How To Use Quodlibet In A Sentence
Bruck's style in the German sacred lied shows the move towards the later motet-style settings of chorales, but his greatest achievements were in polyphonic arrangements of German folksongs and court melodies, as well as in the quodlibet.
Archive 2009-06-01
Innuunt in eis latere magna mysteria, et quodlibet horum factorum melodia terminat Musicorum.
The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
Ex falso sequitur quodlibet, from a false hypothesis anything can follow, likewise sums up your own m.o. all too well and all too frequently; whether subtly or more overtly and more arrogantly still; distorting what others say, then adding the pointed barb and the tacit, the barely unspoken “fuck-off”.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Our Own Randy Barnett Talks to Prof. Glenn Reynolds (InstaPundit) About Whether ObamaCare Is Constitutional
Forgive me, quick-witted reader, if this quodlibet to Q has made you querimonious; I'll leave the letter and return to Q, the woman, after I tax you with one more notion.
'Roads to Quoz'
Johannes Brassicanus quoted three of them in his quodlibet Was wölln wir aber heben an?
Archive 2009-06-01
No jokes there upon ladies and their husbands! no songs! — nothing resembling our quodlibets about horns and cuckoldom!
A Philosophical Dictionary
The apostles also confuted the heathen philosophers and Jews, a people than whom none more obstinate, but rather by their good lives and miracles than syllogisms: and yet there was scarce one among them that was capable of understanding the least "quodlibet" of the Scotists.
The Praise of Folly
Occasionally, a sufficiently serious religious news item appears that I find it necessary to eschew irony in order to assess, in a serious and sober way, the exigent theological quodlibet.
Anjem Choudary and donkeys « Anglican Samizdat
Quodlibet was disputed after the famous propositio magistralis of 1285, i.e. the proposition conceded by the Parisian Masters of Theology on the occasion of Giles of Rome's rehabilitation: “si ratio recta, et voluntas recta”
Hitler's Angel (A Meta Christmas Carol)
This sort of serendipity goes way back, of course — think of Clément Janequin's "Les cris de Paris," a quodlibet of 16th-century vendors 'cries; In the 19th century, there was a bit of a vogue for the combination of worldly concerns and overheard church music, Schumann's song "Sonntags am Rhine" being a gorgeous example.
The band in Heaven, they play my favorite song
An impossible world of the fourth kind, at which some contradiction is true but not everything is, provides a counterexample to ex falso quodlibet.
Impossible Worlds
Nam quod ceterae formae subiectae accidentibus sunt ut humanitas, non ita accidentia suscipit eo quod ipsa est, sed eo quod materia ei subiecta est; dum enim materia subiecta humanitati suscipit quodlibet accidens, ipsa hoc suscipere uidetur humanitas.
The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy