
reference point

  1. an indicator that orients you generally
    it is used as a reference for comparing the heating and the electrical energy involved

How To Use reference point In A Sentence

  • The red background then provides a reference point which allows the computer to correct for angle and distance.
  • As a rule, a good specification also should use various organizational or equipment timelines as reference points.
  • Align to line up typeset or other graphic material as specified, using a base or vertical line as the reference point.
  • It is based on an iterative subdivision of arcs on the scalp starting from four craniometric reference points: nasion Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Brazil, in his A Grammar of Speech (1995), points out that “to forms refer to events that are anticipated from the time reference point of another verb” and adds that this means “they always leave open the possibility that, when that time comes, the event will not actually take place”. G is for Gerund « An A-Z of ELT
  • Lee's case will be the reference point for lawyers in tomorrow's trial.
  • I will ask what we may teach one another about what we might do today and tomorrow not to repeat the bloody relationship that gave birth to Fort Hare and a South African Berlin, and gave birth to common reference points that we should all visit to understand what they did, whom we call kith and kin. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • “Because there’s no central hierarchy in evangelicalism, the NAE has provided a convenient reference point for those outside of the community for a pulse on what evangelicals are thinking,” said Lindsay, author of Faith in the Halls of Power: How Evangelicals Joined the American Elite. Top evangelical leader resigns over gay unions remarks
  • Using his photographs only as an occasional reference point, or to reflect a mood, Vuillard recomposed his subjects at will.
  • The track is also a major reference point for her debut album, which is awash with funky bass lines, disco synths and brass. The Sun
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