

View Synonyms
[ US /ˌɹɛvəˈɫuʃəˌnɛɹi/ ]
[ UK /ɹˌɛvəlˈuːʃənəɹi/ ]
  1. advocating or engaged in revolution
    revolutionary pamphlets
    a revolutionary junta
  2. markedly new or introducing radical change
    a revolutionary discovery
    radical political views
  3. relating to or having the nature of a revolution
    the Revolutionary era
    revolutionary wars
  4. of or relating to or characteristic or causing an axial or orbital turn
  1. a radical supporter of political or social revolution

How To Use revolutionary In A Sentence

  • Leaked Reports Detail Iran's Aid for Iraqi Militias," blared the headline on afront page story inThe New York Times, which went on to report on several incidents recounted in WikiLeaks documents that journalist Michael Gordon called "the shadow war between the United States and Iraqi militias backed by Iran's Revolutionary Guards. Ali Gharib: What Did WikiLeaks Really Tell Us About Iran?
  • There had been formerly on the pathways of Dardilly calvaries built by pious forebears; destroyed on order of the revolutionary proconsul of Lyon, the famous Fouché, the crosses lay in the grass. Archive 2008-03-09
  • Having had some narrow escapes the priest was eventually arrested as a recusant priest and was tried by revolutionary Court.
  • The Dutch United Provinces supported the Americans in the Revolutionary War.
  • Now the postrider was to the people of Revolutionary days what the telegraph or the telephone is to us today. Caesar Rodney's Ride
  • Members of the other parties were described as counter-revolutionary.
  • Revolutionary applications of BEC in lithography, nanotechnology and holography appear to be just round the corner. The 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics - Information for the Public
  • But the bourgeois and the coalitionist press represented this movement as a pogromist, counter-revolutionary affair, and, at the same time, as a Bolshevist crusade, the immediate object of which was to seize the reins of Government by the use of armed force against the Central Executive Committee. From October to Brest-Litovsk
  • For both conservatives and revisionists, revolutionary violence cannot be blamed on the revolution's opponents.
  • Forget Mr Motivator, this bumbag revival can be revolutionary to the fashion glitterati. TREND HUNTER - The Latest Trends
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