
How To Use Reciprocate In A Sentence

  • True Christianity is about judgment, atonement and forgiveness and NOT unreciprocated outreach contrary to what the beardie-weirdie and his acolytes might say. How Do Y0u Solve A Problem Like Sharia
  • Patrons remained in the superior social position, even if they failed to reciprocate their clients' public bestowals of loyalty and honor.
  • Casey blushed, her hands full, not being able to reciprocate, but grinning as much as her anyway.
  • The cause of the separation is thought to be his unreciprocated desire to have children.
  • In a town that is repeatedly transformed by professional churn and the fight of the week, day or hour, Aly harked back to an era when loyalty was inspired and reciprocated, and institutional memory - even in the green room - was prized. The man who would greet 'The Press'
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  • He reciprocated the embrace, rocking her gently as he pressed kisses into her hair.
  • Meggie saw it as a chance to reciprocate for those lonely Queensland years, and Anne saw it as salvation. THE THORN BIRDS
  • The story line is fast-paced from the moment Ian knows who Chantal is, but though she reciprocates struggles to persuade her they belong together. Mystic Rider-Patricia Rice « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • She couldn't possibly struggle, she knew, or she'd jeopardize her intent there, and her passiveness was mistaken by Alex to be reciprocated passion.
  • Although people typically disdain thinking about close relationships in exchange terms, partners often do reciprocate favors and kindnesses toward each other.
  • Although she did not reciprocate his feelings, she did not discourage him.
  • It was a hopeless love that could not possibly be reciprocated.
  • A feeling which had most definitely not been reciprocated, she realised as she recalled with clarity the forbidding set of his shoulders as he had stridden away. Consultant Care
  • Table I shows the concordance between the children's Nominated Friends, Reciprocated Friends, and Corroborated Friends.
  • They make us believe that they reciprocate our loyalty and friendship.
  • If romantic interest is reciprocated, young men and young women will visit surreptitiously at night under the cover of darkness.
  • New Englanders despised New Yorkers who reciprocated the sentiment, and neither felt much affinity for the patrician Virginians or the farmers of the Carolinas and Georgia.
  • He offered her a conspiratorial smile that she didn't reciprocate. CHAMELEON
  • Because she then realized that her husband was madly in love with another woman, and that his love was reciprocated.
  • The old man bowed, a gesture which was reciprocated by both newcomers.
  • All this love Kissinger spent on journalists did not go unreciprocated, as we now learn from the transcripts of his telephone conversations his secretaries and aides made in secret for Kissinger while listening in on another phone.
  • That she did not reciprocate Alain's depth of feeling was further proof of her own shoddiness. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • Those gestures were reciprocated and negotiations ensued.
  • What I did was to reciprocate the gesture he made to me.
  • A person might feel suspicious when you hand him a flower, for example, because he might think you're trying to invoke the very strong psychological phenomenon of "reciprocation": When someone gives you something or does something for you, you feel you must reciprocate. Slate Magazine
  • Her affection was reciprocated without hesitation.
  • We invited them to dinner and a week later they reciprocated.
  • In the telephone interaction presented below, the strangers begin by exchanging offers, followed by the seller offering repeated and unreciprocated concessions.
  • We always invite the neighbors and they never reciprocate!
  • The private donors on whom civic authorities had largely relied were always to a substantial extent local worthies who served on their councils and were expected to reciprocate local honour with generosity.
  • When ministers start judging the public by what they do with their spare time, the interest is often reciprocated.
  • It is not possible to reciprocate a purely passive or mechanical or insentient conglomeration of objects.
  • McLaren - having first joined forces with the Surrey-based outfit as an eleven-year-old karter all the way back in 1996, and having to all intents and purposes made the team his own since graduating to the grand prix grid three years ago - he will need to reciprocate Button's open approach rather than single-handedly focussing upon personal glory. Crash.Net Motorsports Newsfeed
  • Nevertheless, the book contains some salutary warnings about unreciprocated pluralist attitudes of liberals towards religion.
  • This first grandchild was to be her enduring favourite, and the devotion was reciprocated.
  • This removable component not only provides full-length rails on which the slide reciprocates, but also contains the trigger mechanism, safety and sear.
  • I reciprocated and started undoing various buttons, zips and straps.
  • Tried and true networkers can attest to good deeds being reciprocated.
  • In order for the altruist not to be exploited by non-reciprocaters, it would be expected that reciprocal altruism can only exist in the co-presence of mechanisms to identify and punish "cheaters".
  • The Church reciprocated by forbidding membership in the Masons under pain of excommunication.
  • Angela's writing, however, unread and unreciprocated, enables her to express, understand, and survive her loneliness.
  • He also discusses the well-known phenomenon of using one's friends to find out if one's interest is reciprocated by the object of one's affection.
  • There are all the brother bloggers who have been kind enough to extend an unreciprocated link and can now be repaid in full and a few others as well.
  • Marcus reciprocated the farewell gesture by slightly nodding his head and slowly blinking his large, intelligent eyes.
  • When the love isn't reciprocated, the man has a breakdown of sorts and sells pictures of her smoking heroin to a newspaper, and there's a bit of a fight that we don't see.
  • But when his love was not reciprocated he turned from admirer to stalker, Harrogate magistrates were told.
  • They also described reciprocated friendships more positively than unreciprocated ones.
  • First an apology - I have a number of new blogs linking to me, and I haven't yet reciprocated nor given their blogs a quick one-line review, as is my wont.
  • Eduardo loves his son and that love is very clearly reciprocated.
  • Trent reciprocated her embrace, lacing his arms around her waist and lifting her up against him.
  • The representatives of both sides reciprocated formal expressions of goodwill.
  • Will those who claim to represent the Hindu populace reciprocate the gesture?
  • My far-flung net of significant others helps me to find meaning and purpose in a random and chancy world, and I hope I reciprocate to some degree.
  • It wasn't his fault my yet-to-be-rationalized feelings were unreciprocated.
  • We always invite the neighbors and they never reciprocate!
  • It is not possible to reciprocate a purely passive or mechanical or insentient conglomeration of objects.
  • Twain immortalized Hannibal, and Hannibal is happy to reciprocate. Mark Twain's celebrated Missouri hometown is jumping again
  • Although people typically disdain thinking about close relationships in exchange terms, partners often do reciprocate favors and kindnesses toward each other.
  • We hope to be able to reciprocate your good offices on a similar occasion.
  • Yes, I do contact the other mother by phone just to say ‘hello,’ but she never reciprocates the gesture.
  • They tried to reciprocate by making Tresillian available to anyone who wanted to come, and anyone who wanted to bring friends. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • The rationale of the exercise was that if man performed the sacrificial rituals correctly, the devas would reciprocate by performing their cosmic function in the most beneficent way.
  • He reciprocated by wishing her good luck.
  • I wasn't sure whether to laugh or to reciprocate with a remark of my own.
  • Even the book's tantalising denouement - proof that our hapless youth's feelings for Madame are not entirely unreciprocated - comes after she gets him to recite a line from Beckett's Endgame.
  • Caroline does not reciprocate his feelings, tolerating Noah at best, too concerned with her own family problems to befriend a troubled white boy.
  • He flatters, massages their egos, tells them that they are statesmen, hints at his own ability to further their careers, provided the gesture is reciprocated.
  • It was all his fault; Will had picked up on his feelings and assumed he was expected to reciprocate them.
  • When he spoke I was expected to reciprocate with some remark of my own.
  • Meggie saw it as a chance to reciprocate for those lonely Queensland years, and Anne saw it as salvation. THE THORN BIRDS
  • I had one relationship with a girl who truly loved me, but I was unable to reciprocate her love.
  • Meggie saw it as a chance to reciprocate for those lonely Queensland years, and Anne saw it as salvation. THE THORN BIRDS
  • It was a pointed gesture from the Africans, and the question now is; are we able to reciprocate their welcoming gestures and acknowledge their willingness to work with us?
  • In terms of character, although Robert takes the lead in seducing Francesca, his longing is reciprocated throughout.
  • I wasn't sure whether to laugh or to reciprocate with a remark of my own.
  • Lopez is clearly a gifted teacher who has earned and reciprocated the love of his students.
  • To be true to their own interests they must be false to those of their constituents, for with a lobby backed by THE MONEYED RINGS, corporations and syndicates, emolument is theirs if they will but reciprocate. Laws Direct from Voters
  • Oh, and the thing we can't figure out is how to reciprocate-buddy people who have buddied us. We Will Be Your Occasional NaNoWriMo Browbeating Motivator
  • That she did not reciprocate Alain's depth of feeling was further proof of her own shoddiness. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • Learn to respect and reciprocate small gestures of concern, kindness, compassion and humanity.
  • All customs and immigration officials we met smiled at Rebecca (who usually reciprocated) and stamped our passports with a happy mien.
  • Drifting down the river in silence, the lovers indulge, by velar and glottal tension as well as ethical laxity, in a "grave untiring gaze" of reciprocated desire that seems released from the phonemic chiasm of "solitude" and Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • People there are in no mood for demands for more aid and investment while earlier gestures have gone largely unreciprocated.
  • This suggests that therapeutic venting on the internet to a faceless audience in an unreciprocated bid for attention and emotional support is unlikely to help, and may well make things worse.
  • the engine reciprocates the propeller
  • Bates is intense as the lonely homosexual whose obsessive selfless love is only reciprocated by a dumb animal.
  • I reached into my pocket and hunted for something to reciprocate.
  • I do not thrive on reviews but I do appreciate them and quite often reciprocate the favor.
  • Acutely conscious that ‘vast numbers of people, by settling in Chicago, had given immense value to the Peck estate,’ he worked hard to reciprocate by promoting philanthropic and workingmen's associations.
  • He offered her a conspiratorial smile that she didn't reciprocate. CHAMELEON
  • The feeling was not reciprocated and Nicole felt like crying when she realized it.
  • She reciprocated his embrace, crying silently.
  • Marcus reciprocated the farewell gesture by slightly nodding his head and slowly blinking his large, intelligent eyes.
  • I think it may have been the case that Mr Smith was committed to the claimant and wanted to live with her but I am not satisfied that this wish was reciprocated by Miss King.
  • They expected the generosity to be reciprocated.
  • That she did not reciprocate Alain's depth of feeling was further proof of her own shoddiness. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • Marcel's friend Baron de Charlus develops an unreciprocated desire for him, but Marcel loves Albertine, who breaks his heart.
  • During the first chance meeting Osborne has alleged that Mandy "dripped pure poison" about Gordon Brown, while friends of Peter Mandelson have alleged that at the same meeting Osborne reciprocated with his own poison about Liam "little shit" Fox and William "slaphead The Daily Pundit
  • The director, instead, directs the audience, exercising a temporary but unlimited right to unimpeded, unreciprocated intimacy with the endless rows of anonymous seated bodies that make up his mass audience.
  • They tried to reciprocate by making Tresillian available to anyone who wanted to come, and anyone who wanted to bring friends. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • Although Miss Warton did not reciprocate John's feelings, she did nothing to discourage them.
  • Tom loves Iola, but does not expect his feelings to be reciprocated because he recognizes that he is not of her class or world.
  • Her passion for him was not reciprocated.
  • Unfortunately, his feelings were unreciprocated, and Mrs. McKensey had been politely fending off his amorous advances ever since.
  • The guest reciprocates the gesture by drinking the whisky from the quaich and thus expressing his bond of friendship to the host. Cup of Friendship
  • The representatives of both sides reciprocated formal expressions of goodwill.
  • This would include the acceptance of a two-state solution, recognition of Israel, and a long-term cease-fire by Hamas if reciprocated by Israel. Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
  • Of course, her love for him is unreciprocated, as he toys with her heart and then leaves her, quickly tiring of her infantilism and naïveté.
  • When he spoke I was expected to reciprocate with some remark of my own.
  • This is starting to form a divide in our relationship - he still desires me sexually and is understandably hurt when I don't reciprocate.
  • But it's frustrating to harbor an unreciprocated crush.
  • You might be left empty or whole, but you're not dead from unreciprocated romantic love.
  • The tragedy of love is not (what it is thought to be) the unreciprocated love, but the meagerly returned love. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • The daughter, who has inherited her mother's sensibilities as well as her appearance, reciprocates Pierre's love for her.
  • I wasn't sure whether to laugh or to reciprocate with a remark of my own.
  • Filipinos avoid people who do not reciprocate a favour.
  • He offered her a conspiratorial smile that she didn't reciprocate. CHAMELEON
  • Phillip buys Barry and Sean chinchilla rabbits, but Barry and Sean reciprocate with ponies, jodhpurs and black velvet jackets for Daphne and Chloe.
  • They also described reciprocated friendships more positively than unreciprocated ones.
  • The last had been his first and bitterest taste of unreciprocated love. SACRAMENT
  • Bookish tales of moral consequence and unreciprocated passion dominated the box office at about the same time indie film-making came into its own.
  • God torments man spiritually: aware of his weaknesses, he demands complete and unreciprocated love.
  • Her mother came right in, walked by with a short, unreciprocated greeting, and caught sight of the broken locks as soon as they were in her view.
  • Her “red deeps,” as she termed her tumultuous feelings, became exacerbated at Johns Hopkins, where her love for another woman was not reciprocated. Gertrude Stein.
  • New York is arguably the only city in the world whose self-regard is reciprocated across the planet.
  • In England, the staunch royalism of the reformed monasteries was reciprocated by King Edgar's support for the enhancement of clerical status through adherence to the ideals of Benedictine monasticism.
  • They tried to reciprocate by making Tresillian available to anyone who wanted to come, and anyone who wanted to bring friends. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • First, in subsequent negotiations and interactions, we can be more cognizant of the techniques that the sales people were using; "Oh, this is the 'reciprocation' technique, don't feel that you need to reciprocate. Jill Konrath - Selling to Big Companies
  • I feel that an after luncheon speaker should reciprocate as best he may and the only thing I can do, by way of reciprocation is to get on with my subject. Munitions and Common Sense
  • In March 1999, Russia unilaterally cut customs duties on some Bulgarian imports and has been expecting Bulgaria to reciprocate.
  • This was a phenomenal break for the band and they reciprocated the gesture with an astounding and memorable performance.

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