

[ US /ˈɹɛks/ ]
  1. a male sovereign; ruler of a kingdom

How To Use Rex In A Sentence

  • Women suffering from anorexia are still convinced that their thin, frail bodies are fat and unsightly. Conversely, some people who are a great deal heavier than they should be can persuade themselves that they are 'just right'.
  • Eating disorders, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa, are characterised by morbid preoccupation with weight and shape and manifest through distorted or chaotic eating behaviour.
  • Coined by Colorado physician Dr. Steven Bratman, the term orthorexia applies to people who obsess over eating healthy food. Lead Stories from AOL
  • Currently, 30 percent of Americans are obese, compared with the 4 percent who meet criteria for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or binge-eating disorder.
  • Overextension in the lower back results in this 'duck-like' posture. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, leading a herd of corporate dinosaurs over the cliff and bellowing as he goes.
  • Most nuns fasted to keep the rule: the anorexics fasted to break it.
  • And so it remains reasonably fresh in 2003, if only as a result of its continuing underexposure. Globe and Mail
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  • Some pro-ana websites feature anorexia prayers and sacrifice rituals.
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