How To Use Refer In A Sentence
The new taxon is named Gamerabaena, and the authors note, under etymology, "'Gamera refers to the fictional, firebreathing turtle from the 1965 movie Gamera, in allusion to his fire-breathing capabilities and the Hell Creek Formation ...
"Look at everything around us. Look at everything we've done."
She was carrying her overnight case and a basket of dried flowers-statice, strawflower, and immortelle in the pastel colors referred to in seed catalogues as "art shades": fawn, apricot, mauve, and pale yellow.
Which of them will prefer football and which the ant nest, we'll have to wait and see.
Mass culture is supposedly a leveler and globalizer - by definition, we all share mass cultural references.
A bit of background about me - I do hardware, firmware, and driver development by profession, so I think I'm qualified to provide a guess as to what and where it went wrong: for any computer, there's the initial "bootloader," which is what we commonly refer to as
Discussions: Message List - root
Referring to some of the songs of that year, it complained that ‘some fellow gets shot, and his baby and his best friend both die with him, and some cat's crying or ready to die’.
Lee's debut on the Xbox does not resemble a dragon, but prefers to plod along like a sloth, short on all the crucial fronts, lazily bumbling along everywhere else.
The authors of the second paper admit that “other variables … influence the binding avidity (preference), such as type of SA (sialic acid of the receptor site) and glycosylation and sialylation of the hemagglutinin close to the receptor binding site. †These factors all vary obviously and there are other variables in the equation as well including the status of specific areas of the immune system.
Think Progress » An Inconvenient Truth and An Intolerable Summer
Croi from time immemorial had been renowned for its devout and strict observance of papistic rites and ceremonies; the Counts of Nassau had gone over to the new sect -- sufficient reasons why Philip of Croi, Duke of Arschot, should prefer a party which placed him the most decidedly in opposition to the Prince of Orange.
History of the Revolt of the Netherlands — Volume 02
Both names are unobjectionable, but as the term Caddo has priority by a few pages preference is given to it.
Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1885-1886, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1891
I prefer men to women.
Unions and managers are now referring to the stand-off as ‘class war in the classroom’.
None of the fathers' job descriptions given on the birth certificate referred to work at a nuclear establishment.
Another trend referred to two related areas – increased user-centeredness and increased inter-disciplinarity.
Archive 2008-02-01
Some find it repugnant, others see them as casualties in an undeclared war that is greatly preferable to the alternative of full-scale conflict.
Times, Sunday Times
Would you like an aisle seat or would you prefer to be by the window?
I can find no legitimate references to the use of metallic, inorganic, or organic silver compounds as a sanitizer, disinfectant, or sterilizing agent. quaternary ammonium chloride compounds - Mixtures of compounds such as alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride, didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride, dioctyl dimethyl ammonium chloride, and octyl decyl dimethyl ammonium chloride are very commonly used as surface sanitizer; if you look at your household cleaners that claim disinfecting properties, there's a high percentage chance that you'll find a "quat".
Question ;Microdyne
Unless you're willing to bone up on the subject, you're better off to assess his technical ability by asking for references and checking them out.
These positions are frequently referred to respectively as objectivism and constructionism.
Some people prefer a single syllable such as "peace", as it is easier to chant.
Coping with Stress at Work
This also suggests that this deity was first adopted by the tradition of the monastery of Sa-gya, [26] a hypothesis further confirmed by the reference in the founding myth to his being taken over by the holder of the Sa-gya throne So-nam-rin-chen (bsod nams rin chen).
The Shugden Affair: Origins of a Controversy (Part I)
Their preferences ultimately shaped the place of worship that Warren built, and the result of that consumer-driven approach to creating Saddleback is a deliberately contemporary, highly professionalized operation with a carefully orchestrated feel-good atmosphere.
American Grace
The referee said I was a liar and a cheat, but my foot was injured at that time.
Guardian International correspondent Jonathan Steele called Bush's and Blair's denial of the horrors attending the Iraq civil war "Panglossian" - referring to the ever optimistic Dr. Pangloss of Voltaire's novel Candide who, at every disaster, proclaims that ours is the best of all possible worlds.
Surge to Purge: The 80% Solution in Iraq
I'm not sure what Laurie from Manly Dorm might be referring to as hate mongering (although I see that talking about secession is divisive), but I'd like to point out it's not hateful to say the Bush administration is antidemocratic, plutocratic and militarily adventuristic.
American Coastopia!
Now, moreover, with the nation in an economic downturn, is not the time to assert the urgency of passing referendum legislation.
You could be surprised by which one you prefer.
Times, Sunday Times
But on the gender front, the sex ratio among children up to age 6 dropped to 914 girls for each 1,000 boys from 927 a decade ago, showing that female foeticide continues to be a widespread practice because of a traditional preference in some communities for boys.
India Passes 1.2 Billion Mark
The gambier plant is propagated either by seeds or cuttings, but the latter are preferred.
The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
The results showed that cumulative OP exposure from about two-dozen foods often exceeded a child's acceptable Reference Dose (RfD).
Brief introduction of the quality manual for terms related to the exclusions and compliance, process description conformity, whether the reference program file.
Concentrate on one airline: Very frequent flyers get more free upgrades, often pay less to buy upgrades, and get preferred treatment on standby upgrade lists.
It was resolved that the matter be referred to a higher authority.
Windsor and colleagues have referred to these as service demands or wants or as perceived or felt needs.
An Introduction to Community Health
The group rapidly bypassed disciplinary differences to focus on a common set of preferred aptitudes and abilities associated with critical thinking, reading, and writing.
He has apologised for critical remarks he made about the referee.
Keep the list of numbers near the phone for easy reference.
By then though, it was too late and the story had been twisted so far out of recognition that the forced references to things like Namek, Oozaru, and Roshi's pervertedness just seemed out of place and stupid.
Anime Nano!
A strong academic background, preferably an advanced degree in a relevant discipline.
The "smart" in "smart underwear" refers to the fact that the printed sensors will be incorporated into logic-based biocomputing systems that will monitor biomarkers found in human sweat and tears, make autonomous diagnoses, and administer drugs. - latest science and technology news stories
This can be very important since some fish will inhabit silty area in preference to hard bottoms.
These central lines of your grid will be reference points against which you position the elements of your landscape.
Learn to Draw Countryside
He comments that a patient might talk of a "shiner" whereas a doctor (holy of holies) would speak of a "periorbital ecchymosis," which is true only if you could imagine a doctor referring to cephalalgia instead of a headache or odontalgia instead of a toothache.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol III No 1
Rather than a traditional neoliberal who tries to extol the virtues of trade, he prefers to just ignore its impact entirely.
Matthew Yglesias » The Case for Ever-Bigger Government
Robert Dossie described three categories of watercolor painting — miniature, the most delicate; distemper, which is coarser, uses less expensive colors in a glue or casein binder, and is appropriate for canvas hangings, ceilings, and other interior decorative painting purposes; and fresco. reference As a technique practiced by the Romans, fresco painting was a subject of particularly interest in the antiquity-obsessed eighteenth-century.
The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
Their feet clattered over the faux marble floor past the reference desk towards the closet.
Russia may still prefer to stay neutral in the bloody conflict with Iraq.
The left side of the fairway is preferred, short of three bunkers that stretch across at 328 yards. - Open history at St. George's plus a hole-by-hole glance
In the early 1980s, the term telepresence was coined to refer to the use of remote control and the feedback of sensory information to produce the impression of being in another place, an idea which is now part of virtual reality.
Some of those nearest to him fell naturally into the habit of referring to him as “the King,” and in time the title crept out of the immediate household and was taken up by others who loved him.
Mark Twain: A Biography
Apparently the section cannot adequately host the interests of both angling and boating fraternities and the boaters have taken preference.
[12] The original reference to experience from which the meaning of the term astronavigation should be derived is not essentially "space-travel," but forms of transoceanic navigation which take into account the effects specific to changes in specific astronomical experiences, from fixed to variable, which are relevant to transoceanic navigation within what had appeared, initially, as a permanently fixed set of changes within the ordering of the planets or specifically stellar phenomena.
LaRouche's Latest
Whereas the British want to see children's faces light up with joy, those foreign johnnies prefer to scare the living daylights out of them.
This initially meant they were loath to adopt a reportage style, preferring empty streets and unobscured buildings, with people represented only to provide an area of scale or as pure portraiture.
The council's housing panel is expected to refer a 3.88 per cent rent rise to the authority's ruling executive for approval when it meets next Monday.
An autopsy today found the cause of Hammerdorfer's death was cardiomegaly and biventricular hypertrophy, which refers to an enlarged heart and enlarged ventricles.
ABC News: Top Stories
Phoenix, for so Peter had dubbed the haggard in memory of his and Jenny's first discussion of the bennu hieroglyph in the Egyptian Museum, had known the ecstasy of freedom and had a look about her that definitely said she preferred the wild to captivity.
From This Beloved Hour
The numbers above the lanes refer to sampling day (days after defoliation).
Spain blockaded Gibraltar for most of the last third of the 20th century (they gave up in 1984) and when the Blair government in Britain negotiated a co-dominium with Spain in 2002, but the locals had to be consulted, and the referendum rejected the proposal by 17,900 to 187.
Eric Lurio: Thoughts on a Gibraltar Street Fair
Reference: "Effect of ozonolysis on bioconversion of miscanthus to bioethanol".
RedOrbit News - Technology
You know how sometimes SF/Fantasy is referred to as "speculative fiction", in an attempt to encompass all types of non-realistic fiction, and also to avoid the stigma of genrefication?
Clinicians should refer cocaine-exposed children to early intervention services to attenuate long-term effects.
Iran has refused to discuss the allegations of weapons experiments for three years, saying they are based on "fabricated documents" provided by a "few arrogant countries," a term Iranian authorities often use to refer to the United States and its allies.
NYT > Home Page
In that case, the physicians argued that the trial judge had erred in preferring one responsible body of professional opinion to another.
Obj. 2: Further, filiation, which is said of a man as being the son of someone, his father or his mother, depends, in a way, on him: because the very being of a relation consists _in being referred to another; _ wherefore if one of two relatives be destroyed, the other is destroyed also.
Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
Given the distance, most people tend not to import goods, preferring to furnish their properties in the local style.
And I won't venture a guess as to how many customers will be as thrilled about the integrated air ionizer as to prefer this model to others…
I prefer the term reachable in the context of EE though simply because the common distinction between first set and follow set is not so important in Trail.
Planet Python
He was a strong supporter of the doctrine of papal infallibility and he drew up a postulatum in which he favoured a definition by implication in preference to an explicit affirmation of the dogma.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
Up until the 1920s, in the mountain ranges of Westmoreland and south into Fayette, many small farmers subsisted on bear meat, preferable to venison, and considered by many to be juicier and better than beef.
One of the hospitals said that some of the people that had stuff either left or accidentally placed inside them became 'unwell' as a result, but it is not known to which objects, or patients, they were referring. : Spoof News : Front Page
One should not marry bilateral kin up to the second degree of collaterality; spouses beyond the fourth degree of collaterality are preferred.
When they start in on showing you a parade of verses so vague that they could mean anything, point out that the word "abortion" does not occur anywhere in that verse and ask them to show you something clearer, a specific reference to abortion or a single use of the word anyplace in the book. Main RSS Feed
Tell Transportation I want the largest vehicle they have with four-wheel drive, preferably a step-up maxi-van.
However, he added that it was preferable to finding major problems with the home after completion.
So much the better if you have a cache of slightly obscure references that you can dispense, especially if these bear only tangential relationship to what you are discussing.
The Company's flagship product, the Sharps Disposal by Mail System (R), is a cost-effective and easy-to-use solution to dispose of medical waste such as hypodermic needles, lancets and any other medical device or objects used to puncture or lacerate the skin (referred to as "sharps").
It also reveals a preference for debt over equity as a means of providing external funding.
Opening this file. html from Seamonkey or from Firefox browsers hold only text and a text reference ole0. bmp, that is no image visible.
You have not chosen to particularise what defects and dilapidations you refer to.
He prefers to purge children of demons by making them take laxatives and emetics.
Table 10.1 illustrates this with reference to revenue expenditure on basic services by the ten district councils in the Greater Manchester area in 1987/8.
He is a slightly possessed, haunted, eccentric man; his enemies prefer to say ' insane '.
The industry is highly vertically integrated, with poultry production companies (known as integrators) contracting with farmers (referred to as growers) to raise the birds prior to slaughter Number of broilers and other meat-type chickens sold in the United States, 2007 (Source: USDA Census of Agriculture, 2007).
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
There is no reference to the recent critical analyses of management use of, and employee resistance to, the mobilization of feelings.
It was Adam Smith, interestingly, who first used industry to refer to manufacturing and other productive activities.
He dresses in half-mourning always, and never wears any jewelry, but strictly shuns all society, and prefers uncivilized regions.
He spent some time expressing his preference, for tactical reasons, for smaller neutron bombs before developing his argument.
They are only preparing them for the preferential treatment awaiting them when they become hardened criminals in modern jails.
The Sun
Note 23: See change in terminology from "pencions" to "revenues" in registers referring to the performance of princesses 'Henrician bequest back
From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
Fujiwara's fictional art-market foundation is pointedly pre-Christian; he wants, he suggests, to reference a period before art was required to be "transcendental" or "moral" and link it to its strictly "commercialised" roots.
Frieze art fair 2010 – review
Or maybe the stories that become "engrained" do so because they satisfy some inner preference?
Serendip's Exchange
Their cunning plan was to turn the by-election into a referendum on the EU.
Times, Sunday Times
PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: Well, Lou, a senior defense official tells CNN that that consideration of using helicopters to rescue Americans would happen only if the Americans could not move over land to the seaport, which is the preferred option to get all the Americans out of Lebanon.
CNN Transcript Jul 19, 2006
If you think a reference is being made to the Bible, you can use a concordance to the Bible.
When you hear the terms imam and ayatollah, these refer to Shiite religious leaders.
CNN Transcript Nov 24, 2006
A recent television program on Siamese twins demonstrated how a pair of joined, genetically identical humans had different preferences and quite distinct wills and spirits.
My family has not forgiven me yet, but perhaps if I make these, that will smooth things over! why so much baking soda? browning effect? because there's not that much molasses (acid). and it's only 4 cups flour. somebody enlighten me! oh and for your molasses question - depends if you want the stronger molasses flavor. robust is probably what is more commonly referred to as blackstrap molasses. the light stuff I think tastes too light for something like a ginger cookie, I think. and given there's only 1/2C of molasses in this recipe to go along with 2 C of regular sugar, I'd def say go for the robust.
Jeremy Zawodny's linkblog
Manure worms (also called brandlings, red wigglers, or angleworms) and red worms live in organic debris and are the preferred types for commercial bait production and composting.
EU Referendum: Saddam "the federator of Europe" skip to main | skip to sidebar
Saddam "the federator of Europe"
On Nov. 17, Havel broadcast his proposed amendments to the referendum law and the existing Constitution.
No referring to hair gel, pomade or grease as ‘product’.
Maybe the cowboy in us prefers the saloon tart to the civilizing schoolmarm.
We can certainly prefer not carrying endless scuttles of coal up from the cellar.
Still, the SNP are understandably cock-a-hoop and, again unsurprisingly, SNP bloggers are urging the party on to 2010 and their plans for an independence referendum.
The View from the North
With referees now bringing the ball forward for indiscipline, mouthy players can cost their team a game, not to mind risking a yellow card and even a sending off.
Answer guide: The relevant range of activity refers to the level of activity the firm has experienced in past accounting periods.
We only hope that the red card will be rescinded when the referee sees the video.
Times, Sunday Times
Mr. Weber is not a moralist and does not claim that, by preferring Tchaikovsky to, say, the current-day atonalist Charles Wuorinen, we are philistines or reactionaries.
That Melody Sounds Familiar
Conclusions obtained have certain referential value for parameters adjustment.
The future of the referendum was in doubt last night as the Tánaiste signalled it would not go ahead without broad support.
Cristalhombre wrote me asking for further references on "foodie" places at Lakeside after my review of the wonderful Tabarka Restaurant featuring splendid Spanish Mediterranean seafood from the Alicante Region and I told him I knew of few places that met those standards at Lakeside but Dawg has just discovered another place that is new and special beyond belief so here goes:
Cuisine From The Costa Blanca
But a new study has found foetuses showing a preference for one side over the other usually retain it when after they are born.
Inspection" means that the Frontier Health and Quarantine Organ( hereinafter referred to as the" Health and Quarantine Organ") carries out medical inspection and sanitary inspection.
It forced it to consider more carefully the preferences of the average viewer, to become more responsive to viewers.
The Media in Britain Today
Pins that are used to penetrate hairpieces or wigs are often referred to as T-pin or wig hair pins.
Smooth, like a Rhapsody: ... what, Manju, no gerbil reference?
The Volokh Conspiracy » Prosecution for Insulting Religion — This Time, Buddhism
Weez she prefer chorizo to liver I wonderin how this one feel Blood T said but then shushed.
Internet use refers to Internet user status (coded as 1 = nonuser, 2 = user) rather than the type of Internet use (ie, frequency).
Journal of Medical Internet Research
But coach Gregg Williams prefers quickness over excess girth in the middle of his defense.
Kevin Pratt, marketing manager of Cheapflights, the flight comparison website, prefers a brown leather over-the-shoulder man-bag.
Briefcases are the new suspenders | clusterflock
The aim of this thesis is to present a new strategy of fitting offset to adjust time in order to achieve the effective synchronization between slave nod and reference node.
The Shakespeare Garden is planted with herbs referred to by Shakespeare in his plays, including mint, camomile, marjoram and lavender.
For example, while acknowledging that Whitney wants us to worship religious monuments and funerary traditions, we may wonder which Church he is referring to.
Fashanu will give Jones, who he believes is one of soccer's most misunderstood men, a glowing character reference.
Referred to simply as the Gothic Cruise (for brevity), this cruise is for fans of goth and industrial music and has been held annually for the past 15 years.
Twilight Lexicon » Go Cruising Vampire Style
Also, I have this weird need to be the bendiest and stretchiest in class, and to have the teachers notice and comment on said bendy-stretchiness, preferably where other people can hear.
The right to initiate local and national referenda.
Times, Sunday Times
I prefer to use a knife and fork.
A corollary to Godwin's Law, and as much of a thread quasher, must be hyperbolic reference to Mandela, Apartheid or the effectiveness / appropriateness of the anti-apartheid movement. - Comments
The index is good but the references do not provide easy access to the research literature.
A focus on texts and their position in all kinds of Italian secular vocal music of the time leads to a rather wordy book not very easy to follow in its layout, especially when a music example precedes its reference.
I am "unbothered" by the "lack of judgment" that you refer to because I don't see it as a lack of judgment.
Obama Issues New Orders On Afghanistan
People with cluster headaches tend to pace around; whereas those with migraine prefer to lie down or sleep.
Alternative Health Care for Women
Nevertheless, in terms of the rights which attach, redeemable preference shares are more akin to debt than shares.
But when she was questioned later, she said she believed they were referring to the Friday night and not the Saturday night when her friend was glassed.
Trophy hunters typically prefer to bag " prizes " with their own weapons.
It also referred to what it called "extraordinarily challenging world-wide economic conditions" and higher raw material prices.
BBC News - Home
Preferring light shade and slightly damp soil, this evergreen form sends out new growth annually from the base of the plant.
Certainly there have been powerful nonviolent movements in which strikes, work stoppages, non-cooperation, and massive civil disobedience have been effective without any religious or moral reference.
Is it more truly democratic to hold a referendum?
One, they should circumscribe the role of the ombudsman, preferably to higher levels of government, and focus on increasing transparency.
Getting a Grip on Indian Corruption
To specify hard disks, use -hda, -hdb, -hdc, and -hdd to refer to Parallel ATA (PATA) hard disks, and -cdrom to identify a CD or DVD image file or device.
As developmental paediatrician to a neonatal referral centre she followed many low birthweight children with great skill.
In the following example, Spring would pass a reference to the Spring-managed object with a bean name of "dataSource" to the annotated setter method.
The main thoroughfare there is Midsummer Boulevard, or H6, if you prefer the totalitarian grid system peculiar to the area.
Rather like the “netless” in The Octagonal Raven, I just prefer to be able to choose my exposure to the rest of the world rather than have it chosen for me.
Reality or Perception? « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
He knew some members of the congregation, including the president, grew restive during his discourse, and would have preferred a more oratorical, hortative style, but he felt his type of sermon was more in keeping with his basic function of teacher, implicit in the word "rabbi.
Saturday the Rabbi Went Hungry
We preferred to forage on grassy plains dotted with copses of trees because they offered protection from predators, which we could easily spot as they crept up on us in the short grass.
You must be referring to yourself as a progressive in order to mock progressives, deucedly clever of you.
Think Progress » Rep. Tom Perriello Tells ‘Spineless’ Senate To Get ‘Its Head Out Of Its Rear End’ And Confront Climate Crisis
When referring to the disease, Galen accepts that the term belongs to 'other writers'.
'Diabetes' as described by Byzantine writers from the fourth to the ninth century
In the early part of the twentieth century, the B.V.D. brand of men's underwear (notable for its front buttons and back flaps) so dominated the marketplace that 'BVDs' became a general term used to refer to any brand of similar product (i.e., lightweight, one-piece long underwear for men), and eventually to all types and brands of men's underwear as well.
New Urban Legends
This was referred to as ‘adoption’ and was distinct from binding them to labor for a master under indenture.
Originally, the term referred to the rededication of the purified Temple after the Maccabees' stunning military victory.
The Meaning of Hanukkah
If the Trips,” she said, referring to her triplet grandchildren, “hadn’t brought you here that special Christmas almost three years ago, I might never have gotten to know you.
Family Blessings
Although the entire cut is referred to as the tapa, this term is also used for the top of the cut, source of rump roast.
Choice Cut Or Mystery Meat? A Guide To Mexican Butcher Shops: Part I - Beef
Many prefer to keep their cash as long as possible rather than let the energy giants earn interest on it.
Times, Sunday Times
The primary significance of the words which refer to the bread seems to belong to the image of the messianic kingdom.
This loss in yearly disposable income would occur if Britain adapted a trading agreement which involved the loss of preferential trade links with the EU.
Times, Sunday Times
Whether or not it is so, it is still funny that out of all things they prefer chickweed.
Having obtained the metacentric height, reference to a diagram will at once show the whole range of stability; and this being ascertained at each loading, the stowage of the cargo can be so adjusted as to avoid excessive stiffness in the one hand and dangerous tenderness on the other.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 385, May 19, 1883
It is actually something of a challenge to locate sentences in The Structure of Evolutionary Theory that are not unwieldy, ridiculously self-referential, and grotesquely polysyllabic.
How the books (not having been chosen with reference to this great event) were of awkward sizes, and did not make comfortable paving for the bottom of the trunk; whilst folded stockings may be called the packer's delight, from their usefulness to fill up corners.
Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances
While the Kelly gang appears to have posed a genuine threat to the authority of the ruling colonials, the film prefers to focus on the adventures of the outlaws rather than an increasingly desperate establishment.
On style, I loved the "gangly" lawyer from Springfield reference and his reference to MLK as "a king.
Obama's Speech Accomplishes More Than It Appears
For observe: this love of what is called ideality or beauty in preference to truth, operates not only in making us choose the past rather than the present for our subjects, but it makes us falsify the present when we do take it for our subject.
Lectures on Architecture and Painting Delivered at Edinburgh in November 1853
In addition, packing sheet also revised today for the button placement, pls refer to attached revised tech pack.
With more than 50 million Larsson books sold world-wide, publishers scrambled to anoint his literary heir—preferably a political and prolix Scandinavian.
Tattooed by Politics
I prefer a colander, which is also good for straining spagetti though one should remove it from your head first.
Propeller Most Popular Stories
Counsel refer the judge to a number of relevant unreported cases.
The question of professional refereeing is an urgent issue that needs immediate attention.
For example, in the cemetery of St. Cyriacus two women bought from the fossor Quintus a bisomus, or double grave, retro sanctos (near a martyr's tomb), and there are several other references to this practice.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
Therefore, five 11m long cantilevers were created to allow the total number of dwellings to reach 100 while keeping to the planners’ preferred footprint.
Ola also claimed certain couples get preferential treatment when it comes to routines and song choices.
The Sun
Things like that John Byrne referred to as barnacles that needed scraping off when it came time to revamp Superman in the 80s.
Doghouse of Solitude.
Solus solitudine ego ted atque ab egestate abstuli; solus si ductem, referre gratiam numquam potes.
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
Compare and contrast with The Daily Telegraph leader, headed: "We won't be fooled out of our referendum" – "bamboozled" in the print edition.
Archive 2007-06-01
It is also preferable that these vents be covered with screens, rather than louvers, to provide unrestricted air flow.
Competitors danced the Highland fling, the sword dance, the sean triubhais, the Highland reel, the sailors' hornpipe, the Irish Jig and other dances, preferably to the music of the bagpipe.
The documents were eventually scanned into a computer for cross-referencing.
A Spanish word, caudillo is derived from the Latin capitellum or small head, and refers to a military or political leader.
The Cult of the Caudillo
It is perhaps correct to say that Moses actually was descended from Levi, and that the later significance of the name Levite is to be explained by reference to him.
This dictionary is an invaluable reference tool for advanced learners.
By sending a thank you letter to anyone who refers a customer to you, you've not only shown your appreciation, but you've made a statement about the way you do business.
The move will trigger another referendum on the issue.
Times, Sunday Times
The plants should be grown in a sunny or partially shaded spot and prefer a fertile, moist but well-drained soil.
Times, Sunday Times
I prefer film camera to shoot night pictures with long exposure and low light.
[102] Sallust might have said _hujus imperii_, but he prefers the dative, which is a dativus incommodi.
C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
Some tutors attempt the _suaviter in modo_, my schoolmaster preferred the _fortiter in re_; and, as the boatswain said, by the "instigation" of a large knotted stick, he drove knowledge into our skulls as a caulker drives oakum into the seams of
Frank Mildmay Or, The Naval Officer
The former, in relation to a thing as being in the number of entities; (2.) the latter, in reference to something inherng in a thing, being present with it or one of its circumstantials -- or in reference to a thing as producing something else, or as being produced by some other -- and if there be any other affections and relations of things among themselves.
The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 1
He preferred to watch, unobserved, the street life of the city from a hole in his prison wall, than to smoke cheroots and talk politics with his fellow prisoners.
This non-automatic numbering has the advantage that if a text refers to the numbers, insertion or deletion of an item does not disturb the correspondence.
But most guests prefer a more active role on the ranch: herding cattle from one pasture to another, rounding up strays, and learning team penning, roping, or cutting.
Optical radiation may cause chemical changes in living or non-living materials: this property is called actinism and radiation capable of causing such changes is referred to as actinic radiation.
True, Olbermann and Patrick would also make plenty of references to pop culture, but the references came across as charmingly haughty, as if the anchormen were showing us that they had interests that extended beyond the court or field.
The Enthusiast
The donor prefers to remain anonymous.
I was briefly ruffled, because few things are held as closely and protectively as one's musical preferences.
He was petulant all day and was earlier booked for mouthing-off at the referee.
If any of the two terms of an affirmative categorical is "empty", then the term in question refers to nothing.
The first uses what AirTight now alternately refers to as a "vulnerability" or a "limitation" in the 802.11 specification: a shared encryption key called the group temporal key (GTK), shared by all clients connected to the same access point, can't detect an address spoofing attempt (the pairwise keys, which are used to scramble data between a given client and the access point, can).
AirTight defends Wi-Fi WPA2 'vulnerability' claim