
  1. a formal message requesting something that is submitted to an authority
  2. (logic) a declaration of something self-evident; something that can be assumed as the basis for argument
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How To Use postulation In A Sentence

  • From this intriguing postulation onward, the film slowly and hesitantly assumes the shape of a thriller.
  • The Dewan roared; the burden of his expostulation was the word liar. Caste
  • In response to your postulation that “when managed properly, human hunters, predators, and a healthy, natural ecosystem can all coexist” I must agree with you, based on the reality of rational, empirical science. Wolves Kill 23 Lambs In Oregon
  • But for those to whom neither of these options seems realistic the pluralistic affirmation becomes inevitable, and with it the postulation of the Real an sich, which is variously experienced and thought .... Warranted Christian Belief
  • The amount of anticipatory glee I have while awaiting a Biden expostulation is no doubt directly proportional to the angst Obama feels with the same anticipation. If we take back 45 seats, we make Biden wear a Little Lord Fauntleroy suit. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • In particular, the epistemological contrast between two sorts of empirical generalizations ” those adopted on narrowly inductive grounds and those expressing constitutive principles of postulational theories adopted on broadly empirical, i.e., explanatory grounds ” enabled Sellars to distinguish among three different grades of “observational involvement”: observations and general claims individually validated Wilfrid Sellars
  • A postulation is a petition presented to a competent ecclesiastical superior, that he may promote to a certain dignity a person who is not strictly eligible on account of some canonical impediment which is usually dispensable. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Anybody who has been the victim of a judge who has been premature in his expostulations has good reason to recall how devastating outbursts can be.
  • Postulation of a link between death and helping one's kin is a non-sequitur. At What Level did this Evolve?
  • Syādvāda, an ancient Jainist doctrine of 7-fold postulation, allows you a multiplicity of angles of seeing reality. Pavel Somov, Ph.D.: WYSIWYC
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