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How To Use Repeatedly In A Sentence

  • As the author repeatedly points out, the pornographic material he seized wasn't simply more explicit than 18-certificate films or top-shelf magazines.
  • Springtime for Henry played Broadway in the early '30s and then again in the early '50s but became a laughingstock as Edward Everett Horton repeatedly barnstormed it.
  • The 37-year-old was unable to work after the first assault in July 2003 in which he was bottled, repeatedly kicked and left for dead in the town centre.
  • Myanmar officials have repeatedly asked for more help from the IMF to help the government simplify the country's unwieldy foreign-exchange regime, which involves multiple exchange rates—including an official rate of about six Myanmar kyat per dollar, compared with a street rate of about 800 per dollar. Clinton Encourages Myanmar
  • The bladelike projections behaved like serpents, attacking and recoiling repeatedly. Reap the Whirlwind
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  • We have been against this war from the get-go and have said so repeatedly. CNN Poll: Americans divided over troop buildup in Afghanistan
  • It's one thing to get some exercise; it's something else to repeatedly, day after day, show off in spandex before a horde of newspapermen.
  • A child might not complain of itching, but she might be rubbing her eyes or nose repeatedly.
  • Fans who gathered there to watch the Raiders play on Sunday repeatedly used the term "love-hate relationship" when describing Davis. NYT > Home Page
  • Angry Reader has a point about "spill," and while I can see Joel's point about it being what people call it, I respectfully suggest that it's that logic which got us to the point where we called chaining people to walls, beating them, freezing them, blasting music and noise at them at decibel levels high enough to inflict pain, electrifying their genitals, humiliating them and then drowning them repeatedly "enhanced interrogation techniques. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • The 18th century saw incessant warfare between the colonial powers, towns repeatedly sacked, and islands taken and retaken, often for use as bargaining counters at the peace.
  • He was repeatedly kicked and punched as he lay on the ground.
  • For example, he repeatedly says the government never opposed a habeas hearing in Hamdi, but only at the end says that it should have been (and maybe still is?) ok for the government's evidence to be irrebuttable. Balkinization
  • The self-confessed "bushie" from Mudgee, NSW, has overcome the greatest of adversaries life has repeatedly thrown at him. Undefined
  • As the night wore on, I got to the point where I was repeatedly slapping the bartop with my palm, shouting at the bartender, Take credit for what you do! The Credit is All Mine
  • The courtship rituals of cranes are elaborate: paired birds spread their wings and leap repeatedly into the air while calling.
  • Any such definitive analysis, however, would need to respond, at the very least, both to his at once ‘avant- garde’ and hard-headedly commercial use of abstracted, deliberately over-stylised backgrounds and movements, and to the logical circularity which repeatedly dictates the emotional lives of his characters.
  • If the knot is taking a lot of stress, it will usually work itself loose, or let the line slip through, which is never good as it forces you to retighten the line repeatedly in a session of slacking.
  • As the whole RaceFail bunfight proves yet again, writers need repeatedly to be reminded that the world isn't just story-fodder -- there are all kinds of people out there, made differently, thinking differently and feeling differently. MIND MELD: Taboo Topics in SF/F Literature
  • Ibra has repeatedly said that salvaging the bank through a rights issue would be the best and cheapest option on the table compared to other choices, such as a merger, acquisition or liquidation.
  • I repeatedly said also that I did not accuse the Government of fabrication, but of exaggeration.
  • He has the odd misfortune of repeatedly hiring party stooges for key assignments who stab him in the back as soon as they leave his employ.
  • Repeatedly, he stressed that the imitation of general nature was the highest aim of art.
  • Billy Marks of Arlington said he was questioned repeatedly, given a polygraph and placed under surveillance for weeks.
  • Now in her 30s, between the ages of 9 and 18, Samantha was repeatedly sexually abused by her stepfather.
  • Goldman never denied repeatedly trying to contact Lee after the incident but said she wanted him to apologize.
  • I have as little superstition in me as any man living, but my secret opinion has ever been, and still is, that God Almighty will not give up a people to military destruction, or leave them unsupportedly to perish, who have so earnestly and so repeatedly sought to avoid the calamities of war, by every decent method which wisdom could invent. First Open Thread-- What's on your mind? Log in and add your comments
  • He's repeatedly played ineffectual, wimpy characters… easily forgotten and unmemorable.
  • My father repeatedly impressed on me the value of hard work.
  • She was repeatedly told that there was nothing physically wrong with her, that the pain must be emotionally caused.
  • Is there anything wrong with watching a crash landing or listening to rattling machine-gun repeatedly?
  • The government's response was to distance itself from the tragedy, claiming repeatedly that the boat had sunk in Indonesian waters.
  • And you said repeatedly that claims like "hypoallergenic" and "natural" mean absolutely nothing and that it's up to consumers to figure out, you know, what's-whether the companies-what the companies is telling them is true. Democracy Now!
  • These ideas, their precursors, their extrapolations and their interpretations have been repeatedly turned over during the last 120 years.
  • My father repeatedly impressed on me the value of hard work.
  • After that, she was obliged to describe where she had been the night before her husband's death, the mode of transportation which had brought her home, and more et ceteras? all, in short, that she'd told Lord Quentin and the magistrate, repeatedly. Captives Of The Night
  • Note 62: Fishing admirals had the first choice of fishing rooms in harbors for any given season, and certain coves were repeatedly selected because they were well situated in terms of shore facilities and proximity to fishing grounds. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • Her family had tried repeatedly to get her into treatment, but she had refused to go, and California had no law that would enable them to commit her to a hospital against her will.
  • The name also appears repeatedly in the parish registers from 1562 onwards.
  • I object to being repeatedly dropped on in this manner.
  • Gamers are far more willing to accept a premise being used again and again than to have the same rehashed story appear repeatedly.
  • But I found my efforts repeatedly foiled by the expectations of the students themselves.
  • But you don't take the time and space in a mass-circulation paper to repeatedly bash an irrelevance.
  • He also describes cold shivering, increased muscle tension, and a delicious taste, and he swallows repeatedly.
  • Wagons repeatedly broke down on the rutty roads, and men as well as horses were exhausted by the hardships of travel over the long distances.
  • Repeatedly she plunged the knife into his chest.
  • Gardaí have repeatedly raised concerns at the poor security measures taken by many legal gun owners and the extent to which these firearms end up in the criminal underworld, to be used in shootings and murders.
  • There's never a constable around when you need one so the only recourse was that taken by the driver of a bus who sat thumping the horn repeatedly until the twerp came along to move and clear the jam.
  • In the free-floating exchange of ideas, however, the scientists repeatedly put reins on wildly galloping progress.
  • One of the quotes which was repeatedly cited by Stalin concerned the difference drawn by Marx between socialism and communism.
  • He wriggled around in her arms, then turned and butted his head against her shoulder, lightly but repeatedly.
  • As Baker repeatedly told jurors, the intent of punitive damages is to punish, not destroy.
  • In a town that is repeatedly transformed by professional churn and the fight of the week, day or hour, Aly harked back to an era when loyalty was inspired and reciprocated, and institutional memory - even in the green room - was prized. The man who would greet 'The Press'
  • The tune to ‘Row, Row, Row Your Boat’ is butchered several times as the duo repeatedly prove my personal point that you should always refrain from trying to rhyme a word with ‘pizza.’
  • Most serious of all is that our political leaders repeatedly overstepped the scope of their constitutionally prescribed jobs.
  • In a DOS attack, a hacker programs a computer, or group of computers, to repeatedly call up a web site, perhaps thousands of times a second.
  • Results The repeatedly of C oulter LH 750 is higher than Coulter MAXM.
  • In these films, Naruse repeatedly found beautiful, economical, and multifaceted ways of exploring his favorite topic - the futility of hope (despite the admirability and beauty of the hopeful) - that forms his overarching pessimism. GreenCine Daily: Shorts, 4/4.
  • He was tied to a telegraph pole in a field on the outskirts of Cork City where he was repeatedly beaten by a gang of up to five men.
  • Tim Stanley has noticed that Dr Paul is repeatedly showing signs of what I possibly not he would call crankiness in his answers. @timothy_stanley Paul's very frisky tonight. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • He had been stabbed repeatedly with a kitchen knife.
  • Made from the inner bark of the Mediterranean cork oak tree, cork can be cut repeatedly from trees that may be hundreds of years old.
  • Kerry has repeatedly talked about returning to the "policies of the 1990's", meaning Clintonomics or Rubinomics. Interest Rate Debate, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • First, it argues that Congress has declined repeatedly to give the FDA authority to regulate tobacco.
  • Mr Major has repeatedly made clear his strong opposition changing the voting system.
  • Bulimus, whose shell is continued into a turret, moves almost in the same fashion, tumbling repeatedly as he goes. The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles
  • In that setting, Rodriguez said that a cousin -- later identified as Yuri Sucart -- repeatedly injected him with a banned substance known as "boli," brought to the U.S. from the Dominican Republic. Undefined
  • Surely if the market is held repeatedly firms would realize this and formulate strategies that determine their actions overtime.
  • Phillips has repeatedly proclaimed his innocence.
  • She repeatedly invokes the ocean's radical non-humanity, asking readers to imagine underwater 'tides so vast they are invisible and uncomprehended by the senses of man', or lights traveling over the water 'that flash and fade away, lights that come and go for reasons meaningless to man', though 'man, in his vanity, subconsciously attributes a human origin' to them. Rachel Carson's environmental ethics
  • Horticulturists at the facility have repeatedly failed to propagate the plant by cuttings or grafts.
  • To form ( candle ) by repeatedly immersing a wick in melted wax or tallow.
  • The Island newspaper in particularly is openly contemptuous of the ‘political maggots’ that inhabit parliament and has repeatedly appealed for someone of incorruptible morals to save the nation.
  • He made some sexual advances at the woman in his office and groped her repeatedly
  • Cheekily, and undetected, he repeatedly stole a few inches by placing the ball outside the arc every time he took a corner kick.
  • You've demonstrated zero familiarity with the genre and you've ignored the multiple examples of wizard schools and wizard trappings that pre-exist Willy that have been pointed out repeatedly. Making Light: Rowling's being sued for plagiarism again
  • Newt Gingrich, whose candidacy has floundered, argued repeatedly with the debate panel over what he described as "gotcha" questions when his internal campaign problems and contradictory statements came up. News -
  • Patricia is catcalled repeatedly by a group of construction workers outside the station.
  • Reyes acknowledges making a mistake but says she doesn't understand why the bank would let her repeatedly overdraw her account without immediately notifying her. Banks find ways to boost fees; checking accounts latest target
  • The position, as the Government have repeatedly made clear, is that trusts will remain part of the national health service.
  • She violated the terms of the contract repeatedly.
  • It is not acceptable to announce repeatedly to the world that we don't torture, that we abide by all our treaty obligations, and that we treat detainees "humanely" -- only to engage in secret waterboarding and hypothermia, based on equally secret legal determinations that construe the words "torture" and "humane" in an Orwellian fashion, that diminish treaty obligations down to nothing, and that assert a right of the President to ignore all statutory limits. Balkinization
  • But while Joe has beaten him before, plentifully, Kerewin has only been kind and repeatedly succored him with food.
  • Consumers have repeatedly ignored exhortations to buy British and the like in favour of global products.
  • In these films, Naruse repeatedly found beautiful, economical, and multifaceted ways of exploring his favorite topic - the futility of hope (despite the admirability and beauty of the hopeful) - that forms his overarching pessimism. GreenCine Daily
  • Sorbs were repeatedly forbidden to use their own language.
  • All that was needed abroad or at home was to repeat the same sentence more slowly at a puzzled auslander, if that didn't work it was polite to bellow it repeatedly while frothing at the mouth until puce. Army Rumour Service
  • He claimed repeatedly that his function was not to make moral judgments but to record behaviour.
  • Ray, now 69 and terminally ill with liver disease, has repeatedly changed his story over the years.
  • Mineral, vitamin and blood-sugar levels have been repeatedly shown to affect ability to relax.
  • Mr Morgan, 46, repeatedly demanded on Tuesday night that the 40-year-old Tory backbencher withdraw her allegation, which he described as an "absolute, blatant lie". - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The preference for directives as opposed to regulations for environmental matters has also been repeatedly expressed.
  • Didn't the Governor say (repeatedly) that the viaduct is unsafe and will come down by 2012? Tunnel Construction Could Be Delayed One Year « PubliCola
  • But the room was tiny and I barked my shin on one thing or another repeatedly.
  • No one wants to hear a bunch of pubescent boys confessing their love repeatedly in about thirteen songs on one album.
  • This morning's good mood severely dented by incompetent carriers who have repeatedly failed to deliver parcels on time and to the right address.
  • The basins repeatedly filled with water, spiked with fluorescent pigment, which glowed a toxic green under the black Light, then emptied, in a slow, inexorable rhythm.
  • Swimming often includes porpoising (repeatedly breaking the water's surface with enough momentum to lift the bird into the air for about one meter.)
  • But Clinton had left her dangling, repeatedly refusing to say whether she would win reappointment.
  • Singh, who had repeatedly accused the Congress leader of calling SP chief Mulayam Singh Yadav a" backstabber ", said. The Times of India
  • Over my years of working as a research ecologist for the U.S. Forest Service in Hawaii, I watched fountain grass repeatedly rise up like a green phoenix after ecologically devastating wildfires and rapidly establish in what to this species is a very favorable postfire environment of increased light and nutrients and decreased plant competition. Robert J. Cabin: The Wildfires in Hawaii Are a Loss for Our World
  • I meant to post this yesterday, but apathy repeatedly bludgeoned me over the head with a large fluffy pillow.
  • To overcome this, they repeatedly gulp oxygen and release it inside the burrow, oxygenating the water which then allows them to remain inside for up to 30 minutes at a time. This behavior also provides oxygen for any developing eggs.
  • Its style of performance and expression change repeatedly throughout each ballet as the dancer changes with the attendant circumstances.
  • Secession would not remedy any ill facing the South, he repeatedly declared.
  • She writes repeatedly about how she remained a virgin until she was 24, until, it seems, although she doesn't say so explicitly, she met her now husband, a shadowy figure who only really appears in her story when he's comedically useful as a straight man. Bossypants by Tina Fey – review
  • He was jailed three times for repeatedly flouting a court order banning him from the estate.
  • As it has repeatedly been announced, this case of espionage is a wholly internal matter and any prejudgment and interference is rejected.
  • BP has repeatedly promised to pay all "legitimate claims" for loss and damage as a result of the Gulf oil spill, now vying for the title fourth biggest oil spill in history at 2.3 million barrels of crude over the past two months. Libertarian Blog Place
  • She appeared repeatedly as an expert witness at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.
  • There's no evidence at this point that the Bush administration is prepared to get into the kind of nitty-gritty give - and-take wheeling-and-dealing negotiating that the North Koreans have repeatedly signaled they would be interested in if they were to put their missile nuclear programs on the table. CNN Transcript Jul 15, 2006
  • Portland proceeded to foul O'Neal repeatedly, a familiar tactic and one that had often frustrated the big man.
  • The victim had been stabbed repeatedly in the chest.
  • He telephoned repeatedly, begging her to return.
  • A little research turned up OSP Communications, which is apparently a front for a fraudulent biller that has repeatedly hit AT&T customers with a cramming fraud. The Consumerist: February 2009 Archives
  • I once got repeatedly flamed and sent virus-laden emails because I said I thought the concept of the Rock Hall of Fame was kind of blah.
  • Making it into the lobby, he remembered wiping his brow repeatedly from the water seeping down his forehead.
  • The song's arrangement is nearly perfect with Branch slowly building the first verse into a bombastic chorus in which she asks the song's title repeatedly.
  • Words that sound funny after you say them repeatedly (ex. “tampons,” “smorgasbord,” “gleen”) and what they start to sound like (gleen=the word for fornication in the language of Sleestacks). Intersomnolence
  • Powered by solar panels and car batteries, the music machines repeatedly play a 15-minute recording made of the Farallones murre colony.
  • Going through the locks was definitely a team effort, and we repeatedly blessed the 20 rubber fenders that literally circled our boat.
  • Any lesion, even one presumed benign, that repeatedly recurs after proper cryotherapy should be biopsied.
  • Although the baroque building, which was built in 1907, was recently refurbished inside, the exterior is repeatedly covered in graffiti and overrun with litter.
  • His mother said he blew up because he's been in solitary confinement and has been repeatedly denied bail - and the stress is getting to him.
  • A list of items is repeatedly flashed up on the screen.
  • Theresa Stevens, 21, was beaten, repeatedly stabbed and strangled as she put up a desperate fight to save herself.
  • Of this her Government has been repeatedly apprised, and the cession was the more to have been anticipated as Spain must have known that in ceding it she would likewise relieve herself from the important obligation secured by the treaty of 1795 and all other compromitments respecting it. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • She repeatedly called such members of the audience to the dance floor.
  • Gnostic writings repeatedly stress divine revelation and the need for both human effort toward realizing gnosis, as well as the need for corresponding divine grace or angelic help.
  • During the Renaissance, for example, it surfaced repeatedly albeit in somewhat garbled form.
  • The discipline of cash limits was repeatedly disregarded, with political factors often intervening to soften the government's monetarist convictions.
  • As evidence of how Manning means it when he uses the word "indebted," as he has repeatedly this week, Johnson held out his wrist. New Orleans Saints Central
  • Therefore, he repeatedly undercuts his real basis of power precisely by figuring as the leader of an amorphous mass.
  • He repeatedly describes himself as a "hyperrealist" and "empiricist" who rejects any religious belief not consistent with modern science. The Dalai Lama, Marxist?
  • Franken choked up repeatedly as he related the stories involving his father, whom he obviously loved.
  • Mocked for repeatedly using the term lockbox to suggest that funding for Social Security and Medicare should be untouchable, Gore was caricatured, not without reason, as a finicky policy wonk. House of Bush, House of Saud
  • I repeatedly, urgently ask my boyfriend, "What's happening?"
  • He washes his hands repeatedly till the skin starts peeling off.
  • She has repeatedly emphasized that her novels are linguistically self-conscious explicitly in order to translate the apprehension of the problematic area of language.
  • There's a beautiful sequence where Bond lifts her repeatedly in arabesque, each time on the in-breath, so that she gazes for a rapturous moment at some far horizon before returning to the formal intricacies of the duet. Birmingham Royal Ballet: Pointes of View
  • During the Sugar Act crisis, Benjamin Franklin and other prominent Pennsylvanians repeatedly and fruitlessly petitioned the colonial government to take action against taverns and drinking. A Renegade History of the United States
  • The security guard addressed her repeatedly with an annoying ‘You okay, Miss?’
  • As Arnold has pointed out repeatedly, there were regulatory arbitrages available to financial insitutions. Financial Regulation and Public Choice Theory, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Chapter 10 finalizes the discussion of methods and tools repeatedly mentioned in earlier chapters.
  • We were woken at dawn by a cock crowing repeatedly.
  • The young man continued on his way and in the distance saw a man repeatedly jumping from a tree.
  • The captain of the flight repeatedly pleaded to allow the passengers to deplane and enter the terminal. Three airlines fined in Minnesota tarmac stranding
  • He was repeatedly attacked by other inmates, who accused him of grassing.
  • By repeatedly removing the leaves on cattail plants, the food supply in the underground tuber will be depleted and the plant will eventually die.
  • The language is lucid yet gripping and reflects popular human sentiment and passions, †observes D†™ Souza. “The term vulnerable has been specifically and repeatedly coined to reiterate the myriad vulnerabilities faced by the nation from political establishments. The Times of India
  • In Saudi Arabia, religious leaders have repeatedly lashed out against movies, music, and many television shows which they call immoral and worthless. Infidels Are Cool
  • The chronic repeater Patients who repeatedly take overdoses pose considerable management difficulties.
  • It may be some special legal word-ing, signature block, advertising message, or contractual term that is used repeatedly.
  • Eschenbach repeatedly slips into small but irritating mannerisms, such as a ritard and brief pause before this or that emphatic chord -- a disruption of flow that Mahler, a brilliant conductor, was perfectly capable of writing into the score had he wanted it. As Mahler's death centenary nears, an outpouring of recordings pays tribute
  • To form ( a candle ) by repeatedly immersing a wick in melted wax or tallow.
  • I feel that any investment in retail is highly speculative, simply because any business where cash changes hands repeatedly is high risk.
  • Reproductive surgery specialty: in reproductive surgery, urethral surgery, urologic neoplasms, very high attainments, has repeatedly won the outstanding achievement award of the military clinical.
  • She was repeatedly fascinated by elderly residents who were reliving the same memories.
  • He fell and grovelled in agony as the driver lashed him repeatedly about the head and body.
  • In December, members of the same research team revealed that calderas on five major Mars volcanoes were repeatedly active as little as 2 million years ago.
  • After a fortnight of failure, a villager reported that the lurcher repeatedly visited one isolated house.
  • In severe cases the soreness and pain are extreme and recur repeatedly accompanied by swelling of the joints and even deformity.
  • Graham was repeatedly warned not to work so hard.
  • The boat was dashed repeatedly against the rocks.
  • A child who repeatedly sees violence or insensitivity towards himself, other human beings or animals becomes desensitized himself.
  • Mediation has been repeatedly called for in the loyalist feud.
  • The carbonates are washed repeatedly with a dilute solution of sodium carbonate, thus removing any coloration from the precipitate.
  • Surprise doesn't register, instead, Devito plunges an eight-inch carving knife purposefully and repeatedly into the victim's stomach.
  • What may be a surprise is that the bottom of your foot hurts, bruised from stepping on the hard metal of the spade or fork repeatedly.
  • He has clashed repeatedly with the team coach over training schedules.
  • It was a day to make your spirit sink as Dundee shivered in the icy squalls of rain that repeatedly doused its pavements and tenements.
  • She laments repeatedly, ‘My life is dreary, He cometh not… I am aweary, aweary, I would that I were dead’.
  • These are well documented complaints - made repeatedly.
  • They respond by kicking him and smashing him repeatedly from behind with an iron pipe until he is on the restraining conveyor belt that carries him to the stunner.
  • Finally I am told I have hang-ups am a buffoon etc. in spite of repeatedly offering to answer any points I kight have missed. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The first WIP was - and I'm not joking, I discover this kind of thing about myself repeatedly - one sock for myself completed, plus the second sock completely knitted and just waiting for the toe to be kitchener stitched up. A Craft Post
  • We are repeatedly told in the Torah that murderers - and certain other miscreants - should be put to death so that the community can be purged of their contaminating presence.
  • His difference makes him a victim, repeatedly abused and cheated.
  • If gangs thieve from and threaten repeatedly a small number of traders, again you keep the gangs happy, and tell the traders to book it as an insurance claim. How “Police Performance” Fraud Works. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • In their attempts to stem cut-throat price competition, railway leaders repeatedly formed cartels to set prices and allocate traffic.
  • Repeatedly press the leather stamp over the clay until the entire surface is textured.
  • Simpson has said so repeatedly since his acquittal in the case.
  • He set out to visit every one of them and he did just that repeatedly, criss-crossing the state like a country singer on tour.
  • Any lesion, even one presumed benign, that repeatedly recurs after proper cryotherapy should be biopsied.
  • Despite some public opinion polls and Supreme Court decisions to the contrary, voters have repeatedly rejected liberalization of abortion laws.
  • I lost count of how many times the Ali McCoist style waiters called us ‘guys’ and yet kept wanting to refold our napkins and pour our wine (even after we repeatedly told them not to).
  • More than one-third are battered repeatedly every year.
  • Jordan has repeatedly led his team to the Promised Land of the NBA Finals.
  • So far US has and is trying to strangulate Iran's economy (please read "Plan for Economic Strangulation of Iran"), repeatedly breached the Iranian airspace, arrested its diplomats and according to the latest reports probably has been involved in kidnapping another diplomat [13]. Iran vs. Saudi Arabia
  • Cooper has repeatedly refused to reveal his confidential sources, sources for an article he wrote about the naming of the secret CIA operative.
  • Repeatedly, they unconsciously checked that the writing on their knickers was clearly visible above the low-slung waistlines of their denim skirts.
  • Lewis repeatedly denied that the Narnia stories were allegories.
  • When I addressed the issue of flyposting, something that is not done here in elections, his response was to slag my blog off repeatedly, so why should I give him publicity? What have the smaller parties got to say in Norwich North ?
  • Rodriguez's father related this story repeatedly to his daughter ‘almost back to the time she was christened’.
  • It may be some special legal word-ing, signature block, advertising message, or contractual term that is used repeatedly.
  • For all the fierceness of his republican beliefs, he has repeatedly stated his willingness to talk to the killers of his father and brother.
  • In an even more pointed joke, Werner Heisenberg was repeatedly paged over the public-address system for two days running.
  • Several minutes of disorder ensued, which included punch-ups and the Oxford goalkeeper apparently pinning a rather more bulky Warwick team member to the ground saying repeatedly ‘Who's my bitch now?’
  • But it actually was a slogan used repeatedly by Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew in their campaign in 1968. The Conservative Assault on the Constitution
  • He repeatedly roiled the international currency markets with offhand comments about the value of the dollar and the inadvisability of bailouts of countries like Turkey, Brazil and Argentina.

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