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[ US /ˈɹæsməsən/ ]
  1. Danish ethnologist and Arctic explorer; led expeditions into the Arctic to find support for his theory that Eskimos and North American Indians originally migrated from Asia (1879-1933)

How To Use Rasmussen In A Sentence

  • Another unusual mammal found at Chilga is the arsinoithere, which looks like a larger version of a modern rhinoceros, but actually evolved independently of rhinos, said Rasmussen.
  • The NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said the missile proliferation threat was real and growing.
  • The most notable is a new Rasmussen automated poll in Colorado that finds what the pollster describes as a "virtual tie" between Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet and Republican challenger Ken Buck. Rasmussen Poll Shows 'Virtual Tie' In Colorado Senate Race
  • The elder angekok told Rasmussen: ‘All true wisdom is only to be learned far from the dwellings of men, out in the Great Solitudes.’
  • Rasmussen said he is simply a "scorekeeper," but his spike in clout has sharpened skepticism about how he tracks the dip in Democratic fortunes. Pollster Scott Rasmussen's numbers are firing up Republicans and Democrats
  • If being done for Kos "disqualifies" them, then the Republican firm of Rasmussen is also "disqualified," dumbass. Obama Regaining Ground In National Tracking Polls
  • Finding a poll showing them nearly tied is not an "outlier" - it just confirms the Rasmussen poll. Poll Gives Obama The Lead In Pennsylvania
  • B y the way, last weeks Rasmussen poll had Palin trailing Obama by only 4 points if an election were held today. Poll: Majority don't approve of Palin
  • RASMUSSEN: Obama's approval rating shrinked to +1. Egyptian Hairdressers Love Them Some Obama - Warner_Todd_Huston’s blog - RedState
  • Cook hearing the testimony from rasmussen and harrell made it seem like a veto override is unlikely. they both spoke pretty passionately against the bill. rasmussen less so, but it seems like he doesn't ever really get passionate about anything, so who knows. blog comments powered by Disqus publicola nerds Five-Four Vote Sends Panhandling Law to Mayor for Promised Veto « PubliCola
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