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How To Use Polygraph In A Sentence

  • Given the polygraph's dubious record, resistance to the lie detector has started to stir.
  • Billy Marks of Arlington said he was questioned repeatedly, given a polygraph and placed under surveillance for weeks.
  • Then a woman who may or may not be a real polygrapher comes on the screen to say with convincing earnestness, "All the polygraph examiners really try to make a person feel more at ease. Buzz on lie detectors is all a lie, NSA video says
  • The subject was asked to stand up immediately and changes in the heart rate were noted in the polygraph.
  • Also, apparently, he took a polygraph, but one of the things that was omitted from the statement was whether or not he passed the polygraph.
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  • He'd show them the communications center, neat gear such as polygraphs and Breathalyzers, demonstrate photography and fingerprinting, and generally try to show them a good time and build a positive rapport.
  • At the end of the day, even O.J. could find a polygrapher willing to prove him innocent. Deconstructing Obama
  • Remember she had, quote, "flunked" this polygraph that Tim Miller had set up. CNN Transcript Nov 25, 2009
  • Mechanical activity was recorded on a polygraph via isometric transducers.
  • Traditional lie detectors, known as polygraphs, measure heart and respiratory rates as a person answers questions.
  • Dr Zuhair Bandar and his team at Manchester Metropolitan University say the system has already proved more accurate than traditional polygraphs.
  • My suggestion is that we add to the camera and microphone another scientific device called the polygraph, which records emotional content in answering questions. Marvin Kitman: Where is Diogenes When We Need Him?
  • Accomplished liars will beat polygraphs, mislead interrogators, and hoodwink the most sophisticated security regime.
  • It beats self-reporting -- simply asking parolees whether they've violated their parole terms -- a method previously employed by many jurisdictions that have switched over to post-conviction polygraphy. The Polygraph Paradox
  • For the closest relative that TV has among other machines is not the cinema projector or computer, but the polygraph, aka the lie detector. BREAKFAST WITH SOCRATES
  • a machine, which he calls a polygraph, and which carries two, three, or four pens. Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 4
  • Once you have passed the battery of language tests, you will then have to pass the polygraph and an audiometer hearing test. Wanted by the FBI: Employees « Musings from an overworked translator
  • Then a young woman who may or may not be a real polygrapher comes on the screen to say with convincing earnestness, “All the polygraph examiners really try to make a person feel more at ease ….” NSA lie detectors no sweat, video says
  • One was setting up a polygraph, laying out the lie detector's telltale wires and cords.
  • I think it's important that people know they passed the polygraph; that this little girl is in danger.
  • GRACE: Bill Majeski, former NYPD, now with Majeski Associates, Inc. He ` s a polygrapher. CNN Transcript Jan 12, 2010
  • One of the points that Stephen Hatfill also made - and you're an authority on this, you know something about polygraphs given your former line of work in the Defense Intelligence Agency.
  • He invented a lie-detecting machine called the polygraph.
  • Haas was a fraud, John F. Sullivan, a retired CIA polygrapher, wrote to commanders. Self-described CIA assassin dies in gun accident
  • Reve and I went in the first day and took polygraphs.
  • Guilty people can also beat polygraphs by suppressing their physiological reactions with the help of mental countermeasures such as meditation or physical ones such as drugs.
  • It is VERY hard to beat an experienced polygrapher. Prostitute To Provide Details Of Affair With Vitter
  • When it comes to dissuading released offenders from relapsing, polygraphy is superior to other methods, adherents say. The Polygraph Paradox
  • Since no two lines actually rendezvous, a shifting pattern emerges from their misalignment that evokes the nervous scrawl of a polygraph test.
  • They've gone in and they've passed the polygraphs, and they've done the right thing.
  • Ultimately, how can polygraphy be scientific when it relies upon the human skills of the polygrapher? Times, Sunday Times
  • Dr. Rosen suggested a polygraphic sleep study, a kind of catchall used to broadly monitor a child, until specific problems are pinpointed. Cruel Deception
  • And Johnny Skakel, his brother, who was one of those witnesses, was tested by polygraph and passed the polygraph.
  • This includes honesty, psychological, and personality tests, genetic screening, substance abuse tests and polygraph examinations.
  • Objective responses are recorded on a polygraph trace.
  • Using polygraphs, sphygmographs, dromographs and other myographs, he succeeded in analysing diagramatically the walk of man and of horse, the flight of birds and insects.
  • And the prosecutors still argued that my client was guilty when they knew he passed the polygraph.
  • He did not invent the polygraph, but he did design the Backster control question technique, called the zone technique.
  • Polygraph proponents argue that this is a benefit the ongoing polygraphy debate misses: The question shouldn't be whether the technology is always accurate, they say, but whether it is useful. The Polygraph Paradox
  • to test a criminal suspect with a polygraph.
  • Polygraphs are not only worthless but they cause innocent people to be branded as liars.
  • However, polygraphy is only just getting going in this country, and its public profile so far is contentious. Times, Sunday Times
  • Several of the family members have taken polygraphs.
  • Recent formal documentation of this comes from a National Research Council (NRC) blue ribbon panel appointed a year ago to examine the scientific validity of the polygraph for national security.
  • The results were verified by Cleave Baxter, one of the most respected polygraph examiners himself.
  • The polygraphs were taken as part of the investigation by Pan Am's defence team who were fighting civil court actions brought by the families of the Lockerbie dead.
  • The FBI's polygraph program has similarly failed to yield any moles.
  • to test a criminal suspect with a polygraph.
  • Now the only thing we know about polygraphs is if you pass the first one, you don't get a second one.
  • I think the polygraph is a better investigative tool. CNN Transcript Aug 27, 2009
  • Polygraphs have long been used as a tool to keep sex offenders from relapsing, typically as part of maintenance programs that combine polygraphy with group therapy and parole-officer supervision. The Polygraph Paradox
  • Basically, the polygraph examiner ruled that he couldn't get a reading because I was so tired.
  • He hasn't told us whether he took other polygraphs, whether or not he flunked those with other polygraphers or with this guy, Barry.
  • Lie-detector technology has moved on from cumbersome polygraphs that measure physiological responses to questions.
  • The Department of Justice put this out, that there was a polygraph study done on incarcerated sex offenders, and what they discovered from the study is that these sex offenders had molested victims for 17 years prior to their conviction, arrest and conviction, and that 43 percent of them reconvict within four years of being released from jail. CNN Transcript Jan 26, 2006
  • Would you volunteer your client to give another series of polygraph tests with the Justice Department now?
  • Depending on the mode of recording, the signal has to be amplified for feeding a polygraph or digitized for recording on hard disk.
  • What's wrong with letting members of Congress take polygraphs?
  • Their lawyer had said they didn't want the FBI to conduct the polygraphs.
  • They found out that polygraphs did not detect these people lying.
  • The polygrapher is a retired homicide detective, and he said what he ` s reading out of that is there was two or more other people involved. CNN Transcript Aug 31, 2009
  • The polygrapher was lying, but Deskovic had no way of knowing that. Allison Kilkenny: My Interview with the Man Who Spent 16 Years in Jail Because Sonia Sotomayor Denied His Appeal
  • I know what ` s been said about it, but I ` m not a polygrapher myself. CNN Transcript Sep 7, 2009
  • Mr. Lundell, who owns a polygraphy business in nearby Medford, Ore., typically spends three days a week with convicted sex and violence offenders in Klamath Falls. The Polygraph Paradox
  • Also within the Shaughnessy affidavit are details of polygraph - lie detector - evidence which throws the entire prosecution theory into chaos.
  • Galvanic skin response GSR, which is actually a main component of traditional polygraph tests, is basically skin conductance. Wired Top Stories
  • PG multi - channel polygraph is composed of unit, sensor, WINDOWS software platform and printer.
  • The source was given polygraph examination on 12 March 1971 and this examination is the only recorded testimony establishing his credibility. Demmon, David S.
  • Well, I tell you what - No.1, polygraphs, truth detectors, lie detectors are not allowed in the courts, even down there in Aruba.
  • But the snitch failed a polygraph and Guandique passed one.
  • We've initiated polygraphs, we've initiated very tight security.
  • If you would prefer, they have a mobile polygraph service, and can have a paleographer administer the test right in your home. Fred Karger: Is the Mormon Church Funding the National Organization for Marriage?
  • She could take and pass a polygraph with flying colors because she may really have no knowledge about his whereabouts.
  • And as a matter of fact, Larry, I have asked for polygraphs from defense attorneys in the past.
  • Calling his work "40% science and 60% art," Mr. Lundell says the key to polygraphy is asking the right questions. The Polygraph Paradox
  • What's happening there is I can see much more activity or rare activity in the tracings, because you're probably fearful of what I'm about to ask next, and that's how polygraph testing works.
  • Objective responses are recorded on a polygraph trace.
  • The polygraph needles jumped and the readings scrolled out.
  • But as to that man's claims, I understand also his representative says he passed a polygraph.
  • Tien was polygraphed, and his debrief is believed to be accurate. Jones, James E.
  • Polygraph Lounge is an underground music/comedy duo from New York City, founded by multi-instrumentalists Rob Schwimmer (piano, theramin stylophone, claviola) and Mark Stewart (daxophone, trombadoo, chaladoo), a gifted guitarist who plays with the great Paul Simon. Phil Ramone and Danielle Evin: Dog Ears Music: Volume Ten
  • The suspect was given a polygraph test .
  • You have the nerve to polygraph me and my wife, then act secretive about the results. SILENT JOE
  • And to ask someone to take a polygraph is a major thing, but she said she was willing to do it. Anita Hill's Lawyer 'Shocked' By Virginia Thomas Call
  • As Radford later described his work — in polygraph tests, sworn testimony, and interviews with historians and journalists — he spent 13 months illegally obtaining NSC documents and turning them over to his superiors, with the understanding that the two admirals were, in turn, funneling the materials to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs and other top uniformed commanders. “…the Joint Chiefs of Staff, using the stenographer as their agent, actively spied on the civilian command during the Vietnam War” « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
  • Polygraph testing "will become a standard for supervising probationers of all kinds," says Mr. Holden, who was one of the first to use polygraphy with sex offenders in the early 1980s. The Polygraph Paradox
  • The results suggest that fMRI may one day prove a more accurate lie detector than the polygraph.
  • Mechanical activity was recorded on a polygraph via isometric transducers.
  • GRACE: When you tell a judge your client passed a polygraph, that is it, you said. CNN Transcript Aug 31, 2009
  • NEJAME: Well, I think, in your experience and background, as you have said before, the strength of the polygraph is the strength of the person administering it. CNN Transcript Aug 28, 2009
  • A Mr. Hawkins of Frankford, near Philadelphia, has invented a machine which he calls a polygraph, and which carries two, three, or four pens. Letters
  • The polygraph, where you're - as you're aware, you have to be wired up to and it measures blood pressure, and heart rate and pulse and so on and so forth.
  • And it was a big turnaround for him to suddenly decry the use of polygraphs.
  • But during her polygraph examination, the machine showed that her perspiration and skin resistance were abnormal.
  • Clearance processing for the most sensitive secrets, such as compartmented intelligence data, has generally involved a thorough background investigation along with a polygraph examination and other screening tools. Abraham R. Wagner: Another Secrets Explosion
  • to test a criminal suspect with a polygraph.
  • There's a specific code section that says polygraphs aren't admissible.
  • Well, Nancy, I think the fact that there are three different polygraphs that this young girl has taken and three different results tells you a lot about the unreliability of polygraphy. CNN Transcript Aug 31, 2009
  • The idea behind polygraphy is that physiological changes often accompany lying. The Polygraph Paradox
  • This includes honesty, psychological, and personality tests, genetic screening, substance abuse tests and polygraph examinations.
  • As the author shows, the entire Hatfill case was built on inferences drawn from suspicious behavior: The scientist had shown signs of stress on a polygraph exam when applying for a security clearance; he had taken the antibiotic Cipro shortly before the killer anthrax was mailed; he had written a novel about a biowarfare attack; and he had drawn the attention of a bloodhound trained to react to traces of anthrax. When Death Came Hand-Delivered
  • And he passed the polygraph, but he was a suspect and then they eliminated him.
  • He later followed that up with a failed polygraph, a press conference that The Huffington Post's Seth Colter Walls called "stupefying," and a thinly veiled implication that Obama was somehow involved in the murder of the choir director at Obama's former church. Joseph Minton Amann and Tom Breuer: Media Drunk Tank: Dreams of My Fellatio
  • The polygraph tests measured blood pressure, respiration and changes in perspiration.
  • They caution that brain fingerprinting is in its infant stage and may never result in a reliable polygraph.
  • There is broad consensus amongst scientists that polygraphy has no scientific basis, and the National Academy of Sciences concluded in a 2002 research review that “polygraph testing's accuracy in distinguishing actual or potential security violators from innocent test takers is insufficient to justify reliance on its use in employee security screening in federal agencies.” Wanted by the FBI: Employees « Musings from an overworked translator

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