
How To Use Reference point In A Sentence

  • The red background then provides a reference point which allows the computer to correct for angle and distance.
  • As a rule, a good specification also should use various organizational or equipment timelines as reference points.
  • Align to line up typeset or other graphic material as specified, using a base or vertical line as the reference point.
  • It is based on an iterative subdivision of arcs on the scalp starting from four craniometric reference points: nasion Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Brazil, in his A Grammar of Speech (1995), points out that “to forms refer to events that are anticipated from the time reference point of another verb” and adds that this means “they always leave open the possibility that, when that time comes, the event will not actually take place”. G is for Gerund « An A-Z of ELT
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  • Lee's case will be the reference point for lawyers in tomorrow's trial.
  • I will ask what we may teach one another about what we might do today and tomorrow not to repeat the bloody relationship that gave birth to Fort Hare and a South African Berlin, and gave birth to common reference points that we should all visit to understand what they did, whom we call kith and kin. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • “Because there’s no central hierarchy in evangelicalism, the NAE has provided a convenient reference point for those outside of the community for a pulse on what evangelicals are thinking,” said Lindsay, author of Faith in the Halls of Power: How Evangelicals Joined the American Elite. Top evangelical leader resigns over gay unions remarks
  • Using his photographs only as an occasional reference point, or to reflect a mood, Vuillard recomposed his subjects at will.
  • The track is also a major reference point for her debut album, which is awash with funky bass lines, disco synths and brass. The Sun
  • For cinephiles and would-be film-makers, Coppola's directorial debut makes for an excellent reference point and source of ideas.
  • We love it when a painter drops you into uncertain territory, where all reference points are speculative and you're left to your own associative devices.
  • These central lines of your grid will be reference points against which you position the elements of your landscape. Learn to Draw Countryside
  • I feel it has given me a reference point for evaluating the various claims and couter-claims that are made in an election contest. Report: Obama Joked Early On About Being "First Black President"
  • I have no reference points to start figuring out how to put a dollar value on something like that.
  • Both PageMaker and Ventura select arbitrary reference points for their on-screen rulers, the top left-hand corner of the page.
  • The article begins by evoking Ozymandias, but contains a more contemporary reference point for doomful ruins: Information, Culture, Policy, Education: And the oil that fed
  • These central lines of your grid will be reference points against which you position the elements of your landscape. Learn to Draw Countryside
  • It's a day-to-day news story and he hasn't entered the stage yet in this financial opera ... but the Slough of Despond can become a reference point to you all. The reasons for the Global Financial PANIC 2007
  • The usual convention is to choose the reference point at infinity.
  • These central lines of your grid will be reference points against which you position the elements of your landscape. Learn to Draw Countryside
  • There's something endearing about his cultural reference points. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lee's case will be the reference point for lawyers in tomorrow's trial.
  • The microscope first focuses on an internal reference point within the tissue culture plate containing the cells.
  • Though police inhabited an intensely insular culture, they shared one primary reference point with the citizens in whose name they served: the street.
  • This was done by using the pylorus and the anatomical antrum-corpus boundary as reference points.
  • This was done by using the pylorus and the anatomical antrum-corpus boundary as reference points.
  • Taking the specially designed planar target with the monocular vision system, the projection line of the reference points is built.
  • My old reference points are dissolving. Times, Sunday Times
  • Albert's reference point is the theories he sees as having been the main contenders in the battle for ideas in the 1960s and 1970s: Marxism, feminism, anarchism and nationalism.
  • In the introduction the reader is presented with the dual concepts of Aura and Icon as reference points in the journey to mapping Mouride visuality.
  • Yet, formative experiences and the resultant attitudes, sensibilities, hot buttons and cultural reference points can vary for members at either end of the generational spectrum.
  • In prehistoric times there were no taxcollectors, so perhaps the hunter-gatherer is a nice reference point. European Productivity, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • This give-and-take using ideas provides emerging concepts with multiple experiential reference points.
  • By not losing sight of that reference point, the three astronauts avoided disaster. Christianity Today
  • There's something endearing about his cultural reference points. Times, Sunday Times
  • During this most recent test, the velocimeter was carried aloft at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center via helicopter which flew a total of six flights at various altitudes between targeted reference points. SpaceRef Top Stories
  • New Delhi: Market watchdog SEBI is considering setting up a common defaulter database in order to provide a one-stop reference point for all types of market players such as brokerages, mutual funds, merchant banks, portfolio managers and rating agencies. Top Headlines
  • Grid digital terrain is produced with getting reference point by subarea and weighted averaging method, and is visualized.
  • They were flown in total darkness without lights and reference points.
  • There are many who insist that the paradigms of greed, arrogance and usurpation are the true reference points for our sextants.
  • The GPS units as a whole measure the rates of deformation of the earth's crust, using the benchmark sites as reference points. MINUTES TO BURN
  • He nonetheless manages to touch in a few reference points and landmark experiences: broken home, petty crime, trauma in Vietnam and prison, mental illness, and induction into the weird, anonymous freemasonry of map-trading.
  • Make a note of the heading you require with the aid of the compass bezel ring, then take a bearing on the furthest visible reference point.
  • There is a particularly traumatic reference point for Bangladesh. Times, Sunday Times
  • The usual convention is to choose the reference point at infinity.
  • What would be the specific reference points around which national character could be defined?
  • Based in Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, it makes speakers that are a reference point for many studios. Elite audio firm Arcam targets iPods – and goes for volume
  • The Second Crusade then provides a reference point for the role of clerics and warriors.
  • The Beach Boys are a good reference point: At their most endearing, the Band have the shambolic charm of early 70s Beach Boys records.
  • The reference point in an electrical circuit from which other voltages are measured, or a common return path for electric current, or a direct physical connection to the Earth.
  • This give-and-take using ideas provides emerging concepts with multiple experiential reference points.
  • The ministry should take the lead to commandeer the general public to clean up public places like schools, bars, markets and taverns which form the core of a high-risk reference point before the rains.
  • Penberthy's initial decision to put the poems in chronological sequence of composition established a solid reference point, a relatively easy plan to conceive and a very hard one to carry out.
  • From my parents, who serve as a primary reference point, I begin to understand both my uniqueness and universality together with my continuity and discontinuity with the past and the present.
  • Fixed stars continued to be used as reference points throughout the Middle Ages, and even Copernicus measured positions in a sidereal zodiac beginning from the fixed star Mesartim.
  • Answer appearance designs the reference point that law place uses to basically have 12.
  • Angular Momentum: a quantity associated with how an object moves around a reference point.
  • It proved a work of appealing ingenuity with many reference points to hold the listener's attention.
  • The date 1920 was perhaps a reference point for the book as it was around then that the earliest avatar of the Indian Institute of Architects; modelled on its counterparts in Europe; was started.
  • The usual convention is to choose the reference point at infinity.
  • What, for instance, is the right reference point on the latest news on India's economy?
  • One of his other reference points was 'Satya', a 1998 film about the Mumbai underworld, written by Saurabh Shukla (who plays Sergeant Srinivas in Slumdog) - Boyle "fibbed" to his US producers that he wanted to translate about 10 per cent of the dialogue for 'Slumdog' into Hindi, then translated almost a third of the script. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • The usual convention is to choose the reference point at infinity.
  • Lee's case will be the reference point for lawyers in tomorrow's trial.
  • But you can't just come on a morning television show and say the word hoe without some kind of reference point. CNN Transcript Aug 8, 2008
  • These central lines of your grid will be reference points against which you position the elements of your landscape. Learn to Draw Countryside
  • The red background then provides a reference point which allows the computer to correct for angle and distance.
  • My old reference points are dissolving. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nonaddressable markers can be used to locate addressable markers by providing a reference point for searches.
  • As you may have learned when discussing your other 'interests' like Ulysses, or experimental theatre, it's less important that you be able to actually discuss any real content, than that you be able to give reference points that sound like you must have in - and di-gested said content. Jilly Gagnon: So You Wanna Sound Like You Listen to NPR...
  • The first task was to establish a reference point on the far bank so the crossing could be measured by triangulation.
  • There is a particularly traumatic reference point for Bangladesh. Times, Sunday Times
  • The relative displacements exist between the datum mark and reference points of measurement, it reveals the dynamic error, and the error is varied with different rolling schedules.
  • The usual convention is to choose the reference point at infinity.

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