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How To Use Rationally In A Sentence

  • And the people who were subjected to hard yakka, slave labour if you want, or removal from islands because of drinking problems or fighting and they have complete hate and they've handed it down generationally.
  • If we fail to develop emotional intelligence, or cannot control or restrain our emotions, we will lose our intellectual ability to think, reason and live rationally and intelligently. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • And now that we understand that, it may be possible to engineer novel, rationally-designed biomaterials that can control those interactions.
  • they reacted irrationally to the challenge of Russian power
  • The first is that white defaults should percentagewise exceed black defaults on loans at that institution, because the black borrowers have been held to irrationally high standards by their racist lenders. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Further Left You Are the Less You Know About Economics:
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  • An ethics based on this undertanding focuses not on rationally finding, mapping, and teaching the real nature of reality, nor on pluralistically respecting irreconcilable differences while recognizing a simultaneous unity, but instead on drawing connections between different methods of making meaning and on coordinating the actions of people using different conceptual frameworks. Karl Higley - Spirit, Kosmos, Essence
  • Miguel blinked, appalled and overwhelmed before rationally reasoning with himself, as all mathematicians can.
  • If a Romney drowns in a river, they were probably trying to commit suicide, but changed their minds, and then irrationally swam upstream, thinking they would be saved because they'd had this stupid expression drummed into their heads that swimming upstream was a good thing to do, even though it's not. "What the Hell is Mitt Romney Talking About?"
  • If there is any excess refining capacity anywhere else, the gas refiners would rationally move the gas to those other refineries, since they could get the full market wholesale price elsewhere.
  • Rationally, he knows that she won't ever go back to him, but emotionally he can't accept it.
  • Kuang and his troupe of tyro assassins are younger and more in over their heads than they realize, and things get emotionally and operationally out of hand with a rapidity that is stunning.
  • I like to tell myself, irrationally or no, that Grandma said I had it backwards to consol me. 2010, what I wanted
  • This places Durkheim in the company of social reformers as diverse as Will Keith Kellogg, conceiver of the cornflake, and Mies van der Rohe, builder of the Bauhaus, both of whom founded institutions on a mission to integrate the individual within a collective plan where its energies could be rationally ordered and to avoid social disintegration. BREAKFAST WITH SOCRATES
  • Rationally is a northeastwardly unproved liquescent in grocery, and when avirulent with the imprisoned longanimity, backrest to ideogram a overnight dyspeptic gynura. Rational Review
  • The site may even become a halidom, like Thermopylae or Bodhgaya, around which hearts can irrationally rally. The Stars Are Also Fire
  • WSJ music critic Jim Fusilli introduces you to the 'Gee-Bees', the generationally biased among us who rarely attribute their affection for the music of their youth to fond memories. Music Sales, Show Tickets Rose in 2011
  • Look around and ahead of and behind you when next you are caught in a traffic bottleneck on an expressway and try to account for the snarl rationally.
  • Prions are misfolded proteins that act like viruses and/or genetic disorders, which is crazy since they have no DNA and technically cannot be passed down generationally. Interview with Jonathan Maberry, author of Patient Zero
  • Not so much -- they respectfully disagree with Steven Tyler's opinion that she didn't have enough "pizzazz," but work through their problems rationally and send her to Hollywood. 'American Idol' premieres: New judges, same old show
  • We were very adult about it. We discussed it rationally over a drink.
  • The hope that irrational people will act rationally is a perpetual delusion of the level-headed.
  • A tremendous amount of work goes into ensuring that the formulary contains sufficient information for healthcare professionals to use medicines safely and rationally.
  • Finally, we examine whether investors react rationally to disaster announcements.
  • Note, however, that one can to some extent rationally accept s qua a member of G and accept not-s as a private person.
  • If there's an obligation to act against one's own reasonable verdictive moral judgments (say, but doing what one rationally judges is worse than what one reasonably judges is best), it's not rationally identifiable as such. Think Tonk
  • Deliberative commensurability is not necessary for proceeding rationally if conflicting considerations can be rationally dealt with in a holistic way that does not involve the appeal to a principle of Moral Reasoning
  • Consequently, basic physico-chemical research on the interaction between model lipid systems and surfactants is needed so that poloxamer therapy can be improved rationally.
  • Often aggressive and belligerent, the generationally biased—let's call them Gee-Bees—rarely attribute their affection for the music of their youth to tender memories. Meet the Gee-Bees
  • Until effective power is devolved from supra-national and national decision-makers electors act rationally in withholding their vote in protest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, this is a matter of detail perhaps but worth noting since p has occasionally eroded to f in Etruscan, particularly next to tautosyllabic u, and this sort of lenition can only rationally happen with a bilabial phoneme, not a labiodental one. Archive 2009-05-01
  • In the brave new economy of outsourced jobs and short-term gigs and on-again, off-again health coverage, American workers cannot rationally plan their economic futures. Harold Meyerson Needs to Rethink a Few Things About Families
  • they acted irrationally
  • A clash of diametrically opposed philosophies is never settled rapidly nor, necessarily, rationally.
  • While that suggests a rather piecemeal and hasty approach to any serious design project, the mayor speaks more inspirationally of "an enduring, world-class street. Surface Improvements
  • From this a new wave of illuminism and laicism is derived, by which only what is experiential and calculable would be rationally valid, while on the level of praxis, individual freedom is held as a fundamental value to which all others must be subject. Auntie joanna writes
  • Until the national army becomes operationally effective, parts of the regional militias will have to be maintained as local security forces under strict control of the central government.
  • Swinging chaotically between mindless lethargy and eruptions of unbridled emotion, he is barely able to think rationally or arrive at any sort of decision.
  • It can be very hard to think rationally when you're feeling so vulnerable and alone.
  • Hence such costly survivals as the high-speed rail line, London's Crossrail and the grand-daddy of them all, the Olympics, whose organisers have so much surplus money they disclosed this week that they were giving their overpaid executives six-figure bonuses "to perform inspirationally". The maths of coalition has opened the door to lobbyists | Simon Jenkins
  • They may be explained, rationally, as giant turtles, giant squid, or the large sunfish or oarfish that bask on the surface of the water.
  • Some feel lonely and depressed, while others may become irrationally anxious or guilty.
  • The alternative route was chosen on three criteria: that it should be environmentally acceptable, operationally effective and financially viable.
  • All these concerns, apprehensions, fears and coercions can be rationally addressed.
  • As Jim settled into the rhythm of riding, he began to think rationally.
  • Now, this is a matter of detail perhaps but worth noting since p has occasionally eroded to f in Etruscan, particularly next to tautosyllabic u, and this sort of lenition can only rationally happen with a bilabial phoneme, not a labiodental one. Some observations concerning Woodard's The Ancient Languages of Europe
  • The candour of this speech, in which his aversion to the Delviles was openly acknowledged, and rationally justified, somewhat quieted the suspicions of Cecilia, which far more anxiously sought to be confuted than confirmed: she began, therefore, to conclude that some accident, inexplicable as unfortunate, had occasioned the partial discovery to Mr Cecilia
  • Each child will pass that information down generationally to their families.
  • He expected that the two could discuss rationally my quitting high school to move into a broken-down apartment building with a male of dubious prospects.
  • You think back on ordering coffee in a cafe: What made your waiter beamingly, irrationally glad when you slid your chair in slightly to let him pass? Peter Mandel: Egypt a Mystery for Travelers, Even Before Its Unrest
  • The very fact that they had never endured a blitz or an invasion seemed to account for the obsessive fears of a nation always irrationally jumpy about its own security.
  • we must act rationally
  • Gen. Paul Eaton, wrote an opinion piece for the New York Times in which he called Rumsfeld “incompetent strategically, operationally and tactically.” Firedoglake » Republicans Who Swiftboat the Generals
  • And, generationally, most parents are neither tech- nor internet-savvy enough to appropriately and wisely advise their own kids on safe surfing. April Rudin: Why Parents Must Be On Top of Their Kids' Online Escapades
  • The alternative route was chosen on three criteria: that it should be environmentally acceptable, operationally effective and financially viable.
  • Proven January window catnip, Roberts offers a perfect storm of comforting physical heft and a range of inspirationally macho chest-bumping goal celebrations. Edin Dzeko's calendar month has finally arrived | Barney Ronay
  • Rationally, most people understand that civilised life in this country faces a heartless and implacable foe who is prepared to strike as often and as cruelly as possible.
  • So even though she may find her own action inexplicable or “surd,” she is in fact acting rationally, although she does not know it. Weakness of Will
  • He was always calm and spoke quite rationally upon any subject except his own profession; but in connexion with that he prated away the merest nonsense. The Survivors of the Chancellor
  • Motivated by an evolutionary Force ... this integral activism (i.e. Enlightenment Virus - ed.) effectively reunites the once-polarized paths of peace and power; invoking an invincible evolutionary dynamic that acts directly, vibrationally upon the body, cellular and terrestrial; not simply overpowering from without but setting up a resonance that" agitates "the" particles "of consciousness in the surrounding material field. Triggering the Enlightenment Virus
  • In support of his affirmation that preference claims can be rationally compared, he articulates the role of flexibility and corrigibility in decisions concerning technology control.
  • But she was a deeply and inspirationally Jewish woman. We Remember - Lois Levin Roisman, 1938 - 2008
  • It is essential to consider both operational and economic feasibility of any intervention to control parasitic diseases apart from its effectiveness so as to make decisions more rationally.
  • The alternative route was chosen on three criteria: that it should be environmentally acceptable, operationally effective and financially viable.
  • he talked inspirationally
  • This is typically an instance where people taking part in laboratory experiments appear to act irrationally.
  • The capacity audience was racially and generationally mixed, as were the two dozen members of the band.
  • Instead, merely attempting to comply is very expensive, causing many people rationally to pay off the books. The Volokh Conspiracy » Josh Wright on Behavioral Economics in the Obama Administration:
  • As to the question of hierarchy, it’s not directly based on the detestableness that I perceive, but the degree it is unwise for impressionable minds to blindly imitate, combined with those ideas that lack a rationally-based rationale so to speak... which, in turn, leads to the “detestableness”. The Volokh Conspiracy » Privacy Law and Ethics Questions:
  • A host of stabilities which provide a background of regularity within which life can be rationally and prudently led are jeopardized ... Archive 2009-02-01
  • It seems only reasonable that producers will rationally make production decisions on the premise that they will return a normal profit over the long run.
  • When Worldmind plots a course, he irrationally decides that there has to be a quicker way, and computes his own course completely forgetting to take into account a collapsar. Nova #1 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • It was a politically driven economy that doesn't seem to have anything to do in my opinion with the substance of the elaborate models of people like Barone or Bauer; moreover in the beginning at least the communist elites, composed of mostly class sound half-illiterate workers, peasants or scums didn't have the skilled labor or the institutional infrastructure to plan "rationally" the whole economy in the style of the abovementioned famous socialist economists. Misunderstood, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • A well - trained staff that is operationally adequate.
  • Nowdays, Schweitzer's criticism on Spengler and his reflection on Western culture can inspire us with analyzing the traditional Chinese culture and Western culture more rationally.
  • Today that stirs angers in us that we still barely understand and still struggle to discuss rationally. Times, Sunday Times
  • His open-ended naturalistic renditions of nature are the product of the mind of this philosopher-artist who layers paint more thoughtfully than picturesquely, and more emotionally than rationally.
  • I watched their faces and wished, desperately and irrationally, that these boys would understand.
  • Im gonna stop watching now that Alsin is gone" crap … .do you expect them to stay there forever??? think about it rationally and stop whining. kaikai whyy? she can just not film for a week … they only said shes gunna be out of town for 5-7 days T. T kuki News
  • As in previous Intelligence and Security Committee reports, significant sections considered to be operationally sensitive were blanked out with asterisks following pre-publication vetting by the agencies.
  • It flashed irrationally through my still fuzzy mind that perhaps he was going to tell me it was all a joke and he didn't care about me at all.
  • Technically speaking, Hout and Fischer estimate that “more than half” of the recent increase in nones is generationally based and about one third reflect a rise of nones among all generations after 1990. American Grace
  • Today that stirs angers in us that we still barely understand and still struggle to discuss rationally. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ability to think rationally flooded out of her as she heard his heavy footsteps pounding louder.
  • If we fail to develop emotional intelligence, or cannot control or restrain our emotions, we will lose our intellectual ability to think, reason and live rationally and intelligently. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Plenty of prisoners only go on heroin after they get inside, rationally concluding that a long stretch in a vile environment is best blotted out.
  • In a series of confessional encounters with his Dublin therapist, Ian, he reveals the hoarded guilt that rationally explains an irrational phenomenon.
  • I was under the impression that this was a forum where political issues could be discussed rationally: if you want me to be pedantic and point out every logical fallacy in every reply I've received then I'll do that.
  • Positive thoughts give birth to our good values and beliefs, and increase our thinking power positively. Negative thoughts impact our values and beliefs negatively, and reduce our abilities to think clearly, rationally and optimistically. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • This more sophisticated and rationally expressed conspiracy theory of anti-semitism was combined with gutter racist anti-semitic abuse in its publications.
  • Nor, for that matter, did they dine more ornamentally in the Baroque period, or more rationally during the Enlightenment. Delizia!
  • He believed in a rationally immanent world, but he rejected the hylozoism implicit in Leibniz and Baruch Spinoza. Obama Lit In South Carolina Proclaims His Committed Christianity
  • I think I'm passé,’ says her modest, supportive, generationally-different husband Michael Douglas.
  • No wonder we can't think rationally about a simple health care plan, when we're all so bollixed up with panic about ever being truly sick and helplness ourselves. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Judging rationally for oneself makes one think like an adult - and so earn the regard of others.
  • Fourth, we are choosing the state on the basis of carefully and rationally considered criteria.
  • We cite them merely to illustrate how slowly generationally driven changes in church attendance accumulate. American Grace
  • Outside of televangelism, blame is being irrationally assigned as well.
  • They may be explained, rationally, as giant turtles, giant squid, or the large sunfish or oarfish that bask on the surface of the water.
  • One final caution: If the differences between one generation and the next are small, then generationally based social change will be real and significant but very slow—perhaps taking many decades to become substantial. American Grace
  • Neurofinancial theory holds that our inability to behave rationally is rooted in our psychophysiology.
  • Rationally, he knows that she won't ever go back to him, but emotionally he can't accept it.
  • Here is not the swift impatient journeywork of a rough and ready hand; here is no sign of such compulsory hurry in the discharge of a task something less than welcome, if not of an imposition something less than tolerable, as we may rationally believe ourselves able to trace in great part of Marlowe's work: in the latter half of _The Jew of Malta_, in the burlesque interludes of _Doctor Faustus_, and wellnigh throughout the whole scheme and course of _The Massacre at Paris_. A Study of Shakespeare
  • People often behave irrationally when they are under stress.
  • They think that women need to be kept in their place, not "indulged," taught how to think rationally and solve real problems. Why Men Don't Listen to Women
  • It involves all sorts of differential equations which cannot be handled simply rationally. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here we are in the realm of science, but one whose critical, cultural, and literary articulation is radically beside the point of its own rationally organized disciplinary other. Introduction
  • This would push the limits of what is possible physically, technically, and operationally.
  • Coleridge's life and Blake's mythologization of the psychosomatics of Milton moving at once inspirationally and with painful apocalyptic dread through Blake's bowels Notes on 'Introduction'
  • It limited knowledge to empirical, demonstrable, or rationally deductible information.
  • We were very adult about it. We discussed it rationally over a drink.
  • This hypothesis is in accord with rational choice theory, which suggests that criminals think rationally and strategically to accrue the benefits of their crime.
  • The alternative route was chosen on three criteria: that it should be environmentally acceptable, operationally effective and financially viable.
  • The moderne settings order the space geometrically and rationally while also demonstrating abstract decadence.
  • Careful measurement is needed to detect long-term climate change amidst the ups and downs of the daily weather report, and so too we will need careful measurement to detect generationally based change in religious behavior. American Grace
  • Operationally the landings in November were a complete success, politically a disaster.
  • Candidates are able rationally to plan a strategy for the primaries and the general election.
  • reported the machine operationally satisfactory
  • The device had been used operationally some months previously.
  • Now, like others generationally-distanced from Africa, they have reforged a New World ideology, hybridized of history, culture, and African American subjectivity.
  • Sometimes he put the studs in their place - forcefully but also graciously and inspirationally.
  • It is impossible to take a complex problem and rationally unravel the mess into logical interacting pieces.
  • Instead of going on national television and presenting the EFCA inspirationally, introducing it as a monument to worker empowerment, Obama handed the baton to chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and told him to run with it. David Macaray: Friends Without Benefits: Obama's Betrayal of Labor
  • LEVIN: They see themselves as lone wolves operationally, but they see themselves also as part of an umbrella entity of leaderless resistance, where they commit an act of violence, which they call propaganda of the deed. CNN Transcript Jun 12, 2009
  • But certainly a very important torch has been passed generationally in terms of leadership in this nation.
  • The first is that white defaults should (percentagewise) exceed black defaults on loans at that institution, because the black borrowers have been held to irrationally high standards by their racist lenders. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Further Left You Are the Less You Know About Economics:
  • We are determined to set up a complete, rationally distributed scientific and technological research system.
  • Isaac Newton's anti-Trinitarianism in the news: How "unitarianism" is a doctrinal leftover that Unitarian Universalists cling to somewhat irrationally. Philocrites: Philocrites is signing off.
  • In general - can you talk about a serious topic, for adults, imaginatively and inspirationally, without sinking into schlock and sap?
  • It was not an aggressive or threatening sentiment, but it was rationally patriotic.
  • This suggests that recognising authority is quite compatible with trusting, and that one can rationally trust someone with great power, at least so far as we recognise that person as an authority.
  • It involves all sorts of differential equations which cannot be handled simply rationally. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rationally, on a large scale, housing-cost growth cannot over the long term exceed the average income growth of the community. Artificially Inflated House Prices Caused the Crisis
  • I agree that it makes me twitchy to talk about the various kabbalistic cosmologies as if they were real - I prefer my kabbalah nicely diluted into chassidut or taken more rationally/musar-ish by the likes of people like Moshe Cordevero, but if we’re honest, we have to admit that it’s pretty clear that many of the kabbalists saw no problem with building these elaborate structures and considered them real. Well, if Darcy is gevurah… - Danya Ruttenberg
  • The Americans lost only twenty-two fighter aircraft in dogfights or to flak over Guam; nine more planes were lost operationally or on search missions.
  • Now he's just sort of there, wrestling with the old problems in a way that is undoubtedly less exciting than when he was lurking inspirationally, unimpeachably, on the outside. Has Kenny Dalglish taken Liverpool as far as he can?| Barney Ronay
  • The study, "When Emotionality Trumps Reason," examines how jurors make decisions rationally and emotionally.
  • I am perfectly willing to consider genetic and/or developmental factors, as well as sociological factors – including that an increase in number generationally is related to gross species overcrowding. Danger, Will Robinson!!
  • Strayhorn 1915-1967 is usually classified as a Johnny-come-lately to the swing era, but generationally as well as musically speaking, his works are as well suited to beboppers and modernists as they are to big band and swing players. Classic Sounds
  • Rationally, the government should have just renationalised Railtrack.
  • Nevertheless, they have intentional contents rationally responsive to a broader range of background conative and cognitive states of the experiencer. Pain
  • The hope that irrational people will act rationally is a perpetual delusion of the level-headed.
  • Apart from those inspirationally challenged baseball managers, sports and motivation go together naturally.
  • I simply point out that they are articles of faith, and are NOT rationally defensible standpoints as most scientists would have you believe.
  • The teacher, Miss Hoffman, was inspirationally kind.
  • He seems unable to mate subject and verb number, use apostrophes or adverbs rationally, or spot abject incoherence in his own writing.
  • Oh, and for any "redistributive" justice favoring individual who disagrees with me, I fully believe in the "Castle Doctirine," meaning that if you willfully and rationally decide to rob my place of residence, then I believe it is my right to defend my place of residence with deadly force. BlueOregon
  • It is, in some sense, a real puzzle: there is nothing particularly deterministic about Newtonian physics; many who accepted Newtonian physics I would go so far as to say the overwhelming majority were not determinists, and were clearly not inconsistent in this; you can only get rationally from Newtonian physics to determinism by a vast number of controvertible suppositions; and so forth. Wisdom from Maurice Blondel; and the Analogical Leap
  • Grouped into corps, the panzer divisions proved tactically and operationally decisive.
  • As between further violence and contempt of court, she may rationally choose the jail cell.
  • They are systemically, operationally and attitudinally different. Tech Startups Don’t Need the Valley Unless They Need VC
  • Even the Canonists themselves were never able to put forward any coherent and consistent ground for the indissolubility of matrimony which could commend itself rationally, while Luther and Milton and Wilhelm von Humboldt, who maintained the religious and sacred nature of sexual union -- though they were cautious about using the term sacrament on account of its ecclesiastical implications -- so far from believing that its sanctity involved indissolubility, argued in the reverse sense. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6 Sex in Relation to Society
  • This critical normative theory is potentially more fruitful for dealing rationally with issues in the politics of crime, punishment and penal reform. The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
  • In this view, decision makers lack the cognitive capacity and the comprehensive information that would enable them to calculate utilities rationally.
  • To those who fell victim to my Friday night frazzle, as recipients of either the maudlin or irrationally ranting and offensive, please help yourself to the usual ameliorations and apologies from the box in the corner.
  • The merger was a rationally defensible idea which failed because it involved too high a cultural price.
  • This phenomenon, known as Fermi resonance, occurs because the two vibrationally excited states mix.
  • Since integrating all the different group companies are fraught with regulatory and ownership problems two companies are listed and one is an unlisted joint venture with a foreign partner, the Tatas now expect to at least operationally synergize the three organizations. Tata's Hit-and-Miss Strategy
  • If we fail to develop emotional intelligence, or cannot control or restrain our emotions, we will lose our intellectual ability to think, reason and live rationally and intelligently. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The doctrine can, of course, expand even further to become a general principle of effective rhetoric or even of scientific language, where it appears under the rubric of clear, "perspicuous" representation, modeled on perspectival, rationally constructed imagery. Notes, Mitchell, "Ekphrasis and the Other"
  • You can love someone from the depths of your heart and still not be able to stand living in the same house as them when they were behaving so irrationally.
  • A more encompassing concept of rationality can uncover human and social potential for handling conflicts and disputes rationally, which have been lost or suppressed. The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
  • He seemed to have lost the ability to think rationally.
  • She has a kind of sibylline intuition and the right to be irrationally The Life of Reason
  • If we fail to develop emotional intelligence, or cannot control or restrain our emotions, we will lose our intellectual ability to think, reason and live rationally and intelligently. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • It's the dog's fault, but she irrationally yells at me that I shouldn't use the wood chipper when I'm drunk.
  • Its operationally loaded top speed is rated around 38 nautical miles per hour.
  • Heraclitus stresses the inductive rather than the deductive method of grasping the world, a world that is rationally structured, if we can but discern its shape.
  • Those looking to discredit religion and theism generally had only to focus on what is most obvious, consistent and rationally cogent in his work.
  • In this view, decision makers lack the cognitive capacity and the comprehensive information that would enable them to calculate utilities rationally.
  • They could not rationally demonstrate the soundness of their own ideas or the unsoundness of their adversaries' ideas.
  • The reverse process, you have something that's vibrationally excited colliding with a molecule.
  • Now, this is a matter of detail perhaps but worth noting since p has occasionally eroded to f in Etruscan, particularly next to tautosyllabic u, and this sort of lenition can only rationally happen with a bilabial phoneme, not a labiodental one. Some observations concerning Woodard's The Ancient Languages of Europe
  • In the past, we thought of joint operations as cobbling together a tactically - or even an operationally - effective force from various service components.
  • There are two ways of disliking art. One is to dislike it. The other is to like it rationally. Oscar Wilde 
  • But that optimism assumes analysts aren't being irrationally exuberant about the pace of profit recovery.
  • That specific timing—that generationally based declines in religious observance sped up in the 1960s, stabilized from the 1970s to the 1990s, and then accelerated again toward the turn of the century—is consistent with the evidence in Figure 3.3. American Grace
  • The device had been used operationally some months previously.
  • To chose foreign loan rationally and make the techno-economical dynamic analysis perfectly in feasibility study is the premise and crux of effective usage of loan and to achieve desired benefits.
  • He used the term das Umgreifende "the encompassing" to refer to the ultimate limits of being, the indefinite horizon in which all subjective and objective experience is possible, but which can never be rationally apprehended. Archive 2005-11-01
  • This critical normative theory is potentially more fruitful for dealing rationally with issues in the politics of crime, punishment and penal reform. The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
  • First, it means that a lot of homeowners are rationally looking at their homes as financial assets that are currently outperforming other investments.
  • While all around dithered, he took the initiative and forged impatiently, inspirationally, sometimes recklessly, ahead.
  • He's methodical and doesn't race irrationally or run over racers to gain position.
  • The device had been used operationally some months previously.
  • Climbing in the rain makes you feel a lot more clever than it should rationally justify.
  • Understanding the US legislative rangeland management will help our scientists and policy makers to rationally manage rangeland resource in China.
  • The study aimed to provide integrate and scientific method for ascertaining the running plan of passenger dedicated line economically and rationally and evaluating the running plan.
  • How does your character act? Is he irrationally, overemotional, and reactive? Does he have low self-esteem and believe himself to have little self-worth?
  • I statutorily savannah georgia motels my lazy atopognosia into its indebted gumshoe, and i was in the furiously waxed megohm equivocally. circumscribed is uninterestingly as concomitance bibless splitting with a irrationally feminization mix zoftig in for worriedly dendrolagus. Rational Review
  • Plenty of people are inspirationally challenged – not sure of what lights their fire. Fiction & Inspiration
  • Positive thoughts give birth to our good values and beliefs, and increase our thinking power positively. Negative thoughts impact our values and beliefs negatively, and reduce our abilities to think clearly, rationally and optimistically. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • We are engaging in an atavistic, primitive, natural activity which can be justified rationally and can be defended morally, but which is not in itself a rational or moral activity.
  • In this period barriers to trade were high and thus the multinational structure of operationally-independent companies was a necessity.
  • Another family of drugs disrupted one's ability to think rationally and logically and still another demoralized people and gave them a defeatist attitude or sense of hopelessness.
  • The really dangerous element of the majority opinion is that it adopts the highly deferential “rational basis” test for assessing assertions of power under the Necessary and Proper Clause, holding that “in determining whether the Necessary and Proper Clause grants Congress the legislative authority to enact a particular federal statute, we look to see whether the statute constitutes a means that is rationally related to the implementation of a constitutionally enumerated power.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Bad News for Federalism? Some Preliminary Reflections on Comstock
  • Further longitudinal studies are needed to assess whether these findings apply to operationally defined fatigue syndromes.
  • Hence virtue consists in a rationally-calculated. weighing out of the measure of the reciprocally limiting propensities, that is, in preserving a proper equilibrium. Christian Ethics. Volume I.���History of Ethics.
  • They are a method of rationally planning and detailing the attainments of individuals and, ultimately, the whole workforce.
  • The actors in her book, those who are the secondary witnesses, were born after the event hut carry the ache and anxiety and confusion that was transmitted to them intergenerationally.
  • An important part of their argumentation is the thesis that the possibilities of a successful decentralization of production decisions in a centrally planned economy is depending upon the existence of a rationally constructed system of prices, including The Prize in Economics 1975 - Presentation Speech

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