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rely upon

  1. put trust in with confidence
    you can rely on his discretion
    she is someone you can really rely on when times get rough

How To Use rely upon In A Sentence

  • The union of Christ and the Father within the Godhead is that which we are to believe and rely upon for the certainty of our salvation.
  • Cambrai might rely upon advancement to a cardinalship, and steps were taken, but without any good result, to bring about that event. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • Should any relative complain, the doctor may rely upon the directive as justifying his actions.
  • This theory does rely upon a swift resolution, and a prolonged conflict would have an equally opposite and negative reaction to the rebound in the global economy and stock markets.
  • Could relying entirely upon the parent's insurance possibly increase the costs for camper health care?
  • While such appeals occasionally make a ten-strike, the average correspondent must rely upon logic and "reasons why" in making his appeal to men. Business Correspondence
  • But alas! my dear Mr.B. was never yet thought so entirely fit to fill up the character of a casuistical divine, as that one may absolutely rely upon his decisions in these serious points: and you know we must stand or fall by our own judgments. Pamela
  • A more difficult question is whether employers can rely upon collective agreements to circumvent the need to make job reassignment.
  • If we intend to rely upon questionable metaphysical assumptions, that should at least be explicit, and open to negotiated change.
  • There are ways it may be useful, but it is too difficult to regulate to rely upon it. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
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