

[ US /ˈɹeɪpiɝ/ ]
[ UK /ɹˈe‍ɪpi‍ə/ ]
  1. a straight sword with a narrow blade and two edges

How To Use rapier In A Sentence

  • Fighting with a sabre is a very different kettle of the piscine variety compared to the rapier. Cold Steel and Hot Blood
  • He also goes on to describe in many places in his book, the way in which a rapier was used in delivering multiple feints.
  • In terms of state action, he says he wants the bludgeon to be replaced by the rapier.
  • All the time that he had appeared so indifferent to what was going on, he had been looking slily about for some missile or weapon of defence, and at the very instant when the swords were drawn, he espied, standing in the chimney – corner, an old basket – hilted rapier in a rusty scabbard. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
  • Both gifted swordsmen, and both left-handed, uncle and nephew were putting on a skilled display-a show made more impressive by the fact that they were fighting in accordance with the most exacting rules of French dueling, but using neither the rapier-like smallsword that formed part of a gentleman's costume, nor the saber of a soldier. Dragonfly in Amber
  • Several weapons, such as swords, shields, rapiers, daggers and spearheads, which were probably symbols of wealth and power, have also been recovered from the river.
  • This could be because my blog is the least popular of the twelve, but I like to think it's because people are so scared of my rapier wit that they dare not cast their vote for me.
  • In the scuffle, they exchange rapiers and Hamlet slices Laertes with the venomous weapon.
  • Specifics : This feat allows the character to use the long sword, rapier, longbow, and short bow.
  • A tall, lithe, rather rakishly clad coatimundi stood nearest the wagon, gesturing animatedly in the merchant's direction with a thin rapier. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
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