How To Use Remake In A Sentence
Haven't seen remake, so I think my perceptions of the Wenders flick were relatively uncolored by expectations of what I thought it was ‘supposed to’ be about.
It is a remake of an old film.
The remake was funny, full of good jokes, strong characters and little blasts of impotent rage.
Times, Sunday Times
In spite of her off-screen antics, she remains the darling of Disney remakes, with her on-screen innocence and charm.
While the remake of Japanese horror might be novel, remaking a film has become standard Hollywood practice.

The in-flight movie was the remake of The Manchurian Candidate, about a politician who receives instructions whispered into his ear by outside manipulators.
The remake of 'Casablanca' was a pale imitation of the original movie.
Between 1984 and 1987 he personified our inchoate desire to shake free of the Muldoon years and remake ourselves in a bolder, prouder way.
Do you have any problem with Hollywood's recent trend of doing big-budget remakes for classic low-budget horror films?
The same can be said for a remake, because you want to preserve the original while including some new elements that makes the title stand out from the original. - HOME PAGE
For the moment he's playing Charlize Theron's father in the forthcoming remake of The Italian Job, co-starring Mark Wahlberg.
We can refuse to remake our world in their image: a place of fear and mind control, where citizens are tracked and followed, where people are afraid to look or act different.
Moreover, such a system would prevent the "atomization" of society so much desired by the revolutionaries who wished to remake in a new form that which had been pulverized by liberalism.10
Distributism: Economics as if People Mattered
The marker is actually for the movie to remake its production costs in domestic sales.
Exclusive: G.I. JOE SEQUEL is Happening; Zombieland’s Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick Writing G.I. JOE 2 –
Sienna Miller, who stars opposite Jude Law in the upcoming "Alfie" remake, is in discussions to play Edie Sedgwick, a '60s icon and one of Andy Warhol's muses, in the indie feature "Factory Girl".
The bibliomaniac, that is, remakes the literary heritage as his cabinet library.
"Wedded to Books': Bibliomania and the Romantic Essayists
If the original film was something of a feminist diatribe, the undercurrent of the remake is plainly reactionary.
He plays the lead in a remake of the 1920s comedy classic.
Why do we have a broadcasting environment where the skills displayed in the remake aren't channelled into a new idea, a different comic take on a middle - aged man undergoing a breakdown, rather than an attempt to recreate the unbetterable.
The Guardian World News
I suspect this remake, now satirising post-feminist America and suburban life itself, may raise more laughs here than on its home turf.
But with the frenzy of sequels, prequels, remakes and biopics being shovelled out by Hollywood, it comes as no surprise that relying on an existing popular story is the path of least resistance.
The only way the GOP can compete is they need to completely remake their party from the ground up.
No Clear Front-Runner for Republican Chairman - The Caucus Blog -
In the first instance, that will mean rebalancing the efforts to remake the ground and the air services.
Being a remake, the film really needs to keep the basic plot intact.
So a new strategy is needed, to remake the Democratic party into something more democratic, to resist the power of big money in politics and to readopt a populist message along economic lines to champion the millions out of work before they become millions out of hope.
Danny Schechter: Look to the Future, Not the Past - One Lesson for 2010
One of the keys to the success of the 2001 remake was the film score.
Despite this, Hollywood continues to supply the public with remakes of films that were perfectly fine in the first place.
The men benefit from a similar freedom to remake themselves outside masculinist stereotypes thus showing that the roles ascribed by any culture to beasts, men, and women are not fixed and immutable but open to negotiation.
Why should the prospect of another remake prompt groans and feelings of weariness?
It's probably not worth spending any time or effort ruminating over why Hollywood decided to remake an English language film that is readily available on video and works as well today as when it first came out.
They may both be remakes of better films, but there is no denying that the American versions of these Japanese classics now command a very strong position in the marketplace.
What are your thoughts on this remake after having seen this ridic movie trailer?
How do you feel that it took a remake of one of your films to put you back into the spotlight?
For the moment he's playing Charlize Theron's father in the forthcoming remake of The Italian Job, co-starring Mark Wahlberg.
All the energy and excitement in this live-action remake of the much-loved Disney animated film went into merchandizing and marketing.
He's so appalled by the remake that he wants his name removed from all the promotional material.
The dining room resembled a Holiday Inn remake of a vaulted church.
Times, Sunday Times
Which brings us to Dawn of the Dead, a loose remake of the second movie in Romero's notorious trilogy.
The 1993 American remake is vastly inferior.
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 ($40; activision. com) An amazing remake of the popular skateboarding game for PlayStation 2 and other consoles.
Nintendo's New Game Boy Makes A Summer Splash
The lowlights were a costly decision to establish a foothold in India through a deal with BSNL, and the departures of COO Gary Daichendt and CTO Gary Kunis, who had come up with an ambitious plan to remake Nortel.
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In both appearance and behavior, they're closely related to the flesh-eating beetles from the remake of The Mummy.
Movie Review: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Do they go with another dud sequel, maybe even a prequel, or do they just remake the original?
As with the genome, the internet was going to transform our lives, remake society, abolish boom and bust, bring everlasting peace and make the Tories unelectable forever.
The model is essentially a remake of GM's Pontiac Solstice, but it eclipses that car with big-city style, accurate steering, a burbly exhaust note and decent road handling.
Whole New World
The object of the bronies' fascination is "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic," a remake of a 1980s animated TV show for preadolescent girls featuring plucky, candy-colored equines.
Hey, Bro, That's My Little Pony! Guys' Interest Mounts in Girly TV Show
She was even auditioned by the BBC for its 1990s remake of the original television show, which appeared on Scottish screens in 1959.
As movies have become more expensive to make and market, big studios have become more risk averse, which is why more and more films are remakes, sequels, or are based on popular previous works.
Jonathan Kim: ReThink Review - Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
The dining room resembled a Holiday Inn remake of a vaulted church.
Times, Sunday Times
He has appeared in soaps and cable movies and, on the back of his role in Friends, starred in the sci-fi remake Lost In Space and the family comedy Ed.
This time around – and I think we're on the 22nd remake now – they've steampunked it, gussying it up with much retro-futuristic silliness and cheap-looking CGI, anachronistic weaponry and ordnance, by-the-numbers action-heroics, and a sky teeming with armadas of heavily armoured hot-air balloons reminiscent of Zeppelins.
This steampunk take on The Three Musketeers doesn't buckle my swash
MIRRORS (2008, Fox, R, $30) - Here's yet another Asian horror remake that fails to capture the slippery spookery of the original.
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It is time for Labour in Scotland to remake the argument for the Union on a modern basis.
Unhappily, most of the new shows with women in leading roles—NBC's poorly scripted resurrection of the British hit "Prime Suspect," or ABC's inane remake of "Charlie's Angels," for example—offer little more than overcompensating caricatures of the fairer sex in an era of stiletto-heeled "postfeminism.
A Marriage of Heaven and Hollywood
They argue that only private capitalists can remake Poland's economy.
The remake was funny, full of good jokes, strong characters and little blasts of impotent rage.
Times, Sunday Times
In the remake of the 1976 sandlot classic Bad News Bears, he doubles the ‘anti’ in his anti-hero.
The Bandai-published remake delivers the best of both ages, making over retro robot designs with flashy modern animation.
As lazy and uninspired a choice it is to just remake an old film or TV series, this trend does has one hilarious plus point - all the old stars keep getting all shirty about being replaced.
Are they gona remake the rest of the series but different now that asoka could change skywalker to stay good or will they just ignore anyrthing
SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1164
If the remake, with Nicolas Cage as a rogue cop named Terence McDonagh, commits the sin of entertainment, it's redeemed by a sense of life's contradictions and distinguished by surreal flourishes that include a pair of iguanas, slithery witnesses to Terence's mania.
'Five': A Series Wakes Up at the Wheel
Their remake of the 1969 John Wayne semiclassic hews faithfully to Charles Portis' laconically funny novel, adding just a few Coenesque moments of irony, disconcerting violence and grotesquerie. rss feed
He's a history-remaker, an eclectic, an ironist, with bags of self-reflexive knowledge and knowhow.
Times, Sunday Times
Skarsgård should know; there were few eyelashes batted at his ultra-violent remake of "Straw Dogs," but his abs are a constant source of conversation.
The Full Feed from
Her output in the 1990s was a cataract of middlebrow — rewrites and remakes, first of the Father of the Bride movies, and then The Parent Trap (for which she elicited a brilliant, schizogonic performance from the young Lindsay Lohan).
Double-X Films
The only remake I am interested in seeing is Friday the 13th, i love the series and bought all of them on DVD but after watching them i realize that they really suck.
Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Muary To Helm Halloween 2? «
Sometimes those scraps from the alley became dangerous prototypes and I ended up with broken limbs, but I had teachers who encouraged me to unmake, remake, invent, and dream big dreams.
Mickey McManus: Innovate: Education -- The Next Literacy
House on Haunted Hill is a remake of a 1959 Vincent Price movie directed by schlockmeister William Castle.
This remake of the classic British comedy is a delight.
The Sun
The British comedy Mean Machine is doubly unnecessary - it's not only a remake of the superior 1974 film The Longest Yard, it's also a retread of last year's Greenfingers.
Within its story there's ample room for patriotic heroism and an enterprising remaker could add flashbacks if an action bent were desired as well as the Hollywood-de-rigeur "questioning authority" angle, which is plenty explicit in the original.
America proven frivolous.
I've watched burton stuff since I was about 8 and I've always loved it, I do think that 'alice in wonderland' was a little rushed and he shouldn't have done a remake of 'planet of the apes' because the keyline was ruined but that's the only ones I've not been so keen on - it's not like any of you have ever made a film.
LOL: Tim Burton’s Secret Formula | /Film
Susan Sarandon pulls MILF duty in this widely panned remake of the 1960s classic about a fetchingly accented British womanizer.
Do you prefer the remake of 'King Kong' to the original?
Haven't seen remake, so I think my perceptions of the Wenders flick were relatively uncolored by expectations of what I thought it was ‘supposed to’ be about.
Then imagine if those titles are remakes of classic fighting games that have extremely loyal followings.
But with the frenzy of sequels, prequels, remakes and biopics being shovelled out by Hollywood, it comes as no surprise that relying on an existing popular story is the path of least resistance.
Harvey is one of my favorite films and worth seeing just for Stewart's performance...a remake, even a 're-imagining' is a very bad idea - you can't make the same film because audiences have changed and changing the film for more modern times just doesn't make any sense - a guy like Dowd would be locked up in an instant today and all the crazy stuff with his sister wouldn't happen. atiptoe
Tom Hanks Won’t Star In Spielberg’s Harvey; Who Will? | /Film
He plays the lead in a remake of the 1920s comedy classic.
What is a man born for but to be a reformer, a remaker of what man has made; a renouncer of lies; a restorer of truth and good, imitating that great Nature which embosoms us all, and which sleeps no moment on an old past, but every hour repairs herself, yielding us every morning a new day, and with every pulsation a new life?
III. Essays. Man the Reformer. A Lecture Read before the Mechanics Apprentices’ Library Association, Boston, January 25, 1841
They argue that only private capitalists can remake Poland's economy.
The original six hour series had been abridged into two hours and you could feel that the pacing was rushed (something that was somehow avoided in the 1955 remake).
Or had it been a remake of STARSHIP TROOPERS, I'd've gone to see it.
Avatar: The Good and The Bad
Mirthless" is not the kind of adjective that makes its way onto full-page movie ads, but it's the most charitable way of describing the new "Arthur," a remake of the celebrated 1981 comedy about a wealthy wastrel's eviction from dipsomaniacal paradise by his family and Liza Minnelli.
'Arthur': He Drinks, Movie Falls Down
I've watched burton stuff since I was about 8 and I've always loved it, I do think that 'alice in wonderland' was a little rushed and he shouldn't have done a remake of 'planet of the apes' because the keyline was ruined but that's the only ones I've not been so keen on - it's not like any of you have ever made a film.
LOL: Tim Burton’s Secret Formula | /Film
Freaky Friday doesn't bring anything new to the genre - it's a remake of a 1976 film starring Barbara Harris and Jodie Foster - but gets by on sparky performances from its leads.
It's common practice for Hollywood to remake an old movie, but today's news must be some kind of record.
Well, like a bad remake of The Paper Chase, I found myself in a required humanities seminar on historiography.
So can you please do us a favour and sweep the pitch and remake the creases?
Its essence is to remake a kind of unequal economy and culture tendency and politics hegemonism.
Remake them as outdoor shopping plazas, reminiscent of the town centers they replaced.
Cronenberg fashions a remake of the cheesy 1958 original that is by turns funny, poignant, repulsive, and intense.
He's going to remake the socket, building in a soft rubber pad and extra space to accommodate the troublesome bone.
In his fifth collaboration with Ridley Scott since 2000, Russell Crowe plays the legendary wealth redistributor in this $130 million remake of the timeless tale.
September is National Sewing Month, and in this era of tighter budgets and heightened environmental awareness, the Sewing & Craft Alliance and the American Sewing Guild are encouraging sewers to "reuse, remake, restyle" their old favorites into something new.
During National Sewing Month, make old household items new again
That's when he inherited the CEO post and set out to remake the company around a new flagship product, the digital signal processor chip.
The remake of Charlie And The Chocolate Factory was thrown into chaos on Wednesday when a worker dropped a $540,000 camera lens in a vat of chocolate.
There are other novelists who seem to be able to remake themselves drastically from one novel to the next, and can find any number of grooves for their ‘esemplastic’ (Coleridge's wonderful word) genius.
This is the setting for the new film Starsky and Hutch, which, contrary to popular belief, is not a remake.
He is often confused or inaccurate about the details of science fiction televisions shows and films he mentions – he seems unaware that the new Battlestar Galactica is neither a continuation nor a remake of the earlier series from the late 70s (p.168), and he calls the midi-chlorians from Star Wars “midi-chlorines” (p.184).
Archive 2008-07-01
This remake of the classic British comedy is a delight.
The Sun
I've got a good feeling about this remake griff on Dec 11, 2009
Two Badass Official Posters Revealed for Clash of the Titans «
It makes no sense for Mr Blair to turn his back on Europe and become a junior, and probably increasingly uninfluential, ally of the US as it remakes the world.
It is an homage to Flash Gordon movie serials, not an homage to Doc E.E. Smith: it is a remake of sciffy moviedom, not a remake of a Space Opera pulp novel.
MIND MELD: Today's SF Authors Define Science Fiction (Part 2)
Yes, that's Long Island"Lolita" Amy Fisher with her top-notch, assome commenters put it, "drugstoremakeup," about to hit the road andbecome apole-dancing stripperfor cash across the US.
Rock Bottom for Long Island "Lolita"
How about doing a Hitchcock homage like Truffaut or Chabrol or even Scorsese in Shutter Island instead of an out-and-out "remake"?
Will Smith to Produce and Star in Remake of Hitchcock’s Suspicion? | /Film
The old show is still a pull for tourists but for some reason they wanted to film the remake in Namibia.
Times, Sunday Times
If you're looking to de-stress or to remake yourself, this is the place with everything from yoga, Ayurvedic programs and both Western and Oriental therapies.
Aside from the whole inescapable dodginess associated with remakes, you have to admit that it's not an easy challenge to scare audiences nowadays, especially with a landscape that has been traversed many times since the '50s.
The Creature from the Black Lagoon Remake Has Legs «
Rising fantasy queen du jour Gemma Arterton bags herself a far better role than the plot-explaining clothes-horse she played in the recent dismal Clash of the Titans remake, while "Sir" Ben Kingsley simply dusts of his dastardly baldie performance from Thunderbirds with scenery-chewing results.
Mark Kermode's DVD round-up
He's a history-remaker, an eclectic, an ironist, with bags of self-reflexive knowledge and knowhow.
Times, Sunday Times
About six months after the denture is inserted, I'll have to reline or remake it, because the gums will shrink and the denture will become loose.
This soulless remake of the 1975 Norman Jewison-directed dystopian sci-fi picture starring James Caan skipped all the social commentary and went straight for jazzed-up, hyperviolent roller-derby action.
Top 10 Pointless Remakes » Scene-Stealers
The original trilogy is an absolute classic in my opinion so I would be surprised if I ever would like a remake.
Bedazzled is a remake, always popular when producers are low on original ideas.
But Kanchivaram is director Priyadarshan's answer to the "remaker" tag Not many would like to remember what they did out of anger and frustration. - Articles related to Schwarzenegger to Shriver: Put down the cell phone
With his pale Irish skin, stick-out ears, and lantern jaw covered in reddish-brown stubble, wearing a green waffle-pattern long-underwear shirt and a pair of Sprawl athletic shorts, he looks like an elongated version of the actor Matt Damon preparing for a role in a remake of Deliverance.
But none of this will translate in a remake, much less when your goal is to "Americanize" it.
Let Me In Director Matt Reeves Offers Further Thoughts on Remaking a Cult Classic, Defends Against Twilight Comparisons | /Film
But then the 1968 film remake is full of great stories.
Times, Sunday Times
A remake of the lilting Irving Berlin ditty Blue Skies began playing as the lights came up.
The mixture of classical modernism with traditionalist references was thick, and it seemed undeniable that many of the works were deliberate remakes of recognizable Western modernist icons.
In this age of tie-ins, remakes, sequels and prequels, someone was eventually going to tackle this film.
But with the frenzy of sequels, prequels, remakes and biopics being shovelled out by Hollywood, it comes as no surprise that relying on an existing popular story is the path of least resistance.
This approach is valid but remakes history into a determinist schema: what happened had to happen.
We'd do a film together if somebody came up with an idea that wasn't a remake or a repeat or a sequel.
In this remake of Frank Capra's Mr. Deeds Goes to Town, Adam Sandler's inheritance includes John Turturro as a butler with a fetish for men's feet.
Second on the slate is the remake of the classic The Seven Samurai ... unbelievably it seems to be going ahead.
Filmstalker: June 2006 Archives
If you re a boomer who has hit a rut, take your cue from reborn Buick: refire your imagination, rewire your brain, tune up your engine, and remake your story of self anew!
Jeffrey Hull, Ph.D.: Boomer Redux: 5 Ways To Reinvent Yourself From The Inside Out
Quite frankly, American film studios are going about this remake business all wrong.
Phil Anschutz is the city's most elusive important billionaire - the builder of Staples Center, remaker of Downtown, and erstwhile Hollywood morals guru and news media mogul.
LA Observed
When the haves remake a culture, the people who pay the price are the have-nots.
The game sold more than a million copies (a big deal at the time), and it got the full, blousy remake treatment back in 2004.
Modern pirates call for classic games
The old show is still a pull for tourists but for some reason they wanted to film the remake in Namibia.
Times, Sunday Times
Jennifer Lopez tries shimmying back into her fans' hearts by teaching Richard Gere to rumba in this remake of the Japanese hit.
Martin hosted the show in 2001 and was alright I guess, but year after year of sub-par family remakes and their sequels (“Father of the Bride” 1 and 2, “The Pink Panther” 1 and 2) have probably dulled his edge a little.
Top 10 Reasons the 2010 Oscars Will Fail » Scene-Stealers
Adding to her confusion is the revelation that the current film is a remake of a doomed polish production that was never finished due to an unspeakable tragedy …
Inland Empire: Laura Dern: Justin Theroux: David Lynch: DVD: Synopsis | SciFi UK Review
They may both be remakes of better films, but there is no denying that the American versions of these Japanese classics now command a very strong position in the marketplace.
John Carpenter, who directed and co-wrote the original is producing the remake.
The film is a remake of a 1977 film which saw George Segal and Jane Fonda playing a married couple who turn to crime to pay the bills.
The current remake of the film updates those fears for the post-Cold War era and a new set of concerns.
In this instance, as with many others, the outrage was more than justified by the dismal result - Stallone's remake was swept ignominiously under the carpet and should be heading straight for a video store near you very soon.
From the original to the remake, they seem to have completely changed where the story's going, because the backstory to the child is completely different.
Mr. Namer said that 'Runaway Sweetheart' has no connection to his company's remake but declined to specify his version's cast, premiere date or other details.
The remake of Casino Royale, the first Bond novel, will concentrate instead on the character of the spy, painted by Ian Fleming in the book as a suave, coldly aggressive seducer.
Some films are book adaptations, some are remakes of existing films, some are even created whole cloth from original ideas.
Yep, Hollywood's done it again, but thankfully the resulting flick is a good film in its own right - a rarity amongst remakes.
ANOTHER horror remake, another dud.
The Sun
It was the elephant in the room that loomed larger as the series went on, but in this remake the difficulty has been addressed early on.
Times, Sunday Times
Publisher: Hal Leonard - SHEET MUSIC - Discovery Choral SATB - 8 Pages - Annette Bening plays a music teacher in the 1994 film Love Affair (a remake of the 1957 Cary Grant/Deborah Kerr film An Affair to Remember), and her students sing this sweet arrangement of the classic Beatles favorite after she falls in love with Warren Beatty (her real-life husband!).
John Lennon's death, Dec. 8, 1980, hit hardest
Generally I don't like remakes, or rather, I don't like the idea of a remake.
I feel happy until they start to remake the bed with shiny new sheets that glisten in bleached starchiness.
Instead, take your cue from reborn Buick: refire your imagination, rewire your brain, tune up your engine, and remake your story of self anew!
Jeffrey Hull, Ph.D.: Boomer Redux: 5 Ways to Reinvent Yourself from the Inside Out
Con i milioni di drive-in theatre girati nel mondo, un genio come Tarantino sceglie un piece for one person movie per farne un remake ... e sceglie il mio!
Archive 2009-11-01
He has already publicly backed the idea of a remake and is quoted in the prospectus issued to potential investors in the movie.
The one thing I have a little bit of a problem with is I don't quite understand this obsession about doing remakes and making television series into feature films.
Let The Right One In hits theaters next month, but a English-language remake is already in thew works with Cloverfield director Matt Reeves at the helm.
Original Let The Right One In Director Talks Remake | /Film
He hasn't lost his sense of humor: "The first movie I saw was that horrendous 'Fright Night' remake and the first thing I ate was one of those Black Angus burgers.
'West Memphis 3' Reunite
His mates are all out of the remake of Spinal Tap; his singing voice may be querulous, but his songs are close to brilliant.
The most recent news pouring out of Hollywood this week has only worked to reinforce the criticisms that remakes and retreads are at the top of next year's production lists.
Rating: *** 'Anu' is a Kannada remake of director Ravi Babu's Telugu Hit film 'Anasuya', which had Bhoomika Chawla in the lead.
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
Alien "series (where the title creatures have many insect-like traits, such as exoskeletons, a parasitic reproductive cycle, and a hive social structure), they actually have more in common with the" its 1986 remake and their various sequels
Jaden Smith costarred with his father in The Pursuit of Happyness and will star in the upcoming remake of The Karate Kid.
Hollywood's Top-Earning Couples
The Scoop: Del Toro stars as a good-natured man who transforms into a savage wolf by moonlight in this special effects-packed horror remake set in 19th century England.
This easy accessibility to remake movies by studious is really warped people's minds.
Howard Stern Reviving the Rock 'n' Roll High School «
A film that has inspired moviemakers for decades, King Kong has finally come to DVD, just in time for its big screen remake by Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson.
J.R. Ewing is getting a new lease on life as TNT plots a remake of Dallas, The New York Times’ ArtsBeat Blog reported on Thursday.
“Poltergeist” Remake In Theaters November 24, 2010
But the film suffers many of the pratfalls associated with remakes, in particular the warmed-up leftovers syndrome.
In the 1980s the two institutions launched a crusade to remake the world in the image of the free market.
There is no ambiguity about his desire to remake capitalism.
Times, Sunday Times
it is a remake of an old film
Do you prefer the remake of 'King Kong' to the original?
Live albums are often considered slightly rubbish, song remakes with applause at the end rarely being a better substitute for new, original material or the notion of forking out an extra £5 to actually see the band live.
The Line Of Best Fit
We're waiting patiently for the robosploitation remake of I, Robot.
Did SMG sign a contract that she is only allowed to appear in shitty US remakes of Korean movies?
So where does Joel Silver come into the picture? jamie you never "NEED" a remake perhaps it should be directed by judd apatow and star paul rudd as the robot from the poster, then slashfilm would love the idea
J. Michael Straczynski to Write Forbidden Planet Remake | /Film
I've watched burton stuff since I was about 8 and I've always loved it, I do think that 'alice in wonderland' was a little rushed and he shouldn't have done a remake of 'planet of the apes' because the keyline was ruined but that's the only ones I've not been so keen on - it's not like any of you have ever made a film.
LOL: Tim Burton’s Secret Formula | /Film
An all-star cast fills this remake of a classic 1960 Rat Pack film about a crook who organizes a big heist.
Other unmemorable early credits include Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol (1987), Action Jackson (1988) and the umpteenth remake of Blood and Sand (1989).
Or had it been a remake of STARSHIP TROOPERS, I'd've gone to see it.
Avatar: The Good and The Bad
By the subliterate typewriter lemur behind the awful The Day the Earth Stood Still remake.
The best news since the Saints winning the Super Bowl!
And last we heard, David Cronenberg was interested in helming the remake.
Timecrimes Movie Trailer #2 | /Film
Mr. Childs, an experienced builder of skyscrapers, is in the sensitive position of representing a client who believes he can remake the plan for his own purposes.
The tyremaker has made large job cuts already, with nearly 4,000 employees made redundant in the second half of 2008.
Times, Sunday Times
Poseidon is a remake of the 1972 adventure classic The Poseidon Adventure.
Movie Review: Poseiden | Fused Film
I think I would describe myself as a 'remaker' -- meaning that I take things and make them into something else.
The original Amityville wasn’t great, you’re right, but the remake was nearly unwatchable from the performances alone.
TEN of TERROR: Top 10 Horror Remakes « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
It's not a remake of the film, though, but a proper sequel that picks up where the story left off.
This is a remake of a 1977 film starring Jane Fonda and George Segal as suburban bank robbers.
The technology of virtual education can revise or remake the limits, which are given us by our histories and by nature.
This supposedly sacrilegious remake sticks closely to Peckinpah's "nerd gets in touch with his brutal side" original plotwise, but sands down its spikier aspects.
This week's new films
Deadline reports that after Steven Spielberg dropped out of the proposed remake of imaginary rabbit pic Harvey, he became interested in directing a biopic on George Gershwin, famous American composer and brother of Ira.
Steven Spielberg Looks to Make Beautiful Music with Zachary Quinto in a George Gershwin Biopic –
Making a remake of my original movie was a big challenge and also fun, that's why I took the offer to direct.
But this was no flashy remake with Christina or Pink, nay, here they were, those three sassy ladies of soul still asking "Voulez vou couche avec moi?" and serving it with more vocal prowess and yes, sex, than any of their younger counterparts.
Charles Karel Bouley: Woman Power at the Altar of Labelle
Does that mean that you are really intending to do a remake of the film that was done 15 years ago with Jack Nicholson?
Given Goodling's divulgations about the immigration court judgeships 'being a part of the [overstrike] voter fraud [/overstrike] remake the courts plan, I would expect to discover, as more information on the immigration courts politicization appears in the press, other as yet undiscovered parts of the administration's efforts to politicize subsets of the courts which had been apolitical traditionally, at least nominally.
IDENTIFY with Leatherface and his family, and not the teenage protagnists in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre quadrilogy and remakes.
GEEK BINGO: the home edition
Earth Stood Still remaker Scott Derrickson, I've still got my doubts about his plans to remake a Roger Corman classic.
Cinema Blend Feeds
Then you can remake the bed with the other bedding and it is ready for use.
But then the 1968 film remake is full of great stories.
Times, Sunday Times
That the candidate also had significant executive branch experience and helped remake whole areas of the law was immaterial.