How To Use Reflexive In A Sentence

  • Yes, some teachers and parents reflexively hand out the equivalent of a doggie biscuit every few minutes, the result being that kids habituate to it and it has no impact. Alfie Kohn: Criticizing (Common Criticisms of) Praise
  • In retrospect, it appears we required a developed and reflexive feminist, gay and transgendered global vision to see through the prejudice governing sexuality, gender, ethnicity and the legislative restraints that paternally impose on enculturation and self-identification. G. Roger Denson: Gender as Performance & Script: Reading the Art of Yvonne Rainer, Cindy Sherman, Sarah Charlesworth & Lorna Simpson After Eve Sedgwick & Judith Butler
  • The argument is that without distinct individuals that are metaphysically prior to the relations, there is nothing to stand in the irreflexive relations that are supposed to confer individuality on the relata. Structural Realism
  • Like its predecessors, the novel comes dripping in satire, but this time of a more avowedly self-reflexive nature. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Reflexive and overdetermined, it is a conceit that fully reveals its rather heavy hand towards the end. Times, Sunday Times
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  • This reflexive element in my research is of crucial importance and helps me understand the testimony of some of the people I interviewed.
  • This has the consequence that the readings dependent on the long-distance binding of the reflexives are incorrectly ruled out.
  • Byrne does hew to the representationalist's line of supervenience (no phenomenal difference without an intentional difference), but if his argument does not rule out mental paint, an anti-representationalist may construct inversion cases such as that of Block's (1990) "Inverted Earth" (see Section 4.4 below), and argue that the paint is a nonfunctional intrinsic mental feature of the experience given in introspection, which is close enough to a "quale" in Block's special sense, even if the feature does happen to be reflexively represented by the experience itself. Representational Theories of Consciousness
  • To do so, she explores the idea of metaphoricity, transforming conceits into self-reflexive, self-questioning, and ultimately self-effacing representation.
  • I jumped at least two feet in the air in a completely involuntary, reflexive response.
  • His conception of power is reflexive and scants the complexity of New York's political culture.
  • A puzzle that immediately arises is how this complex reflexive communicative intention is meant to be recognized by the recipient.
  • This kind of self-reflexiveness, through pastiche and quotation, is characteristic of metafiction and metafilm.
  • But this business seemed to be defacing its own windows, in a reflexive act of social deviance.
  • The startled barbarian grappled reflexively, neglecting the weapons that hung at his waist.
  • ( "ci") are used for the reflexive pronouns of the first and second persons. A Complete Grammar of Esperanto
  • Sometimes, these beliefs are so quick and reflexive that they're automatic, but they still shape our behavior.
  • The trick is, of course, to distinguish between subjective criticism of US government policy and reflexive opposition to anything done by the US anywhere at any time.
  • This was one of the most depressing moments of my life, not entirely for its present state but its reflexive backwardness. WHITE LIES
  • For example, the English verb to perjure is reflexive, since one can only perjure oneself. Page 2
  • You know what the problem, you little anonymous pansy, is with reflexively jumping to defend anyone accused of racism? Matthew Yglesias » Charles Murray Sees Nonwhite People
  • In a wider sense, the phrase refers to any verb form whose grammatical object is a reflexive pronoun, regardless of semantics; such verbs are also referred to as pronominal verbs, especially in grammars of the Romance languages. Page 2
  • Energy explodes from torsos, courses through limbs, and shoots out fingers splayed, reflexively, like a child's.
  • A fair portion of contemporary poetry over-relies on self-reflexive irony, tonal detachment, and an often irritating allusive erudition.
  • My source, who prefers not to be named out of fear at what she described as a reflexive tendency toward "butthurt" against public criticism of Filipino cultural institutions, went on to say the following: Planet Atheism
  • Inasmuch as the virtual beauty of "harmony" and "proportion" said to prevail between the intellect's discrete faculties is to prove vocal, audible, and lasting, the reflexive operation of critical writing is at least one way of producing that outcome. The Voice of Critique: Aesthetic Cognition After Kant,
  • Simply, critical ethnography relies for its own frameworks of analysis and exposition on the reflexive maps and indeed crypto-ethnography of its subjects to a greater degree than ever before.
  • Having sat at the table alongside the immortals, hearing their words while watching their games of footsie, he is a sort of reflexive reductionist.
  • A relation on a set is irreflexive provided that no element is related to itself.
  • In the first, called intrinsic reflexivization, a predicate is marked as a reflexive predicate in the lexicon.
  • The song was politicised, reflexive and drenched in affectivity.
  • Finally, under life-threatening stress, you won't attempt a task if you do not have total confidence in your reflexive ability to perform it well.
  • A puzzle that immediately arises is how this complex reflexive communicative intention is meant to be recognized by the recipient.
  • Do learners constitute their identities as part of a reflexive project?
  • Such images are part of a sophisticated and self-reflexive medieval culture of the image. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Murdoch tells Auletta of his contempt for the liberal group-think of Hollywood and its reflexive suspicion of ideas like ‘family values.’
  • From birth, such an infant will reflexively grab and tightly grip whenever he perceives a physical threat.
  • The visor of each blast helmet in the pod darkened accommodatingly within three milliseconds to avoid temporary blindness, but each member of the strike team squinted reflexively.
  • Meanwhile, just as head-scratchingly, the same media that typically treat female politicians like little girls playing dress-up and subject politicians of color to racist screeds and reflexive dismissal were getting all hot and bothered imagining a Clinton-Obama race for the Oval Office ... and telling America that this wasn't only possible, it was the most probable outcome. Jennifer L. Pozner: Super Tuesday Media Musings, Part I: Why Media Forced Edwards Out of the Race
  • But it is not irreflexive either, since 1 is related to itself.
  • Participation is in essence really only a refinement on the methods used to reflexively understand and interpret in everyday life.
  • `He chuckled, but his eyes moved from me to Amber and back again in a reflexive action he could not control. SUMMER OF FEAR
  • This reflexive perspective immunizes him against the compromising racial charges often leveled against him.
  • Sometimes, enunciation pierces through narration with ostentatious camera moves or reflexive images, but it finds itself swallowed by the diegesis in the end.
  • I feel sorry for them, really sorry, but reflexively pick up my pace, and head for the even naughtier Underground.
  • Since this cannot be true, the statement x not-R x must be true; therefore R is irreflexive.
  • At the Faithworkers Branch of Unite annual general meeting some of my colleagues have reported stories of the retaliatory attacks in such circumstances. the clash between the singular subject and the plural reflexive pronoun is stunning. 6 posts from February 2008
  • On another level, over the last fifteen years many Arab films began to emanate an increasingly self-reflexive attitude to their adoption of various stylistic and generic practices.
  • By premising its concept of "world" (or an all-encompassing framework by some other name) on an originary act of reflexive self-possession, Cartesian epistemology and the political philosophy of classical liberalism revolve a model of agency constituted ex negativo — that is, defined by the alleged absence of any inner pre-determination. The Melancholic Gift: Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Fiction
  • It's not that he doesn't deserve it; despite the reflexive dismissal of too-cool dance music purists, Moby is simply better at what he does than the hordes of hipsters working in the same vein.
  • He's a history-remaker, an eclectic, an ironist, with bags of self-reflexive knowledge and knowhow. Times, Sunday Times
  • It doesn't pay to get caught in reflexive habit patterns when you are moving through the complex variables that make up life.
  • The reflexive interview process that this method entailed is described through case examples.
  • Desperate, he hired a stenographer and dictated a very self-reflexive story about a man whose dual obsessions - gambling and a woman named Polina - become tangled.
  • The relation of having opposite spin that is had by electrons in the singlet state is clearly such an irreflexive relation and Saunders argues that, since by Leibniz's law, the holding of an irreflexive relation aRb entails the existence of distinct relata a and Structural Realism
  • The use of the French reflexive in the present indicative stresses the innate auto-referentiality of his narrative.
  • These active reflexive behaviors allow the infant to construct his or her first differentiations within the environment.
  • The normal esophagus responds immediately with a reflexive peristaltic contraction, a phenomenon called secondary peristalsis.
  • Ontological priority: there is an irreflexive, asymmetric, and transitive relation of ontological priority between entities. Monism
  • It ends up like that General in New Orleans, trying *trying* to get important information out about disaster preparedness, having to face reflexively antagonistic journalists and famously pronouncing, "You're stuck on stupid. A frightening mix of bodily fluids.
  • As pointed out by Progovac, it predicts that adjuncts should be extractable from, say, a relative clause only if it contains a long-distance reflexive - a prediction that is not borne out.
  • If on the other hand, a logophoric pronoun/long-distance reflexive and subjunctive mood are deployed, it indicates that the speaker does not take the responsibility for the truth of the report.
  • In a film that feels as light as unbuttered popcorn, is there a reflexive critique somewhere about American culture?
  • We almost didn't notice the accessory the first time we watched the video -- after someone mentioned Major Nelson in a Speedo, our brains went briefly catatonic, which is our reflexive defense mechanism when faced with unsettling mental images. Joystiq [Xbox]
  • Roach continues as she did with Stiff to “turn off” readers as she goes into detail on what takes place during penis surgery, having seen it performed before her very eyes; as well as revealing the scientific fact that because an orgasm is essentially a reflexive response to specific stimuli over time, a dead body would be able to have one. 2010 March 10 « The BookBanter Blog
  • Her thoughtful examination unearths binaries of mind/body and immaterial/material in even the most highly self-reflexive critical writing.
  • More precisely, the referential structure in self-referential paradoxes such as the liar is a reflexive relation on a singleton set, whereas the referential structure in Yablo's paradox is isomorphic to the usual less-than ordering on the natural numbers, which is an irreflexive relation. Self-Reference
  • I think for us to move forward intellectually and politically in avowedly self-reflexive representational spaces such as Kafila - we must be more attentive to the former aspect of subalternity - an effect of power not only as in structures of representation but also as in interactive fields where the elite and the subaltern categories are coproduced. Kafila
  • However, his insights demand a stronger rootedness in postmodern theories of identity and self-reflexive fiction.
  • the sentence `he washed' has a reflexive verb
  • Also, don't you mean that she should sue so that she never ever has to work again? "ponderer wrote," Democrats are reflexive cowards. Let's review this racism firing
  • The cartoon short that proceeded the film, Cracked Ice, also featured a self-reflexive joke, an off-screen heckler that we can hear on the soundtrack.
  • Physics 7.1 and 8.5 and cited by Metochites in the preceding paragraph, namely that movement is necessarily an irreflexive relation. Byzantine Philosophy
  • We will nurture robotic, banal and nonreflexive culture unless we're aware of it. The Jakarta Post Breaking News
  • The parallels between the schools of reflexive anti-Americanism and big-business globalism are far from exact, but they are multiple and they are suggestive.
  • she answered reflexively, without thinking
  • The CCO, when properly sighted, provides an added measure of accuracy in a reflexive fire environment where a split second is all it takes to decide between life and death.
  • Prudie has long felt that the reflexive, polite demur is not necessary when people are impertinently out of line, either with their advice or their questions.
  • Yes, this king of self-reflexive stand-up is always close to pushing his luck too far. Times, Sunday Times
  • August 14, 2006, 4: 01 pm home mortgage says: home mortgage aerates matching Hanoverianize irreflexive? The Volokh Conspiracy » Keylogging Devices And the Wiretap Act:
  • The ultimate reflexive investigation of investigation occurs in that branch of philosophy known as epistemology, the theory of knowledge.
  • `perjure' is a reflexive verb because you cannot perjure anyone but yourself
  • If I have to endure another corporate executive blindly praising China and reflexively trashing India, I might actually gag.
  • But the illusions of the movie's Europeans are a darker matter, for they help create a pervasive, reflexive anti-Americanism that is ultimately extremely dangerous.
  • The first argument is unfair because even Japanese non-reflexive personal pronouns like watashi, anata, etc. fail to show "morphological variation" either! Lehmann's dismissal of PIE *swe
  • Third, it puts the Democrats in the position of having either to support the end of a federal mandate—something they tend to reflexively oppose—or to look like a bunch of old fuddy-duddies themselves. Old Enough to Fight, Old Enough to Drink
  • Reflexively Rhodry glanced up to see the smoke rising to a stone flue set in the ceiling as well as a vent or two for fresh air. A TIME OF WAR
  • Sometimes it's conscious, sometimes reflexive, but the basic trend is not in doubt.
  • At the same time, he is being ironically self-reflexive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Binding is concerned with the type of anaphora found with pronouns and reflexives, but the notion is greatly extended.
  • I used to know how to say "Did you ever participate in an Air Raid?" in Serbo-Croatian, from an Army manual from WW2, and when I lived in NYC & went to Chinatown functions frequented by local pols, my girlfriend taught me to say "Are you corrupt?" in Mandarin - all the grinning ignorant Public Servants reflexively replied "yes, yes" when I asked them, to the delight of the Chinese at the table. An idea to save newspapers (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • As a self-reflexive examination of the writing process, the author researches tools through the ages by visiting the library and perusing through historical documents.
  • If this is the case, then the question of why and how a long-distance reflexive must normally be bound needs an explanation.
  • The reflexive verb sich befinden means literally ‘find oneself’.
  • It is straightforward to check that this formula is valid in a frame if and only if the frame is irreflexive. Hybrid Logic
  • Indeed, being intentional, reflexive, and socially just requires of us the ability to name the assumptions that guide our practice.
  • The question of ‘ethnographic authority’ is paramount in narrative or reflexive ethnography because subjective or interpretive response becomes part of the story.
  • The ball cannoned off Hayden's midriff and he had the presence of mind to swivel and take a superb reflexive juggling catch.
  • But first of all, in a reflexive mode, let me say something about my own background which will help to place my interests in this conjunction of cultures in context.
  • The graphically crisp, retro lettering style adds a whiff of nostalgia to this evocation of language's reflexive capacity.
  • Life is very self-reflexive in couch potato land.
  • One set of constructions-motion auxiliaries, desideratives, and reflexive causatives-involve linking to the internal a-subject.
  • More recent reflexive research has failed to show that there is any strong and direct causal link between people consuming a message through the media and then having that opinion.
  • A strict order is one that is irreflexive and transitive; such an order is also trivially antisymmetric.
  • He's a history-remaker, an eclectic, an ironist, with bags of self-reflexive knowledge and knowhow. Times, Sunday Times
  • For one thing, this is a whiskery, reflexive old incantation of the Right, that long ago lost any very vivid meaning.
  • Keeping the finger out of the guard during reloads should be reflexive.
  • Obama's efforts to reignite consumer protection suits the current historical moment in which for the first time in two generations reflexive antiliberalism appears to have lost its rhetorical punch. Lawrence B. Glickman: Consumer Protection Redux: The Lessons of History
  • However, in their attempts to render their reflexive understanding adequate to their experience, alienated subjects tend to approach contradictions as if they existed in the world itself.
  • They are self-reflexive and unusually honest.
  • As Goldberg recently wrote, reflexive toughness too often displaces seichel, the Yiddish word for wisdom, among Israel's leaders. Top Stories
  • So you need to act fast to catch the king of self-reflexive stand-up in this most conducive of settings. Times, Sunday Times
  • (A set is reflexive iff it is equipollent to one of its proper subsets; and two sets are equipollent with one another iff there exists a bijection, i.e., a one-to-one correspondence, between them.) Slices of Matisse
  • As with that earlier project, the current exhibition is both magnanimous and self-reflexive. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I find myself checking e-mails and responding to texts throughout the day with some kind of Pavlovian ferocity - it's not a conscious act, but a reflexive one. Tanya Schevitz: Josh Radnor Connects to Life Old School Style
  • * Joe Klein puts his finger on one the now-defunc Democratic Leadership Council's most catastrophic failings: "The war in Iraq, which the DLC supported reflexively, as a way of seeming `strong,' without ever really analyzing the intellectual weaknesses of the casus belli. Happy Hour Roundup
  • I am weak in reflexive verbs and in object pronouns but since nobody else has responded yet, let me try ... súbetelo (note the accent) would mean to me "carry it up yourself" (the te in this case meaning yourself) while súbelo would mean lift it up, put it up. Reflexive verbs
  • The author of one letter, which I threw away with reflexive cowardice, threatened to beat me up.
  • Tom and I meet once a week to practice the most self-reflexive art on earth - the art of second language conversation.
  • The attraction and sense of appreciation that is produced by the vastly dissimilar artworks populating the exhibit's journey is primarily intellectual, not visceral, something that the 20th century critic Clive Bell would have pointed out as a hallmark of true art -- conclusively delimited from the easy, reflexive enjoyment of something that merely looks good. Robert L. Powell: AbEx: Masterpieces From The Museum of Modern Art
  • A puzzle that immediately arises is how this complex reflexive communicative intention is meant to be recognized by the recipient.
  • But it is here, says Boethius, that creaturely logic breaks down when it tries to comprehend the Trinity: we have in some way to try to grasp the idea of a relation of fatherhood or filiation which is reflexive. Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius
  • It's breezy, you rarely get a palpable sense of danger watching the film, and the best surprises come from some giddy self-reflexive celebrity cameos.
  • I see a Wordsworthian version of Romantic historicism as self-reflexive, operating within the competing temporalities of modernity.
  • Introducing the children of autocracy to the best traditions of critical, reflexive British education and inculcating anointed leaders with the rigours of public accountability and transparency is a wonderful and deeply subversive thing to do irrespective of the fee accepted. Letters: LSE's lesson in accountability
  • The language of allegory relates itself to language not reflexively but rather as an epistemologically uncertain praxis: language relates to itself in the mode of possible unrelatedness. Notes on 'Reading, Begging, Paul de Man'
  • The use of the French reflexive in the present indicative stresses the innate auto-referentiality of Bugul's narrative.
  • We all know the “John cut himself while shaving” is correct, but stating the rule accurately and completely would require something like this: Given a sentence in which the subject and object of the verb are coreferential, you must substitute for the second of the two from the set of reflexive pronouns which matches the first in person, number, and gender. The Volokh Conspiracy » Against descriptivism and prescriptivism:
  • He declares: ‘The theories of social science relate to their subject matter in a reflexive manner.’
  • Recall that an equivalence relation in a set is a reflexive, symmetric and transitive relation.
  • In a reflexive reaction, Donny jerked sideways, tipping over his chair as he fell into Grandmother.
  • The aforementioned points reflect a disturbing but common trait among provincial, state and federal "environmental" agencies in jurisdictions throughout North America - specifically, an obsessive predilection that drives wildlife managers to reflexively default to the oxymoronic tactic of conservation-by-killing. Chris Genovali: The Death Cults Among Us
  • The reflexive appears in the lowest clause, yet it binds with the subject in the highest clause.
  • We know certainly know your perceptions, which appear to be based in reflexive emotion and bias, but not rational analysis. Debates: Fall Calendar Fills Up - The Caucus Blog -
  • A French language lesson follows with the Brother conjugating the reflexive verb déshabiller, ‘to undress’.
  • Given that "exemplifies" picks out a two-term irreflexive and asymmetrical relation, God cannot be identical with existence. Divine Simplicity
  • When tragedy does occur, it is more often than not given a black-comedic inflection — as in works by Wallace, Antrim, Eggers, and their ilk — not because the authors can't do powerful conflict and emotion, necessarily, but because the hyperconscious self-reflexiveness of their style is hard to turn off. These Kids Today
  • Game designers simulating the urban realm face similar challenges as they must schematize the complexity of the city to create an engaging "digital urbanism" to facilitate play, one that is immersive, layered and reflexive. Serial Consign
  • Having sat at the table alongside the immortals, hearing their words while watching their games of footsie, Vidal is a sort of reflexive reductionist.
  • Thus the process of inscription becomes a self-reflexive activity.
  • He vowed to shut failing charter schools, and pushed back against what he predicted would be "reflexive partisanship" to a push for charters, which he described as a grass-roots, statewide movement. More Charters On Tap in N.J.
  • These active reflexive behaviors allow the infant to construct his or her first differentiations within the environment.
  • Second, it works as a metafilm and metafiction, employing sophisticated self-reflexive devices to tell a micro-historical story about film, film spectatorship and its relationship to modern Sicilian life.
  • ‘I think one of the key things about contemporary visual art is that it has become very self-reflexive,’ she says.
  • In other languages, reflexives are even less amenable to a two-participant interpretation.
  • Within the unfolding of Aoxomoxoa, (a title alliteratively and reflexively evoking the very word "axis" itself!), the flora-like tendrils of childhood experience are anchored, and then extended spoke-like through the flights and journeys of life's passage. Larbear's Aoxomoxoa Thesis
  • In addition, a discursive analysis of conflict invites therapists to be more intentional, reflexive, and socially responsible in their work.
  • You would think you all had had enough of rigid and reflexive stupidity the past seven years and ‘solutions’ that work great in fantasyland (“The war will pay for itself!” and “We will be greeted as liberators!”), and would appreciate someone being, well, sensible. Balloon Juice » 2007 » October
  • As both a former ultramarathoner and a biologist, I know this gesture to be reflexive in runners and other competitors who have fought hard and then feel the exhilaration of triumph over adversity.
  • The blow did not connect of course, for the monk caught the fist with his hands almost reflexively, but it was not the end.
  • Civilized discourse demands critical thinking, self-reflexiveness, sober-headed analysis. Daniel Lubetzky: FOX in the Twilight
  • Their tails popped up reflexively, almost absurdly long and white, and wigwagged out of sight.
  • Equally, one might regard it as a polemic against the reflexive association of aesthetics with false consciousness.
  • English employs reflexive derivation idiosyncratically, as in "self-destruct"; Romance languages do the same with the Greek-derived prefix auto -. Page 2
  • In the fiddler crab Uca pugilator, limbs that are lost due to injury or predation and as a result of the reflexive autotomy response, can be regenerated completely during a single intermolt cycle.
  • ‘Bad luck, Paul,’ she says, reflexively rubbing her sore, distended abdomen.
  • Reflexive pronouns can emphasize a noun or pronoun.
  • We have in some way to try to grasp the idea of a relation of fatherhood or filiation which is reflexive.
  • It's really self-reflexive: the nominal point of a googlebomb is to hijack a common search-term to misdirect searchers (i.e., the neo-Nazis who bombed the string "jew"), but in fact, a single-word query for "jew" is a pretty weird thing to punch into Google: "Hmm, I wonder why my neighbor takes every Friday night off and lights a candle. Boing Boing: May 23, 2004 - May 29, 2004 Archives
  • In a brilliant casting decision, the movie also manages some self-reflexive satire.
  • As fascinating as an extreme close-up can be, too often it becomes too inward-looking, self-reflexive, about itself.
  • Kavoori calls this a reflexive mode born of an increasing familiarity with the narrative conventions of news and an awareness of the institutional imperatives of media industries (Kavoori).
  • But this interpretation is outlawed by the semantics of referential dependence associated with reflexives.
  • You are holding me responsible for someone else saying Aunt jemima, or at least for mocking doyle for his excessively reflexive PC kneejerk which cannot even ignore trolling. "Ifill Awful?"
  • I'm trying not to think too hard about the reflexive illogic of the last two sentences.
  • Several essays address the self-reflexive nature of hagiographic traditions-the tendency of hagiographers to rewrite and adapt material and the interplay between adaptations from which clues of context may be discerned.
  • The moments of grace and beauty, of clear crisp prose and keen incisive social commentary lie outside the obsessive, self-reflexive mediations of Ben and Priya on the nature of their flawed union.
  • In the dialects an adjective *sewe-, meaning ‘own’, was taken over as a reflexive adjective; it was also adapted as the basis for the reflexive pronoun. Archive 2008-03-01
  • A French language lesson follows with the Brother conjugating the reflexive verb deshabiller, ‘to undress’.
  • I recalled the sentry's warm blood running over my hands and guiltily, reflexively wiped them on my cloak. Renegade's Magic
  • The deeply conservative tendencies we now almost reflexively attribute to canon-making were in the case of the British novel clearly reactions to and revisions of an earlier effort in which dissent was broadly a constitutive element.
  • According to Andrew Sanders, ‘The Elegy’ intermixes the poetry of a country retirement with a self-reflexive nocturnal musing on the nature of egalitarian morality."
  • The reporter in me would stand to gain from the thundering asininity, the tabloid leadership, the tragic, reflexive resort to violence. Bradley Burston: What I Wanted for Father's Day, and What I Got
  • The needs and tasks and trusts of manhood would be sheltered in reflexive habits throughout his life, performed when necessary, so that he might go about the work of his life... seeing the world as a child.
  • Note 257: Like barbarian, the term infidel is unavoidably subjective and reflexive: often it is used to describe "others" that are beyond one's sphere of familiarity. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Blinded by the brinksmanship and the reflexive opposition of the Cold War era, we failed to see that the Russians, in this peculiar instance, were the forces of civilization and progress.
  • But the thing uttered by the speaker I strain towards is still not quite the story of what is going on; it is more reflexive than that, because as a poet I am in fact straining towards a strain, seeking repose in the stability conferred by a musically satisfying order of sounds. Nobel Lectures-Literature 1995
  • In his quest for savings, Gates faces reflexive pushback from the political right, which condemns any cut in a weapons system as a gain for a prospective adversary like China.
  • The intent of the film, however, is not to play clever, reflexive narrative games.
  • Tears sprang reflexively, unbidden, and cautious he opened his eyes again, to the excruciating light.
  • As fascinating as an extreme close-up can be, too often it becomes too inward-looking, self-reflexive, about itself.
  • Rivlin appealed to the liberals to drop their reflexive resistance to a commission that would reduce spending. Matthew Yglesias » If Only Someone Had Thought of That
  • I had felt my fingers curl and uncurl reflexively at the mention of my mother.
  • Aristotle, for instance, argued that being qua being is the subject of metaphysics when a term reduplicates itself, this is called a reflexive reduplication; Leibniz's principles of identity presuppose reduplicative analysis; Anscombe has noted that her use of the phrase 'under the description' in discussing intention is reduplicative. Archive 2005-01-01
  • Secondly, English is the only Germanic language with few reflexives that are spelled out.
  • According to neurologists, such reflexive activities are neither conscious nor signs of awareness.
  • Some people, upon hearing the word rankism, reflexively exclaim, "We don't need another latest stories
  • What should be emphasized here is the use of the reflexive verb - ‘devalue themselves’.
  • There are also English-specific grammar tags associated with the name. These tags indicate possessiveness, reflexiveness and whether the viewer is viewing his or her own profile.
  • More than ever, US journalists must avoid the temptation to engage in groupthink and - without seeming reflexively adversarial - must ask sharp questions.
  • The first is that authors, due to increased consciousness of those that they have succeeded, are more self-reflexive regarding their influences and prepared to admit it to the world through the titles of their books.
  • A fair portion of contemporary poetry over-relies on self-reflexive irony, tonal detachment, and an often irritating allusive erudition.
  • We reflexively break ourselves down into categories, whether it's by indicational attainment, income, whatever -- here's black, white, Hispanic, which can be either race, as the census points out. Who We Are: A Portrait of America
  • Recall that an equivalence relation in a set is a reflexive, symmetric and transitive relation.
  • In fact, as Burt shows, Shakespeare citations often enable a self-reflexive critique of the constraints of the industry within the mass culture genre itself.
  • Such ingenuous theatricality marked much of that failed President's public speech, just as it marks his son's - a self-reflexiveness that many journalists noted at the time.
  • Anaphoric binding relations are conditioned by a number of different factors, one of which is the verb, which may be marked for reflexivisation and may determine the binding domain of reflexives and pronouns which occur within its nucleus.
  • This turns out to be unexplained under the pronominal anaphor account: if a long-distance reflexive were a pronominal anaphor, it would be expected to be bound in the matrix sentence.
  • It won't entirely succeed, of course, but it puts the media on the defensive and makes them reflexively look for "inappropriateness" in the criticism and makes it necessary for everyone to issue a standard disclaimer saying "John McCain is hero and and I have nothing but respect and admiration for his great sacrifice and leadership but.... Hullabaloo
  • When she finally did look up, she let out a stifled scream and made a reflexive hop like a frightened rabbit. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR

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