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How To Use Received In A Sentence

  • He moved to Paris in 1767, and after a couple of years had become so popular that he received regular commissions to write two or three operas a year for various theatres.
  • Patients received a conditioning regimen that consisted of total body irradiation (1375 cGy in 11 fractions) with partial lung shielding, thiotepa (10 mg/kg), cyclophosphamide (120 mg/kg), and rabbit antithymocyte globulin (1.5 mg/kg). EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Thousands of animists joined the Church in 2000 and 1000 adult catechumens are scheduled to be received this Easter.
  • Each casemate mounted a three-gun battery of either 100mm or 150mm, and the southern side received additional cover from a detached fort mounting three 100mm gun turrets. Steel Victory
  • He received his award for service to the preservation and documentation of Australia's naval history and maritime heritage.
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  • Incident energy: Total arc energy, both radiant and convective, that is actually received per unit area, in calories per square centimeter. CSE - Top Articles
  • Entry forms for the forthcoming Community Games should have been received by now.
  • He has received several teaching awards, as well as the unprecedented award of being ‘the most quotable professor’ by MathSoc.
  • He had just received my check and was apoplectic with rage, declaring he never wanted to see or have anything to do with ‘that woman’ - meaning me - again.
  • Mediterranean to look out for a French and Spanish squadron, which had been on the coast of Portugal, but returned to Ferrol --- I received all your letters by the Turkish corvette, which is arrived at Messina. The Life of the Right Honourable Horatio Lord Viscount Nelson, Volume 2
  • Did we miscalculate how we would be treated and received in Iraq?
  • In addition, experimental flowers that matured a fruit (and therefore received a visit) had significantly larger corollas compared with corollas of flowers that did not initiate a fruit.
  • Received telemetry data confirmed the initial phases of the mission to be nominal.
  • To date, American Suzuki has received two reports of flame arrester screens detaching from the mounting ring. Product Recalls For The Week of July 3-10, 2010 | myFiveBest
  • We received no response and resent the message on September 20.
  • There's a reason that those invites a fortunate few received, allowing them to attend the après-opening private reception at the latest, greatest Place To Be, the Feral Cheerleader, are tinctured with a hue you cannot find at Sherwin-Williams. James Scarborough: "Stay Free© or Die: The Menstrual Hut Project," International City Bungalow Gallery, Long Beach, California
  • only a handful of responses were received
  • Received entomological wisdom holds that a ‘prudent’ parasite does not kill its host.
  • They had divers arsenals, or piratic harbors, as likewise watch towers and beacons, all along the sea-coast; and fleets were here received that were well manned with the finest mariners, and well served with the expertest pilots, and composed of swift sailing and light-built vessels adapted for their special purpose. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • You died near ninety, still unbelieving, unconfessed, and unreceived.
  • Last Thursday, campus officials received a bomb threat that was sent over the university e-mail system.
  • This humorous and historically accurate account was extremely well received.
  • Kind and tempting was the invitation to prolong my stay at the See House; enticing was the prospect offered me of a visit to a seigneurie on the Ottawa; and it was with very great reluctance that, after a sojourn of only one day, I left this abode of refinement and hospitality, and the valued friends who had received me with so much kindness, for a tedious journey to New The Englishwoman in America
  • Anyone proposing such a project, which in effect aims to politicize young people, is inevitably warily received and closely scrutinized.
  • Charged they were that they worshipped an ass's head; which impious folly -- first fastened on the Jews by Tacitus, Hist., lib.v. cap. 1, in these words, "Effigiem animalis, quo monstrante errorem sitimque depulerant, penetrali sacravere" (having before set out a feigned direction received by a company of asses), which he had borrowed from Apion, a railing Egyptian of Alexandria [224] -- was so ingrafted in their minds that no defensative could be allowed. The Sermons of John Owen
  • Winners will be picked from all correct answers received. Times, Sunday Times
  • From the association's secretary each member received a package of more or less gorgeous blanks, printed like a billhead, on handsome paper, properly ruled in columns; a bill-head worded something like this -- Life on the Mississippi
  • Sebastian explains that the company is working to rebroadcast its signal terrestrially, so that it can be received by less expensive mobile receivers.
  • He had received a painful kick on the knee.
  • They received invaluable technical advice from architect Colin Humphrey.
  • Chiengmai; but it was curious, even amusing, to observe the serene contempt with which the "interlopers" were received by the rival incumbents of the royal gynecium, -- especially the Laotian women, who are of a finer type and much handsomer than their Siamese sisters. The English Governess at the Siamese Court Being Recollections of Six Years in the Royal Palace at Bangkok
  • We have received a complaint from some tourists about a bear being mistreated and kept in deplorable conditions in a snake farm in Pattaya.
  • Then he received a yearlong remote assignment overseas and had to go without his family. Christianity Today
  • Participants on pay-as-you-go tariffs received £50 worth of phone credit, which they topped up prior to the week of text-message questions.
  • He states, that Mr. Hastings received for the appointment of Munny Begum to the rajahship two lacs of rupees, or about 22,000_l. _, and that he received in another gross sum one lac and a half of rupees: in all making three lac and a half, or about 36,000_l. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 10 (of 12)
  • As the two little craft pulled through the Gap, Guardian received a salute of raised paddles from the canoe, the tender lifting its oars on the gunwales for one stroke before resuming its rhythm.
  • Shortly after Joe Haldeman received a Bachelor of Science degree in astronomy from the University of Maryland, he was drafted into the army where he served (and received a Purple Heart medal) as a combat engineer in Vietnam. MIND MELD: The Funniest Writers in the History of SF/F
  • The amount each player received was based on the number of appearances made throughout the season. The Sun
  • At the meeting in Milan he received the unequivocal support of the board. Times, Sunday Times
  • The TV station has received a barrage of complaints about the amount of violence in the series.
  • No one but Mark heard it, but Mark was pretty sure he had just received a slightly cracked rib.
  • He received international recognition for his work and wrote for many scientific publications as well as the National Geographic.
  • Her masterful brush strokes and use of colour fired up many critics and curators and received immediate recognition.
  • The shooting of the policeman has received universal condemnation.
  • I haven't pitched this idea to my boss yet, but I think it will be received well.
  • To remove these difficulties, we transmit you a certified copy of an authenticated decree of the National Convention of France, of the sixteenth Pluviose, second year of the Republic; (February fifth, 1794,) which has been lately received by the Pennsylvania The Journal of Negro History, Volume 6, 1921
  • At that time, I being but eight years of age, was left in town for the convenience of education, boarded with an aunt, who was a rigid presbyterian, and confined me so closely to what she called the duties of religion, that in time I grew weary of her doctrines, and by degrees received an aversion for the good books, she daily recommended to my perusal. The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • Being that the last two No. 1 picks have received at least $30 million in guaranteed money, well, all together now: Better get it right. Guiding draft principle amid NFL's money woes: Get it right
  • The author interrupts her narrative to tell us that the idea for the book had not been well received.
  • Clacton police have received five reports from elderly people in the area who have received the disturbing letters, which claim to be from clairvoyants and demand money.
  • This "quidam," as she called him -- for his name was beneath the cognizance of an Emperor's bastard daughter -- had by her orders received rigorous and exemplary justice. PG Edition of Netherlands series — Complete
  • SSS patients received AAI , DDD or VVI mode pacemakers werefollowed - up in out - patient clinic.
  • One of the city's oldest pools, the Yeoville swimming pool, has received a sparkling, multi-toned blue mosaic facelift.
  • Winners will be picked from all correct answers received. Times, Sunday Times
  • They received a monthly salary and were charged with controlling the production process and recording the flow of tobacco leaves and products.
  • This problem, which has vexed Jewish philosophers since Philo Judaeus, had recently received elaborate treatment by Maimonides. Gersonides
  • He received a 21-month sentence, which he began serving last August.
  • Nelson received $45 million in bribe money for his State to swing his vote doesn't anyone else find this criminal and IMPEACHABLE? Huckabee compares Nelson to Judas
  • It says that patients expected less but in some ways received more. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pietrus, born on the French Caribbean island of Guadeloupe, received some treatments on his wrists from what he described as a voodoo priestess this offseason instead of having surgery on his left one. SplicedFeed
  • He became physician general to the Army in the Austrian war of succession, was appointed physician to King George III, was knighted in 1762 and later received a baronetcy.
  • Tessier has been studying religion at Saint Paul University in Ottawa and received a bursary to study English.
  • The CBE is a very prestigious honor, only a few journalists have ever received it. CNN Transcript Jun 18, 2007
  • The two hostages of the escape attempt received medals of valour and were credited by the local press for thwarting the escape.
  • No doubt that news will be received with considerable mirth in gyms throughout Britain. The Sun
  • This is a key aspect of the refugee question which has so far received inadequate attention.
  • Bags of incoming mail were received and sorted on the trolleys as they moved through the city. Smithsonian Insider
  • A photograph of her V-mail was printed in the Army magazine and received attention from the New Jersey press. Miss Yourlovin: GIs, Gender, and Domesticity during World War II
  • W. W.rdsworth is such a lazy fellow, that I bemire myself by making promises for him: the moment I received your letter, I wrote to him. Biographia Epistolaris, Volume 1.
  • Education received what stimulus limited resources would allow, particularly primary education in the departments.
  • It hosts the HMCS Trinity centre that gathers and analyses naval intelligence received from national and allied sources. Canadian Naval Officer Charged With Leaks
  • Even as home prices continued to fall industrywide and the number of new houses under construction kept sinking, Paul Saville , the chief executive of NVR Inc., received total 2010 compensation valued at nearly $31 million, according to NVR's proxy statement. NVR Pays Top Dollar
  • We received a call from the two occupants in one of the other bedsits.
  • We received another invitation to a wedding this morning.
  • In a final blow she received a text message saying that she could no longer attend cabinet meetings. Times, Sunday Times
  • She received all her clients via the phone and had a regular clientele.
  • Flacco threw a 22-yard pass to Demetrius Williams and the Titans received two personal foul penalties before Le'Ron McClain scored from the 1.
  • The less attention received by U.S. officials and policy, the less blame Chávez can off-load on Washington, and the less he can claim that America poses a threat. Doug Bandow: Defusing Venezuela's Nuclear Threat?
  • He received a religious history book as a parting gift; she was sent to an aunt in Tiverton. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hospitality - caritas - became a duty for all Christians, whether the one to whom aid was proffered or from whom it was received was a family or tribal member, or a stranger.
  • This amount of money could be supplemented by a loan received from a bank - high interest, but easily accessible as a last option.
  • She received an honorary doctorate from Oxford University in recognition of her work for the homeless.
  • The union has received formal assurances covering the time the company is in administration but wants promises beyond that era. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lálitáditya received investiture from the Chinese Emperor. The Panjab, North-West Frontier Province, and Kashmir
  • With great joy I received the announcement of Your Beatitude's election to the Patriarchal See of Alexandria for Copts and your request for Ecclesiastical Communion.
  • He received the wool in huge bales and then graded it according to length and fineness, before despatching it to the cloth-maker or dealer.
  • Otherwise, beginning on the 15th day, Natural Source Store will automatically charge your credit card or debit card a total sum of $79.99 for the South Beach Smile Deluxe Kit, which is a 1 month supply and includes: 4 syringe applicators, retainer case for storage, tongue scraper, color shade guide and an interproximal pick, which you previously received as a trial. LAist
  • The Prime Minister was received with all the traditional pomp and ceremony that is laid on for visiting heads of government.
  • Anders believes those psychic perks were partly to blame for the occasional criticism he received from other defense executives.
  • The internet has received a bad press over the past few weeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • He also received this for bowel evacuation of lead in his stool.
  • Patients received a letter from their medical facility countersigned by the project director informing them about the study and about a phone call to follow.
  • Yet her role as a social exemplar has not received due attention; for instance, her refusal to marry.
  • According to the sailor, any animal, whatever it was, would be a lawful prize, and the rodents or carnivora which might get into the new snares would be well received at Granite House. The Mysterious Island
  • On the afternoon of the Saturday in Easter week, say these writers, the priests of the eighteen principal 'deaconries' -- an ecclesiastical division of the city long ago abolished and now somewhat obscure -- caused the bells to be rung, and the people assembled at their parish churches, where they were received by a 'mansionarius,' -- probably meaning here 'a visitor of houses, '-- and a layman, who was arrayed in a tunic, and crowned with the flowers of the cornel cherry. Ave Roma Immortalis, Vol. 1 Studies from the Chronicles of Rome
  • Roughly 18% of emails received were spam, comprising both actual spam and "graymail" i.e. unwanted newsletters, alerts, etc. Brett King: Too Much Content: A World of Exponential Information Growth
  • And as he continued to stare at her hat and think, the hurt he had received passed away, and he found himself cudgelling his brains for some way out of the muddle -- for some method by which she could remain on Berande. Chapter 13
  • She has received many messages of congratulations and has been wished many more happy years.
  • -- "By the way, I received from Dr. Torrey a curious mixture of petrosilex and prehnite in radiating crystals, which was sent him by you, and collected at the West. Memoirs of 30 Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers
  • That way they can see the analytics for their post, see how much traffic it received, maybe since day one.
  • He was then received at court balls, in company with his wife, and Mme. Dionis was "enthroned" in the village because of her "ways of the throne. Repertory of the Comedie Humaine Part 1
  • So that one of his Oxford friends, as he traveled through Childrey, inquiring for his diversion of some of the people, Who was their minister, and how they liked him? received this answer: Our parson is one Mr. Pococke, a plain honest man. A Reader's Manifesto
  • The PMD-induced pulse broadening may cause degradation of receiver sensitivity and has negative effects on the power spectrum of received signals.
  • It has only received a 250,000 interim payment for wrongful imprisonment. Times, Sunday Times
  • In one year, Louis XIII received 215 doses of purgatives, 212 enemas and 47 bleedings!
  • Various potassium silicates -- leucite, feldspar, sericite, and glauconite -- and the potassium sulphate, alunite, have received attention and certain of them have been utilized to a small extent, but none of them are normally able to compete on the market. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • We've received an approach from the director of a rival firm.
  • Of these five species of woodland winter annuals, only C. verna has received much attention with regard to autecology.
  • Dale received all the attention and accolades, and Link settled for a few extra bucks on his royalty checks.
  • Since he published a paper on fluoroquinolone side effects in 2001, says Dr. Jay Cohen, a medical researcher and associate professor at the University of California, San Diego, "I have received several hundred emails, most of which relate terrible, often catastrophic reactions that are slow to pass, leaving some people disabled for months or years. The ignored risks of America's most popular antibiotics
  • They received his guidance and direction for their lives. Christianity Today
  • Currently studying Law at Melbourne University, she was dux of Girton Grammar School in Bendigo, received a Premiers Award, the Australia Award and received the highest VCE score in all of regional Victoria.
  • We are most anxious in Canada to secure a greater population, but a man who has once received the "dole" argues, "why should I leave England, where the 'dole' is obtainable, and migrate to Canada, where it is not to be secured? A Canadian's View of the Empire as Seen From London
  • (Christopher and Charles Marshall received $4,151 on May 2, 1777, "for sundry medicines and chirurgical instruments supplied by them for the use of different battalions of continental forces.") [116] _Pennsylvania Journal_, January 29, 1777. Drug Supplies in the American Revolution
  • It received terrible ratings and was cancelled after just one series. The Sun
  • Similarly, the ball nose received precise indications of angle of sideslip and dynamic pressure, which then gave airspeed. First Man
  • Often times these men received the titles of cads and rakes and the like.
  • He received dozens of honorary degrees and awards. Times, Sunday Times
  • But her unclassifiable subject matter meant that she received less public recognition than she unquestionably deserved. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some received substantial occupational assistance in the form of low-interest loans.
  • I am aware that the Tanglewood Music Festival in Lenox, Mass. gave a number of contemporary music concerts this year and they were very warmly received. Skin and Bone
  • Pregnant women received a double ration of milk.
  • Japanese would have difficulty to secure real goods from Americans for dollars they have received since these dollars are unbacked by production.
  • But he was not to enjoy himself long, for the duck was telling all her neighbours about the ill-usage her little one had received; and the mischief-making little wagtail thought as he had seen the lanky bird eating what he called the kingfisher's fishes, he would go and tell, and then sit on the bank and see the quarrel there would be; for he considered that the heron had no more business to take the fish out of the pond than the toad had to catch flies. Featherland How the Birds lived at Greenlawn
  • Even then, her silent beauty had received admiring appraisals and envious glances.
  • Widlife has received permission to release one of these bugs called a planthopper into Lake Corpus Christi and Choke Canyon Reservoir. Corpus Christi Caller Times, Stories
  • In 1851, George Hemshall received the Prince Albert Medal for weaving a seamless linen shirt.
  • The duo received a warm welcome as they took to the streets of Carlow.
  • your letter received on the 29th ult
  • Brown's arguments on vested rights, which appeared frequently in his writing, received little reaction.
  • Insulin coma received widespread backing from the psychiatric profession, but after decades of use was exposed as worthless.
  • In 1836 Baxter received a royal patent for his printing process.
  • Friday, the president received a reporter in a high-ceilinged conference room.
  • On 7 September, resisting confinement in the post guardhouse, he received a fatal wound from a soldier's bayonet.
  • The council says the reason it has had to make cuts is because it has received a paltry amount of grant from the Government.
  • She received messages of support from high-ranking council officials and councillors. The Sun
  • It will provide supporting material for the annual review of implementation and, where necessary, clarify or supplement information received.
  • An action has been taken against Mr Warden Harding, on behalf of the almsmen, by a gentleman acting solely on public grounds, and it is to be argued that Mr Harding takes nothing but what he received as a servant of the hospital, and that he is not himself responsible for the amount of stipend given to him for his work. The Warden
  • He received the title of Professor in 1872 while at Milan.
  • If this message is not received, the sensor sends a text message to the patient to remind them to take their medication. Computing
  • Kind, gentle William received acknowledgement for his loyalty and he too was awarded five.
  • These subtotals were deflated using a prices-received index for North Dakota crops obtained from the Agricultural Statistics Service.
  • They also received a treatment called medicated urethral system for erection (MUSE) three times a week. Baylor College of Medicine News
  • Regular for a fortnight were the inquiries of the Antiquary at the veteran Caxon, whether he had heard what Mr. Lovel was about; and as regular were Caxon's answers, "that the town could learn naething about him whatever, except that he had received anither muckle letter or twa frae the south, and that he was never seen on the plainstanes at a '. The Antiquary — Complete
  • This crosslinguistic asymmetry has not received an entirely satisfactory explanation, despite the fact that resultative predication has been widely discussed from a variety of perspectives.
  • They've received quite a lot of awards for their software and they've a demo version which you can download.
  • She has received a clear mandate for educational reform.
  • He received a twelve-month jail sentence.
  • Proof that they had sought and received permission from the general chief of staff was brushed aside.
  • The International Republican Institute, which received $248 million in total between 2004 and 2009 to support governance, political participation and civil society programs in Iraq, made questionable decisions -- such as overpaying for security services from Blackwater, the infamous military contractor, and spending $690,000 on vehicles without approval from the government -- according to a new audit by the Special Inspector General for Iraqi Reconstruction (SIGIR). International Republican Institute's Use Of U.S. Grants Criticized By Watchdog
  • After 45 mins hemorrhagic hypotension and a blood loss equal to 40\% of the initial blood volume, the animals receiving the hyperosmolar infusions had a better cardiovascular status compared to those which received the iso-osmolar infusions. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Kaplan's latest recording has received considerable popular acclaim .
  • METHODS: Sprague - Dawley rats received food and water ad libitum in 1 week of acclimation.
  • After his official welcome, both at the old abbey and the cathedral, he received the freedom of the city at the Town Hall.
  • That's why the Mooselings first feared that perhaps they had already blogged down the wrong alley, when, just yesterday, they received an unexpected direct call patched in from the Bull Moose himself all the way from the Lone Star state. Archive 2005-08-01
  • The sans-culottes had played a role in revolutionary events since 1789, but they had, as a class, received few gains.
  • I'm not being facetious - the reason I'm sure of this is because I've received so much feedback this year.
  • After the patient received acupuncture treatment,his spasms eased off somewhat.
  • Over two weeks before race day over 300 entries had been received, no doubt boosted by the availability of the increasingly popular method of on-line entering for the first time this year.
  • In a final blow she received a text message saying that she could no longer attend cabinet meetings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once families received indications that it was safe to leave, they wanted to know what was going on and then turned over their trust to the staff to do the job of resuscitating the families' loved ones.
  • The lanai is the favorite reception room, and here at any social function the musical program is given and cakes and ices are served; here morning callers are received, or gay riding parties, the ladies in pretty divided skirts, worn for convenience in riding astride, Following the Equator
  • The old man, intoxicated with superhuman enjoyment, and believing himself happy, had just received a cold shower-bath on his passion at the moment when it had risen to the intensest white heat. Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
  • Ultimately, the only recognition Railton received was to see the bloodstained Union Jack he had used as a pall for temporary burials lowered over the coffin of the Unknown Warrior in the Abbey.
  • She received a special award in acknowledgement of all her hard work.
  • Merseyside police received reports of two alleged offences in moving vehicles but the drivers were not traced. Times, Sunday Times
  • The project has now received approval from the government.
  • On a day in which the British cavalry received mixed reviews he did his job effectively and performed very well. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ocular emargination: in Mallophaga, a lateral emargination of the head in which the eye is received posteriorly. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Jones received medical attention on the canvas and spent the night in hospital for observation.
  • This may be the most unwelcome advice Labor has received from a Kerr in thirty years but the party would be foolish to ignore it.
  • A few days before the arrival of the news of peace, he received private advices from the Continent which led him to anticipate it.
  • The locals clearly were not too keen to strangers and I received a less than hospitable welcome.
  • The inquiry also investigated whether any of the Prince's staff have received improper payments or other benefits.
  • Elgar received many honors and much acclaim and yet he often considered himself a failure.
  • Its firefighters have received pet resuscitation training and a dog mannequin is used to hone their skills. The Sun
  • Walton, imagining that his discomposure was the consequence of guilty fear, called upon him to remember the duties which he owed to England, the benefits which he had received from himself, and the probable consequence of taking part in a pert boy's insolent defiance of the power of the governor of the province. Waverley Novels — Volume 12
  • They found that less than half of those with bipolar disorder -- also known as manic-depressive illness -- received mental health treatment during their lifetimes.
  • When written agreement is received from the client fax the draft advertisement to the agency.
  • Kamikaze died of distemper at a young age, and in 1939 Keller received one of his older brothers as a replacement.
  • Its owner, Don Juan de la Lastra, Spanish vice-consul, is not here himself, but we were kindly received by Don José de Comez Mira, the consul. Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • I had never received one single complaint against me," claimed the humiliated doctor.
  • In 6 States, legislators received a daily salary plus an allowance for expenses while legislatures were in session.
  • The exhibition received little attention in the press.
  • I received a bunch of flowers yesterday.
  • Fully deserving of every syllable of praise it has received, this album should gain a very healthy cult following. - Mike Hogan
  • I received some shattering news: My story was rejected.
  • The usual few months elapsed before he received the standard rejection letter. Times, Sunday Times
  • For his first book he received the princely sum of $ 400.
  • And finally you reveal the sham of yourself, the lip-service you pay to the idea that "[f] or a reviewer, I suppose all published work is fair game and, as writers, we should expect to take the good with the bad, review-wise" in your email, when you mewl pitiably that, "if I had received that email, I would have taken down the review. How Not to be a Writer
  • But NB received much aroha and praise, which is good, and I bought and got signed my copy of his novel, which is good too.
  • The motion received unanimous support from delegates at the conference.
  • Each of the authors has received research grants and travel expenses or lecture honorariums from one or more of these three study sponsors.
  • And he couldn't receive information over the sat phone because he couldn't talk, so he communicated via telex and received instructions.
  • They also received warm greetings from the Hong Kong Table Tennis Association which trained their sons and will arrange their trip.
  • He still owes for the goods he received last month.
  • When, after a long wait, and little suspecting what was going to be said to me, I was received in audience, it appeared that I had been summoned to receive a polite but decided admonition against wounding the susceptibilities of my listeners by expressions which were not “good form,” and when I, unconscious of wrongdoing, asked which expression she alluded to, the unfortunate word “beslobber” was alleged; my young hearers were not Recollections Of My Childhood And Youth
  • In the last few days I've received an inordinate amount of junkmail, and I've got to say I'm finding it immensely satisfying to deal with.
  • This was a fine adjustment, for by working hammer-and - tongs through a twelve-hour day, after freight had been deducted from the selling price of the wood in Los Angeles, the wood-chopper received one dollar and sixty cents. Chapter V
  • The subjects received in-person or telephone counseling as well as free, prepackaged foods and instructions for increased physical activity for 30 minutes a day, five days a week.

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