from this writer as to the dyeing process is [823] -- first, that sometimes the liquid derived from the _murex_ only, sometimes that of the _purpura_ or _buccinum_ only, was applied to the material which it was wished to colour, while the most approved hue was produced by an application of both dyes separately. History of Phoenicia
  • Mexico was shot using extreme overexposure and printing down, adjusting the shutter angle to 45 degrees to give it a very strobey look.
  • He did underexpose it a little just to get a lower contrast because the idea is sun is all about contrast so we did do that but nothing too forced. Director John Hillcoat Interview THE ROAD –
  • Overexpansion and management undoubtedly were factors in its demise.
  • HILTON: I had Nicole Richie come up to me in the coffee shop that I work at sometimes and come straight to my face and say, "Hey, call my anorexic to my face. CNN Transcript Jul 3, 2008
  • Although 90% of people with anorexia are women, anorexia nervosa is also found in men, all ages, in all social and almost all cultural groups.
  • BRITAIN'S farmers are urging the government to avoid allowing cheaper food imports under post-Brexit trade deals. Times, Sunday Times
  • This practical manual offers a step-by-step guide to the treatment of anorexia nervosa in adolescents.
  • But this required impassioned debate, and so the Senate did not pass its Ultimate Decree until the last day of Flaccus's term as first interrex. Fortune's Favorites
  • Vitamin C therapy is known to combat mottling, wrinkling and sagging skin resulting from sun overexposure, a common concern among active people.
  • On the sixth day he was succeeded as interrex by the second most senior patrician in the House also leader of his decury; the second interrex was empowered to hold the elections. Fortune's Favorites
  • Notable mountain forest birds are the Rwenzori turaco, Musophaga johnstoni and the handsome francolin, Francolinus nobilis; also the forest ground thrush Turdus oberlaenderi and the shoebill Balaeniceps rex. Virunga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Armstrong forever railed against people (including a couple of his wives) for putting on "aires"; he called a king of England "Rex" to his face, and joked about his lovemaking to a pope. NYT > Home Page
  • The more severe this imbalance, he says, the more the orthorexic feels antagonistic toward the environment, becoming hyperaware of external impurities. Main RSS Feed
  • So if what Socrates means by invisibility is the first notion: can't be seen with your eyes, then the argument is not any good, harmony is a pretty compelling counterexample.
  • There would be little incentive for fishermen to overexploit the resources in their "plot" if they didn't have a competitor waiting to pounce on whatever is left uncaught. Peter Hanlon: Fish as Food, Fish as Wildlife: Four Fish (a Book Review)
  • Again, the types of cells affected correlate with the time of overexpression.
  • University experts in Sheffield have scooped £10,000 to help anorexics overcome their eating disorders with the creation of ‘early intervention’ clinics.
  • It has recently been argued that the eating disorder anorexia nervosa is no longer bound to specific Western localities.
  • The French words souris, a "mouse," and souris, a "smile," are spelled exactly alike; but the one comes from Latin sorex and the other from Latin subridere. Myths and Myth-makers: Old Tales and Superstitions Interpreted by Comparative Mythology
  • It's made from soft cotton and features Western style pockets, pearl snap details, and Lurex stitching for a cool vintage look.
  • Things were to be cooked in a pot, not a Pyrex oven dish! Roseanne Archy
  • Bronze carex or blonde feather grass pairs beautifully with rusty iron.
  • Nevertheless, I wanted to see how it worked compared to my pyrex (mine is older and also borosilicate, as opposed to the newer glass) and whether the nonstick coating worked - and if so, if that made it worth buying. Green Apple Nonstick Glass Bakeware, reviewed | Baking Bites
  • But it is also possible that a major economic adjustment in the US is triggered simply by the sheer financial exhaustion of America's overextended consumers.
  • Lucius Valerius Flaccus the Princeps Senatus, colleague in the second-last consulship of Gaius Marius, dropped dead the day after he stepped down from office as first interrex, and Philippus proposed that Mamercus be appointed as a temporary Princeps Senatus. Fortune's Favorites
  • But not trying to present it as some kind of policy for first-time buyers, or encouraging banks to overextend again. Times, Sunday Times
  • (Her confusion is natural: the term anorexia comes from a Greek word meaning "loss of appetite.") Fighting Anorexia: No One To Blame
  • The principal eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and nonspecified eating disorder.
  • From his love life to his brushes with death, this is a chance to see another side to the bloke behind Brexit. The Sun
  • Since the front extended northwestward some 1,900 kilometers from Belgorod to Leningrad, to say that the armies of the Germans and their three principal allies were overextended is putting it mildly. Deathride
  • Aldicarb, aldrin, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, lindane, mirex, PCBs, and toxaphene are present in all our country's ecosystems, animals, and humans.
  • So the crucial point right now is that, thinking about harmony is offered as a counterexample to the generalization that invisible things can't be destroyed.
  • Anorexia is a common eating disorder.
  • “The main problem with the CHRC is the underexposure they have in the media.” The CHRC Defenders Of Censorship « Unambiguously Ambidextrous

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