How To Use Postulation In A Sentence

  • From this intriguing postulation onward, the film slowly and hesitantly assumes the shape of a thriller.
  • The Dewan roared; the burden of his expostulation was the word liar. Caste
  • In response to your postulation that “when managed properly, human hunters, predators, and a healthy, natural ecosystem can all coexist” I must agree with you, based on the reality of rational, empirical science. Wolves Kill 23 Lambs In Oregon
  • But for those to whom neither of these options seems realistic the pluralistic affirmation becomes inevitable, and with it the postulation of the Real an sich, which is variously experienced and thought .... Warranted Christian Belief
  • The amount of anticipatory glee I have while awaiting a Biden expostulation is no doubt directly proportional to the angst Obama feels with the same anticipation. If we take back 45 seats, we make Biden wear a Little Lord Fauntleroy suit. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
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  • In particular, the epistemological contrast between two sorts of empirical generalizations ” those adopted on narrowly inductive grounds and those expressing constitutive principles of postulational theories adopted on broadly empirical, i.e., explanatory grounds ” enabled Sellars to distinguish among three different grades of “observational involvement”: observations and general claims individually validated Wilfrid Sellars
  • A postulation is a petition presented to a competent ecclesiastical superior, that he may promote to a certain dignity a person who is not strictly eligible on account of some canonical impediment which is usually dispensable. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Anybody who has been the victim of a judge who has been premature in his expostulations has good reason to recall how devastating outbursts can be.
  • Postulation of a link between death and helping one's kin is a non-sequitur. At What Level did this Evolve?
  • Syādvāda, an ancient Jainist doctrine of 7-fold postulation, allows you a multiplicity of angles of seeing reality. Pavel Somov, Ph.D.: WYSIWYC
  • Perot, whose preferred rhetorical mode is the murky expostulation, is what used to be called a blatherskite. The Veep And The Blatherskite
  • Frank for refusing her first request, and the foolish fellow's expostulations suscitated feelings in Mike of intense satisfaction. Mike Fletcher A Novel
  • Cox and Forshaw take us through more than a century of postulation and exploration, ending with the mystery of the Higgs boson, a particle that may account for the masses of other subatomic particles. Making Sense of It All
  • The Vatican decrees and the "expostulation" by Robert Rodolph Suffield Our Children Deserve More - When Will the Church Learn?
  • Blame, expostulations, recriminations and horseplay - David provides an up-close-and-personal document of the family's most wrenchingly private moments.
  • The intemperate are the persons to whom these expostulations should be addressed. Select Temperance Tracts
  • Since it is often applied to produce predictions based on INSUFFICIENT or INCOMPLETE datasets, I'd say you're right, it's eminently applicable to a good bit of the expostulation posted in this thread (any reply?). [by the way, did you get the Wordsworth pun?] red Latest Administrator Gossip - NASA Watch
  • Those who knew me used to call me 'Brimstone Betty;' and in my own family I went by the name of the 'Bold Dragoon,' much to the miscontentment of my father, who tried hard to bring me to a more feminine habit of Body and frame of mind, both by affectionate expostulation, and by assiduous larruping with a stirrup leather. The Strange Adventures of Captain Dangerous, Vol. 1 of 3 Who was a sailor, a soldier, a merchant, a spy, a slave among the moors...
  • They sent off a kind of expostulation, which amounted to this -- "How now, my good sir? Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 54, No. 337, November, 1843
  • He argued against the Epicureans that their commitment to free will does not require the rejection of the principle of bivalence applied to propositions about the future or the postulation of an uncaused swerve among the atoms.
  • the postulational method was applied to geometry
  • But that private view (still a postulation, not even an hypothesis in my mind) is not helped when I read the latest on climate data. 2009 August — Fusion Despatches
  • I am proud to say I had as much influence over the Boers as over the Kafirs, and by a kind and persuasive manner in expostulation, had they meditated such a step, I could at once have deterred them. The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
  • In discussing the Biblical cosmology we must return to our general position defended earlier in this chapter; the references of the writers of the Bible to natural things are popular, non-postulational, and in terms of the culture in which the writers wrote. Reasons to Believe -
  • This, under the circumstances, has been justly characterized by one of the witnesses as an expression of remonstrance or expostulation.
  • If the "earn them on one hunt, collect them on another" postulation is true -- all I can say is that I've been building up an exponential payday over the past 7 years! Collecting Versus Earning Your Game
  • The cosmology of the Bible is not systematized and is not postulational. Reasons to Believe -
  • The voice of the stranger was raised as though in anger or altercation, while that of the Governor was pitched lower, in tones that seemed to convey the idea of expostulation, entreaty, and apology. A Chinese Command A Story of Adventure in Eastern Seas
  • An empirical research is taken with data from manufacturing in China to verify aforesaid postulation and compare with overseas practice.
  • To some degree, the expostulation heil is obviously a hailing; but it is hardly an unequivocal one. Patriot Acts: The Political Language of Henrich von Kleist
  • Had he sprung at her, or snarled, or shown any anger or resentment such as did the other dogs when so treated by her, she would have screamed and screeched and raised a hubbub of expostulation, crying for help and calling all men to witness how she was being unwarrantably attacked. CHAPTER XXVIII
  • Thus the postulation of the Deity is not only permissible, it is unavoidable.
  • One was whipped deftly on to his plate, and as he took up his knife and fork to carve it, a great scuffling sounded without, angry voices being raised in expostulation, and, above all, a breathless, insistent appeal for Mr. Carr or Sir Miles. The Black Moth: A Romance of the XVIII Century
  • Well, Daddy! said Norah in expostulation – whereat everybody laughed. Mates at Billabong
  • But getting back to the reason why I pasted the quote into this comment, this is the only postulation in the book that Behe makes in regards to the origin of life. Behe, Common Descent, & UD
  • There was something in the air and tone of the young soldier, which seemed to argue that his interference was not likely to be confined to mere expostulation; and which, if it promised finally the advantages of a process of battery and deforcement, would certainly commence with the unpleasant circumstances necessary for founding such a complaint. The Antiquary
  • A postulation that it began with the cell and that it was designed. Behe, Common Descent, & UD
  • Compare and contrast the treatment meted out to Minister Lewis, who was constantly interrupted with incredulous comments and expostulations.
  • It was exciting, and always got the crowd going, with much clapping, expostulation and dancing of the gopak.
  • “inductively” by way of direct appeals to observational backing, the constitutive posits of postulational theories holistically validated by way of indirect, explanatory appeals to observational backing, and purely formal claims expressing necessary conditions for the formulation of scientific hypotheses in general. Wilfrid Sellars
  • Blame, expostulations, recriminations and horseplay - David provides an up-close-and-personal document of the family's most wrenchingly private moments.
  • “Not of refusal or expostulation — that time is gone by,” said her stern censurer. Saint Ronan's Well
  • With the social development, credibility of academic journal editors has moved beyond the category of ethics and personal pursuit into a requirement of social operation and system postulation.
  • And this change came about without expostulations, reproach, or explanation, just by the turning of a key; and even this was the merest symbol, employed once only, to save the ungracefulness of words. Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works
  • Although the citation on van 't Hoff's award acknowledges him for "the extraordinary services he rendered by the discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions", van 't Hoff is actually best remembered for his postulation that the carbon atom in organic compounds has K. Barry Sharpless - Banquet Speech
  • The popular belief was that his retractation was the effect of the tears, expostulations and reproaches of his wife. The History of England, from the Accession of James II — Volume 4
  • Although there are millions of pages of material on the web, it's an uncharted frontier of rumour, speculation, wild theories and baseless postulation.

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