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How To Use Randomness In A Sentence

  • But those who thought they saw statistical relationships were in fact fooled by randomness.
  • In listening to the various opinions, I found a kind of faith continuum, with a total commitment to predestiny and “the devil made me do it” on one end and chaos theory, where even randomness has an order, on the other. I Used to Have a Handle on Life But It Broke
  • So, even if we have not yet reached the point of clear-cutting the last proud acre of old-growth randomness, maybe it's not too early to consider the question of long-term supply.
  • The proposition that randomness is equal to the Platonic Aeon is not explained.
  • Usually, the emphasis is placed on the first type of synchronicity, as it appears to be subjected to greater degree of randomness than the second one.
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  • And that means nonrandomness extends very deeply into the cell. The Edge of Evolution
  • Publishing new writing by way of contests implies a certain metaphysical attitude--the model privileges randomness, divisibility, fragmentation, unknowability, and nondeterminism, perfected and ground through a process of rationalization to the presumed opposite of these conditions. Anis Shivani: Poetry Book Contests Should be Abolished: Why Contests Are the Stupidest Way to Publish First Books
  • Many positive results published in the literature rely on the strange nature of randomness. Times, Sunday Times
  • (As will be seen, in quantum physics these relationships are reversed and enriched: randomness and chaos underlie and constitute the efficacity of both manifest order and manifest chance.) Chaosmic Orders: Nonclassical Physics, Allegory, and the Epistemology of Blake's Minute Particulars.
  • Whatever the motivation, there is a purposefulness about such a journey that separates it from the randomness and pleasure-seeking of mundane travel.
  • The molecules in each state have a different degree of order or randomness about them.
  • I considered changing one of them because I wanted to include Hitchin' a ride by Greenday but Hubby pointed out that 3 Gwen S. songs in a list of 20 is "clumping" and shows true randomness... Archive 2008-08-01
  • Benoit Mandelbrot, the father of fractal theory and a pioneer in the study of market swings, argues that finance is prone to a "wild" randomness not usually seen in nature.
  • You may chuckle at the sheer disassociative randomness of what you're watching; the inexplicability of this show is nothing if not ridiculous.
  • The uncertainties of pressure vessel result in the randomness of local stress, local strain and fatigue life.
  • No, randomness is not "inimical" to free will; it is *different* from free will, to be sure, but there is nothing inconceivable or improbable about a universe in which both free will and randomness exist, are fundamental, and interact with each other in complex ways. Free Will and Behavioral Genetics, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • It was a neat neologism that hinted at both intent and maddening randomness: something banal had been made into a weapon, and like a handgun or a hunting knife, it could accidentally kill you.
  • The randomness is concerned with the selection of the members of the public for the panel, the selection of the array.
  • Rhythm in interior design also may be used to reduce randomness.
  • The predictions we make are simply probabilities that accept the idea of randomness. Times, Sunday Times
  • The absurdity grows even more palpable among astrophysicists who avoid acknowledging the human-friendly pattern in subatomic and cosmic architecture found in the observable universe only by theorizing the existence of an infinite number of unobservable universes in which sovereign randomness has dictated other and more hostile architectures. An Interview with Elisabet Sahtouris
  • Therefore, spatial patterns in missing data would often indicate nonrandomness in the data that is meaningful to the RegEM analysis-even if RegEM doesn't care about the spatial pattern itself. RealClimate
  • A greater reason faith isn't as prominent in the lives of combat troops as one might expect is the seeming incongruence between the idea of God as omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent and the randomness and obvious brutality of war.
  • The waves and the pebbles together constitute a simple example of a system that automatically generates non-randomness.
  • They thus believe in a random, futilitarian universe where - if they're existentialists - they might imagine that occasionally a heroic human being could assert some purpose above the froth of randomness, but in general, we're all doomed to decay and destruction.
  • But the underlying conceptualization is still Keynesian, meaning that consumption and investment functions are real, except for some randomness, and not based directly and explicitly on individual actors' decisions based on *perceived* wealth -- which may be very different from *real* wealth because of a lack of proper asset pricing models stabilizing asset valuations around equilibrium market prices. In Defense of Macroeconomists, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The randomness of the jury which s.80 of the Constitution contemplates is randomness at the point of creation of the panel of jurors from whom the ultimate jury is chosen.
  • “Expert Opinion”, in the shape of Merton,Scholes et al., chose to ignore these calculational inconveniences and instead promoted models based on mild randomness – Gaussian. There goes the neighborhood | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Finally, we study the dynamics of matter wave gap soliton in optical lattice with randomness.
  • It has the nature of randomness , generality, problem solving , radiativeness, directionality and creativity.
  • It is all because of the cussed randomness of organic chemistry and the whole firearm system.
  • Apologies for randomness of my citational style -- occupational hazard of the oral format I fear. Archive 2007-12-01
  • I wouldn't try to categorize all atheists, myself – the viewpoints range from 'there is insufficient evidence for theism' to 'there is sufficient evidence for atheism' to 'the necessary being is mindless randomness' to elsewise. Dawkins and ID
  • He just wants metronomes, randomness, atonality, doubletime kick drums and clicks.
  • Most of the bloggers talking about it seem to have assumed that it approaches perfect precision, which actually does set up a paradox at an idealized equilibrium, in that the starving ass, undeniably motivated to eat something, would be unable actually to eat anything because there would be no 'slippage' - randomness, say, or indeterminacy - for acting one way or another. Buridan's Ass
  • The analysis indicated: because the randomness of random traffic flow samples was violent, the endogen force and deflection of arch rib and deck and also the impact coefficient fluctuated violently.
  • Randomness is a human construct and is a product of our finitude.
  • Thoughts are witnessed in a subtle and undistracted manner to reveal their associative nature and at times, their isolated randomness.
  • He was like an empty wrappers of those fruit filled cookies that in boredom he had gormandized the previous night for they had fallen from his bunk during his restless sleep to be, for a time, caught in the reigning randomness of the fan's winds. An Apostate: Nawin of Thais
  • The waves and the pebbles together constitute a simple example of a system that automatically generates non-randomness.
  • The choice of x genes and y taxa approaches true randomness as the binomial coefficient increases relative to replicate number.
  • You may question the assumption of randomness all you want, but the theory makes a nontrivial prediction The Weasel Thread
  • The randomness is more apparent than real. Caves and Cave Life
  • They seem no more than highly complicated computers with elements of randomness to me.
  • The sequences were analyzed for randomness in dinucleotide frequencies and no statistically significant deviation was found.
  • The truly frightening thing about terrorism is the awful randomness.
  • Many positive results published in the literature rely on the strange nature of randomness. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few have mottled top layers with splashes of incongruous colors that seem to have come together with the randomness of drips of paint on a drop cloth.
  • Perhaps this helps to explain why digging for randomness in the flinty soil of physics is such hard work.
  • In classical system you see randomness as a property of coarsegrained systems. How many species 3: an answer, and some more questions. - The Panda's Thumb
  • The term silent evidence comes from a book I am currently enjoying, entitled "Fooled by Randomness" by a former securities trader named Nassim Taleb. which I have mentioned before. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Risk, he argued, was a randomness - as in a game of roulette - whose probability could be determined.
  • Much of the emphasis in recent cryptological research has been on ways to get by with less randomness, but a recent proposal takes a step in the other direction.
  • When everything that's going on on-screen is so chaotic and crazy, it doesn't help when it's cut together with such lunatic randomness.
  • The reason for this difference is as follows: in von Mises 'theory the law of large numbers follows from Poisson's law plus randomness, and in the classical theory it follows from Laplace's definition plus the multi plication law. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • The degree of flocculation, and hence randomness of particle orientations on sedimentation, generally increases with the concentration and valency of the cations in the solution.
  • The trenchant symbolism of his pictures is essentially alien to the Dada conception of randomness and fortuitous juxtaposition.
  • I still prefer the uncertainty and randomness of crossword clues.
  • Sometimes they do it just to keep us on our toes, but most of the time it's innocent, based on the cussed randomness of nature and the fact we're trying to measure within a system having at least six independent variables.
  • It seems that certain connoisseurs were not averse to engineering breakages so that precious vessels could be mended in this way, and beyond the sinuous lines — some exquisitely fine, occasionally spidery and nervous, others unctuous, broad, plump, and fluid — the volatile elements of chance and happenstance, in other words the randomness of these sudden breakages, lends to this art its clever brinkmanship with the big twin concepts of time and impermanence. Archive 2009-07-01
  • She is particularly interested in the randomness of evil, the degree of chance involved.
  • When an event occurs by mere hap, there is an element of randomness in its coming about; it might not have occurred, even if all of the conditions relevant to its production had been the same.
  • We are left by and large with randomness, the "pied beauty" that Gerard Manley Hopkins refers to in his poem of that name, which praises "dappledness": "swift, slow; adazzle, dim. The Marvel of Marfa
  • Many positive results published in the literature rely on the strange nature of randomness. Times, Sunday Times
  • But capriciousness, randomness and unexamined biases are not the exception, they are the rule. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why else would Robert Lowell, for example, spend the best part of his last ten years on earth stuffing everything into a fourteen-line loose approximation of a sonnet, lines whose randomness save him from dullness?
  • It is based on the concept of randomness and a parent's desire to spontaneously improvise a game that will entertain their little cherub for at least 60 seconds.
  • You may question the assumption of randomness all you want, but the theory makes a nontrivial prediction that is born out experimentally, so the standard model of Brownian motion is generally accepted. The Weasel Thread
  • Complexity is between determination and randomness.
  • To me the strangest aspect of randomness is its role as a link between the world of mathematical abstraction and the universe of ponderable matter and energy.
  • In fact, possibilities two and three listed above—where nonrandomness was assigned either to complex laws or to the environment—can be viewed as particular examples of this. The Edge of Evolution
  • In cells without a lamellipodium, the lamella reached all the way to the leading edge and the pattern of turnover did not deviate from its randomness, even in phases of pronounced protrusion.
  • Seeing patterns in randomness is known by psychologists as pareidolia. Times, Sunday Times
  • While a major part of the film is the concept of randomness as it relates to the dream world (Stephane terms a chief aspect of the science of sleep “PSR” – Parallel Synchronized Randomness), the storyline is also largely based in Freudian subconscious theory. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • The difference is subtile, and is technically probably not meaningful… but “randomness” feels like it drags in some unrelated and imprecise baggage. Randomly growing an embryo. It can work. - The Panda's Thumb
  • It introduced an element of randomness to the situation.
  • The randomness is more apparent than real. Caves and Cave Life

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