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How To Use Problematic In A Sentence

  • But again, perhaps problematically, they are beautiful statues – inspiring, optimistic, and utopian; totems to the radiant future that was always promised, but never quite arrived.
  • More problematic are the relationships of the four major groups, hexapods (including insects), crustaceans, myriapods (including centipedes and millipedes), and chelicerates (including spiders).
  • Proper melting, whiteness, and browning are still problematic in manufacturing low-fat mozzarella.
  • The reason that the minimum wage is problematic is that it is also self-limiting, only because companies can't pay employees less than the minimum wage, what generally gets limited is the number of jobs.
  • However, asking for direct recompense is problematic for several reasons.
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  • Defining rigorously what constitutes a clinically significant depressive illness is problematic, regardless of the age range under consideration.
  • I have read that ageism is particularly problematic in IT, with some companies refusing to hire anyone over age 35! Women Grow Business » The Incredible Disappearing Woman: Lessons on Dealing With Ageism From Mollie Katzen
  • Granted, Tyson's may be fixed over the next 30 years by extending the Washington Metro, but the street layouts, set up for maximum automobility, that define the urban space are problematic and limit possibilities. The End of Suburbia
  • Men's fear of the uterus and menstruation may be problematic but more devastating by far are women's own negative attitudes.
  • Multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora Thunb.) was the fifth-most problematic species.
  • Planting directly into more silicic ash such as rhyolite is however more problematic, due to nutrient issues such as nitrogen and calcium deficiency (Neild and others, 1998). Volcanic Ash—Effects on Agriculture and Mitigation Strategies
  • The youthful energy and innovation have gone, and his choice of sport is problematic because wrestling is already a theatrical pantomime.
  • This is problematical however as the type genus for this group, Palaeochoerus from Oligocene-Miocene Africa and Europe, almost certainly is a suid proper and not a peccary, Old World or otherwise. Archive 2006-08-01
  • Based on available information online, the next few episodes are a bit "problematical" and viewers will have to wait and see if this formerly "hot" series can right itself, before it completely falls apart. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Consequently generalizations about survival after diagnosis may be problematic.
  • An Asian film festival approached from any angle is bound to pose questions of a social and political nature, and raise problematic issues surrounding ethnic identity.
  • Although it did seem problematic when he tried to get his face into the bucket his food was poured into.
  • That final dependence may be experienced as distressing or peaceful, but it is not socially problematic.
  • The aftermath of the war will be equally problematic for the inquiry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Throughout this book, the term pressure refers to those features of a situation that may be problematic for the individual and that amount to demands for adaptation of some kind. Stress and the Manager
  • But its esoteric structure may make finding a global leader all the more problematic. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you ever get married, which seems to be extremely problematic
  • Pulling out of Africa may be problematic, though. Times, Sunday Times
  • We turn finally to the problematic results for integration as measured by the increment from free recall to cued recall.
  • Creating double blind conditions in trials of counter irritants can be problematic; rubefacients irritate the skin whereas inactive placebos do not.
  • That was a pretty problematic idea anyway, considering that Glasgow has neither the climate nor the produce to sustain it.
  • The meaning of handsy and woke and problematic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although Somerhalder doesn't believe that Damon will continue down his heartbreakingly vulnerable path too long, he does reveal it will become problematic. Vampire Diaries' Ian Somerhalder: Andie Is Damon's "Hot Beard"
  • The phlegmy rolling h at the beginning of Hanukkah is very problematic for newcomers. Paul Golin: Finally, The Right Way To Spell The December Jewish Holiday
  • However, before exploring this problematic I want to establish the strange way in which the sailors 'taunt impinges on Equiano's interpellation of George into his masochistic reading of Foxe. The State of Things: Olaudah Equiano and the Volatile Politics of Heterocosmic Desire
  • To demand to make a public display of it can be problematic. Times, Sunday Times
  • In essays, interviews, and prefaces to his own work, he explored the problematic borderlines between historical fact and novelistic invention.
  • Even the use of chemical or biological weapons is problematic.
  • In a similar manner, if we meditate with chants, mantras, or visualizations, we may use these as a way to distance ourselves from our more usual, problematic experience.
  • There had come a point in August of 1998 when underlying stress began to surface in marketplace, and problematic liquidation of dollar holdings commenced.
  • Focusing attention on the simple business of walking two blocks to her door was problematical, however. SACRAMENT
  • Demonstrating that all the world is a stage, Thurman places his protagonist in a context of masks, theatres, duplicities, and lies in order to consider the problematics of racial and sexual identity.
  • Wheal is right to flag up death-knock journalism as problematic.
  • Within 30 minutes though things were looking rather problematic as there was a homebirth 'niggling' and both the on-call midwives were from our office. British Blogs
  • Contact killers are therefore problematical, and we have to adopt a different technique.
  • It was a politics that rejected as falsely optimistic (if not self-interested) approaches like Stephen's, which posited women's sexual consent and consent to marry as sufficiently unproblematic, and the sexes 'common interest in revitalization of Spirit as sufficiently strong, to permit immediate resolution of sex-class conflict through communal cooperation and the sacralization of feminine nurture. 47 Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • The struggles of these and other unwaged sections of the class can be as problematic for capital as those of waged workers.
  • The word believe is a problematic one today, in part because it has gradually changed its meaning from being the language of certainty so deep that I could give my heart to it, to the language of uncertainty so shallow that only the "credulous" would rely on it. Child
  • Perhaps the most problematic aspect of contemporary nature photography is what is not in the frame.
  • The deconstruction of narrative as a natural or unproblematic activity was to be amplified by several other literary theorists.
  • If someone has severe eczema, psoriasis, or other problematic skin conditions, different treatments such as immunosuppressive drugs or creams have a host of risk factors to consider. - latest science and technology news stories
  • That's problematical as well, as it suggests that we sit on ground that's been either taken from the Gay and Straight identities, or that if the perception of these broadens we'll be squeezed out!
  • However, in the textual criticism of the books of Scripture this is problematic in several ways.
  • We need therefore to devise a screening procedure which singles out the problematic investigations.
  • But, in the meantime, surely there's something fundamentally problematic for contemporary audiences about the movie's soft-pedalled subject matter? Times, Sunday Times
  • But the frame itself is part of a problematic list to which belongs such other terms like the parergon, the supplement and the hymen.
  • And although such overabundant light is problematic in our age of energy consciousness, a substantial discussion concerning the use of less public and private illumination has taken second place to the more prominent campaign urging us to replace our incandescent suns with other, colder fluorescent suns, even though the adoption of compact fluorescent light is only trading one commodity for another. Jane Brox: Light! Less Light! The Evolution Of Artificial Light
  • More specifically, problematic cognitions such as obsessive thoughts are seen as the by-products of emotional states.
  • However the marrying of one subnet per wiring closet is problematic.
  • But some interviewed expressed concern that a younger patron may lack familiarity with an organization's priorities, which could turn problematic given that a trustee is often vested with executive-hiring approval, financial responsibilities and, in the case of museums, the acquisition of artwork. Cultural Boards Get Younger Look
  • From this initial and highly problematic binary, Schultz deduces a series of categorical oppositions.
  • Suppose we concede, as well, that every such physical event is causally unproblematic.
  • Because of their lowly social status and outspoken behavior, the reputation of laundresses in late eighteenth-century Spain was problematic at best.
  • I did not expect to discover that being a Christian might put one crossways with the assumptions that shape "normality" -- assumptions that make war unproblematic -- but like it or not, I became convinced that Christians cannot kill. Stanley Hauerwas: The Surprise of Being a Christian
  • And because of the problematic nature of this general metaphysics, the strategy of this discussion will have to be somewhat different.
  • It might be worth stating how problematic it can be to study morphology through time in a geographically restricted subset of a species.
  • Contact killers are therefore problematical, and we have to adopt a different technique.
  • Yet their treatment from a quantum point of view - a subject called quantum chaology - proves to be problematic.
  • She has repeatedly emphasized that her novels are linguistically self-conscious explicitly in order to translate the apprehension of the problematic area of language.
  • More important, the relation between class location and political allegiance is not linear and unproblematical.
  • One senior official said the key is to neither overreact nor underreact to the midterms but to accurately pinpoint the areas that were truly problematic for the president and try to act on them. 'Soul-searching' inside the White House
  • A lousy musical performance would be problematic; but a botched dance move would be complete and total career suicide, as the expression of wall-eyed panic on her face clearly illustrated.
  • With Israelis, I would think it was just an extension of the problematic relationship between Jewishness and whitness. Who’s White Exercise (UPDATED AGAIN)
  • Data on a systemic boundary unconformity on the west Newfoundland shelf are more problematic.
  • Identification of most caterpillars was problematic so ecological groupings were used to create five subgroups: a bract-associated morphospecies, foliage-associated taxa, geometrids, and a lichen-associated morphospecies.
  • That soaring something on the skyline, a problematic feature at best, set off an orgy of megalithic excess.
  • Even the high principles of liberal internationalism, with an emphasis on the League of Nations and collective security, made neutrality problematic.
  • If this is the case, there can be no simple and unproblematic identification on the part of the spectator, male or female, with Mulvey's ‘ideal ego’ on the screen.
  • Changes to the Constitution have proved somewhat problematic in the past.
  • Other problematic areas include intellectual property rights, trademarks and data protection.
  • Potential listeners also are cautious about venturing on to a campus with circuitous roads, dense eucalyptus groves and notoriously problematic parking.
  • Blurring the distinction between slave and free makes more complicated and problematic the nature of legal status.
  • Or is it because your boss is shy and introverted and finds it difficult dealing with problematic interpersonal situations? Times, Sunday Times
  • It's the kind of film with a curve ball around every corner, so writing about it in any depth is problematic.
  • It will do well to escape the controversy of its problematic production, which has raised questions about the scrutiny afforded to public funding of film in Scotland.
  • The intestinal parasites can be easily treated, typhoid is more problematic, especially if you fail to detect and treat it at an interim stage. How Y�ll Doin� ?
  • The early Cambrian fossil record is characterized by unique skeletal assemblages that include the spongelike archaeocyathans and a number of mostly problematic small skeletal elements, known collectively as small shelly fossils.
  • Even the use of chemical or biological weapons is problematic.
  • Other parts of the essay were more problematical.
  • Or is it because your boss is shy and introverted and finds it difficult dealing with problematic interpersonal situations? Times, Sunday Times
  • Interpreting the extreme similarity in anteaters and pangolins remains problematic due to lingering disagreement among phylogenetic hypotheses.
  • Much more problematic, in practical terms, is the resistance by public bodies to funding what are seen as subversive cliques.
  • Instead, I wrote to ensure that the regulation of state judicial practice - something that has long been the responsibility of the states - is not unduly "federalized" via a problematic one-size-fits-all approach that ignores differences between the states, hinders the states 'aggressive and innovative efforts to ensure fairness, and launches an entirely new body of federal constitutional law and an entirely new layer of expensive and expansive litigation. Undefined
  • He carried off the stiff, tormented froideur that makes the character both crucial and problematic in Ulysses.
  • Biological species status is more complex, and application of the biological species concept to allopatric populations is problematic.
  • Since his descendants were in hiding, tracing a line of authority became problematical.
  • So, we kind of quickly threw away the notion of sprite flicker and all these things that would be very problematic or limits that we'd have to impose on ourselves for gameplay. GameSetWatch
  • So what is more problematic for the SBC - the word "Baptist" or the word "Southern"?
  • Definitions of erotica, degrading pornography, and violent pornography can be problematic.
  • The mutual dependence of profitability and growth, as we will see, makes the assessment of management motivation particularly problematical.
  • This claim is highly problematic in that the texts that record the edicts and prayers, in particular, were compiled long after the Nihon shoki in an age Norinaga himself described as permeated by the “Chinese mind” and these forms have their own stylistic conventions. The Kokugaku (Native Studies) School
  • This problematics, however much it touches the core of a crucial argument, ceases precisely because it is already circumscribed by legalistic notions of loyalty.
  • Other forms of treatment emphasize learning to adjust to the disorder rather than removing the problematic behaviour.
  • Thus one of the important elements of classical sonata form, the contrast between statements and developments, is rendered somewhat problematic.
  • Emptiness resides in plenitude and solitude, the problematic path for Buddhists and Romanticists alike. About This Volume
  • It is unquestionably problematical to make a distinction between thought and feeling.
  • As you point out, it can be problematic when a model is accepted because of its simplicity in spite of of empirical data which points out that the model is a poor predicter. Verification r2 Revealed!!! « Climate Audit
  • There appear to be two problematic assertions involved: first, an overly generalized, if not at times hypostatized, split of cultural spheres into The Kyoto School
  • The innovations are mostly unproblematic. The Times Literary Supplement
  • But dipping a toe into the contracting pond can be problematic.
  • Exercising that collective responsibility remains highly problematic.
  • When the inability to control leakage becomes problematic, it is called urinary incontinence UI. OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • Still, "he added depressedly," I must arrange to earn something, I suppose, since my father's assistance is so problematical. Queed
  • They love, I suspect, exactly those things that make him problematic: his passion for play-acting, for drama over truth.
  • Although mint is problematic, chewing gum actually can help heartburn symptoms.
  • Especially problematic is the regulation of dosages of reagent additives used for the noncontinuous, low-recovery flotation processes. Chapter 20
  • Unfortunately, in criticizing Washington's approach to the issue, he misidentifies the challenge and offers a problematic solution.
  • This axiom is problematic in some systems, and some people, finitists such as Hilbert, wanted a consistent way to talk about infinity that stemmed from proofs using finitary means.
  • The evidence from the historian Josephus is problematical.
  • Nowadays the very concept of personal ethics has become problematic in one domain after another. Times, Sunday Times
  • It affirms human dignity and certain inalienable rights, although the application of these is often problematic in practice.
  • Although a far from usual setting for a comedy series, the inmates were not too problematic or insane but merely a ragtag of eccentrics who had opted out of life.
  • The way negative feedback is given is predominantly through negative assessments, which represent a socially problematic action according to research on ordinary talk-in-interaction (Pomerantz, 1984).
  • It is mainly locals who experience it as icicles, since visiting Stehekin over winter is even more problematic - thanks to harsh weather that can sweep in over the space of just a few hours.
  • Detailed field experiments on current generation GM crops show that in a range of environments they are very unlikely to invade the countryside and become problematic plants.
  • (I consign to parentheses the equally problematic issue of race, although few readers familiar with Austen will want to ignore the near-hysterical irruption of "the slave-trade" into one of Jane Fairfax's earlier conversations [271], as if in compulsive, belated echo of the formidable subtext haunting Mansfield Park.) Saying What One Thinks: Emma--_Emma_--at Box Hill
  • a problematic situation at home
  • But then, he called Labaton back to clarify, saying that the problematic phrase was in an earlier draft, he had noticed it and crossed it out.
  • But some consultants fear that such ideological non-party organizations flourishing could be problematic.
  • It is with the tenderest touch that in his reminiscent record of this their last meeting he depicts her "problematical" nature, and pays his tribute to all that she had been to him. [ The Youth of Goethe
  • In the second instance it is problematic because what is often thought of as "post-conciliar" in manifestation was extant and growing in influence well before that period. Continuity, Beauty and Dignity within the Liturgical Arts and their Development
  • This has not consisted simply of middle-class reformers defining the working-class family as problematic, for which there is a long tradition.
  • I also reflected on the fact that a rush on the banks would be problematic in today's banking environment.
  • The assessment of structural adjustment loans is even more problematic than the assessment of rural development projects.
  • God becomes transcendent, the question of possible immanence becoming problematical.
  • To be clear, the criticisms I have voiced of Caillois are not at all specifically anthropological ones, they are criticisms from the point of view of social theory generally; that is, there are certain features of arguments that we have come to understand are deeply problematic in a general way across the social sciences, such as functionalist arguments, or totalizing ones. Game as Cultural Form, Play as Disposition
  • Fat may be problematic because it's so calorically dense.
  • The items discussed here are broadly successful in negotiating these conflicts, but not unproblematic. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The assessment of structural adjustment loans is even more problematic than the assessment of rural development projects.
  • Assertions about authenticity of personal experience could be presented as if they were an unproblematic guide to an understanding of processes of subordination and domination.
  • It seems to be solid enough, but it is problematic and tricky, you're never as sure of it as you'd like to be.
  • Nowadays the very concept of personal ethics has become problematic in one domain after another. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘The council refused to consider having some of the new flats as affordable housing, saying this would be problematic, uneconomic and highly inefficient’, Cllr Williams said.
  • Even more problematic is the fact that Ichi is no longer a bullied child, but a bullied pubescent.
  • This impersonal and bureaucratic approach, which is implicitly untrusting of physician clinical judgment, is problematic.
  • More problematic is the lack of cabin space. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is interesting to see that a row with his mother ranks lower on his scale than less problematic situations with people at the office. POSITIVELY FEARLESS: Breaking free of the fears that hold you back
  • Planting directly into more silicic ash such as rhyolite is however more problematic, due to nutrient issues such as nitrogen and calcium deficiency (Neild and others, Volcanic Ash—Effects on Agriculture and Mitigation Strategies
  • Ellis said the rains will especially be problematic for what he called "droughty" corn, which could also be susceptible to fungus problems. Brandon Sun Online - Top Stories
  • In September, TIME's legal columnist, Adam Cohen, also made a good argument for why strict originalism is problematic.
  • It is particularly problematic for new recruits. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since the meaning of particular expressions will not be independent of the meaning of other expressions (in virtue of the commitment to compositionality the meanings of all sentences must be generated on the same finite base), so a theory that generates problematic results in respect of one expression can be expected to generate problematic results elsewhere, and, in particular, to also generate results that do not meet the requirements of Convention T. Donald Davidson
  • Getting an invite to one of the chi-chi parties and receptions is a bit more problematic.
  • How far she was inspirational in the actual composition of the work remains essentially problematic.
  • For Franco, the most problematical feature within the Nationalist zone was the continued existence of independent and competing political movements.
  • A botched promotional campaign offering free trips allowed passengers to take the company for a ride and a problematic payment system led to rejected credit cards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Labour's safety-first approach would be more problematical were the Tories able to mount a realistic economic challenge.
  • And Gandhi's deep commitment to detachment was not unproblematic for those really close to him - his wife and children, for example.
  • Comparison of the thickness of lithostratigraphic units between sites appeared problematic because of the apparent diachronism of the lithostratigraphic boundaries and of the lateral changes of porosity.
  • The logistics of moving the battalions was complicated, and the benefits on readiness problematic.
  • Our current citizenship laws are problematical but why go the sledgehammer route which will just whip up racism?
  • Other problematic invasive species include coffee (Coffea arabica), guava (Psidium guajava), Lantana camara, mango (Mangifera indica), African tulip tree (Spathodea campanulata), and Cecropia palmate. Society Islands tropical moist forests
  • This was a show that presented the problematic areas of representation of people outside of one's socio-political group.
  • The Jawa Report has more; the translations that exist so far are problematical. Allahpundit: is this an Ahmadinejad conspiracy tape? - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • That this whole wretched business has simply been one long, problematic excretion. GALILEE
  • It is not the destination but the journey that is most problematic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of this work is unproblematic - teenagers taking an after-school job in a supermarket, corner dairy, or working in a family business.
  • As a recap, I had come to a couple of major revelations on PIE that diverge from the "mainstream" but problematic view:One: The unlikely phonological system can finally be rationalized by turning palatal stops to plain ones and plain stops to uvular ones while shifting phonation to a contrast between creaky and plain voice rather than plain versus breathy. New pdf on Indo-European verbs
  • I find the term problematic only in that I think all fiction should be experimental: no fiction writer should rest satisfied that prose fiction has settled into its final and most appropriate form such that only reiterations of the form with fresh "content" is needed. The Reading Experience
  • It was a problematic message and the police were swift to say that they didn't want to imply that women were partly culpable if they were attacked. Times, Sunday Times
  • The other, some twenty miles to the west, was more problematical. THE ONLY GAME
  • In Genres of the Credit Economy, I developed a historical argument to show that, in periods in which what I call the problematic of representation became visible, economic, political, and epistemological uncertainty often ensued. The Chicago Blog
  • Seeing as the worst he seems to manage is a bit of frugging on the dancefloor, it doesn't sound too problematic.
  • Despite a fairly balanced presentation of the issues, there are some subtle aspects of this video that transgender and transsexual advocates would find problematic.
  • The more limited range of electric vehicles is less problematic when most trips are within the urban area.
  • As the film progresses towards an inevitably downbeat conclusion, this becomes increasingly problematic.
  • One further point is that even the propensity to pair universalism and inclusivism over against particularism and exclusivism is problematic when applied to the biblical period.
  • The tough waxy leaf cuticle may be problematic for impaling the epidermal cells of some plants, but this difficulty can be overcome by optimizing the shape of the electrode tip.
  • Solidarity in support of accused rapists or, to put it less question-beggingly people accused of rape may be problematic in the sense you suggest, but so what? Women’s Duke Lacrosse Team - Why Not Wear a Bracelet That Says: Justice for All?
  • This means, in turn, that while many of his paraphrases of little known Italian texts are fascinating, his interpretations are problematic.
  • Brain complexity is imposing as well; making broad conclusions linking thought to specific physical causes problematic. An Argument from Realism Against Naturalism about Human Beings
  • Its early take on the way the polling proceeded in Ohio is positive, but its stringers may have reported in before the problems developed, or from places that were unproblematic.
  • Resulting trade imbalances are not generally outwardly problematic in interstate trading - since transactions are consummated in the same currency.
  • It could be a bit problematic, legally speaking.
  • The most prominent and, as we had experienced, most problematic symbol of the Legion's past was the singing.
  • This hidden intellectualism is especially problematic when considered side-by-side with the overt anti-intellectualism prevalent throughout the novel.
  • This requirement may be problematic in cases where an employee option is repriced to a lower option price.
  • To demand to make a public display of it can be problematic. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it can be problematic when patients remain conscious or require relief from chronic pain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other cultural survivals, such as a value systems, codes of etiquette, musical styles, and an Irish recipe for the national dish called ‘goat water’ stew, are considerably more problematic as cultural legacies.
  • The way in which the judges have been selected is also problematic. Times, Sunday Times
  • But deniability, although it can be very useful, is also highly problematic for democracies, since deniable policies by definition lack the kind of accountability democracy requires.
  • They are particularly problematic when they make up a large proportion of a meal. Times, Sunday Times
  • They can metastasise to other organs in the body, but it can take years before they start to become problematic. Undefined
  • Comparisons with similar studies in the literature are problematic because of differences in methods, minimum patch sizes, and the processes that generated the blowdowns.
  • Dust mites and animal dander are problematic when they become airborne during vacuuming, making beds or when textiles are disturbed.
  • Gerstler's poems highlight the problematics of written discourse, requiring yet thwarting the operations of both memory and understanding.
  • How far judicial discretion on sentencing should be directed by Government policy is problematic.
  • As Isabella shows him, however, neither domain is as unambiguous and unproblematic as he would like to believe.
  • Thus, the problematic nature of eyewitness reports was explicitly acknowledged by the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • I could go into a long screed about Judaic storytelling and narrative techniques and why the concept of Bibilical literalism is problematic, but, like I said, this isn’t really the place, or indeed, the point. Creationism Is For Assholes - :: gia’s blog ::
  • The professional consensus is that the responses, though not unproblematic, are meaningful and reasonably comparable among various groups of individuals.
  • Carrying fat on your hips is far less problematic. Times, Sunday Times
  • In water treatment, the ion exchange resin which is used is usually more selective for divalent and trivalent ions, which is practical since the problematic ions are usually one of the two.
  • Researching a limited population to produce a broadly applicable generalization is problematic.

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