How To Use quodlibet In A Sentence
- Bruck's style in the German sacred lied shows the move towards the later motet-style settings of chorales, but his greatest achievements were in polyphonic arrangements of German folksongs and court melodies, as well as in the quodlibet. Archive 2009-06-01
- Innuunt in eis latere magna mysteria, et quodlibet horum factorum melodia terminat Musicorum. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
- Ex falso sequitur quodlibet, from a false hypothesis anything can follow, likewise sums up your own m.o. all too well and all too frequently; whether subtly or more overtly and more arrogantly still; distorting what others say, then adding the pointed barb and the tacit, the barely unspoken “fuck-off”. The Volokh Conspiracy » Our Own Randy Barnett Talks to Prof. Glenn Reynolds (InstaPundit) About Whether ObamaCare Is Constitutional
- Forgive me, quick-witted reader, if this quodlibet to Q has made you querimonious; I'll leave the letter and return to Q, the woman, after I tax you with one more notion. 'Roads to Quoz'
- Johannes Brassicanus quoted three of them in his quodlibet Was wölln wir aber heben an? Archive 2009-06-01
- No jokes there upon ladies and their husbands! no songs! — nothing resembling our quodlibets about horns and cuckoldom! A Philosophical Dictionary
- The apostles also confuted the heathen philosophers and Jews, a people than whom none more obstinate, but rather by their good lives and miracles than syllogisms: and yet there was scarce one among them that was capable of understanding the least "quodlibet" of the Scotists. The Praise of Folly
- Occasionally, a sufficiently serious religious news item appears that I find it necessary to eschew irony in order to assess, in a serious and sober way, the exigent theological quodlibet. Anjem Choudary and donkeys « Anglican Samizdat
- Quodlibet was disputed after the famous propositio magistralis of 1285, i.e. the proposition conceded by the Parisian Masters of Theology on the occasion of Giles of Rome's rehabilitation: “si ratio recta, et voluntas recta” Hitler's Angel (A Meta Christmas Carol)
- This sort of serendipity goes way back, of course — think of Clément Janequin's "Les cris de Paris," a quodlibet of 16th-century vendors 'cries; In the 19th century, there was a bit of a vogue for the combination of worldly concerns and overheard church music, Schumann's song "Sonntags am Rhine" being a gorgeous example. The band in Heaven, they play my favorite song