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[ US /ˈpɑˌɫiˌɡɹæf/ ]
[ UK /pˈɒlɪɡɹˌæf/ ]
  1. a medical instrument that records several physiological processes simultaneously (e.g., pulse rate and blood pressure and respiration and perspiration)

How To Use polygraph In A Sentence

  • Given the polygraph's dubious record, resistance to the lie detector has started to stir.
  • Billy Marks of Arlington said he was questioned repeatedly, given a polygraph and placed under surveillance for weeks.
  • Then a woman who may or may not be a real polygrapher comes on the screen to say with convincing earnestness, "All the polygraph examiners really try to make a person feel more at ease. Buzz on lie detectors is all a lie, NSA video says
  • The subject was asked to stand up immediately and changes in the heart rate were noted in the polygraph.
  • Also, apparently, he took a polygraph, but one of the things that was omitted from the statement was whether or not he passed the polygraph.
  • He'd show them the communications center, neat gear such as polygraphs and Breathalyzers, demonstrate photography and fingerprinting, and generally try to show them a good time and build a positive rapport.
  • At the end of the day, even O.J. could find a polygrapher willing to prove him innocent. Deconstructing Obama
  • Remember she had, quote, "flunked" this polygraph that Tim Miller had set up. CNN Transcript Nov 25, 2009
  • Mechanical activity was recorded on a polygraph via isometric transducers.
  • Traditional lie detectors, known as polygraphs, measure heart and respiratory rates as a person answers questions.
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