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How To Use Rely upon In A Sentence

  • The union of Christ and the Father within the Godhead is that which we are to believe and rely upon for the certainty of our salvation.
  • Cambrai might rely upon advancement to a cardinalship, and steps were taken, but without any good result, to bring about that event. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • Should any relative complain, the doctor may rely upon the directive as justifying his actions.
  • This theory does rely upon a swift resolution, and a prolonged conflict would have an equally opposite and negative reaction to the rebound in the global economy and stock markets.
  • Could relying entirely upon the parent's insurance possibly increase the costs for camper health care?
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  • While such appeals occasionally make a ten-strike, the average correspondent must rely upon logic and "reasons why" in making his appeal to men. Business Correspondence
  • But alas! my dear Mr.B. was never yet thought so entirely fit to fill up the character of a casuistical divine, as that one may absolutely rely upon his decisions in these serious points: and you know we must stand or fall by our own judgments. Pamela
  • A more difficult question is whether employers can rely upon collective agreements to circumvent the need to make job reassignment.
  • If we intend to rely upon questionable metaphysical assumptions, that should at least be explicit, and open to negotiated change.
  • There are ways it may be useful, but it is too difficult to regulate to rely upon it. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • You may rely upon my early arrival.
  • Economists generally take for granted, if only tacitly, a teleological view of money's historical development, according to which it first takes the "primitive" form of mundane commodities such as cowrie shells and cacao seeds, and then advances through various stages, culminating in the national fiat monies most economies rely upon today. offers a spirited rebuttal to this naively "whiggish" perspective. EconLog
  • If the evidence is sufficient to justify the argument that camels are herbivorous _because_ they are ruminants, it must also justify the major premise, _All ruminants are herbivorous_; for else the inference cannot really depend merely upon the fact of ruminating. Logic Deductive and Inductive
  • In breathless silence the little group of spectators watched his movements, and when, with sharply exhaled breath, he planted a crashing "facer" straight from the shoulder squarely upon the leathern disk they sprang eagerly forward to note the result. The Copper Princess A Story of Lake Superior Mines
  • While the lien should not be invalidated, the Plaintiff should not be entitled to rely upon the statement of claim which claims an amount greater than the lien claims.
  • Owing to this view, realists suggest that a state must rely upon its own military power to achieve its needs.
  • The same tendency to rely upon color causes many in the trade to call all yellow stones "topaz" whether the species be corundum (oriental topaz), true topaz (precious topaz), citrine quartz (quartz topaz), heliodor (yellow beryl), jacinth A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • Translated into today's idiom, the more that local government can rely upon its own tax base, the better.
  • His hero worship of Jarvis, normally irritating, suddenly became the foundation relationship that others, more ephemeral, could rely upon. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • If we simply ditch Hussein, our friends will never again rely upon us. The Lesson of Iraq
  • We receive the impression that belief in the existence of God is based entirely upon these proofs.
  • He was quite happy, in fact, to rely upon US training and largesse less than twenty years ago.
  • You can rely upon it that it will rain this weekend.
  • My struggle with feminism has been to find the power in feminism that doesn't rely upon extreme anger - it was for that reason that I told the story about being called a feminazi, and about wanting to find away to reject the very idea of the feminazi. Debating Feminism
  • Success at politics seldom depends entirely upon good intentions and is often torpedoed with a single strike by matters as trivial as boyhood pranks or otherwise pardonable youthful indiscretions.
  • Although the lay possess no sacerdotal power and rely upon the priest as mediator between them and God, they do assist the priest in offering up the Mass through their collected prayers for the Eucharistic sacrifice.
  • Again, the Plaintiffs rely upon bald statements in their factum without supporting evidence.
  • In order to establish that contention the applicants assert they have no need to rely upon any statutory underpinning.
  • As I have already said, in my view, the claimants in private law proceedings cannot rely upon a free-standing application under the Convention.
  • There are ways it may be useful, but it is too difficult to regulate to rely upon it. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • We had to rely upon faxes and the old telex machine, and telephone calls at different times through different time zones.
  • There are ways it may be useful, but it is too difficult to regulate to rely upon it. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • The sellers tried to rely upon the exemption clause.
  • Usually, a purchaser should rely upon his own inspection and his surveyor's report.
  • The priest hastened back to the wagon, and with well-affected calmness told the baron that it would be impossible for him to take up his abode at the Borderie at present, that several suspicious-looking characters had been seen prowling about, and that they must be more prudent than ever, now they could rely upon the kindly intervention of Martial de Sairmeuse. The Honor of the Name
  • You can rely upon Jacelin.
  • Again, the Plaintiffs rely upon bald statements in their factum without supporting evidence.
  • The formal agreement between the two parties is based purely upon an agreed discount rate.
  • In other words, you rely upon the criminal record as appears from the documents annexed to the stated case.
  • The blame and responsibility rests squarely upon human shoulders.
  • For the certitudes its people are now forced to rely upon are ancient - if partial - truths.
  • The carnivorous flower's first warning that all was not well was received when Stevens 'steel-shod feet landed squarely upon its base and one sweeping cut of his sword lopped off the malignant blossom and severed the two tendrils that still held the unconscious Nadia. Spacehounds of IPC
  • The hominid fossil record isn’t even especially “jerky” when examined quantitatvely at fine-scale resolution, so the creationists don’t even have their usual incompetent misconstrual of punctuated equilibria which is actually about morphologically small gaps between closely-related sister species to rely upon. Meet Selam - The Panda's Thumb
  • Researchers have found that people rely upon their experience to help them understand and cope with new or stressful situations.
  • Someone, please give us the facts unembellished by hype, but backed up by commitments and figures we can both understand and rely upon.
  • While some of the bacteria present feed off of oral nutrients supplied by the host (such as sugars), others within the plaque rely upon nutrients produced by other bacteria within the biofilm.
  • Primroses rely upon insects for propagation; at night, when the flowers are open and their scent is at its strongest, they are pollinated by moths. The power of spring flowers
  • Businesses increasingly rely upon mission-critical information, financial and other data services being delivered through their computer and communications networks.
  • Then do I perceive, with vain regret of wasted opportunities, the advantage of a pancratic or pantechnic education, since he is most reverenced by my little subjects who can throw the cleanest summerset or walk most securely upon the revolving cask. The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell
  • As an artist I rely upon the support and patronage of a public audience; I rely upon my words and images being seen as I created them.
  • If we intend to rely upon questionable metaphysical assumptions, that should at least be explicit, and open to negotiated change.
  • So, far from facing an influx of extra children, local schools already rely upon a substantial minority of pupils from outside of the LS29 area, and drawn by the excellent reputation of our schools hereabouts.
  • This furnace differed from the previous one in that it did not rely upon the air surrounding the furnace for the air required by its combustion chamber.
  • You can rely upon it that it will rain this weekend.
  • Contrary to König, Richard did not rely upon the well-ordering of the continuum, and the proposed solution is interesting for the foundational debate to come. Paradoxes and Contemporary Logic
  • His thorough knowledge of the First Division club's grass roots has been invaluable at a time when there is no option but to rely upon home-grown talent.
  • When the Athenian city-state called its constitution an isonomy or the Romans spoke of the civitas as their form of government, they had in mind another concept of power, which did not rely upon the command-obedience relationship. A Special Supplement: Reflections on Violence
  • Both of these scenarios would rely upon the same evidence and upon equally fallacious, which is to say, ideological, perspectives. 'At the Far End of this Ongoing Enterprise...'
  • Her focus is entirely upon electricity generation, overlooking that the major demand for gas comes from process steam and heating of industrial, commercial and residential premises. Times, Sunday Times
  • Strength of character depends entirely upon the mastery which the will has acquired over the life; and _the formation of character_, as shown in a strong moral will, is the highest aim of education. The Elements of General Method Based on the Principles of Herbart
  • The investigating public is concerned to rely upon them as providing a true and fair picture of the financial state of a company in which members of the public might be interested to invest.
  • What acts or omissions can the claimant rely upon in relation to each defendant separately?
  • Success at politics seldom depends entirely upon good intentions and is often torpedoed with a single strike by matters as trivial as boyhood pranks or otherwise pardonable youthful indiscretions.
  • Should any relative complain, the doctor may rely upon the directive as justifying his actions.
  • On Lammergeiers, Berridge (1934) wrote ‘A favourite method of dealing with [ibex and chamois] is to swoop down suddenly upon a prospective victim that may be poised somewhat insecurely upon the steep hillside, so that the startled beast loses its foot-hold, and goes tumbling to death in the ravine below’ (p. 219). Archive 2006-01-01
  • With respect to the requirement to provide notice of the intended repossession, the defendants rely upon the principle enunciated here.
  • Had he been displeasing in her eyes, she would, one may rely upon it, have anteceded the behaviour in similar case of her descendant of to-day -- that is to say, have expressed resentment in no uncertain terms. Tommy and Co.
  • Odontocete cetaceans rely upon echolocation to sense the environment and detect prey.
  • The theory of autocracy is that power originated at the top; a mythical being known as "Gott" delegated to some favorite, who may be a wise man or a fool-it is about fifty-fifty in history-delegated to this favorite autocratic power, and this gentlemen spreads his power out upon a chosen few, and he and his associates rest squarely upon the masses of men, exploiting the mass of men for and in the interest of the few. Democracy or Bolshevism
  • Freud's inhibited, controlled nature extended to his autobiography, which concentrates almost entirely upon the development of psychoanalysis and tells us next to nothing about his personal life.
  • The formal agreement between the two parties is based purely upon an agreed discount rate.
  • Coach Am! brose wi ll go upon to rely upon his immature QB, Athens, as great as his invulnerability to lift this group the rest of the way. Archive 2009-12-01
  • You would think we would not have to rely upon public assistance to make ends meet.
  • I rely upon you to finish the work on time.
  • Caillois looked to the funambulist for inspiration: he who ‘only succeeds if he is sure enough of himself to rely upon vertigo instead of trying to resist it.’
  • There are ways it may be useful, but it is too difficult to regulate to rely upon it. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • In fact, it was only by a capricious and wondrous synchronicity that the two individuals there on the strand, buffeted by the Gaelic wind, knew each other at all, brought together by a coincidence of events that pivoted entirely upon the very humble Liparis liparis, otherwise known as the common sea snail. Soul
  • As an artist I rely upon the support and patronage of a public audience; I rely upon my words and images being seen as I created them.
  • You can't rely upon them to help you.
  • Then do I perceive, with vain regret of wasted opportunities, the advantage of a pancratic or pantechnic education, since he is most reverenced by my little subjects who can throw the cleanest summerset, or walk most securely upon the revolving cask. The Biglow Papers
  • One of the peculiarities of the climate hereabouts is that one can always rely upon snow in the days before the holiday, with the result that it lies deep, crisp and, indeed, even in the village as carol singers with lanterns make their way from door to door. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Surely it is tautological to say that coercive organizations rely upon coercion as the predominant method of control?
  • As social creatures, we do rely upon the behavior of others as a guide to our own decisions, and we do invest significantly in presenting a consistent persona to those around us.
  • As one whose prosperity depends almost entirely upon that of the farmers, I have naturally thought most of the effect monometallism has had, and will continue to have, upon them. If Not Silver, What?
  • There are ways it may be useful, but it is too difficult to regulate to rely upon it. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Convolution Kernels - Many of the most powerful image processing algorithms rely upon a process known as convolution (or spatial convolution), which can be used to perform a wide variety of operations on digital images. Undefined
  • And some of the most important inorganic compounds, such as sulphuric acid and ammonia, rely upon the petrochemical industry for their feedstocks.
  • They rely upon a language of ‘verbal extravagance and outrageousness’.
  • It was not suggested that Sikhs were a group defined by colour, race, nationality or national origins and the argument turned entirely upon whether they were a group defined by ethnic origins.
  • Maybe governments can no longer rely upon unthinking deference to doctors that has hitherto ensured compliance in national heath crises. Times, Sunday Times
  • You may rely upon my early arrival.
  • Again, this civilization depended entirely upon geography.
  • News organizations rely upon easily reachable government officials.
  • Schools are merely mass daycare centers for the drones run by collectivized worker bees designed to turn out more collectivized worker bees incapable of even imagining questioning their place in the universe and readily discard-able when they are no longer useful or merely upon the whims of the elites. Democrats resegregate DC school system. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Meanwhile, the men with the flags and whistles have only split-second reactions to rely upon. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you can't entice Maria or Juana into sorting through the juicy delicious blackberries, strawberries, raspberries and figs, again rely upon your fingers. Seeing my Mexico surroundings
  • The extent of these divisions, however, made Major suspicious of his Cabinet colleagues and increasingly he began to rely upon an inner cabinet of policy advisors.
  • The stiffness of the pugged clay will, of course, depend entirely upon the subsequent method of manufacture.
  • It is his submission that there is no warrant for the proposition that the claimant can rely upon matters which were unknown and could not have been known to the defendant.
  • His thorough knowledge of the First Division club's grass roots has been invaluable at a time when there is no option but to rely upon home-grown talent.
  • Another abuse of the freedom of expression would be to make a false statement of fact that others could be expected to rely upon when making a decision to purchase something.
  • I've learned that it's unwise to depend entirely upon the constancy of man.
  • Should any relative complain, the doctor may rely upon the directive as justifying his actions.
  • In such circumstances the purchaser will then need to rely upon the terms of the sale agreement to recover from the vendor.
  • We rely upon the support of the families to retain personnel within the forces.
  • The claim to legitimacy of particular possession is based entirely upon the institutionalization of rights.
  • The second ground of power that I would rely upon is Order 16 rule 4 which is the rule permitting the joinder of necessary parties.
  • A more difficult question is whether employers can rely upon collective agreements to circumvent the need to make job reassignment.
  • Usually, a purchaser should rely upon his own inspection and his surveyor's report.
  • The removal of these various waste elements from the blood depends entirely upon the proper activity of the depurating organs. Vitality Supreme
  • The vast majority of meat-eating people rely upon the ranchers, farmers, etc. to do the actual killing of the animals.
  • The size of the bow and the length of the arrow depend entirely upon the size of the archer.
  • You may rely upon his words absolutely, for he always speaks the truth.
  • If the national measure is based merely upon the international standard, but not in conformity with it, there is no presumption in its favour, but a complaining member must make a prima facie case in favour of inconsistency.
  • Instead, they look like meetings of unelected elites, of technocrats who make decisions in secret and who rely upon intentionally impenetrable language, who settle differences through arcane fudges.
  • As I have already said, in my view, the claimants in private law proceedings cannot rely upon a free-standing application under the Convention.
  • This is a situation where an ally, the United States, can rely upon us, can trust upon us.

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