How To Use Reiterate In A Sentence
The thanatological philosophies of spirit that Schelling here wishes were dead are in fact very much alivehence the reiterated forcefulness of his censure.
Mourning Becomes Theory: Schelling and the Absent Body of Philosophy
[_CATTY sighs and groans, striking the back of one hand reiteratedly into the palm of the other -- rises -- beats the devil's tattoo as she stands -- then claps her hands again.
Tales and Novels — Volume 08
He reiterates the issues at the end of each chapter, with a brief summation of the argument, thus giving the reader a basic understanding of each author's particular intention.
All post-war Prime Ministers up to Margaret Thatcher reiterated the same view.
Leader of the US delegation, then-Vice President Al Gore's view was seconded and reiterated by distinguished speakers from all over the world.

Again, allow me to reiterate: the US government says that waterboarding is not torture, and international authorities say that waterboarding is not torture.
Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
The silly pretext of difficulties by which my erasure, notwithstanding the reiterated solicitations of the victorious General, was so long delayed made me apprehensive of a renewal, under a weak and jealous pentarchy, of the horrible scenes of 1796.
Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
But I must reiterate that I am not here speaking about what we glibly call ‘class.’
Another thing I want to reiterate is to please not play the race card without basis.
From Officer Powell, yet another case of 'poor judgment and insensitivity'? | RELIGION Blog |
James Carville thought it was appropriate to liken Bill Richardson to Judas who sold out Jesus for 30 pieces of silver when he endorsed Barack Obama and reiterated his incongruous biblical analogy on CNN by saying that Richardson was being "disloyal" - not to the country, but to the Clintons.
Sam Sedaei: The Price of Loyalty
Beyond opening government data, McLaughlin reiterated two key White House priorities for electronic privacy: smart grid and health information technology.
Alexander Howard: Open Government Goes to the Theater at Fedtalks
He reiterated his opposition to the creation of a central bank.
CASAREZ: I have to reiterate, that is a very strange coincidence.
CNN Transcript Aug 8, 2008
Just to reiterate, both Atkinson and Ricks have won the Pulitzer Prize for their writing on the military (two times in Atkinson's case), and Peter Baker is one of The Post's all-stars as well.
We would be remiss not to reiterate that plants and animals differ, of course, in many ways other than in behavioral and locomotor capacities.
During his first press conference, Scranton essentially reiterated what officials at Metropolitan Edison, the owners of Three Mile Island, had told him: "Everything is under control.
The film reiterates this distinction between worlds by directly contrasting the aquamarines, open sky and searing light of Spain with the cold, wet and overbearingly cramped world of London.
And we once again reiterated that there are no middle-ground solutions for settlements.
U.S. envoy seeks to resume Mideast peace talks
She reiterated her commitment to extending the government's family-assistance program and said she would push forward with key infrastructure projects, including the proposed bullet train linking S ã o Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil's two biggest cities.
Brazil Leaders Pledge Action on Currency, Interest Rates
But this seeking for the right effect has little to do with the kind of technic which necessitates one to keep every muscle employed in piano-playing properly exercised, and I may reiterate with all possible emphasis that the source of my technical equipment is scales, scales, scales.
Great Pianists on Piano Playing Study Talks with Foremost Virtuosos. A Series of Personal Educational Conferences with Renowned Masters of the Keyboard, Presenting the Most Modern Ideas upon the Subjects of Technic, Interpretation, Style and Expression
But I do reiterate, anyone caught acting in breach of a prohibition order is liable to two years ' imprisonment.
US storage giant EMC has reiterated its guidance for the year, disappointing investors slightly.
TEHRAN, Iran - June 26 Acting Oil Minister Mohammad Ali Liebadi 26, reiterated that Iran will continue to oppose parts of the country's oil consumption increased OPEC production quota requirements.
I reiterate to the House that this bill is unnecessary, unwarranted, and dangerous.
And the '"steal Injun hoss!" iterated and reiterated by a dozen voices, and always with the most iracund emphasis, enabled Roland to form a proper conception of the sense in which his enemies held that offence, as well as of the great merits and wide-spread fame of his new ally, whose mere voice had thrown the red-men into such a ferment.
Nick of the Woods
You remember the almost rough 'No!' with which, reiteratedly, he met the suggestions of the deputation from Jerusalem that sought to induce him to say that he was more than he knew himself to be, and how he stuck by that infinitely humble and beautiful saying, 'I am a voice' -- that is all.
Expositions of Holy Scripture St. Luke
Provides that" reiterated that the business, tourism, entertainment and commercial residential buildings, such as business sites will not be allowed to sell by agreement.
Therefore, I reiterate, literary criticism is useless.
The Government reiterated its intention to introduce a prohibition on anti-competitive agreements and concerted practices.
Officials have reiterated they would not recognise the results from the undesignated countries.
The opening-night film, a comedy called Saint John of Las Vegas, was introduced by its writer/director, Hue Rhodes, who reiterated Sinny City's showbiz roots.
The language is lucid yet gripping and reflects popular human sentiment and passions, †observes D†™ Souza. “The term vulnerable has been specifically and repeatedly coined to reiterate the myriad vulnerabilities faced by the nation from political establishments.
The Times of India
We reiterate the procedure here for the benefit of interested researchers and for clarity of presentation.
Acceptable Afghan-American voices such as Khaled Hosseini (The Kite Runner) and Awista Ayub (Kabul Girls Soccer Club) reiterate the notion that suburban America can "infuse" Afghans with freedom.
Burkas and bikinis
The noble animal seemed to understand the purpose of their watch; for he looked from time to time at the rich folds of the heavy pennon, and, when the cry of the sentinels came from the distant lines and defences of the camp, he answered them with one deep and reiterated bark, as if to affirm that he too was vigilant in his duty.
The Talisman
Since Mill's utilitarian is liberal, Mill has little patience for views, which he considers caricatures, in which utilitarianism doesn't care about distribution -- Mill reiterates, over and over, the importance of what he calls impartiality, and one soon realizes that this is in fact a principle governing distribution of benefits, one that he thinks is built into the principle of utility itself.
In the statement Chikane states: ‘The Office of the President reiterates that these ‘organograms’ are among the documents that Judge Heath refused to make available to the Minister of Justice.
The themes of spatiality and temporality are strongly reiterated in the festival.
A few days after the industry's blatant blackmail, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel again reiterated that a public option was not "the defining piece of health care.
Earl Ofari Hutchinson: The Public Option is Dead as a Doornail
When he reiterated it at a City Council meeting some months ago, I offered a tart retort.
The elegance and grace of riding side-saddle is reiterated in the dress code.
To reiterate, because all managers in the same style are not created equally, make sure any replacement you consider reflects the substyle or investment thesis you want to use for your clients. News
In this context, I would also like to reiterate that India's track record in nuclear non-proliferation is impeccable.
Earlier in the day, Mr. Lagerfeld reiterated his support for so-called masstige collections, the craze for which he ignited with his 2004 collection for H&M.
NYT > Home Page
He is at the same time bullying and wheedling, but will, when cornered, reiterate the anodyne phrases he picked up on the intensive salesman's course.
I reiterate that the plan is mine, and the consequences, pro or con, are up to my calculations.
Jinny Jeffries knew that he was in the palace, and Jinny had been reiteratedly warned about the danger of betraying that knowledge.
The Fortieth Door
Let me reiterate the most important points.
Needless to reiterate, he is the first and the only non European to head the august body.
India lacks in ‘improved coaching techniques’ and facilities, she reiterates.
BMW reiterated, however, that sales volume is likely to slow in the second half of the year due to effects related to model changeovers.
China Drives Up Profit at BMW
He reiterated that the clincher was AOL's newfound commitment to editorial – in June David Eun, the president of AOl's studios and media division, made the bold statement that the company was going to be the "largest net hirer of journalists in the world next year".
AOL buys TechCrunch
By this statement, it is reiterated that all retailers of mitumba garments are prohibited from selling the garments," the statement said.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The proof of the accuracy of these views will still be found in the circumstance, that if, while the person is reading, this act of the reiteration of some one or more of the ideas be in any way forced upon him, _these_ ideas thus reiterated will afterwards be remembered, although all the others are lost.
A Practical Enquiry into the Philosophy of Education
To reiterate what I said in my last post, journalists should only be judged by their journalistic work, and not their biodata.
I want to reiterate that our conventional weapons are superior.
Sadness converges into "Sweet," and the plaintive note of longing in the voice of the suppliant is inseparable from the persistent imperative in the reiterated "Be thou.
Shelley's Golden Wind: Zen Harmonics in _A Defence of Poetry_ and 'Ode to the WestWind'
Resent studies reiterate how diverse the efforts are of there anabolic steroids.
Before concluding, we reiterate the importance of high morale and caution against false rumors, defeatism, uncertainty, and discouragement.
What we get now is a Leader who has been so thoroughly media managed that every utterance is an opportunity to ‘establish and reiterate key messages’.
If I did my math right, the gross security gains and I think it was just reiterated on the call was about $186 million and look at the MSR was another $28 million kind of net right up with the hedging gains on top of the valuation write-down. Home Page
However, given current global market conditions, we would like to reiterate that the Authority stands ready to inject additional market liquidity if the situation so warrants.
We equation in fractal porous media , and present reiterated two - scale probabilistic model and numerical method.
It simply means that he must give up some other fad or fancy and take up with this last, which, be it here reiterated, is no _fad_.
The Automobilist Abroad
In this connection, he also reiterated the demand for bifurcation of the Cement Factory from the parent organisation.
Asked to comment on the plot rumours, Mandela reiterated his confidence in the three alleged plotters.
The blubs pretty much reiterate the point I make in my jacket copy: the books are funny and scary.
Archive 2006-06-17
The talks sitting by the pool, lying on a Mexican blanket in front of the candle altar, burning white sage in an abalone shell for hours all reiterated the feeling that I was home.
The party reiterated its stand that it "will continue to discountenance all illegal moves by a lame-duck Presidency and its sidekicks.
The Chinese Government deems it necessary to reiterate its position and policy on the following matters.
I was also spoken to by the Chief Whip who reiterated that the majority of the party were for Alec.
Let me reiterate the most important points.
Turks ascended this form in turn, stood, bowed, knelt, prostrated themselves in silent prayer, reiteratedly.
A Tramp's Sketches
The government reiterated its resolve to uncover the truth.
Five days later, the hierarchy issued an episcopal letter that reiterated the imperative for Catholics to embrace democracy and reject electoral fraud.
South Africa reiterates its call for this body to adopt the necessary steps to address these issues, including the concretisation and operationalisation of the right to development.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Onorato’s newest spots, which started airing late last week, reiterates the campaign’s long-running critiques of Republican rival Tom Corbett, seeking a contrast between Onorato’s record of balancing budgets in Allegheny County with the fact that Corbett has requested budget increases as state attorney general.
Onorato starts TV effort to bring opponent down
The prophets reiterated to the people of Israel that their calamities were the result of their having ceased to follow in the ways of the Lord.
Human Traits and their Social Significance
But I do reiterate, anyone caught acting in breach of a prohibition order is liable to two years ' imprisonment.
To begin with, I should reiterate and amplify my statement above that I was paying for this purchase with a credit card.
The Tajik side reiterated that it strongly condemned East Turkistan terrorist forces and supported china's policy on this question.
Gently ironic, Laib has created a feast for the senses in the guise of an enclosure for death, a theme that he reiterates in his rows of beeswax boats on their silent journey to the netherworld.
The government has reiterated its refusal to compromise with terrorists.
Buildings, entrances, everything visible -- all replicated, reiterated, repeated infinite variations in the one theme, that of the septenate stelliform.
Spacehounds of IPC
The lawyer, however, could only reiterate what he had said before.
After winning the U.S.Open doubles title with her sister Venus, Serena reiterated her apology and offered to give the line judge "a big ol' hug.
The advice literature reiterated this view in the 1830s, '40s, and '50s, and the theme of true marriage and moral spinsters persisted into the last decades of the century.
The different emphasis of this committee is immediately apparent in the title and was reiterated in the introduction of the report.
It has also reiterated the long term AST strategy which, when implemented, results in the perfect shadowing scheme.
AST Research Technical Bulletin #0748 BIOS SHADOWING IN AST SYSTEMS
It is impossible to behold such effects of reiterated local movements, all of post-Tertiary date, without reflecting that, but for the accidental presence of the stratified drift, all of which might easily have been missing, where there has been so much denudation, even if it had once existed, we might have referred the verticality and flexures and faults of the rocks to an ancient period, such as the era between the Chalk with flints and the
The Antiquity of Man
The opening-night film, a comedy called Saint John of Las Vegas, was introduced by its writer/director, Hue Rhodes, who reiterated Sinny City's showbiz roots.
RAND PAUL DELIVERS MAIDEN SENATE SPEECH, COMPARES TEA PARTY TO ABOLITIONISTS - Despite the well-established fact that John Brown spent his years dressing up like a minuteman, proudly not voting for his senator and bringing his own collapsible lawn furniture to political rallies, Senator Rand Paul felt the need to reiterate his movement's similarity's to America's anti-slavery activists today.
HUFFPOST HILL - HCR Repeal Measure Fails In Senate
Let me reiterate the most important points.
He reiterated that the ECB's monetary policy stance won't be affected by the bond-buying because the ECB will be quick to reabsorb money it has paid to banks, possibly by issuing term deposits to "sterilize" the impact of the announced interventions in the euro-zone debt market.
Trichet Defends ECB Independence Amid Market Relief
He reiterated the country's stand that the country should observe UN resolutions and allow the arms monitors in for inspection.
The WHO also reiterated the danger of a strain of TB that isn't treatable by the usual drugs, known as multidrug-resistant TB.
The letter was followed by a postscript that reiterated: ‘We are convinced and satisfied with the explanation of the Editorial Board.’
However - to reiterate a point already made - criterial links like this, though built into certain meaning-constituting postulates of the theory, are neither analytically true nor unrevisable.
And here again, I think it's time to reiterate my plea for the historiographic interpretation of continuing characters.
It actually, "establishes temporary statewide closed harvest seasons for bonefish and tarpon", and reiterates that "catch-and-release fishing for these important game fish species is still allowed.
Uncategorized Blog Posts
Many of them reiterate the plea for a high profile personality to present a powerful voice on behalf of the Institute and its members.
In response to the minister's remarks, pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi on Monday reiterated her appeal to Myanmar and China to re-evaluate the project, calling the Irrawaddy "the most significant geographical feature of our country.
SFGate: Top News Stories
The emphasis on technical skill was reiterated again and again in the Kennedy household.
Law reiterated to the Regent that the credit of bankers and merchants decupled their capital; if the state became the universal banker, and centralized all the values in circulation, the public fortune would naturally be decupled.
A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 6
I mean, and given that Reeves has a year if not more of time to "get into character," and also that he is a fan of series, will again reiterate the perfection I feel he will instill in bringing Spike to life - so to speak. indigo86 (4/29/2009 8: 59: 12 PM)
Keanu Reeves Eager To Do ‘Something Good’ With ‘Cowboy Bebop’ Movie » MTV Movies Blog
Coach House Press/Books founder Stan Bevington reiterates this truth in these excerpts from Roy MacSkimming’s ‘Perilous Trade Conversations’ conducted back in 1998, now found in the latest edition of CNQ magazine: Bevington: …I was fascinated by the photo-offset available at the time.
It should be reiterated that the absence of PA denotes anhedonia, which Clark and Watson argued distinguishes depression from anxiety.
Sometimes he was boisterously loud in his merriment, sometimes sullen and silent; and when Eustace, unwearied, reiterated his arguments, he replied to him, not only with complete want of the deference he was usually so scrupulous in paying to his dignity, but with rude and scurril taunts and jests on his youth, his clerkly education, and his inexperience.
The Lances of Lynwood
*** Gambling Galaxy Entertainment Group reiterated the early 2011 opening date for its flagship casino resort in Macau and said its third-quarter earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization more than doubled from a year earlier to 616 million Hong Kong dollars ($79.4 million) from HK$287 million.
Business Watch
The boy do not move though the teacher reiterate her command.
He again reiterated that he would not have entered his guilty plea had he known of this additional licence suspension.
They again reiterate that the film will be shown, that they wrote to the director to merely inform him of the facts surrounding the news, showings and his funding arrangements, and that as yet there is no confirmation of him attending.
Filmstalker: EIFF denies Israeli director warnings
To reiterate: I hate carbonated water, aka club soda.
It must be reiterated, that it would be pertinently wrong, both factually and historically to put the whole blame on the mullahism of the state of Pakistan, for the Indian brand of deeply entrenched anti "mlechha", communal, fascist mind set also dominated the scene.
On this latter occasion the ministers are said to have "uttered reiterated cries of 'banzai'" *, which has come into vogue once more in modern times as the equivalent of "hurrah.
A History of the Japanese People From the Earliest Times to the End of the Meiji Era
Speaking after yesterday's swearing-in of the deputy prime minister and cabinet minister, he reiterated government's intention to address urgent issues.
I will reiterate Muslims love killing Muslims more than anyone, and philosophies of radicalism, puritanism, created the monsters of Terrorism in Islam..thereby destroying all that we stand for..all that we hold upright as Brotherhood and Peace..
Archive 2009-07-01
In all fairness, there have been a few bellwether albums to emerge from the scene that will no doubt achieve longevity and reiterate the importance of their predecessors.
They all despaired of obtaining it from the coalesced powers, whilst they had a gang of professed regicides at their head; and several of the least desperate republicans would have joined with better men to shake them wholly off, and to produce something more ostensible, if they had not been reiteratedly told that their sole hope of peace was the very contrary to what they naturally imagined: that they must leave off their cabals and insurrections, which could serve no purpose but to bring in that royalty which was wholly rejected by the coalesced kings; that, to satisfy them, they must tranquilly, if they could not cordially, submit themselves to the tyranny and the tyrants they despised and abhorred.
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 06 (of 12)
Again reiterated that I ONLY wanted channels 2-12.
Cablevision: It's Impossible To Hook Up Basic Service Without A Converter Box - The Consumerist
Responding to the latest pronouncements from Sinn Féin North Down DUP MLA Peter Weir reiterated that his party would not be bullied by what he termed sabre-rattling.
Daytona 500: Red flag lifts with 39 laps to go, Dale Earnhardt Jr. reiterates call to repave DIS kevin harvick - posted by andrea adelson on February, 14 2010 6: 42 PM
He reiterated his opposition to the creation of a central bank.
Certainly the fatty is very still a tolerate Fei of, is a left hair elder sibling Be alike to him to have amusement every daytime, time reiterate his one human?
The warnings conflicted with the view of the prestigious Hungarian Academy of Sciences, which reiterated Friday that the red sludge remained hazardous due to its caustic alkalinity but its heavy metal concentrations were not considered dangerous for the environment.
Hungary Toxic Sludge Has 'Surprisingly High' Levels Of Arsenic, Mercury, According To Greenpeace
Graham came to San Francisco a week ago and reiterated his belief that homosexuality is a sin.
The tsunami disaster, in a way, has brought the public closer, reiterated the significance of humanism and inculcated the habit of helping those in distress.
The boy do not move though the teacher reiterate her command.
They subscribe to it not for reasons of caprice, but because eminent judicial authority has reiterated the notion over the years.
The Cult of Obama ... the pontifications and platitudes never end, and yet ask some of the young folks out there while they are voting ofr him, all they can reiterate is something pablum "esques.
She may have a crush on Obama
Kim Jong Il, the North reiterated its proposal for what it termed unconditional negotiations with the South. - News
Well, considering the AP, WaPo and NY Times basically reiterate Democratic talking points on a daily basis, I see no problem in rebutting their lies.
Think Progress » Post touches a nerve:
Once again, can I reiterate my offer to Mrs Fell to go through any problems she has.
I reiterate though that priority processing arrangements which favour employer sponsored migrants and those nominated by State and Territory governments will remain in place.
The fact that other book awards that specifically celebrate race/creed/religious/ethnic backgrounds manage to meet their objectives without this contingency negates the argument of the necessity of a book creator's race to be a criteria in forwarding the cause of the group, unless one is willing to say that these other awards are not meeting their objectives, in which case I would reiterate, don't be hating.
Who Can Win What?
So that, whether a prosecution is intended or a prosecution dropped, there is always cause why Mr. Hastings should not give the Court of Directors the least satisfaction concerning his conduct, notwithstanding, as we shall prove, he has reiteratedly promised, and promised it in the most ample and liberal manner.
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 10 (of 12)
Coca-Cola, which has a decentralized system, declined to comment on the deal or Nooyi's assertion. Last month, Coke CEO Muhtar Kent reiterated his commitment to its model.
He again reiterated that he couldn't replace the sockets because of rust.
Craftsman's "Lifetime Warranty" Depends On Tool Associate's Mood - The Consumerist
All right, then - let me reiterate my initial post, with all extraneous material removed.
May I reiterate comments made four years ago, which I will repeat with monotonous regularity until something is done about it.
In his testimony in Court, Aleksiejuk reiterated much of his medical notes and letters.
Mbeki reiterated the organogram he referred to in a televised address last week was part of documents in Heath's possession.
I really love how 23809752386723 people felt the need to reiterate on the Star Wars misname... over.. and over.. and over..
Big Day, Big Wrecks
A widespread belief that basil bred scorpions is reiterated in the old herbals.
Impertinent claim: Today's president is content merely to reiterate the statement that history is "replete" with instances (about 200, he said last week) when presidents have used force without congressional authorization.
Once Again, Ike Was Right
Goodell and others from the league reiterated Tuesday they would prefer a deal that addresses what they call the sport's economic problems.
League, owners dismissive of collusion claim
Detectives said they received an earlier mystery call from a man who gave a false name and address, and reiterated their appeal for him to come forward and talk in confidence.
Clara could have bitten her tongue for that reiterated stupid slip on the name of Whitford.
Their assessments of the state of McGregor's mind had reiterated one point: he was unprepared to co-operate, or indeed to communicate.
Furthermore, they reiterated ASEAN's wish to see the WTO speed up the process for the accession of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam to the organization.
The bank has reiterated that ‘no cognisable impact’ is anticipated in the financial markets on account of the dollar outflow.
They again reiterate that the film will be shown, that they wrote to the director to merely inform him of the ...
Filmstalker: August 2006 Archives
All post-war Prime Ministers up to Margaret Thatcher reiterated the same view.
His opinion was also most strongly and reiteratedly pressed upon him by his masters, the Court of Directors.
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 12 (of 12)
He reiterated his opposition to the creation of a central bank.
However, the firm reiterated an "outperform" rating on Adolor, saying it expects the companies to gain approval of the drug for a different indication, postoperative ileus, by the FDA action date of Nov. 9.
Biotech, Pharma Rallies Short-Lived
The Government reiterated its intention to introduce a prohibition on anti-competitive agreements and concerted practices.
A hyperbolic citation reiterates a normative notion in an exaggerated way in order to simultaneously work against it.
It has been reiterated on several occasions since through a number of declarations and statements.
I reiterate that the plan is mine, and the consequences, pro or con, are up to my calculations.
President Lincoln reiterated his constitutional doctrine.
One wish he should have reiterated is the promise to keep government transparent and bi-partisan.
President Obama's New Year's message to America
The boy do not move though the teacher reiterate her command.
Two subsequent court decisions reiterated the Court of Appeals' ruling.
The boy do not move though the teacher reiterate her command.
But I do reiterate, anyone caught acting in breach of a prohibition order is liable to two years ' imprisonment.
I reiterate, it is supposed to be an impartial, non-partisan organisation.
Joan and David -- partners, Tudor began to iterate and reiterate in a malicious and scornful chant.
Chapter 26
The president reiterated in a telephone call to his counterpart, Lee Myung-bak, that the US would stand shoulder-to-shoulder with its ally.
This theme is reiterated gustily by Dame Lorna Muirhead, former president of the Royal College of Midwives.
Why we can't get enough of childbirth on TV
The fallacious translation of trope into signifier is symptomatically reiterated later in the chapter in the form of an atypical terminological mistake.
Professing Literature: John Guillory's Misreading of Paul de Man
The lawyer, however, could only reiterate what he had said before.
In today's climate, bishops need to reiterate their support for this ministry.
The difficulty Ducis felt about translating Othello in consequence of the importance given to such a vulgar thing as a handkerchief, and his attempt to soften its grossness by making the M.or reiterate 'Le bandeau! le bandeau!' may be taken as an example of the difference between la tragedie philosophique and the drama of real life; and the introduction for the first time of the word mouchoir at the Theatre Francais was an era in that romantic - realistic movement of which Hugo is the father and M. Zola the enfant terrible, just as the classicism of the earlier part of the century was emphasised by Talma's refusal to play Greek heroes any longer in a powdered periwig -- one of the many instances, by the way, of that desire for archaeological accuracy in dress which has distinguished the great actors of our age.
First, she reiterates the way that Eurocentered and macho cultural critique is structured in such a way as to foreclose representation of counterhegemonic acts.
A Victorian committee in 1853 reiterated the desirableness of a ‘General Assembly.’
I reiterate, it is supposed to be an impartial, non-partisan organisation.
The Bank of Canada released its Monetary Policy Report today and reiterated comments from its statement yesterday that a strong Canadian dollar is negatively impacting exports.
The Chinese Government deems it necessary to reiterate its position and policy on the following matters.
What he was doing, he reiterated, was seeking the truth, prajna, wisdom.
The Silence
To put it another way, the infinite sea of quantum potential is a kind of exteriorized mirror image of God's interior. this article, noting that the Vatican maintains that the theory of evolution is fully compatible with the Bible: "In 1950, Pope Pius XII described evolution as a valid scientific approach to the development of humans, a view that was reiterated by Pope John Paul II in
One Cʘsmos
The remainder of the evening was spent in laudation of Clare Day, and in writing a letter to Herbert Greyson, at West Point, in which all these laudations were reiterated, and in the cause of which Traverse wrote these innocent words: I have known Clare Day scarcely twelve hours, and I admire her as much as I love you! and oh, Herbert!
The Hidden Hand
When the negotiations fell apart, the two leaders traded public insults (Chávez compared Uribe to a "mafia boss"; Uribe reiterated by calling him a "legitimizer of terrorists").
Meddle Nettle
Let me reiterate the most important points.
Mary was the following: -- The prior of a convent in Paris had reiteratedly entreated Varillas the historian to examine a work composed by one of the monks; and of which -- not being himself addicted to letters -- he wished to be governed by his opinion.
Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 1 (of 3)
The importance of personal protective equipment was reiterated at daily safety briefings.
I suggest that these connotations, reiterated and readapted in the context of Marian doctrine and female monasticism, are the key to Andrea del Sarto's altarpiece.
Many of them reiterate the plea for a high profile personality to present a powerful voice on behalf of the Institute and its members.
Their assessments of the state of McGregor's mind had reiterated one point: he was unprepared to co-operate, or indeed to communicate.
The subtle combination of red brick and skillion reiterate the form of the coastline.
He had done little except reiterate his protests against Philip's invasion of his dominions.
Responding to long-reiterated complaints, the Council of Trent had insisted that ordinaries reside in their sees.
Two subsequent court decisions reiterated the Court of Appeals' ruling.
I reiterate that the plan is mine, and the consequences, pro or con, are up to my calculations.
The spokesman also did not reiterate the North's stock phrase that demands Washington drop its ‘hostile policy’.
He reiterated that his evidence, the only evidence put up against his client, was illogical, inconsistent and unsupported by any other evidence.
He reiterated his opposition to the creation of a central bank.
I agree this site is probably not going to have much impact on the every-man, and that it will again reiterate the a-list … but I’m also hoping we can get some other interesting outputs from the data that everyone is sharing.
OPML won’t catch on « Squash
But then we reiterate our belief in God's oneness before asking Him for protection against evil that may come from within ourselves or from Satan.
He reiterated minorities should not become what he called rubber stamps of the majority.
ANC Daily News Briefing