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How To Use Rasmussen In A Sentence

  • Another unusual mammal found at Chilga is the arsinoithere, which looks like a larger version of a modern rhinoceros, but actually evolved independently of rhinos, said Rasmussen.
  • The NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said the missile proliferation threat was real and growing.
  • The most notable is a new Rasmussen automated poll in Colorado that finds what the pollster describes as a "virtual tie" between Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet and Republican challenger Ken Buck. Rasmussen Poll Shows 'Virtual Tie' In Colorado Senate Race
  • The elder angekok told Rasmussen: ‘All true wisdom is only to be learned far from the dwellings of men, out in the Great Solitudes.’
  • Rasmussen said he is simply a "scorekeeper," but his spike in clout has sharpened skepticism about how he tracks the dip in Democratic fortunes. Pollster Scott Rasmussen's numbers are firing up Republicans and Democrats
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  • If being done for Kos "disqualifies" them, then the Republican firm of Rasmussen is also "disqualified," dumbass. Obama Regaining Ground In National Tracking Polls
  • Finding a poll showing them nearly tied is not an "outlier" - it just confirms the Rasmussen poll. Poll Gives Obama The Lead In Pennsylvania
  • B y the way, last weeks Rasmussen poll had Palin trailing Obama by only 4 points if an election were held today. Poll: Majority don't approve of Palin
  • RASMUSSEN: Obama's approval rating shrinked to +1. Egyptian Hairdressers Love Them Some Obama - Warner_Todd_Huston’s blog - RedState
  • Cook hearing the testimony from rasmussen and harrell made it seem like a veto override is unlikely. they both spoke pretty passionately against the bill. rasmussen less so, but it seems like he doesn't ever really get passionate about anything, so who knows. blog comments powered by Disqus publicola nerds Five-Four Vote Sends Panhandling Law to Mayor for Promised Veto « PubliCola
  • Two of the Europeans deemed best suited to the job - Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw 'Radek' Sikorski - have publicly denied their candidacy. CBC | Top Stories News
  • Nikki Rasmussen is a dear friend of mine who owns a local med spa called YOLO, which stands for "You Only Live Once. Kari Henley: Do You Approach Change as a Turtle, a Rabbit or a Hummingbird?
  • Or that the only polling organization that has a slant is Rasmussen? The Volokh Conspiracy » Public Opinion About the Supreme Court
  • His data on these matters are accentuated here by dozens of Rasmussen's microphotographs.
  • In Copenhagen, the shop Dansk Mobelkunst and the auction house Bruun Rasmussen. , , , , , , 60 Seconds With Mark McDonald, Mr. Midcentury Mod
  • La Forge was revisiting the idea of throttling Rasmussen, and damn the consequences. Star Trek The Next Generation®
  • Rasmussen could hardly bear it, and crouched down with his head cricked to one side to see the fabulous revelations as early as possible. Star Trek The Next Generation®
  • Some of the brand names, like Gallup and like Zogby, actually have average to slightly below average track records, whereas some what I call boutique polling firms, like SurveyUSA, which is out in New Jersey, like Rasmussen, all they do is polling, those firms actually do quite well. Democracy Now!
  • Second, how does a poll that may actually reflect (given a reasonable MoE; Rasmussen neglectfully didn't report it) the same exact sentiments as six months ago make front page news. Poll: Coleman's Lead Slipping
  • With respect to her “electability” prior to the gift of SB 1070, as reported by Rasmussen on Jan 25, before 1070 and with only a slight bump from the Nationalized Health Care fiasco … Gov. Brewer removes AG Goddard from immigration law defense. | RedState
  • If the Danes are frustrated in the singles event, they will be looking for great things from world champions Lars Paaske and Jonas Rasmussen who start as favourites in the men's doubles.
  • Der türkische Regierungschef Recep Tayyip Erdogan hatte am Freitag seine Ablehnung Rasmussens bekräftigt. A New Dark Age Is Dawning
  • Then Al Trautwig, commentating on the Tour de France, said "The greatest dishonor is to literally have the maillot jaune ripped from your body, which is what happened to Michael Rasmussen yesterday. When good kids show bad judgment
  • The Nato Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has said more members of the alliance need to contribute attack aircraft to the military operation in Libya.
  • He even overtook Denmark's Mickael Rasmussen, who had started out six minutes before him but had a disastrous ride on the tricky and technical route's sharp bends, fast downhills and tiring uphills.

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