How To Use Rapier In A Sentence

  • Fighting with a sabre is a very different kettle of the piscine variety compared to the rapier. Cold Steel and Hot Blood
  • He also goes on to describe in many places in his book, the way in which a rapier was used in delivering multiple feints.
  • In terms of state action, he says he wants the bludgeon to be replaced by the rapier.
  • All the time that he had appeared so indifferent to what was going on, he had been looking slily about for some missile or weapon of defence, and at the very instant when the swords were drawn, he espied, standing in the chimney – corner, an old basket – hilted rapier in a rusty scabbard. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
  • Both gifted swordsmen, and both left-handed, uncle and nephew were putting on a skilled display-a show made more impressive by the fact that they were fighting in accordance with the most exacting rules of French dueling, but using neither the rapier-like smallsword that formed part of a gentleman's costume, nor the saber of a soldier. Dragonfly in Amber
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  • Several weapons, such as swords, shields, rapiers, daggers and spearheads, which were probably symbols of wealth and power, have also been recovered from the river.
  • This could be because my blog is the least popular of the twelve, but I like to think it's because people are so scared of my rapier wit that they dare not cast their vote for me.
  • In the scuffle, they exchange rapiers and Hamlet slices Laertes with the venomous weapon.
  • Specifics : This feat allows the character to use the long sword, rapier, longbow, and short bow.
  • A tall, lithe, rather rakishly clad coatimundi stood nearest the wagon, gesturing animatedly in the merchant's direction with a thin rapier. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • Pulling the covers off revealed a no-nonsense rapier and a mid-length dirk.
  • At this point, none of them were wearing any special gear, and the foils were now replaced with real rapiers.
  • I had read about this kind of sword before - a Rapier - a dueling foil - a child's toy.
  • If by some chance you attract un-cool people, you manage to shake them off with your rapier wit.
  • Amelia ducked and rolled to the side to avoid being impaled by Breanne's rapier, the fight now a melee.
  • The company has Sool TING computer silk-20, M-Taiwan Korean rapier 18, EAT computer design system, electric cars-30 and its related support equipment.
  • In fact, at this time it seems that the English still persisted in rapiers and daggers of disproportionate length which were certainly disappearing elsewhere.
  • The hilt of the rapier was unadorned, wrapped with plain sharkskin, like so many weapons were that are from seaside towns.
  • The morrow following, some of the poor in hope of spoil, and some of Dundee to consider what was done, passed up to the said Abbey of Scone; whereat the Bishop's servants offended began to threaten and speak proudly, and as it was constantly affirmed one of the Bishop's sons stogged through with a rapier one of Dundee because he was looking in at the girnel door. Royal Edinburgh Her Saints, Kings, Prophets and Poets
  • January 5th, 2010 at 4: 47 pm rapier is obsessed with a single concept, and therefore just can’t help but view every other topic through that lens. Matthew Yglesias » Regulating Leverage is More Important than Regulating Bubbles
  • The real leader is the drummer who makes a super-duper testament to rock, full of passion and rapier wit.
  • Indeed Veeru's Napier thrust looked just the foil to Rahul's rapier thrust.
  • Bronze rapiers and gold torcs survive from c. 1000 BC, while from c. 700 BC there are trumpets and cauldrons in bronze, as well as many types of gold ornament.
  • I don't know everything about Oscar Wilde but from what I remember his rapier wit was not much honed by a four-hour stopover in Kuala Lumpur.
  • As Jane Austen tells it, it is a conflict of battleaxe versus rapier with the old battleaxe comprehensively vanquished.
  • Shrum, who emerged as a leading voice for Gore during a tour of talk shows after the August convention, is known for rapier instincts.
  • I may have to move to the United States to battle these people with my rapier wit and rugged good looks.
  • We secretly congratulate ourselves on our rapier wit and acid tongues as assorted revellers attempt to jump the queue.
  • There is no one like her for writing the kind of bejeweled rapier of a sentence that pins a novel by its throat. And Again, Love « Tales from the Reading Room
  • They bring a youthful feistiness to the roles, but there isn't the bitterness or sophistication to make Shakespeare's rapier swift dialogue sting.
  • He had an encyclopedic command of the field of knowledge, and by a word or a phase, by delicate rapier thrust, he punctured them.
  • 1724, Lord Carteret, at his first coming into the government, was prevailed on to issue a proclamation for promising the like reward of £300 to any person who would discover the author of a pamphlet, called "The Drapier's Fourth Letter," etc., writ against that destructive project of coining halfpence for Ireland; but in neither kingdom was the The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Volume 1
  • Notably, while many of these wines had a great deal in common, we also enjoyed finding plenty of individuality among the group -- with some wines offering a bit of rustic rawness, some a bit of smoothness, some a grapier taste than others, while some had hints of the kind of structure we associate with Bordeaux. Sipping Sicily's Nero d'Avola
  • In the process, the notorious Captain's rapier fell from his clutches to catch a safe fall.
  • Declining to touch on the matter or mention that he knew Fabien's closely guarded truth, he slid his rapier back into its sheath. THE PROMISE IN A KISS
  • Charm may have replaced the rapier assertiveness of the young composer, but his authority as one of the guiding lights of music in our time is as unquestionable as ever.
  • The steel beladah was much like a sabre, but with a guard for the knuckles, while the bilbo was bore a close resemblance to a rapier.
  • The rapier flashed up again, the tip hovering but a hairsbreadth from the pale skin. Much Ado About Marriage
  • Kenneth Scott, an emeritus professor of law at Stanford University, recalls Director as a man of gentleness but also a rapier intellect.
  • He blocked using one of the rapiers and thrusted with the other one.
  • If you fancy a duel of words with a lippy French barman while he mixes you something long and cool, then this is the place to unsheathe your rapier wit.
  • Foreseeing this problem, I did in fact use a pretty soft cotton, but I think it needs something even drapier. The EDM SuperBlog
  • In order to be proficient, he indicated that the following forms must be learned: rapier and dagger, staffe, backsword, single rapier, longsword and dagger, and shortsword and dagger.
  • Prussia, desiring, not unreasonably, to take that place in the world which France now holds, will never challenge France; if she did, she would be too much in the wrong to find a second: Prussia knowing that she has to do with the vainest, the most conceited, the rashest antagonist that ever flourished a rapier in the face of a spadassin -- Prussia will make France challenge her. The Parisians — Complete
  • If I have to use a muscle-powered weapon I’ll stick to a light stabbing sword epee or rapier. The Volokh Conspiracy » Attack of the Drones
  • Each leaf is full five yards in length, and of the kind called pinnate -- that is divided into numerous leaflets, each of which is itself more than a foot and a half long, shaped like the blade of a rapier. Ran Away to Sea
  • In her right hand was a rapier, and in the left a misericord, one of the thin elongated daggers used by plate-armored combatants. Conqueror's Moon
  • Initially, logic suggested that rapiers used in formal personal combat should be as long as possible.
  • Philip was a voluptuary, that is, a completely selfish egotist, whose disposition and character resembled the rapier he wore, polished, keen, and brilliant, but inflexible and unpitying. My Aunt Margaret's Mirror
  • The immediate consequences to a duelist of wounds inflicted by thrusts or cuts from the rapier, dueling sabre or smallsword were unpredictable.
  • Haul immediately disentangled his rapier from the person's sai with a twist of his hand, and continued their fight.
  • He will angskt of them from their commoner guardian at next lineup (who is really the rapier of the two though thother brother can hold his own, especially for he bandished it with his hand the hold time, mamain, a simply gra-cious: Mi, O la!), and reloose that thong off his art: Hast thou feel liked carbunckley ones? Finnegans Wake
  • She prefers to skewer her opponents on the end of a rapier wit, whether it's bolshie feminists, exploitive therapists, or madcap utopian dreamers.
  • My rapier wit will get me in trouble one of these days.
  • Both much prefer to damage opposition defences by putting their head down and charging straight at them rather than flipping the ball to the fly-boys on the wings, and they proved that the broadsword can be just as effective as the rapier. Jonny Wilkinson primes England blunderbuss to blast Irish hopes | John Harrington
  • The fashions were a little off-kilter at the Zero + Maria Cornejo: A tunic with one sleeve longer and drapier than the other, droopy jumpsuits and short rompers, a dress with a wide black stripe wrapping around the body and disappearing from view. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Swetnam was teaching fencing and general swordplay at a time when the rapier was making a distinct change from a cut and thrust weapon to that of a primarily thrusting weapon.
  • The immediate consequences to a duelist of wounds inflicted by thrusts or cuts from the rapier, dueling sabre or smallsword were unpredictable.
  • On his upper body he wore a black, long sleeve, skintight shirt, and in his right hand he held a rapier.
  • I assured him I had no influence, which he was not equally inclined to believe, and the less, no doubt, because Mr Ashburner, the {91} drapier, addressing himself to me at this moment, informed me that I had a great deal. A Book of English Prose Part II, Arranged for Secondary and High Schools
  • I thought it was my telegenic charm and rapier-like wit.
  • He assumed the character of a draper for the moment -- why he chose to spell draper "drapier" nobody knew -- and he certainly succeeded in putting on all the semblance of an honest trader driven to homely and robust indignation by an impudent proposal to injure the business of himself and his neighbors. A History of the Four Georges, Volume I (of 4)
  • Let all those who dare to cross you feel the power of your cannons, the bite of rapier, and the sting of your razor sharp wit.
  • It was a cynical play to show his base just how edgy he was, pwning this old plutocrat with his rapier-like wit.
  • The real leader is the drummer who makes a super testament to rock, full of passion and rapier wit.
  • What the Greek kopus was to the sarissa and the Roman pugio was to the gladius, so too was the French gauche to the sabre, the Spanish daga to the espada, the Scottish dirk to the basket hilt, and the English dagger to the rapier.
  • This is true gear-head nirvana, where rapier-shaped chrome speedboats with names like Lick This and Eliminator roast the water.
  • For 150 years the rapier had been the principal civilian sword in Europe and the Italians were undisputed masters of it.
  • Julie Burchill is famous for her precocity and rapier wit.
  • Osr. The king, sir, hath wager'd with him six Barbary horses: against the which he has impawn 'd, as I take it, six French rapiers and poniardi, with The plays of William Shakespeare. In fifteen volumes. With the corrections and illustrations of various commentators
  • We lost our rapiers in the crash and I'd like to continue fencing practice during our voyages.
  • Webb's sharp script is laced with a rapier wit that is blacker than the Dark Ages.
  • As you can see, this is already shaping up to be a winner for subtlety and rapier wit.
  • Michael had his scimitar, Monica her rapier, Eric a mace, and Erin a pick.
  • Yet in many ways this was the most bizarre of games; a contest between a rapier and the bluntest of bludgeons.
  • Also rapier is right that a “Real World Olympics Village” would be a huge hit. Matthew Yglesias » For the Gold
  • He can go head to head and throw intellectual punches, or deliver rapier wit with ironic finesse.
  • I heard that the goats he fellated were underage. rapier says: Matthew Yglesias » Feel the Kausmentum
  • •Go for a drapier look with a long gray wool and alpaca cardigan from Young, Fabulous & Broke, a brand loved by Lindsay Lohan and Blake Lively. $264 at Revolveclothing. com. Fashion Forward: Blanchett is bright in Armani's Black Lace makeup
  • The hilt of the rapier was unadorned, wrapped with plain sharkskin, like so many weapons were that are from seaside towns.
  • He had an encyclopedic command of the field of knowledge, and by a word or a phase, by delicate rapier thrust, he
  • Lampone stood there in a long white night-gown waving a rapier at them. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • The lady shook her head, curtsied, and held out a hand for Langley's rapiers.
  • Some of them had little rapiers at their sides, others had shiny metal buttons on their tunics.
  • Laertes wounds Hamlet, but in a scuffle they exchange rapiers and he too is wounded with the envenomed point.
  • Best I can tell, that is because he is clearly more interested in vindication of his holy anger than actually doing things. rapier says: Matthew Yglesias » Battle Lines on Banking
  • What I at first thought was a Spanish rapier of some sort, I now believe to be a Bilboa/Bilbao/Bilbo sword.
  • He was slim and strong, built like a rapier and just as fast.
  • The first part of Palladini's work is devoted solely to the use of the single sword or rapier.
  • Use: rapier, projectile, air - jet and water jet looms.
  • A candelabrum hung from the wall, next to a pair of dueling rapiers.
  • There were the rapiers on the walls, but I was too short to reach them.
  • GRANVILLE; at the other, the dapper figure, with its indescribable air of old-fashioned gentlemanhood, the light of his smile shed impartially on the benches opposite, but his slight bow reserved for the MARKISS, as, leaning across the table, he pinked him under the fifth rib with glittering rapier -- this is a sight that will never more gladden the eye in the House of Lords. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, April 25, 1891
  • The very design of the Italian foil and épée is based on the rapier prototype.
  • Are there acting subcabinet officials from the agency in place? rapier Says: Matthew Yglesias » While Economy Burns, Jon Kyl Blocking Treasury Nominees Over Petty BS
  • Both characters possess a rapier wit, and lash out with reckless abandon, and both films wisely recognize their cynicism as a defense mechanism.
  • He also has a rapier wit and a refined taste for red wine and sweet revenge.
  • She looks up to see the bird, the strange bird, the bird with the rapier beak sitting upon a pipe that runs along the central corridor. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • A chef’s knife or cleaver is as sharp as a rapier, but it is not an instrument meant for killing. Tigers & Strawberries » A Show of Hands
  • A few, mostly the higher ranking among them, carried well crafted rapiers that they had appropriated in trade.
  • Reproduction swords include basket hilts, mortuary half baskets, rapiers, traditional claymores, officers' broadswords and backswords.
  • A bilbo is a finely tempered rapier design first made in Bilboa (Spain) during the middle ages and the renaissance.
  • How is giving money to banks so that said moeny can sit in vaults the FED doing something? rapier Says: Matthew Yglesias » Mortgage Rates and Stimulus
  • That sort of grip is along the lines of the French foil school and has nothing whatsoever to do with 16th century rapiers.
  • Also, it prevented rape without any consequences on the rapists, which I should have stated more clearly, but it has nothing to do with this raper which you mentioned, which I can only assume is a misspelling of the term rapier, which is a type of sword. Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • Drake had his Katana, Judas his halberd, John a rapier and dagger, and Conrad wielded his two long swords expertly.
  • A fan of lively debate and intelligent conversation, his rapier wit is razor sharp, and is certainly on top form today.
  • Anyway, I'll try again tonight to come up with some devastatingly clever pun that befits my rapier wit.
  • Of course, in all fairness it should be pointed out, Gaugler was concerned not with reconstructing Renaissance swordplay in all its diversity, but in tracing the technical origins of his own modern sport from the rapier.
  • Thus Mr. Fiennes grew up in rarefied circumstances, surrounded by the artifacts (and vocabulary) of a vanished world: ­halberds and stanchions, vaults and corbels, groined passages, burgonets, rapiers and spontoons. Within The Castle Walls
  • But at least the liner notes are comprehensive, informative and packed with Fat Mike's rapier wit.
  • This is perhaps the first version of the film to apply full-sized rapiers and correct period style to the combats.
  • He changed from the cudgel to the rapier, and achieved a rare mastery at it.
  • Derek Flint satirizes and skewers mid '60s America with rapier precision.
  • In the warring state period, toasting fork and walking rapier were in vogue with swordsmanship also gaining certain development.
  • He reaches over and picks up the slender rod he plans to use to simulate a rapier.
  • All swords and rapiers used are blunt, but otherwise accurate replicas of surviving examples.
  • Probably the most memorable bit from "Naked Time", after Sulu running around with a rapier, is crewman Riley singing "I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen" one! more! time! More congratulations
  • You won't hear American announcers call an "obdurate defense," a terrific pass a "rapier thrust" or a tying goal the "equalizer. NYT > Home Page
  • I could start carrying a cutlass or rapier around for good measure, and cultivate a fine waxed moustache and goatee while wearing a bandanna on my head.
  • He had an encyclopedic command of the field of knowledge, and by a word or a phase, by delicate rapier thrust, he punctured them.
  • Whereupon I screamed, and the Prince, who was writing in the large vellum book in the oriel window, came out in his velvet skull-cap and furred slippers, snatched a rapier from the wall – the King of Spain's gift, you know – on which I escaped, flinging on this cloak to hide the ravages to my skirt – to hide ... Monday or Tuesday
  • The Government was wielding a rapier, not a cudgel, and wanted to concentrate on the clear and pressing dangers.
  • The one that caught my attention was a woman wearing green and carrying a long, thin, lightweight sword, a rapier to be exact.
  • I assured him I had no influence, which he was not equally inclined to believe, and the less, no doubt, because Mr. Ashburner, the drapier, addressing himself to me at that moment, informed me that I had a great deal. Stories of Authors, British and American
  • Heart-high, I say, my rapier entered Pasquini's side on the right, but it did not emerge, on the left, for, well-nigh through him, it met a rib (oh, man-killing is butcher's work!) with such a will that the forcing overbalanced him, so that he fell part backward and part sidewise to the ground. Chapter 11
  • Authentic items include Japanese samurai swords and 19 th-century British rapiers; replicas range from King Arthur's sword to Rambo's combat knife.
  • If you fancy a duel of words with a lippy French barman while he mixes you something long and cool, then this is the place to unsheathe your rapier wit.
  • The pairing seemed to spark off each other, one a bludgeon and the other more of a rapier.
  • And some of the ways they get to flex that saving-grace rapier wit are ultimately deeply unlikable because they’re often just plain bitchy about it, and mean humour wears so frightfully thin, thin as our svelte raven-haired cerulean-eyed heroine. Me and Chick-Lit « Tales from the Reading Room
  • The Italians were the first scientists of rapier swordplay all through the 16th Century.
  • My bamboo experience is confined to Regia bamboo/wool/nylon sock yarn--delicious but definitely drapier than I'm used to. Granite and Bamboo - And She Knits Too!
  • He had an encyclopaedic command of the field of knowledge, and by a word or a phrase, by delicate rapier thrusts, he punctured them, He named the points of their illogic. Chapter 5: The Philomaths
  • It is as fundamental to rapier fencing as the lunge is to modern sport fencing.
  • For me, the size medium has a drapier and dressier fit than the size small that I buy for wearing around the house. Wearing Sweatpants in Public
  • In fact, the back edge of this rapier is sharp enough to draw blood. Archive 2004-06-01
  • For the first time I saw this man, whose words penetrated like a rapier thrust, in an entirely different light.
  • It's a moderately amusing column (the bio is the best part, if you ask me), lacking the rapier-like wit of Jungle King and Triple Punch, but not every at bat can be a home run, you know? In Exile
  • It has been blessed with the honor of hosting my new web site and you, my loving fans, have been blessed with my rapier wit and timely sense of humor for at least a day.
  • Heart-high, I say, my rapier entered Pasquini's side on the right, but it did not emerge, on the left, for, well-nigh through him, it met a rib (oh, man-killing is butcher's work!) with such a will that the forcing overbalanced him, so that he fell part backward and part sidewise to the ground. Chapter 11
  • Women's jackets don't have all that padding and interlining in the chest, and are designed to be drapier in the front," Mr. Amendola says. Menswear for Women

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