
How To Use Revolutionary In A Sentence

  • Leaked Reports Detail Iran's Aid for Iraqi Militias," blared the headline on afront page story inThe New York Times, which went on to report on several incidents recounted in WikiLeaks documents that journalist Michael Gordon called "the shadow war between the United States and Iraqi militias backed by Iran's Revolutionary Guards. Ali Gharib: What Did WikiLeaks Really Tell Us About Iran?
  • There had been formerly on the pathways of Dardilly calvaries built by pious forebears; destroyed on order of the revolutionary proconsul of Lyon, the famous Fouché, the crosses lay in the grass. Archive 2008-03-09
  • Having had some narrow escapes the priest was eventually arrested as a recusant priest and was tried by revolutionary Court.
  • The Dutch United Provinces supported the Americans in the Revolutionary War.
  • Now the postrider was to the people of Revolutionary days what the telegraph or the telephone is to us today. Caesar Rodney's Ride
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  • Members of the other parties were described as counter-revolutionary.
  • Revolutionary applications of BEC in lithography, nanotechnology and holography appear to be just round the corner. The 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics - Information for the Public
  • But the bourgeois and the coalitionist press represented this movement as a pogromist, counter-revolutionary affair, and, at the same time, as a Bolshevist crusade, the immediate object of which was to seize the reins of Government by the use of armed force against the Central Executive Committee. From October to Brest-Litovsk
  • For both conservatives and revisionists, revolutionary violence cannot be blamed on the revolution's opponents.
  • Forget Mr Motivator, this bumbag revival can be revolutionary to the fashion glitterati. TREND HUNTER - The Latest Trends
  • The partisans fought a revolutionary war in a constantly shifting pattern, and their leadership did so with a political aim.
  • The main concern of his 300 undercover police spies had always been sniffing out political enemies of the revolutionary government. FINGERPRINTS: Murder and the Race to Uncover the Science of Identity
  • The British Biologist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake introduced the concepts of Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance in his revolutionary 1981 book A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation.
  • The revolution is made through human beings, but individuals must forge their revolutionary spirit day by day. Che Guevara 
  • Her longings grew more varied and virulent with each passing year: raw pig meat, Hawaiian pineapples infeasible to procure in revolutionary Cuba, chewing tobacco, cockscomb stew. The Lady Matador’s Hotel
  • From the Rushmorean cover portrait of Bush (which over the headline 'An American Revolutionary' was such a brazen and transparent effort to recall George Washington that it was embarrassing) to the 'Why We Fight' black-and-white portraiture of the aggrieved president sitting somberly at the bedside of the war-wounded, this issue is positively hysterical in its iconolatry. "What kind of a maniac puts eagles in a Christmas tree?": James Wolcott
  • As Third World capitalism develops, the working class is destined to play its classic revolutionary role.
  • It is true that some former Levellers retreated into religious passivity, internalising their revolutionary ideology and seeking a godly republic within.
  • As in so much else, the French revolutionary regime was the precursor of the centralized, totalitarian, managerial, pseudo-democratic despotisms that now reign over the West.
  • It is impossible to exaggerate the revolutionary significance of the recognition of a binding judicial tribunal external to the realm.
  • Gregory's procedure was little less revolutionary than that of the King, but the claim to depose might appear as only a concomitant to the power already wielded by Popes in bestowing crowns, while for Gregory it had by this time become the copingstone in the fabric of those relations between Church and State which he and his party were building up. The Church and the Empire, Being an Outline of the History of the Church from A.D. 1003 to A.D. 1304
  • El Barzon (the yoke) takes it's name from the revolutionary saying, "the yoke is broken, but the ox goes on". The middle class revolt
  • What she finds particularly galling is the tea partiers 'oft-repeated revolutionary cry of taxation without representation, despite the election of a president on the highest voter turnout since 1968. Three books on the Tea Party, reviewed by Steven Levingston
  • Meysman et al. also assign a "revolutionary" position to bioturbation in the grand scheme of evolution: "Benthic fauna had to adapt to the newly emerging bioturbated sediment conditions, thereby fuelling the 'Cambrian explosion'". Bioturbation all around you
  • This was really the beginning, the outstart, of Nelson's great career; for Hood's interest in him, then aroused, and deepened by experience to the utmost confidence and appreciation, made itself felt the instant the French Revolutionary War began. The Life of Nelson
  • She reminds us that French revolutionary leaders were often portrayed as wild beasts or savage tigers by critics at the time and that the tiger in the poem is located in a nightmarish industrial landscape.
  • The revolutionary socialists only agreed to cease their protest when they were invited to an after-show lig in one of the capital's most expensive pubs.
  • It is a reminder of how revolutionary their fast, loud and minimal music initially was.
  • Move to the Left, encourage mass protest, and they risked being marginalized in a revolutionary confrontation.
  • By contrast, at the heart of the third version is the revolutionary turbulence of a "rotatory movement that never comes to a standstill," and which Schelling compares to an "unremitting wheel" and the 'The Abyss of the Past': Psychoanalysis in Schelling's Ages of the World (1815)
  • And he said he was relishing the prospect of trading blows with the self-styled revolutionary. The Sun
  • Revolutionary cadres are not indestructible.
  • This may become an especially acute problem for a newly installed revolutionary regime, for example the Soviet Union.
  • The beats on Revolutionary Vol.2 might seem a little minimalist to some, but Immortal is that caliber of emcee who needs no distractions when he's on the mic to make his words felt.
  • His radical plans include a revolutionary, sliding lightweight roof, as well as new buildings to house a fashion and art college, multiplex cinema, luxury flats and even a centre for the town's youth.
  • Ahmadinejad's 'victory' saps the Islamic Republic yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Ahmadinejad\'s \'victory\' saps the Islamic Republic '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: The Islamic Republic needs to seize the moment to respond to Iranians and the wider world before it traps itself into becoming the Islamic Republic of the Revolutionary Guards of Iran, an isolated military dictatorship akin to North Korea or Myanmar. Ahmadinejad's 'victory' saps the Islamic Republic
  • A computer boffin is set to make £5million from his revolutionary photo technology.
  • The sans-culottes had played a role in revolutionary events since 1789, but they had, as a class, received few gains.
  • The northern expedition of Jiang Jieshi's National Revolutionary Army, with the aid of Soviet general Vasili Blyukher (1889–1938, then using the name Galen), followed the old Taiping route from Guangdong through Changsha in Hunan (July 11) to Hankou (Sept. 6) and Wuchang (Oct. 10, captured on the 15th anniversary of the Republican Revolution). 1926, March 20
  • During the American Revolutionary War it was not uncommon for spectators to watch some of the major battles.
  • In short, it can encourage faith in the professional negotiator rather than the revolutionary agitator.
  • Orwell argued that in a time of universal deceit the only revolutionary act is to tell the truth.
  • In Nizan's theory of the revolutionary novel it is elevated to the status of necessary pre-condition of authentic writing practices.
  • As a youth he had no intention of pursuing a military career, but he was drafted into the revolutionary army in 1793.
  • Later, after the move to London, the revolutionary changes in publishing technology, there was no longer any such cause.
  • This last revolutionary had cheated the State by committing suicide while awaiting execution, but was not allowed to cheat the guillotine.
  • The term communism was associated with the revolutionary transformation of the means of production and other private property into property of the society, subsuming therefore the very concept of property - such was the character of what can be considered to be the first modern communist movement, the Political Affairs Magazine
  • For David, revolutionary politics was just one part of a rich and full life.
  • Sounds awful touchy-feely, but sometimes the most revolutionary ideas are touchy-feely.
  • This 'bloody baboonery', as the communists called the highly publicized police performance, was preceded by inspired press reports of evidence - more sensational than the notorious Zinoviev letter, - of a revolutionary plot directed from Moscow to prepare the way for the black republic. Class & Colour in South Africa - Chapter 18
  • You might not think that an American revolutionary war hero and a legendary music producer would have much in common, but both Paul Revere and Quincy Jones understood the value of social networks.
  • In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act. George Orwell 
  • Within this framework, Barnave's revolutionary political ideas will be explicated.
  • But this ideology, though revolutionary in content, in fact sustained capitalist relations of production in general and big business in particular.
  • The process would also take place in the context of three "phases" of revolutionary war. Warfare in the Twentieth Century
  • Several rival revolutionary armies were challenging the central government and each other.
  • The revolutionary movement was crushed by the forces of reaction .
  • By focusing on the superficial, they missed what is truly revolutionary about the game.
  • On all sides, opportunities for growth are opening up for the revolutionary movement.
  • The pope figured in any number of revolutionary caricatures. Earthly Powers: Religion and Politics in Europe from the Enlightenment to the Great War
  • From their arrival in England the ‘Elgin Marbles’ had a revolutionary impact on European taste, and the Parthenon sculptures are still considered to mark the apogee of Greek art.
  • Of 32 revolutionary leaders, 23 were described as egotistical, narcissistic, and searching for personal fame and glory Rejai, 1980. The Bass Handbook of Leadership
  • During the weeks of terror that followed, two of the revolutionary leaders, Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, went into hiding in Berlin.
  • Those who govern the existing system, no matter how left-wing and revolutionary their political ideologies, are social conservatives.
  • The choices they made also illustrate the divisions within the clergy and the gap between Loyalist clergy and revolutionary laity.
  • Iran has Revolutionary Guards stationed in Lebanon and it, effectively, holds sway over extremistShiite Moslem terrorist groups, such as Hezbollah, the Party of God.
  • Before it was the home of the famous emancipationist, newspaper publisher, Minister to Russia, friend to Abraham Lincoln, founder of the Republican Party — it was the home of a Revolutionary War hero, and the home of many slaves. Driving directions
  • He might be a Father to Confederation, but like all Reformers, he was intent on destroying the offspring, was a hot-headed revolutionary, a brawler and corruptionist.
  • Don't let it end like this . Tell them I said something. Pancho villa, Mexican revolutionary
  • The young radical humanist became a revolutionary socialist.
  • According to legends, traitors were hanged at this location during the American Revolutionary War and that the Marquis de Lafayette witnessed the festive hanging of 20 highwaymen from the elm in 1824.
  • It is also, rather vaguely, thought of as a revolutionary activity.
  • Remote attestation is the most significant and the most revolutionary of the four major feature groups described by Microsoft. Boing Boing: September 28, 2003 - October 4, 2003 Archives
  • A J Lubin does suggest that his experiences in the Borinage fostered a revolutionary spirit in him.
  • They are alienated, in the Marxist sense, from the product of their labours and this cannot be changed without revolutionary upheaval and the overthrow of capitalism.
  • It is gratifying to learn that you were a revolutionary in your youth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Possessed by morbid drives that defy easy psychological analysis, they pursued a revolutionary domestic policy, not because they had any faith in its merits but in order to be revenged on their enemies and consolidate their power.
  • The two tried to join forces, with Chiang as the head of the National Revolutionary Army, but dissension led to a civil war.
  • The Islamic Republic of Iran is a true revolutionary power. Its central theme has been its relentless attacks, in words and deeds, on the international system.
  • Others roared over the sands in newly-designed Land Rovers, on revolutionary dune buggies and motor bikes.
  • The new Turkish Republic was created by the General Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (19 May 1881 - 10 November 1938), who was an army officer, revolutionary statesman, and founder of the Republic of Turkey as well as its first President. Turkey in the Middle of the Enemies
  • They started painting outdoors, which itself was considered to be quite revolutionary.
  • Initial attempts to find revolutionary grandmothers were at first met with grumpy rejection. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their training, he said, ‘renders them very hostile to the revolutionary spirit and the unreflecting passions of the multitude.’
  • It represents an experimental revolutionary hotel sleep environment we are creating in cooperation with the National Sleep Foundation.
  • Basset hounds were known in the United States since Revolutionary times.
  • That revolutionary dawn proved less than auspicious after many Frenchmen died under the blade of the guillotine.
  • There were about 40 of them who had been jailed for counter-revolutionary charges.
  • However, it would be inadvisable for revolutionary socialists to base themselves on this unlikely variant.
  • Meet local people from Thetford's past, from the revolutionary philosopher Thomas Paine to the Sikh hero Maharajah Duleep Singh and from rabbit warreners to railway workers.
  • The word intelligentsia was coined to describe the class of revolutionary thinkers who are at the center of Part II, Shipwreck. The Heart of the Matter: Wilson Versus the Rest
  • That appointment was revolutionary, for never in its more than one hundred years in St Lucia had a native son held the top job.
  • The reforms that started in 1991, are bringing in more and more revolutionary changes.
  • There were centres of counter-revolutionary organizations all over the country.
  • Using the revolutionary process of plastination, the body specimens are preserved with special plastics that enable us to view the many organs and systems under our skin.
  • Remember that the revolutionary movement in Eastern Europe, no less than in the American and British navies, is an integral part of the Allied blockade of the Central Empires. Six Red Months in Russia: An Observer's Account of Russia Before and During the Proletarian Dictatorship
  • Indeed, citation, in Benjamin's theses, is the very model for revolutionary action, following the lead of the spectacular opening pages of Marx's The Eighteenth History against Historicism, Formal Matters, and the Event of the Text: De Man with Benjamin
  • This is, historically speaking, simply an error: Marxism is specifically a form of revolutionary socialism. The Volokh Conspiracy » Political Ignorance and Perceptions of “Capitalism” and “Socialism”
  • This revolutionary change has, not surprisingly, been opposed by many elements that are recalcitrant, those who remain obedient to dogma, to tradition and the heavy legacy of past conditioning. The Continuing Controversy on Abortion
  • Characteristically, the patriarchy thesis generates a revolutionary ideology rather than a fatalistic acceptance of determinism and relativism.
  • But in France the revolutionary spirit was still strong and the common people had gained a sense of their power and their worth.
  • The banishing of heterogenesis from microbiology and the resultant recognition that micro-organisms, like all the more visible forms of life, are reproduced only by their own kind, made possible the establishment of bacteri - ology as a precise science and its revolutionary appli - cations in immunology and in the treatment of infec - tious diseases. SPONTANEOUS GENERATION
  • the Revolutionary era
  • One more piece of evidence that the crisis we face is three-fold-economic political and environmental-and that revolutionary solutions are needed, most ricky-tick. Kasama
  • No leader in this country ever existed but he was a revolutionary.
  • The revolutionary committee building had been torched. Times, Sunday Times
  • My class on the Revolutionary just studied Thomas Paine's Common Sense.
  • Byron served as a regional leader of Italy's revolutionary organization, the Carbonari, in its struggle against Austria. AS SEEN ON TV: LORD BYRON
  • Another minor point here is the lazy use of the term Orwellian in Anthony's piece, to describe the revolutionary fraternity associated with the term 'Brother.' Cambodia: Details are Sketchy
  • In addition to being a proscribed ethnic group by the government, the Chinese were predominantly city-dwellers, making them vulnerable to the Khmer Rouge's revolutionary ruralism. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • This revolutionary aircraft will provide the best protection for our soldiers, sailors and airmen for 35 years. The Sun
  • Tribal consciousness is _revolutionary _consciousness: mutable and fluid and transforming. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • In case they did not the papers would doubtless be destroyed -- and the charges would continue to be made -- the charges that the subtreasury in New York had shipped the gold to aid the revolutionary junta in making a republic of China. Boy Scouts in a Submarine : or, Searching an Ocean Floor
  • Out of the shadows Revolutionary War brought a shift in thought about women.
  • This claim to glory, doubtless exaggerated in stereotypical Gascon fashion, caricatures, indeed cleverly reverses the terms of Soyer's own, far less swashbuckling role in the July Days — Mirobolant would have slain elite troops while standing his ground in the street, whereas Soyer was nearly lynched by a revolutionary mob while fleeing from a palace kitchen. Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
  • In this, Lenin was more Marxist than Marx, who had observed the revolutionary potential of the Russian peasant commune in the 1870s.
  • Research found naringenin, which is described as a flavonoid found in citrus fruit, has a revolutionary effect on the liver making it burn fat instead of storing it after a meal. Impact Lab
  • We don't see that playing out of tune or singing off-key is revolutionary.
  • The farmer even has a halo formed by his tipped back sombrero, and the holiness of this revolutionary embrace is reinforced by its association with the embrace of Joachim and Anna in Giotto’s Arena Chapel in Padua. Jose Clemente Orozco and Diego Rivera - The Murals
  • From the beginning of the wars he had been puzzling over the performance of the French revolutionary armies.
  • This is a readable article about revolutionary bethel Xi Baipo.
  • Members of the other parties were described as counter-revolutionary.
  • Scottish police marksmen have been issued with a revolutionary type of plastic bullet that could make conventional firearms almost redundant.
  • Confused and disorientated, they struggle to comprehend the bewildering party decrees of revolutionary achievements and industrial progress.
  • Revolutionary pamphleteers denounced it as a resurrection of discredited feudal privileges.
  • The revolutionary intelligentsia seemed doomed to doctrinaire squabbles over increasingly irrelevant issues.
  • The commission noted its unique Federal style and status as a rare surviving house from the post-Revolutionary War era. Bowery Building Set as Landmark, or Maybe Not
  • Its tradition stretches back to the fifers and drummers stationed with Hudson Valley minutemen during the Revolutionary War.
  • Between rows of monuments, including homages to revolutionary scribe José Martí, independence warrior Antonio Maceo Grajales and the Virgin Mary, is an old ceiba tree, sacred to the Santería religion, where you'll find offerings like candy and cow's tongues. Take Monday Off: Cuban Miami
  • By doing so and legislating the Qassas laws, the post-revolutionary state endowed fathers with the undisputed right of life and death over their children.
  • It is a bitter opposition to that class of doctrinaires who are inimical to the welfare of the commonwealth; who sneer at it holiest memories, defy its laws, and assault its courts; who wave the red flag of destruction at the whole social, industrial and political organism; and who see naught that is good, save in such policies and measures as may be of disintegrative and revolutionary aspect . The Principles of the Republican Party: A Rare Unpublished Jack London Essay
  • The revolutionary and Napoleonic period would see three European hegemons dominate European international politics.
  • In addition to incitements and urgings from these right-wing political and mainstream media morons, there also came - and still are coming - the claims from the weirdest and dankest holes in the blogosphere, the deep rat warrens where readers of Newsmax, NewsBusters and other collections of neo-Nazi rants, can come together to rub vigorously each other's, um, reptilian fears and stroke each other's faux bravery as they plot their "counterrevolutionary" tactics and strategies. Mike Malloy: Poison
  • From the way he talks anyone would think I was a raging revolutionary.
  • These leaders were revolutionary, cataclysmic, change agents. Christianity Today
  • This is a revolutionary shift for a country that was founded on the separation of church and state.
  • During the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars the British regular army remained fairly small, but home defence forces such as yeomanry, volunteers, and fencibles proliferated.
  • This revolutionary approach was announced by a woman painter, Anita Malfatti, “the protomartyr of modernism,” whose forward-looking paintings in her second exhibition, in 1917, were derided by Monteiro Lobato He claimed that she simply contributed her own “-ism” in her paintings where a horse and rider fall over: “I call this genre topple-ism”. [Jose] Oswald de [Souza] Andrade
  • If this were not the case, we would have no reason to consider Hemingway's "style" to have been as revolutionary as it in fact was, since he wouldn't be using his autistically laconic style for deliberate effect but merely to "reflect" the thinking of a series of autistically laconic characters. Style in Fiction
  • Too many groups had been stirring up revolutionary expectations. Christianity Today
  • This is a revolutionary new way of growing rice.
  • During the 1880s Marxism began to gain currency among the revolutionary intelligentsia.
  • Meanwhile, a revolutionary insurrection by a disaffected Kentish mob threatens to bring anarchy to London.
  • Soviet policy was dictated by conventional considerations of national defense, not international revolutionary strategy.
  • The new kind of poverty was in the process of acquiring a revolutionary quality.
  • During the Revolutionary War, state governments assumed the colonies' authority to raise their short-term militias through drafts if necessary.
  • The worker was labelled as a revolutionary.
  • Later the revolutionary government concurred and the place was razed.
  • Moreover, few other cities experienced the revolutionary fervour felt in Barcelona. The Spanish Civil War: Reaction, Revolution and Revenge
  • Amongst the personages of a lower class, the most prominent is Toussaint Gilles, landlord of the Cheval Patriote, and son of one of the revolutionary butchers of the Reign of Terror; a furious republican, who wears a _carmagnole_ and a red cap, inherits his father's hatred of the vile aristocrats, and prides himself on his principles, and on a truculent and immeasurable mustache. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 379, May, 1847
  • Several parts of the countryside are controlled by ‘revolutionary’ regional strongmen and their cutthroat armies.
  • Anyone growing a beard was immediately condemned as a dangerous left wing revolutionary.
  • As soon as these experiences become amalgamated with the problems the migrants left behind them in their homeland, it provokes an incendiary situation, possibly even a revolutionary movement.
  • Within the class, only the ‘alienated’ worker is truly revolutionary.
  • He had in his spirit the classical outline of music, with nothing directly revolutionary, no sign of what we call revolt other than the strict adherence to personal relationship, no other prejudice than the artist's reaction against all that is not really refined to art, with but one consuming ardor, and that to render with extreme tranquillity everything delicate and lovely in passing things. Adventures in the Arts Informal Chapters on Painters, Vaudeville, and Poets
  • It took a lot of courage to write in a police state that ‘the ruling bureaucracy is anti working class, an enemy’, and call for its revolutionary overthrow.
  • Like Grandma, the two guerrillas had taken revolutionary names to bolster their morale and, in the advent of capture, to shield their villages and families from reprisals.
  • She finally leaves her family to join a revolutionary theatre group.
  • The impact of aberrations such as careerism, personal enrichment and corruption on the revolutionary morality of the ANC has also been observed and debated. REVOLUTIONARY MORALITY: THE ANC AND BUSINESS
  • But they left largely unchallenged the Bolshevik view of October 1917 itself as the greatest achievement of the world revolutionary movement.
  • The revolutionary new system goes into beta test this month.
  • They do not yet see the need or possibility of broader mass actions, the scope of which would reach revolutionary proportions.
  • But in my opinion, in order to protect and transmit the Revolutionary - classic better in modem society, we must follow the market principle and execute popular transmission.
  • There were four anarchists on the Military Revolutionary Committee which organised the insurrection in Petrograd.
  • Two hundred years ago, revolutionary fervour burnt this church to the ground.
  • Don't let it end like this . Tell them I said something. Pancho villa, Mexican revolutionary
  • At the time of its appearance, the movie must have seemed excitingly new, even revolutionary.
  • She was a student revolutionary for a while but now she's reverted to type. I saw her in a Mercedes the other day.
  • General Washington led the insurgent forces in the Revolutionary War.
  • One skeleton lady is a revolutionary señorita, with crossed bandoleers, another a vamp with low-cut dress exposing a daring breastbone and ribs. Gringos in Paradise
  • That explains why a regime of immanence has to be delivered with the forceps of a revolutionary fervour and needs to replace education, reflection, information and analysis with propaganda.
  • The socialist government feared a loss of government to the C.N.T. unless they held out a revolutionary future to the social masses.
  • The first duty of a revolutionary is to be educated. Che Guevara 
  • The revolutionary new system goes into beta test this month.
  • He was totally revolutionary in his early years and took haircutting and styling to a different level. The Sun
  • He created a nationalist and revolutionary rhetoric in order to transform the heterogeneous state into a unitary entity.
  • I happened to have been interviewed for the article, and the e-mail box is already clogging up with a variety of feedback, some of which take me to task for my comment that bodyboards are really revolutionary.
  • There is still no adequate head count of the revolutionary intelligentsia.
  • In Mary's day the language of monsters and fiends was used by the ruling class to describe the revolutionary masses of Paris and rebelling industrial workers.
  • In the 1960's I saw myself as a revolutionary and a radical feminist.
  • Most of all, the book traces in breathtaking detail FDR’s revolutionary efforts with his New Deal legislation to transform the American political economy in order to save it, his forcefuland cageyleadership before and during World War II, and his lasting legacy in creating the foundations of the postwar international order. Traitor to His Class by H.W. Brands: Book summary
  • But he stuck manfully to a number that were quite as revolutionary—for example, aker for acre, cag for keg, grotesk for grotesque, hainous for heinous, porpess for porpoise and tung for tongue—and they did not begin to disappear until the edition of 1854, issued by other hands and eleven years after his death. Chapter 8. American Spelling. 2. The Influence of Webster
  • The truth is that this was a counter-revolutionary strike aimed at defeating the new government.
  • We must therefore educate the young people along a revolutionary line lest they be affected by the war phobia and war-weariness spread by the revisionists.
  • Named after Mount Prospect, which is now the corner of Flatbush Avenue and Eastern Parkway, but was a strategic outlook -- a prospect -- for our soldiers in the Revolutionary War. Archive 2007-08-01
  • Jacobinism -- the doctrine of the ultra-radical and anticlerical wing of the French revolutionary movement -- was as much of an ogre to eighteenth and nineteenth century conservatives as socialism and communism were their latter-day counterparts. Lerdo de Tejada: Jacobin to liberal elitist
  • He also knows that French revolutionary musician Chantal Orateur Deveau, who possesses the chalice is his soulmate; having seen her in a vision and kept that lovely sight in his dreams. Mystic Rider-Patricia Rice « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • Works like Philip Kuhn's "Rebellion and Its Enemies in Late Imperial China" (1970) place the story in the context of China's long history of struggles between dynasties and those seeking to topple them, while Jen Yu-wen's "The Taiping Revolutionary Movement" (1973) goes further, insisting that Hong's movement had more in common with the revolutions that followed it than rebellions of earlier times. The Battle for China's Soul
  • Since 1991 the rebel force Revolutionary United Front has abducted 15,000 children.
  • The devil makes work for idle hands, particularly in pre-revolutionary France where pampered privilege combined with decadence to create a bloated elite, ripe for plucking.
  • His revolutionary conception of sculpture is first exemplified in the great series of standing and seated figures for the niches of Or San Michele and for the façades of Florence Cathedral and the campanile.
  • The result is an uncompromised production that will appeal to fans of French revolutionary writing, the filmic revisionary mode, as well as the current crop of East Asian cinema.
  • He became a political activist in the mid-1950s when revolutionary socialism faced a double challenge.
  • After their death attempts are made to convert them into harmless icons, to canonise them, to hallow their names while at the same time robbing the revolutionary theory of its substance, blunting its revolutionary edge and vulgarising it. Matthew Yglesias » King and Nonviolence
  • The unit also contains an revolutionary infrared filter which is seen as the biggest advance in the construction of electronic water ionizers in years.
  • This was a rare man, a master of pen and sword who plugged his own almost superhuman vigour into the power-source of revolutionary faith.
  • Ideas can add to knowledge in an accretionary manner, or in a revolutionary, paradigm-shifting way, depending on their influence.
  • Land and liberty" was the rallying cry of revolutionary Mexico.
  • Revolutionary patriots, was based on clearer perceptions of certain truths on the part of the cisatlantic English; and this claiming of separate standards in literature is a continuation of that historic attitude. A Study of Hawthorne
  • They were needed for a certain time at least, and only after the Moors had done their duty,1 could the wirepuller venture to give them the kicks they had coming to them and take the Republic out of the hands of the old state servants and surrender it into the claws of the revolutionary vultures. Mein Kampf

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