How To Use Regal In A Sentence
How does this twitchy recluse become the regal princess in Act III?
Times, Sunday Times
Wit and playfulness is one thing, sending your models out in full Highland regalia is quite another.
Times, Sunday Times
His ring classicism has always argued so persuasively against excessive physical harm, his pride was beyond anything but a regal exit.
The silver made in Mexico during the viceregal period is legendary, yet most of the surviving examples are ecclesiastical rather than domestic.
The banquet hall was bright and cheerful, full of nobles and lords looking dignified and regal.
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Escobar has pitched in just one game over the ... nleastchatter. com 40 hours ago - Kelvim Escobar, which google translates as: Kelvim Escobar Some person named Francisco Blavia with a twitter account tweeted thrice in Spanish the following: Tweet # 1: Kelvim Escobar recibió su regalo navideño: acaba de llegar a un acuerdo con los Mets de Nueva York.
BallHype - Top Sports News, Videos, and Blogs
We saw a range of military regalia such as detachable leather hoods, three-quarter-length fatigues with cargo pockets (also shown in leather), flight pants, and the four-pocket jacket, to name a few. - HOME PAGE
Always a late riser, I'd wake up around eleven every morning to brunch at a deliciously set table where my ‘roomie’, as I called her, would regale me with the tale of her day so far.
The black and white dress code was given a splash of colour by members of the Army, who attended in their Reds, and Colchester Town Watch appeared in medieval regalia.
Sonia climbed regally out of her stateroom in the fore of the ship.
Probari nequit illorum pseudopoliticorum opipio, qui ad jura regalia magistratus remotionem ministrorum pertinere censent.
The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2)
Before the advent of steamships, there were merchant sailors who seemed to be a ‘higher’ and somehow more regal member of their class.
Norwegian royalty is shorn of regalia but is safety ensconced in respect.
We regaled ourselves on caviar and champagne.
In the niche business of regal remains recovery, these past 12 months have proved exceptionally fruitful.
Times, Sunday Times
He held himself with a regal bearing, and strode forth without hesitation.
For 20 long days these workers will pick the saffron crocus from early morning until the entire crop of regal purple is gone.
When two men in full vintage tweed regalia arrived at the finish line on their tandem (a tandem!
Times, Sunday Times
It is a role she embraces with regal dignity and a hint of self-conscious reluctance.
A remarkably regal Graham Chapman, probably thinking about the air speed velocity of a swallow.
Even in the scene where he appears majestic, Ellison uses the comic to downplay his regality.
Once destined to take the place of the Saturn Aura, the Regal should meet a happier fate as part of the renascent Buick lineup.
Driving impressions: Buick Regal
Wish to regale on tasty salad from tropical fruit and berries?
The room is now a museum exhibit in Istanbul regal Dolmabah ? e Palace.
All three varieties are pansy faced pelargoniums, or angels - crosses between scented pelargoniums and regals, some with a little species stock thrown in.
Patrick-street, Dublin -- the lady who used to boast of her "bag of farthin's," and regale herself before each encounter with a pennorth of the "droppin's o 'the cock.
Irish Wit and Humor Anecdote Biography of Swift, Curran, O'Leary and O'Connell
Indeed, she found the notion of regality hilarious.
Dreaming in French
I came down and, in a pillared hall within the temple, the emperor stood in regal splendour - a queenly woman beside him - caught in a moment of deep crisis.
Sometime during the regal period a group of gentes, called patricians, secured for themselves certain political and religious privileges to the exclusion of other plebeian gentes.
C. Economy, Society, and Culture
The front was covered with decorations, including mock-ups of a throne and floral crown, window-sill models of Coronation regalia and the Royal coach, coloured lights and Royal portraits.
Later mythologizers would try to legitimize the family's regal pretensions by claiming descent from the Banquo of Shakespeare's "Macbeth"—which was nonsense, as Mr. Massie explains: The name "Stewart," as it was rendered before Mary Stuart adopted the French spelling, indicated the family's original status, as stewards of the royal revenues.
Servants To Masters
Alison Lambert and Jessica Klikach were out in Hawaiian regalia, while Kendra Von Bremen and Catherine Allan of Revelstoke dressed up Zorro and Gunslinger respectively.
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And Cargill, now beardless, appeared to enjoy the event, regaling colleagues with a few anecdotes.
The area supports a number of species locally threatened or at their biogeographic limits, including golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos, prairie falcon Falco mexicanus, ferruginous hawk Buteo regalis, loggerhead shrike Lanius ludovicianus, merlin Falco columbarius, Brewers sparrow Spizella breweri and grasshopper sparrow Ammodramus savannarum.
Dinosaur Provincial Park, Canada
Wrasse, butterflies, boxfish, porcupines and pufferfish round out the picture, while lyretail grouper, Napoleon wrasse and rock cod mix with regal, map and other angelfish.
He would regale us of tales about the rich and famous, their peculiar ways and their strange vices.
Over and over again he regales the reader with proof that snakes, spiders, crocodiles and creepy-crawlies have acquired a taste for tourist blood.
India was a tour that he had his heart set on ever since he was regaled with anecdotes by his father.
I adopt a regal tone.
Times, Sunday Times
Jones became obsessed with regality, parading around Paris in dress uniform, taking audiences with Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, and courting French debutantes.
Everyone exchanged bows; then her ladyship, overwhelming in bronze bombazine, regally glided away.
The sitting-out area could be a haven for non-edibles, scented beauties every one - pots of lemon verbena at fingertip level, regale lilies at nose height, night-scented stock and nicotina.
Rodiya girls wander the country as dancers and jugglers, and their erect figures, elastic step, and regalness of carriage, would be envied by the proudest woman promenading Vanity Fair; some of them have faces so perfect in a classic way that a sculptor or painter might make himself famous by reproducing them.
East of Suez Ceylon, India, China and Japan
The Cape ivy gall fly, Parafreutreta regalis, lays eggs in the tips of stems, where vines and leaves would normally develop.
The relentless search for new revenues during the Dutch war had led him in 1673 to seek an extension of the regalian rights whereby the crown enjoyed the revenues of vacant episcopal sees.
The best examples of this was his tea matte alligator bodice top (paired with a green tea double-faced wool skirt suit) and the regally beautiful Coco Mitchell in a lambskin jacket and skirt with contrast stitching detailing.
Phoebe pictured Maeve, sitting in regal splendor amid her pillows and her billet-doux, opining on the imbecility of love.
In both companies she was renowned for her regal bearing and virtuosity.
Words Containing One Basic Root canine cynic ` dog 'febrile pyretic ` fever' lingual glossal ` tongue 'peculiar idiotic ` one's own, private' popular demotic ` people 'position thesis ` place, put' rabies mania ` madness 'regal basilic ` king' risible gelastic ` laugh 'scientism gnosticism ` know' stellar astral ` star 'terrene chthonic ` earth' testis orchid ` testis '
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 3
Jason Gardener is regaling me with tales of an invite to Buckingham Palace and a chinwag with the Queen.
Even Elizabeth's image was not so very different from that of her male predecessors and contemporary kings; like them she emphasised her regality, religion and role as carer of her people.
After last night, we really didn't need to be regaled with other upchuck anecdotes.
Champagner-Oper" [ "Champagne Opera."] and in order to justify this title our amiable Intendant proposes to regale the whole theater with a few dozens of champagne in the second act, in order to spirit up the chorus.
Comic roles are skilfully handled by Massenet and come across well: Polish contralto Ewa Podles mustered grim regal splendour as the stepmother, with Madeleine Pierard and Kai Rüütel – both Jette Parker Young Artists – lively as the indistinguishably stupid sisters.
Cendrillon; Rinaldo – review
ROCCA: She is so intoxicatingly chic she's so regal Nancy Reagan is sending the message that taking drug is socially unacceptable that at the chicest cocktail parties taking drugs it's declassee.
CNN Transcript Nov 26, 2005
The cultured, slightly hooked nose she had inherited from her mother should have looked sharp on a thin face like hers, but to me it had always held an air of regality.
It has been determined that the Abuna is to place the crown and ring upon Her Majesty, without the regal anointing, on the same day of the Emperor's coronation.
He gazed steadily at her with a calm and regal expression, his eyes shining softly.
Now, my dear, regale us with your description of the sumptuous desserts available to us on this, our Lord's natal day.
By the same token many of the Tarascans experienced the cultural shock of having their pre-Hispanic idols, temples and religious regalia destroyed by Franciscan missionaries.
Yet when the new racecourse opened to more gasps of horror than delight, the future of this regal place was thrown into uncertainty.
Times, Sunday Times
He thought he looked really regal in it.
The Sun
It encouraged the adherents of this house to attribute to it an almost regal dignity, and to intimate more and more plainly its claim upon the throne of France, as descended through the Dukes of Lorraine from Charlemagne -- a title superior to that of the Valois, who could trace their origin to no higher source than the usurper Hugh Capet.
The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2)
Regally an hour and a half late, Ermias arrives with a train of 20 family members, bodyguards and aides.
Everyone exchanged bows; then her ladyship, overwhelming in bronze bombazine, regally glided away.
But he took his defeat on the chin and refused to be too downbeat about his performance in his first major final since winning the 2003 Regal Scottish Open.
The event at the Charterhouse, where the young Elizabeth I stayed before acceding to the English throne, featured musicians, a court jester and yeomen guards in a bid to recreate the regal splendour of the Tudor age.
Showing visitors around the hospital, dressed in a sari, she cut something of a regal figure.
Times, Sunday Times
regal attire
But many who took refuge at Paris became accustomed to a Gallican atmosphere, and hence perhaps some of the regalist views about the Oath of
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
Recently Read has also done comedy gigs, regaling audiences with chilling autobiographical tales while assuring nervous listeners he has never hurt a woman, child or innocent person.
The walls were panelled in some form of regal looking wood, and the floors were carpeted royal red.
With the canonisation of the Confessor in 1161, his regalia gained the status of holy relics, further increasing the veneration with which they were regarded.
Over 100 couples can be catered for at the event, many of whom will be coming along in full wedding regalia, although evening dress and ball gowns will be the choice of others.
She thought that John was a king of Scotland, and standing before her in regal attire.
The Wide, Wide World
In this account, Duwes emphasizes that Mary's servants are courtiers and that Mary's household on the Welsh Marches is a viceregal court.
From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
Ms Grant, who has previously regaled us with tales of her family's butler and the slaughter of innocent birds and beasts up north, recalled being taken with her sisters to school ‘by a handyman’ who had a motorbike and sidecar.
Like the other original ironwork throughout El Pedregal, the gate was brightly painted, in this case a fluorescent cherry red.
At his coronation on February 2nd, 1626, Charles I was solemnly invested with what was known as St Edward's Regalia.
Portraits of the aristocracy of the viceregal era include members of the clergy, the military and the landed gentry.
She sat serenely in her throne, surveying her courtiers through utterly regal eyes, which hid the heavy pounding of her heart.
I wish I could be a fly on the barroom wall to hear him regale his buddies with his preceptorship experiences over a beer next week. posted by #1 Dinosaur @ 6:14 AM
Archive 2007-03-01
This includes all Regal, Loews Cineplex and United Artists theaters as well as several regional circuits.
a purer and queenlier blood than that of the Guinevere she personated; the arch of her neck became more regal; her head rose aloft; her nostril distended itself, and she looked on with a proud smile, in full confidence that bold Lancelot would lose.
A hallow is the royal regalia carried by the King, or the objects sought by someone such as a 'Grail Quester' In other words: horcruxes.
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the viceregal visit
But Tamte isn't atop a soapbox regaling a tale of sudden abandonment from the Japanese publisher, saying that Konami was very honest about its position, though he recalls how surprised his team was when they found out they had lost funding.
The black mane had been transformed into a glistening, rippling aurora of ochroid indigo that framed the rest of the regal visage in a magnificent effulgence.
Into the Thinking Kingdoms
She smiled, in a subtle, subdued manner, her elfin features bore a look that was regal, majestic, aristocratic.
Badenoch's penetrating eye saw that it was indeed the patriotic guardian of his country to whom he bowed, and not the vain affecter of regal power.
The Scottish Chiefs
Adrina trod the flower-strewn path regally until she reached her father and curtsied gracefully.
On the other hand, while Mary brought quiet reserve and regality to her role as Princess of Wales, Alexandra's influence was much more ethereal.
He regaled all within earshot with his "war stories" in Iraq in '91 and Somalia in' 93 quote
Reveillon by St. Gervais) -- I say if any of these comforters of the living anywhere grace the earth, you shall find my master Rabelais giving you the very innermost and animating spirit of all these good things, their utter flavour and their saving power in the quintessential words of his incontestably regalian lips.
On Nothing and Kindred Subjects
He plays the role with a well placed tragic regality befitting someone who feels he is above everyone, yet below really people, a strange place to be indeed.
More than 200 Yorkshire dignitaries, town mayors and mayoresses and Yorkshire Society representatives marched through York today in full regalia to celebrate the Millennium Yorkshire Day.
Regal women, from mostly unknown baroque operas, all in the throes of deep crisis.
Times, Sunday Times
The favourite trophy is the kudu, due to its regal bearing, followed by the springbok.
We saw the Scottish Crown Jewels, the second most expensive in Europe and the oldest royal regalia in Britain.
Pius XII is standing, in full regalia; his papal cloak envelops him, draped over his shoulders like a protecting towel as if he had just emerged from a swim.
After Regal died, most of his hangers-on dispersed to their family holdings, and some to inspect new holdings I had given them.
During the Solemn Prayers, the acolytes lay on the floor, in the middle of the sanctuary, a violet carpet, and upon the lowest step itself, a violet cushion, symbol of the regality of Christ.
Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 4.2 - Good Friday, The Adoration of the Cross and the Rite of the Presanctified
Beside it, as if prompt for defending the regal symbol, lay a mighty curtal-axe, which would have wearied the arm of any other than Coeur de Lion.
The Talisman
Merlin Michael Williams appeared at a magistrates' court in the southern English coastal town of Portsmouth wearing his full Druidic regalia of green robe and blue cloak, with talismans around his neck.
Intoxicated by the accolades, he changed his gait and began to sway like a peacock with his flamboyant suede chieftaincy regalia contributing to the glamour.
July « 2009 « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
Gallicanism and all forms of French and German regalism affected to look upon the Holy See as an alien power because it was beyond the
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
Regal women, from mostly unknown baroque operas, all in the throes of deep crisis.
Times, Sunday Times
Historical figures of the time were shown dressed in full regalia , and particular attention was given to the jewelry that they wore for the pose.
John proudly showed me a photograph of himself in his smart uniform, holding the golden mace and stood alongside the current mayor in full regalia.
She has the regal bearing of a queen.
Il envoya," says Pasquin "ce fin ragout de champignons au Chancelier Jeffreys, prisonnier dans la Tour, qui les trouva du meme goust, et du mmee assaisonnement que furent les derniers dont Agrippine regala le bon-homme Claudius son epoux, et que Neron appella depuis la viande des Dieux.
The History of England, from the Accession of James II — Volume 3
In order to further reveal his xenophobic nature, it would not be a bad idea to recall his extraordinary proposal that Gandhi should be bound hand and foot and trampled by viceregal elephants.
At one end of the apartment was a large fresco painting, full size, of Fetteh Ali Shah, in regal array, with a numerous party of his sons standing around him.
Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
She was regal in a rose-coloured, floral-accented outfit, and took the audience on a journey through moods of despair and pain to the joy of liberation.
I will endeavor to stay in touch on a regular basis, and regale you with amusing anecdotes of our experiences to date.
I remembered Princess Jadzia's cool regality, and how I hadn't been able to guess at the spirit behind it until she showed me.
The colonial authorities encouraged Spanish and indigenous settlement in the area with incentives of formal viceregal land grants (mercedes reales) awarded by the Crown.
Then they masked this brute coercion with the trappings of refined culture and regal bearing.
Christianity Today
I drew closer and then nodded silent commiseration to one talkative fellow who was regaling the night with his woes.
Tsunetomo, kneeling on the tatami with the regal aspect of a shogun, said, `I want to tell you a story about the past.
Is he the great socialist pretender, taking his place amongst the regal, instead of the people?
Ms. Rath here is regaling us with the most delightful anecdotes.
Both Wadi Sikait and Regal Ridge classify as Type I emerald deposits, where Be-bearing quartz or pegmatite veins from a granitic pluton intruded Cr- or V-bearing mafic or ultramafic rocks.
His manner is not so much regal as professorial.
With his stentorian voice, he regaled his audience with his good humour and reminiscences of his days in sports.
The earliest suggestion came from a neo-Druid writer, Nash Williams, who noted the similarity between the grail and an object included among the Arthurian regalia in traditional Welsh lists.
The vulgar Latin hath it, regnum sacerdotale, to which agreeth the translation of that place, sacerdotium regale, a regal priesthood; 93 as also the institution itself, by which no man might enter into the sanctum sanctorum, that is to say, no man might enquire God's will immediately of God
I see an engaging and fiery young woman, who on a number of occasions, has shown a regal command equal to any royal in the world, and I have known my share of royalty.
For a moment their flashing orbs vied in regal rivalry; but at length the spirit of the mere animal yielded to the genius of the man.
A Review of 'Alroy'
In dress he affected a purple robe with a golden girdle, bronze sandals, and a Delphic laurel-wreath, and in his manner he was grave and cultivated a regal public persona.
Her Malay monarchy absorbed a diversity of foreign traders into a polyglot elite united by the royal person, a Malay lingua franca, and a pattern of rules and sacred regalia passed down from courts such as Malacca and Pasai.
She regaled us with tales of her wild youth.
Même si une alimentation saine ne donne pas la part belle aux desserts, il est fondamental de conserver une dimension de plaisir dans notre assiette : nous découvrirons ensemble comment créer tartes, gateaux, crèmes, glaces, etc pour régaler occasionnellement nos papilles tout en respectant les règles de l'alimentation vivante !
Archive 2009-02-15
Anyone can come into the Georgian town hall during office hours and ask to see the impressive collection of civic regalia including a 1460s silver mace, presented by Edward IV.
The Friar then busied himself with consoling the unfortunate woman, while Libertine busied himself with complimenting the exotic Gipsy beauty, and regaling her with stories of his wit and bravery.
A gold packet of king size a regal insignia, an attractive implication toward glamour and wealth.
Lord Bute is a large-flowered or regal pelargonium, and the flowers are black, with a narrow picotee edge of brilliant carmine red.
The feudal past comes alive in the splendid portraits of royalty in full regalia, the photographs of palaces and luxurious interiors, and curiosities such as the Bahawalpur bed.
She enjoys propagating, the rose garden contains pinks and martagon and regale lilies from seed.
But he more than comes into his own as he sheds the regal bearing and steps into the shoes of the soldier Fluellen.
She had smiled, and it was nice and informal, but actually there is something slightly regal about her.
Indeed, the triggering event was an embarrassing error, which precipitated a scandal of regal proportions.
Regale everyone with your soppy songs, recite your loopy limericks, and maybe even draw a doodle or two!
John also regaled them with the story of the actual gravestone going missing for years and turning up as a hearthstone in a local dwelling house prior to President Nixon's visit to Timahoe in the early 1970s.
Oriental dress and regalia were adopted by fraternal organizations such as the Shriners, who wore fezzes and named their newly built Eastern style buildings after cities in Syrin, Iraq, and Egypt.
In general, the agreeable fumes of the "Aina" were created by one's own inhalations; but Donjalolo deeming the solace too dearly purchased by any exertion of the royal lungs, regaled himself through those of his attendants, whose lips were as moss-rose buds after a shower.
Mardi: and A Voyage Thither, Vol. I (of 2)
Now, my dear, regale us with your description of the sumptuous desserts available to us on this, our Lord's natal day.
Think of Mamie Eisenhower's exuberant pink frocks in the can-do post-War '50s; Rosalynnn Carter's recycled gown in the down-in-the-dumps' 70s, Jackie Kennedy regalness in the everything-is-possible '60s.
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The five that had already fallen when John received the vision were the regal power, the consular, the decemvirate, the military tribunes, and the triumvirate.
The Last Reformation
There I would wait once more while he collected his props, and perhaps his thoughts as well, and when he appeared at length, all chipper with a kind of postorgasmic glow, we would drive back to work in the same commandeered vehicle while he regaled me with tales of great paydays of the past, in Gallipoli and on the road to Mandalay.
An Autobiography
The delicate regality of the Three Kings stands out all the more sharply in comparison with the figure of an anonymous assistant on the right third of the panel, who leads three horses out of the building in preparation for the Magi's escape.
On a far lighter note, I just love the pomp and ceremony of all the military parades, heraldry, regalia and OH!
With its mixture of antiquity, regality and aloofness, it is both royal and ancient in ways no other Scottish burgh will ever be.
The guest speaker was Graham Walton, the father of the only girl sextuplets in the world, who proved an entertaining speaker, regaling the audience with anecdotes about life as the only male in a family of seven women.
That many of these localities were the sites of regal residences may be inferred from historical evidence which records them as selected for synods, councils, and witenagemots.
Phoebe pictured Maeve, sitting in regal splendor amid her pillows and her billet-doux, opining on the imbecility of love.
When the crime came at last, it was as blundering as it was bloody; at once premeditated and accidental; the isolated execution of an interregal conspiracy, existing for half a generation, yet exploding without concert; a wholesale massacre, but a piecemeal plot.
PG Edition of Netherlands series — Complete
As her name suggests, there was something regal about Donna.
THE DOG LISTENER: Learning the Language of your Best Friend
Her pondering presumes a regal power, a lingering vestige of an era when sovereignty resided not in the people but in the monarch.
Take a moment to quiz the staff and they'll gladly regale you of the occasion when the Lethal Weapon star dragged his co-star Glenn Close along there to sample their sizeable haddock.
Lisa and I were treated to an audience with Lorraine's parents, who regaled us with anecdotes about cheating men and the failure of long distance relationships.
Catherine Deneuve gives an unmistakably regal performance as Suzanne Bujol, a potiche, or trophy wife, to Robert (Fabrice Luchini) the wealthy, reactionary owner of an umbrella factory in 1977; he patronises his wife and is alienated from his grown-up children (played by Jérémie Renier and Judith Godrèche.)
Potiche: A French farce with feeling
The popular, incomparable ‘Mr Clown’ entertained the children, regaling them for hours with a thousand tricks which enthralled the youngsters - and not a few adults as well, it is worth adding!
These two Celtic nations had not faced each other on a football pitch for nearly 20 years, so it was a perfect opportunity for the lads and lasses to show the boys from the valleys their full regalia.
Two men in the full regalia come stampeding through the obstacle course of dumpsters and cardboard box mansions.
She is wearing a rather regal navy blue dress and strappy sandals.
Times, Sunday Times
Others look out of place at a competition, like the stodgy 1994 Buick Regal station wagon retrofitted to run on a mix of hydrogen and corn alcohol, or ethanol.
And I thought she couldn't have looked, actually - dare I use the word more regal, and very well-suited and befitting for the occasion.
Bianca walked regally across the hall and ascended the marble staircase.
Henry also managed the difficult task of ruling lands on both sides of the Channel by instituting bodies of viceregal administrators for each region.
Mr.D. Semple informs us that, so recently as 1697, six poor creatures were convicted of this crime before the regality of Paisley, and were "worrit" and burned to death on the
The Mysteries of All Nations Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern Delusions Together With Strange Customs, Fables, and Tales
For those who don't know, the Honours of Scotland are the regalia or crown jewels, mostly dating from the early sixteenth century.
I adopt a regal tone.
Times, Sunday Times
He thereupon opened the door, received and entertained me with all the hospitality his poverty would admit of; regaled me with sour crout and some new laid eggs, the only provision he had, and clean straw with a kind of rug for a bed, he having no other for himself and wife.
Life in the Grey Nunnery at Montreal
Storm clouds, rain, fog, mist, and snow often dramatize the settings and heighten the fantasy of such regal scenes.
The advisor was attired in full dress regalia with a sidearm on his hip.
While our two captains were thus regaling themselves, and celebrating their own heroic exploits with all the inspiration which the liquor, at least, of wit could afford them, the polyonymous officer arrived, and, being saluted by the name of
The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon
Opening as described, the lights came up to reveal los chicos in all their flamenco regalia, backed by singers and guitarists downstage.
The ministeriales, laymen of servile origin, were used to replace the clergy in many administrative posts; regalian rights were retained and exploited.
D. Germany
Many were in full countryside regalia - corduroy and tweeds, flat caps, hip flasks and sticks - despite having only walked from their expensive 4x4's parked nose-to-tail in the surrounding narrow lanes.
Showing visitors around the hospital, dressed in a sari, she cut something of a regal figure.
Times, Sunday Times
Publisher Eileen Tabios accompanies her poet as graphic alter ego, supplies drawings and indeed handwrites his text, a duo then stepping onto their small stage in their shared regalia to participate in what I might describe unsneeringly as an intense art dealership.
Archive 2007-09-01
Sahni was most impressed with him regaling the passengers with an uncanny ability to hold them with improvised speeches.
All of which could be a buzzkill, but as counterpoint I offer my late Auntie Margie, who was deep into her 80s when she once regaled a tableful of my girlfriends with tales of her love life.
Barbara & Shannon Kelley: Why Some Men Won't Accept That You're Not That Into Them
Sadly, bullfighting is still very much alive in Spain, with the colorful posters covering every bare space of public wall with the lionized torero or bullfighter shown in regal splendor.
“Spain in Mind” Edited by Alice Leccese Powers (Vintage, 2007) « The BookBanter Blog
When he wasn't regaling me with tales of his derring-do at Inchon, Korea in the early 1950s, he waxed lyrical about his oh-so-sexy adventures as a raw recruit at Kapooka in 1949.
At the wedding of the Prince of Wales he looked more regal than the royals.
To fully comprehend the nature of the criminal justice system in Mexico City is to understand that the judicial power of the colonial state and its agents was not to be found in the trappings, rituals, and royal regalia of the court.
She was supposed to be trying to draw him out, not regale him with her life story.
There's something regal about it.
Times, Sunday Times
Re Shaun's comment on 4/1/05 see above that includes this sentence: "As I said before, my issue isn't with the sexual orientation, it's with people who lack the discretion to keep their private lives *private*"; and this one: "Were I to go into work Monday morning and regale my coworkers with tales of my sexual exploits, I'd likely lose my job.
The Boundaries of Diversity
And forasmuch as our Imperiall highnesse is giuen to vnderstand that your most excellent Regall Maiestie doth excell in bountie and curtesie, we therfore haue sent out our
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
A new royal barge, emblazoned in silver and gold and with elaborate wainscoting, was commissioned, and trimmed with the king and queen's regalia.
B. Bunny thereafter regaled me with stories so rowdy they verged on the sociopathic.
Getting Their Guns Off
The gaffe was made at the annual dinner of the Perth Bar Association, in the regal splendour of the city's George Hotel.
Wore full regalia to daughter's military academy graduation including black nametag and awards and decorations.
James Lynn Carr
She had a strong regal bearing and her kneeling on the floor seemed as improper as a priest swearing.
For though a baptizer and an anointer bestow authority—in much the same way as the Archbishop of Canterbury conferred the regal status on Queen Elizabeth II in 1953—they themselves must have had authority to do so.
The Templar Revelation
Authors Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner make the dismal science a lot less dismal by regaling readers with one counterintuitive economic analysis after another.
If you accept, you incline your head in a slight and regal manner.
A Time of War