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How To Use Ravenna In A Sentence

  • After a three-year siege of Ravenna, Odovacar surrendered. 493, Feb. 27
  • Goths had their own Arian churches (as can still be seen in Ravenna), and surviving documents written by clerics show that Gothic was spoken there.
  • We may accept as certain that Aquileia had from the time of the formation of separate rites (fourth century) its own use, that this use was not the same as that of Rome, that probably it was one more variant of the large group of Western Rites, connected by (Eastern?) origin, which we call Gallican, that it was probably really related to the old Milanese Rite and perhaps still more to that of Ravenna. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 16 [Supplement]
  • Garden building Saturday, 10 am to 3 pm, at locations in Ravenna, the Central District, and Delridge; more info available here. Awesome-Sounding If Weirdly Named « PubliCola
  • Bad stuff was creeping north from the U-District (i.e., drug paraphenalia and dead bodies in Ravenna Park, bums roaming the neighborhoods) and the public schools were appalling. Sound Politics: Let's Help Nicole Brodeur
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  • A city of north-central Italy southwest of Ravenna. It is noted for its richly colored pottery, produced here since the 2th century. Population, 39,700.
  • At the head of three hundred followers, that fearless Barbarian immediately sallied from the gates of Ravenna; surprised, and cut in pieces, a considerable body of Goths; reentered the city in triumph; and was permitted to insult his adversary, by the voice of a herald, who publicly declared that the guilt of Alaric had forever excluded him from the friendship and alliance of the emperor. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Yet despite his fierce appearance and the barbarous glint in his eyes, the Chief bore himself with a dignity no less than regal - so much so that Ravenna found her own father paling in comparison.
  • Desiderius kept faith at first, and proceeded to resign the districts to the pope, according to the agreement made with Pepin, so that an exarch was no longer sent from Constantinople to Ravenna, but it was governed according to the will of the pope. The History of Florence
  • Marcellinus spits the venom of a Greek subject — perjuriis illectus, interfectusque est, (in Chron.)] 23 The sonorous and servile oration of Ennodius was pronounced at Milan or Ravenna in the years The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The Roman bishop, elected by the people, craved protection for the bishop, of the exarch of Ravenna, who had the power of confirming or of cancelling the election. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The two chief districts were the country about Ravenna, the exarchate, where the exarch was the centre of the opposition, and the Duchy of Rome, which embraced the lands of Roman Tuscany north of the Tiber and to the south the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • The Bishop of _Ravenna_, the Metropolis of _Flaminia_ and _Æmilia_, was also subject to the Pope: for _Zosimus_, A.C. 417, excommunicated some of the Presbyters of that Church, and wrote a commonitory Epistle about them to the Clergy of that Church as a branch of the _Roman_ Church: _In sua_, saith he, _hoc est, in Ecclesia nostra Romana_. Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John
  • There is a mosaic in Ravenna portraying saints, martyrs, hierarchs, and faithful laity, each of them holding a crown that they will place at the feet of Christ.
  • The eastern influence entered the west primarily through the great trading cities of Venice, Ravenna, and Marseilles and appeared in these cities first.
  • We have noted that at Rome and Ravenna towers formed no part of the original basilican plan, but were added later as _campanili_. The Ground Plan of the English Parish Church
  • The documents of the early medieval period in Italy take the following shape: no more than about fifty documents survive from the sixth and seventh centuries, nearly all on papyrus, and nearly all from Ravenna.
  • One of the most charming features of Ravenna is that the English translations on the explanatory text in all the churches and museums seem to come from a single practiced hand, itself a blend of East and West: “The clothing was covered by rich coiffures, closed in silk hairnet with golden threads, and by precious footwear in black leather with baked golden decorations.” The Road from Ravenna
  • Ravenna had not long to ponder because footsteps, faint at first but steadily growing louder sounded from the corridor.
  • 103 His malady increased, and after a dysentery which continued three days, he expired in the palace of Ravenna, in the thirty-third, or, if we compute from the invasion of Italy, in the thirty-seventh year of his reign. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • That they might be led to respect the Roman name, he ordered all that part of Italy adjoining to them, which had been under the exarchate of Ravenna, to be called Romagna. The History of Florence
  • Francesca, daughter of Giovanni da Polenta, count of Ravenna, was given in marriage by him to Giovanni (Sciancato, the Lame) Malatesta, of Rimini, an ill-favoured man, in return for his military services.
  • In which respect, many times they advised him to leave the City of Ravenna, and live in some other place for such a while; as might set a more moderate stint upon his spendings, and bridle the indiscreete course of his love, the onely fuell which fed this furious fire. The Decameron
  • Union Pacific has 4,900 workers in the Omaha-Council Bluffs metro area, and thousands of other railroad jobs follow the two carriers 'lines across the state in places such as North Platte, Morrill, Hemingford, Lincoln, Ravenna and Alliance. Omaha World-Herald > Frontpage
  • Neither at Ravenna nor at Rome did bell-towers originally form part of the plan of the basilica: the round _campanili_ of both churches at Ravenna are certainly later additions. The Ground Plan of the English Parish Church
  • Goths had their own Arian churches (as can still be seen in Ravenna), and surviving documents written by clerics show that Gothic was spoken there.
  • Guidobaldo (1472 – 1508), the legitimate heir to the dukedom, was born months before Bessarion died in Ravenna, en route to France. back Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Plutarch speaks of Ravenna as in Gaul, which he calls Galatia; but though Ravenna was within the limits of Cisalpine Plutarch's Lives, Volume II
  • So I drove to Whole Foods in Ravenna and found a fresh batch right as I came into the store. In Newsstands: Seattle Metropolitan Magazine
  • The pope at Rome (Gregory II) likewise declared against the emperor's iconoclasm, and the population of the exarchate of Ravenna rose in revolt and made an alliance with the Lombards. 692
  • French had just succeeded in taking across the last piece of artillery, a long "culverin" [1] (cannon), named _Madame de Forli_, [2] which had been re-taken from the Spaniards at Ravenna, was so heavy that it sank the first boat, and the poor soldiers, seeing they were lost, escaped as best they could, but many were killed and others drowned. Bayard: the Good Knight Without Fear and Without Reproach
  • Emperor Justinian reconquered North Africa and part of Italy, making Ravenna the western capital, but his success was shortlived.
  • Notwithstanding this weak invention, Italy was still afflicted, Rome was again besieged, and the suburb of Classe, only three miles from Ravenna, was pillaged and occupied by the troops of a simple duke of Spoleto. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • One is of the Miracle of the loaves and fishes from the top register of the nave wall (above the clerestory windows) of Sant 'Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna, ca. 504. A Reader Question About Symbols on Christian Mosaics
  • Over the past 11 years, I've lived in Ravenna/Roosevelt, Ballard/Phinney Ridge, Beacon Hill, and Greenwood. The New Ballard « PubliCola
  • It is in Ravenna that the earliest mosaics are preserved, in temple after temple, in museums, presbyteries, baptistries and churches.
  • Cassiodorus, the Praetorian praefect, is addressed to the maritime tribunes; and he exhorts them, in a mild tone of authority, to animate the zeal of their countrymen for the public service, which required their assistance to transport the magazines of wine and oil from the province of Istria to the royal city of Ravenna. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Arriving in Italy (489) the Ostrogoths triumphed over Odovacar, but did not reduce Ravenna until 493. D. The Ostrogoths in Italy
  • He had himself proclaimed king at Ravenna in 494 after taking back Italy from Odoacer.
  • It is in Ravenna that the earliest mosaics are preserved, in temple after temple, in museums, presbyteries, baptistries and churches.
  • Italy having come into the hands of the French, a change of form and order took place, the popes acquiring greater temporal power, and the new authorities adopting the titles of count and marquis, as that of duke had been introduced by Longinus, exarch of Ravenna. The History of Florence
  • Vitruvius tells us, that the morasses about Ravenna in Italy, were pil’d with this timber, to superstruct upon, and highly commends it. Sylva, Vol. 1 (of 2) Or A Discourse of Forest Trees
  • And here, enveloped in the power and aura that Skybury exuded, Ravenna understood how true that was.
  • Ravenna hurried to the cupboard and got in, wrinkling her nose at the musty smell of old, dry paper that was pervading the cupboard.
  • This trompe l'œuil style is derived ultimately from late antique decoration exemplified in both the orthodox baptistry in Ravenna and St George, Thessaloniki.
  • Charlemagne too fitted out his new capital with monuments constructed with spolia from Rome and Ravenna; his own tomb was an ancient sarcophagus.
  • Ravenna, with barbaric pride, built her round-cinctured towers to the glory of the Exarchate. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 27, January, 1860
  • Worn since the 6th century by Priests and Deacons in Ravenna, the maniple was incorporated throughout Wesern Europe within 400 years.
  • Aistulf, king of the Lombards, had taken Ravenna (751), the seat of the exarch, besieged Rome, and exacted tribute. G. The Empire of Charlemagne and Its Disintegration
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  • Francesca, daughter of Giovanni da Polenta, count of Ravenna, was given in marriage by him to Giovanni (Sciancato, the Lame) Malatesta, of Rimini, an ill-favoured man, in return for his military services.

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